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Requiem for the Amateurs

Moderator: JC Denton

Unread postby icycalm » 19 Jun 2015 03:09

The bottom line is that people are buying these games. And as long as there are people buying them, there will be people making and selling them.

HOW many people are buying them?

Very few, compared to those who buy real games like Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty. Thankfully, then, the vast majority of people who play games are not retarded, and that's why the artform is flourishing. But there is a small demographic of retarded players, and it only stands to reason that there will arise a small demographic of retarded developers to cover their retarded needs.

And no amount of essays can make that demographic disappear. If it could, it would mean that essays have the capacity to alter a lifeform's DNA!

In the absence of this capacity then, the only way to make the "indie" plague disappear is to go out into the street and start killing people. (Or rather, to gather their IP addresses online and send black vans to their homes, since they never actually leave them.) As long as you are not prepared to do this, you have to suffer "directors" throwing SRPGs with empty maps on Kickstarter and being told by players on NeoGAF and Insomnia how to make their own goddamn game.
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