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Unread postby icycalm » 08 Aug 2022 06:28

After the money wipe CIG got people in the verse like... ... _the_verse


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Re: lol

Unread postby icycalm » 09 Oct 2022 00:54 ... O7J4AaABAg

blackdreamhunk3 wrote:nice love watching it. In spite of cig game devs. They do not like like me anyway. I am abused over my digital ships and cyberstalked so this is worth it. Watching all this

Zachary Young wrote:Take ur meds

Zack S (Zack) wrote:Assuming you're the same blackdreamhunk3 from Spectrum (I cant see why you wouldn't be with a name like that....) didn't you pledge for a 950USD luxury yacht ship and expected it to beat every other ship ingame? And when players and CIG mods disagreed with you, you started accusing everyone of racism? And then decided to start challenging people as to whether they believed Jesus was white, or something....

I'm not sure you can claim 'stalking' when you spam every SC post, news article and video with your tripe. It's us who cant escape you...

I mean - I might have the wrong 'blackdreamhunk3'.....
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Re: lol

Unread postby icycalm » 02 Nov 2022 01:00

What ship are you going to buy in IAE 2952 and why? ... 52_and_why

moderndegree wrote:None! I have already spent a fortune on this game and I refuse to keep throwing money into a perpetual alpha!

...but maybe just a Pisces Red

... and maybe if new Drake ship is cool...

...or if I happen to get lucky with a Kraken...

but this is the LAST TIME! I SWEAR!!!

ShinobiTrip wrote:This is the way
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Re: lol

Unread postby icycalm » 03 Nov 2022 20:11

Maybe by the time she graduates high school we'll be at version 1.0. Love following this game. ... chool_well


LingeringForNoReason wrote:Optimist.

Note the massive curved TV, stick setup, and Ducati model on top of his PC. A man of taste. His daughter looks cute too. And of course he plays Star Citizen.
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Re: lol

Unread postby icycalm » 11 Nov 2022 05:32


lmfao if you play No Man's Sky or Sea of Thieves, zoom in on the top-right. The 600i Executive at the bottom-left is in huge font because you need to pay $25,000 for it. It's the most expensive thing in the game (in real money not credits, you can't buy it with credits).

For IAE ... x0/for_iae

Filbert17 wrote:I tried. I got lost. So I just read it all randomly. I laughed a lot.

WorstSourceOfAdvice wrote:I aim to make it as intuitive as CIG's website

drizzt_x wrote:Look, if you wanna apply for a job at Turbulent, you're gonna need to make a lot more spelling errors.

aBeaSTWiTHiNMe wrote:You're hired to do all the UI and UX as well.

Six_Strings_of_Salem wrote:I wonder how CIG would react if they got $0 from the fanbase this time.

Would they push emergency sales, or try to sell an RSI Deathstar that is somehow more complete than the Jav /Odys / Idris.

Whookimo wrote:Real talk though, an explorable massive space station like the death star would be fucking awesome.

ThePwnter wrote:CIG is currently typing...

slink6 wrote:this was very funny. The refund screenshot broke me, I audibly snorted.

driftme wrote:Fun read. Before I zoomed in I thought it was a ccu strategy from hell.

I thought so too, and said "Fuckin' hell".

Rabid_Marmoset wrote:I like that half of this chart eventually converges on Gladius.

RasslinBears wrote:Just when you think it can't possibly get better, you get hit with that refund screenshot.

ProceduralTexture wrote:I've read a lot of funny things today, and this is the top of the heap.

It just needs a branch of the Endeavor to the effect of "Fine, I'll just build the perfect ship myself" with branches off to the CIG Careers page but also Space Engineers.

This guy hasn't heard of Starbase.
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Re: lol

Unread postby Adjudicator » 22 Nov 2022 07:29

This Star Citizen Reddit video really wants me to buy an Aegis Reclaimer.

Was laughing a lot at some of the content the players produce, this video being one of them.

Mating Season for the Reclaimers ... reclaimers

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Re: lol

Unread postby icycalm » 25 Nov 2022 22:38 ... 8230239255


This is the one that turns the game into a survival-builder, or maybe even FP4X. The most exciting vehicle in the game by far. I think they even give some plots of land with it.
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Re: lol

Unread postby icycalm » 04 Dec 2022 02:34 ... 5805882369

Matt | BadNewsBaron @badnewsbaron wrote:AI is the future. It has captured exactly the essence of why Aegis is lame and Anvil is next to godliness.




If this is real, how do journalists still have jobs?
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Re: lol

Unread postby icycalm » 17 Jan 2023 08:50

Waiting for 3.18… Copium 5ml 3x a Day ... l_3x_a_day

Star Citizen - Waiting for 3.18


"Made with real tears"

grahad wrote:I needed that! I was sitting here, staring at my sticks and button boxes with drool running down my face in some sort of hopium-induced paralysis. This one might last me a week before I need another.

You take copium to deal with hopium.
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Re: lol

Unread postby icycalm » 08 Feb 2023 00:13 ... able_ships

ClickClickBoom82 wrote:Ever taken a shit where it stops halfway? Then you struggle and double down trying to squeeze it out. Only to have it break off with the other half still inside you and be left red faced, gasping for air and back to square one. That's s.c development
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Re: lol

Unread postby icycalm » 08 Feb 2023 17:03 ... ar_citizen

Phases of buying a capital ship in Star Citizen

Phase 1) The Beckoning

You want that ship, THAT ship. Yes, the shiny, beautiful warship. The frigate, the carrier, or the destroyer. Maybe even the corvette. The potential gameplay clouds your mind, the friends you have been playing with, the org you just joined, you tell yourself, "Hey I have an org ready to crew my ship!"

You ignore the fact that your org already has 20 of these capital ships split amongst 10 players. No matter. Next IAE, or Invictus, that sweet ship is going to be yours.

Phase 2) The Buying

IAE comes, and Aegis or Drake day hits. You have been waiting for this very day your entire life. The moment is here. You frantically refresh the page at 12 midnight. For Credit users, you have melted your entire useful pool of ships, with credits ready to buy a JPEG that will only give you a Hammerhead and a Vanguard Harbinger, maybe a bonus tonka. For warbond, you panic, but time is ample.

You click checkout, and then...


You jump in joy. You proceed to check your hangar on the website and gleefully notice the new ship attributed to it. You feel excitement. Hype. You tell all your buddies on Discord. "Grats!" They say. Today, its a day of bliss.

Phase 3) The Consuming

As a new owner of said capital ship, you find yourself scrolling through reddit and spectrum. You pour through every single post and comment about the ship. You watch Youtube videos, those Teller videos of the model. You show up every day on Invictus to tour the ship or admire the externals. You feel like a part of an exclusive club of captains.

For a whole month or three, the idea of captaining this spanking new capital warship fills your thoughts. On the bus, in the car, doesn't matter.

Phase 4) The Reality

Months have passed. Nothing new has been said that you did not already know from months ago. The forums for the ship are slow, dead. Occasionally someone posts something, you read it and be done with it. CIG talks about capital ships in an SCL episode, you join, with a sliver of hype or hope. Nope, "Capital ships are still a long way out because X and Y systems need to be done first"

You shake your head. Sigh. How many more years?

You have no use for the Hammerhead, the Vanguard Harbinger has grown boring. You just want your capital ship.

Phase 5) The Acceptance

You barely think about the capital ship by this phase. It exists in your hangar as a reminder at times of a hype once enjoyed, now lost through time. It will release...When it does. There is not much hype left in you, having pushed this capital ship to the deep recesses of your mind as you are reminded again that you will never get to see it for a long long long long time.

There is some anger, some level of hatred, towards CIG. How could they sell you a ship for thousands and not bother to deliver even a hangar version?

You can come to reddit, but excited backers will shoot you down immediately. "It will be done when it's done." "Its your fault for spending that money."

Doesn't matter, you choose the high path and decide to feel okay with this. I mean, that money isn't really THAT much since you had expendable income you were going to throw somewhere else anyway right?

Citcon comes, and CIG announces the concept sale of a spanking new capital ship.

"Haha" You laugh to yourself.

Looking at the new capital ship owners excitedly talking about their new purchase, you smile a little. They remind you of yourself, once like them, excited about their new cap ship acquisition. If only they knew, knew of the sadness, the devastation, then the apathy that followed. How you became a husk of your once energetic self.

Then you purchase the new concept capital ship.

im dying
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