My last post in this thread dates back to December 28, 2022, almost exactly a year ago, and the pics I posted then were even older, from the previous October. So we've gone over a year without any new CULT pics. This is about to be remedied with a giant post that showcases ALL the best pics we've taken since then. This post is so big that the frontpage will probably cut it off, so I advise you to click through to the forum and read it there, and also probably best to not view it on a mobile device. Many of the screens are 4K, and they deserve to be seen on a big screen, ideally a 4K one.
I haven't explained my selection criteria in this thread yet, so I'll do a bit of that now. Many of these pictures are good as pictures, i.e. beautiful, but this isn't a hard requirement for selection. Apart from beauty I select for cool memories, highlights of our progress along various metrics, pics that highlight something we learned or did, or a location we visited/reached, and above all, pics showcasing the scale and depth and detail in the game. My favorite pics are those full of people and hardware in scenes that look like they're out of a movie, not a videogame.
And of course I'll be adding commentary on top of copy-pasting quotes from Discord, so even if you know these pics well, you'll still get something out of revisiting them.
If you want to suggest pics for the thread, post the pics themselves and/or your recommendations on Discord and I'll pick the ones I want to feature on the site. If you want to further comment on or clarify something on an already-posted pic, then you can post in this thread (reposting the pic you're commenting on, if it's way up in the thread from your post).
I'll start right where I left off in my last post, the Nine Tails Lockdown event from back in October 2022.

This is the first time we used the Cult Pilot Specs, if I am not mistaken. The Nine Tails Lockdown was a good event to launch those, because it's entirely space combat. And now that it's being replaced by an upcoming event (
Blockade Runner), this might have been the last time we got to play it.
At the far-left in the pic above you can see Archonus in a deprecated Pilot Inquisitor Spec. In the middle the three Captains (Chev, recoil, ysignal), again in deprecated Pilot Captain Spec, and at the far-right it's me in the still-current Pilot Supreme Commander Spec.

Adjudicator wrote:New Start Citizen patch is live a couple of hours ago.
Using my Freelancer MAX to carry a full load of refined metals and some quantanium to New Babbage, microTech and to visit the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2952 at the Tobin Expo Center.

This is how he was dressed for it. That's actually very cool. Later he changed to more casual clothes, including t-shirts bought at the convention, which is also cool. But the formal look is very rare to see, and it does make sense in the context. Would be quite cool if we all showed up dressed like that e.g. for Invictus in May.

Adjudicator wrote:While at the lobby, do not forget to buy your IAE 2952 shirt and cap.

Adjudicator wrote:Decided to go with the black outfit. The manufacturers are also selling their shirts and caps at the event.

Note "The War At Home" banner in the back. I think that was around the time the US was having midterm elections, and some people were speculating that this was a covert message of support for right-wingers. I saw some people say that "CIG KNOWS", etc., and at the time I admit I kind of fell for that thinking, but after seeing official promotional materials flooded with negros in the months since, I am sure we read way more into it than was meant.

shubn wrote:Seeing the Caterpillar in game is making me feel like a kid in awe at a fire truck. I want it lol.
Adjudicator wrote:It is a very large modular container ship. It also has a fanbase that comes up with crazy ideas for the modular compartments.

recoil wrote:My Cutter with the Wind Chill paint.
One of the big launches back then was the Cutter, and we bought several of them.

recoil wrote:Taking this combo out to a bounty.

recoil with a cool getup he put together. This was the pic that made me take notice of the Oracle helmet, which would later end up in the Captain Spec.

ChevRage wrote:At the convention with Adjudicator. It's certainly impressive.

ChevRage wrote:I think this is the Esperia Prowler. A drop ship to drop off soldiers. I'm watching ship advertisements while in-game, it's awesome lol.

ysignal wrote:Chev parking the Pisces inside Adjudicator's Carrack.

ChevRage wrote:Me and Rory in the gunner seats on Adjudicator's Carrack.
It's crazy this thing. Assuming it's not some kind of bug, Adjudicator, as the pilot, doesn't get ship chevrons. We think it's the co-pilots that are supposed to back him up with ship detection. And as the gunners, we don't get some feedback as to what we are targeting (as in we see the targeting reticle and lead marker, but not the type of ship or its shield status), so I'm assuming we rely on the co-pilots as well.
It looks like we really need to be in a large group to fully take advantage of this ship.

ChevRage wrote:Adjudicator in front of his Carrack.

Adjudicator wrote:Everything is available for sale.
Weapons you could buy at IAE. Never seen a game with such a realistic and appealing gun display. Makes you want to buy everything, including the display!

Adjudicator wrote:Unique weapons and armour for sale. Only time anyone can get them for aUEC. Once IAE is over, only those who pledged for these or who bought from here will have them until they are added into the item loot tables in future patches.

ysignal wrote:Boarding mission with recoil and Adjudicator.

ysignal wrote:Patrolling outside while the other guys finish the boarding mission.
I ended up with a crimestat for defending the ship the guys are on from enemies. A player bounty hunter eventually killed me. They're blowing up the ship.
Someone blew up recoil as well. Adjudicator is going back on board to set the self-destruct.
There are some guys hanging around the mission, seemingly trying to stop us from completing the mission. I failed it because I landed in prison.
The guys who killed me and recoil set the self-destruct and blew it up, so recoil and Adjudicator completed the mission.
icycalm wrote:Sounds like some pretty exciting emergent PVP.

recoil wrote:Refueling through the Starfarer. Vehicle maintenance services menu is the way to begin the fueling. Unfortunately, Adjudicator forgot to fill the Starfarer with fuel.

Adjudicator wrote:The Starfarer's external fuel pods have to be filled separately from the Starfarer's internal tank. A freshly-claimed Starfarer only has its internal tanks filled, not the fuel pods. You must manually request the external fuel pods to be filled. Auto refill only refuels the Starfarer itself.

Adjudicator wrote:The largest vehicle that can fit in the Carrack is the RSI Ursa Rover.

Adjudicator taking a pic of our first successful Jumptown haul, which he delivered. From the December 30, 2022 Jumptown 2.0 event.

1.17M was our first Jumptown payday.

icycalm wrote:So much hardware in that pic.
shubn pic. One of my favorite CULT pics.
That comment was posted on December 31, 2022 at 6:06 AM. At that high point we took a break from the game for a few weeks, though I think shubn kept playing because he'd just got into it (he started a few months after the rest of us).
Around Chinese New Year's, on February 5, 2023, I pinged people to log in the game because there was an event with some cool celebratory envelopes to collect.

Lots of people logged in to get their envelopes, but only recoil took the celebrations to the next level.

recoil wrote:It's a shame the screenshot couldn't capture the twitching and convulsing.
Should have worn cooler clothes instead of the starter suit. But it was early days yet, and we were learning.
We ought to log in together and go to a bar and party, then post pics. Play some arcade games, trash talk the patrons on voice and save the clips. You know, party.

recoil wrote:Holding my large cock.
icycalm wrote:lol nice
It really is like Shenmue with all these tchotchkes
They need to add some "party mechanics"
Strange they haven't thought of it yet
Then we would legit meet to party at festivals
Stuff like beer pong, dancing minigames and jukeboxes
And of course some way to gamify drunken brawls
Stripping would be nice too
shubn wrote:I want poker with the ability to bet credits, gear and ships.
Hell, you could take the betting even further: arenas where you could bet on players or teams fistfighting, gunfighting and dogfighting. Imagine the absolute madness.
icycalm wrote:Rust was a caboose in its train now, i.e. a gambling compartment, and people play for scrap which is the game's currency. Basically UEC. So it's not a stretch to see it in SC at some point. Imagine on Pyro Ruin Station which is full PVP at all times lol.
The 3.18 patch that dropped in March was a trainwreck in terms of bugs and general instability, so our first (and still only) XenoThreat on April 30, 2023 was a clusterfuck because of this.
But first we tested out our new uniforms.

ysignal's then-Captain Spec at 4K. So much detail in this pic you can see the LED display of his medgun if you zoom in. This was the old military-themed spec, and I really miss it. Unfortunately, there just isn't enough milsim gear in the game yet to fit out the full 5 ranks, so we had to switch to a more sci-fi cyberpunk-ish theme, which is awesome, don't get me wrong, but the milsim one just hits differently (especially in combination with milsim vehicle paints, which again the game doesn't yet have for all vehicles).

Exiled's Inquisitor Spec.

shubn on the way to XenoThreat. Wearing armor in the ship because it's a mixed space/FPS event.

Crazy 4K pic of the gear we brought to XenoThreat. Took us ages to set it up. You might miss me in my Scorpius in the foreground unless you know where I am, because my Stinger paint is black.
In fact setting this pic up took us so long, that we almost didn't get to play the event. Once we did enter it, we all died very quickly, partly due to inexperienced ship choices, partly due to piloting inexperience, and partly due to just how bugged and laggy the servers were. And that's all our XT experience to date. We've barely even played it.

Relaxing after XT in one of shubn's Origin luxury ships. Don't ask.
ChevRage wrote:icy you're just dressed in-game how you're playing in real life aren't you lol.
The pics below are from CULT unwinding after a quite stressful XT event. We took shubn's luxury customized ship to the buggy racing track.

ysignal in front of the new buggy track in Orison.

ysignal in the driver's seat.
Are these races enforced somehow or is it just a racetrack that's there and you can grab a buggy whenever?
You need to adjudicate it yourself
The record was:
Race 1: DQ - recoil, shubn, ysignal
Race 2: 1st place - recoil, DQ - shubn, ysignal
Race 3: 1st place - recoil, DQ - shubn, ysignal
Race 4: 1st place - shubn, DQ - recoil, ysignal
The PTVs are really fragile and debris just piles up, it gets hard to finish a lap lol.
I think the racing starts around 9.5 hours into the stream
The track is really cool. I hope they make tracks for all the other ground vehicles.
What is DQ?
Disqualified, they wrecked their PTV.

Adjudicator wrote:Considering contemporary FIA racing series, DQ/DSQ would be for blatant rules infringements/cheating.
Having the vehicle wrecked and unable to continue would be a DNF (Did not finish)/NC (Not classified), unless 90% or more of the total racing laps were completed, assuming FIA-style regulations are still in use in Star Citizen.
icycalm wrote:So in the first round all of them got rekt lol. Even in the later ones, only one finished per race. This is destruction derby not racing.
Then in the start of May we got a new Jumptown upgraded to twice the size and with an extra drug dispenser.

The guys waiting at the spaceport for everyone to assemble. I love this pic. Makes it look like we're really living there, instead of being teleported to "the start" of the mission. And it looks so much better when people are wearing their uniforms.

So awesome that you can tell who's who from our faces, and from even further away, from our haircuts.

Setting my regeneration point to the Carrack.

Briefing on the Carrack. Incredible scene.

Terrific cinematic picture by Exiled.

At a moon outpost loading the ground vehicles.

Squeezed in 4 Cyclones and 1 (or is it 2?) Mules in our Carrack.

C8R in Carrack.

More cool shit inside one of the A2s. Ballista and STV.

Damned cool pic by Exiled.

Our ships starting to arrive a few clicks from JT.

More arrivals.

Parked our 4 Cyclones in a neat line outside our Carrack.

Pic by Chev.

ysignal bombing JT in his A2. We have a very cool clip of this bombing taken from the ground forces. We have other cool clips too. Will make a Cult Clips thread and post them.

Meanwhile Exiled takes a pic of the ground forces moving in.

recoil inside JT 2.1. Fabulous building, I'd like to live there. So thick with details and atmosphere.

Adjudicator taking pic of Avenger Titan with our haul.

Adjudicator wrote:Started with 375 aUEC.
After 4th run: 2,440,569 aUEC.

We made just about enough in this JT to purchase an Eclipse, and shubn was the lucky guy who got it. This pic is by him flying back with it from the dealer. I think this was our first Eclipse. Terrific ship, both in aesthetics and function. Some people say it's OP.

Couple of weeks later came the debut of Ghost Hollow. We have 2 A2s here because ysignal bought one with cash for the last Jumptown. We went way too heavy in this mission and brought a whole fleet. 2 A2s, plus a Carrack and the Hammerhead you can see in the background.

AND a Retaliator Bomber.

AND freakin' Ballistas.
It was just too much stuff that took us way too long to assemble, when we should have just sent a guy over to see what kind of opposition to expect, and taken it from there.

I love this pic. It shows me running behind ysignal. I love the fact you can see the speed and the action, whereas most of our pics are necessarily static because it's very hard to take pics in the middle of action.

ysignal about to go racing in the Lorville Outskirts racetrack.

shubn wrote:Wallace Klim's place in Grim HEX. He's a drug producer who gives drugs-related missions. I just played with the camera a bit and thought the shot looked cool.

ysignal wrote:I ran into another guy at The Orphanage. I got him, but he didn't seem to have any drugs, but I found these ship weapons in the back of his Corsair.
This was about the point where CIG activated vehicle weapon detaching/attaching. I love this pic because of how cool these massive weapons look when they're lying down like that.
Then about a month and a half passed of no
SC for The Cult. That was still the buggy/unstable period after the massive 3.18 patch, so people just weren't logging on, and some of us I think COULDN'T log on at all.

What finally got us playing a little was shubn's buying a Constellation Phoenix, which is a cool luxury ship (can only be bought with cash a couple times a year, and you often have to win the F5 Wars to get one, more on which soon in the
Real ca$hmoney thread). I ultimately gave this ship to the Supreme Commander Spec, with shubn my personal pilot. So I moseyed on over to check out my new ship.

This is the bar they copied for the Inside Star Citizen show. They built a replica in CIG's new Manchester offices.

Jacuzzi which used to work, but not anymore. No idea why they took it out. I am sure they'll put it back again at some point, it's a big selling point.

In the new Lynx we bought, launched around that time. Perfect complement for the SupCom's Phoenix.

This picture just kills me. Look at the colors, the lighting, the shadows. You can see me lounging in the back while shubn drives me around Hurston while the sun sets over the horizon.
icycalm wrote:Can you see me in the back?
Isn't it insane?
I didn't even spend a second setting up this shot. Just took a pic immediately at 1080p and it looks cooler than any other game ever.

We cleared a bunker and piled up Nine Tails bodies in the Lynx. This was my first bunker believe it or not. Note the Lynx's luxurious interior, with champagne bottle on the right. shubn scrubbed the blood from the carpet back at HQ.

icycalm wrote:The windows in the ship are AMAZING. Definitely better than the Carrack's. I could sit in here and chill all day, and when I want a different background I just ask my pilot to take me somewhere else. I wonder how the 890J compares to this for chilling. It probably blows it the fuck out.
The 890J is a bit more than twice the price of this ship but it has a swimming pool the size of this ship.
So in my book, both this ship and the 890J are bargains.
This one comes with the Lynx AND a snub fighter in the price btw.

After the amazing experience I had with shubn's Phoenix above, I got back into the game big-time the very next day. And I started back with simple delivery missions, for which the Cutter + Mule combo looks fantastic.
icycalm wrote:The Mule is a snug fit in the Cutter.
But they were made to perfectly match each other in design and even colors.

That's me in the Pembroke suit in the Mule.

Everything is color-coordinated, even the box I am delivering.

Next up we thought we'd go with shubn on a mission to a derelict settlement on Daymar.

icycalm wrote:shubn loading up on coffee before the mission.

icycalm wrote:icycalm crotch shot, so you can see my specially-purchased red multitool.

This picture, which I took, is another of my all-time faves. Would have been a cutscene in a worse game, and I didn't even spend any time setting it up or framing the shot. I just took a random pic, but since everything in the game is so cinematic, it ended up like something you'd see in the back of a Hollywood DVD. Of course it helps that all the vehicles, paints and armors were chosen by me to match perfectly.

ysignal flying into a cave on Daymar to rescue shubn from our (mis)adventure.

ysignal delivering a package to a private landing pad at the top of a skyscraper near Area18. That's why you play delivery missions, folks. To visit cool places you otherwise wouldn't have, while making a bit of cash too on the side.

ysignal got his Cyclone tangled in some giant roots on Hurston. This sort of thing can be easily resolved these days with the newly-released MaxLift Tractor Beam. Assuming you're carrying one, because they're big and expensive.

Commander icycalm in front of our Hammerhead.

Testing out the latest iteration of the Pilot Spec. From left to right, Inquisitor, Captain and Supreme Commander. Very easy to distinguish, and very appropriate looks, if I may say so myself. You should be able to tell who's higher-ranked even without anyone telling you.

icycalm wrote:ysignal docked with the Hammerhead. We're waiting to get Skyyon's friend on, at which point we'll have 5 people on this thing. The max is 6 gunners + 1 pilot, so we're quite close to fully crewing it.

Fantastic view over microTech.

icycalm wrote:We are switching to the Redeemer, again a gunship like the Hammerhead, but smaller. We're on our way to pick up Mes. When we pick him up, we'll have a fully-crewed Redeemer with 5 people.
At that point shubn took the most amazing pics of a Redeemer I have seen.

icycalm wrote:That's me in the turret above.
The protagonist of the game.

icycalm wrote:Today was the greatest session of SC I've had outside Dynamic Events.
When you have a bunch of people, the possibilities expand, and every session is far more varied.
It was stunning to realize how different the experience is in a Hammerhead versus a Redeemer versus a Corsair. And then finally ending up infiltrating Kareah in a Pisces and going into FPS.
We barely even died today btw. ysignal didn't die once, me and shubn died once, and that's in 11 hours of playing.
When this game has 4-5 solar systems packed with content, you'll be able to live out completely different adventures for endless hours nonstop.

This pic is significant because it is the first one where we are multiboxing; Adjudicator is controlling 2 of the 3 characters in the screenshot. Once more of us get into this, our tactical possibilities will massively expand, and the screens will get more epic too.
icycalm wrote:Adjudicator is multiboxing!
Both the Adjudicator and CULTCLONE-2 characters are controlled by him!
First instance of multiboxing in The Cult.
recoil jumped in so we have 6 humans and 1 clone.

icycalm wrote:Master Chief recoil with Inquisitors shubn, Tango, and Adjudicator in my office. I am sitting at the desk.

recoil and I are salvaging with my Vulture while Adjudicator, ysignal, Sky and Tango are salvaging with Adjudicator's Reclaimer. Full-on salvage ops tonight. And then we're going out with a fully-crewed Hammerhead for bounties.

Taking out my Vulture for the first time to assist in our Reclaimer's salvage ops. I put the white paint on it so it looks good with our other ship.

Chev posing for the first pic of the new, cyberpunkish Commander Spec. Wrong backpack though, we still hadn't settled on that one.

icycalm wrote:Some low-flying with Chev in the pilot's seat while shubn rearms between bounties. This is so much fun. Especially if you're a passenger and you don't stress about it.

icycalm wrote:Someone's powerful headlights on the ground below us. Looks like an Alien movie.

Started roleplaying wearing glasses in town because I saw ysignal do it.

Then I hit on some chick with my PUA skills. She loved it.

Testing my XenoThreat SupCom gear, with glasses.

icycalm wrote:icystyle
You lookin' at me??
My character looks like Dante from DMC because of the white hair. I got the white hair specifically for this.
Too bad the latest hair update got rid of this hairstyle. So now I am a milquetoast blond/blue-eyed White Supremacist. At least it tracks more with XenoThreat. I do hope I get my Dante hairstyle back at some point.

ysignal wrote:Located Sand Cave 0 on Magda using OMGS navigation.

ysignal wrote:Found a stone bug.

ysignal wrote:I fell into a pit of stalagmites.
Another one of my top 10, maybe top 5 pics from us. Could have been another game's scripted game over cutscene. Here it's just a random pic ysignal took that looks like it's out of a movie whose lighting crew spent three days setting up the lighting.

icycalm wrote:ysignal, Chef and I going to a bunker, Chef driving.
You see how well all our vehicle paints match each other.

Action-driving pic going kiki fast.

icycalm wrote:The new Supreme Commander uniform on the left, and the new Master Chief uniform on the right. I don't think you'll see bigger badasses in the game than this. And now imagine them flanked by 20 Inquisitors clad in silver metal.

ysignal wrote:I accidentally shot a guard and was gunned down by a low-flying ship while on foot at very close range. Now trying to escape from Klescher.

ysignal wrote:I think I got pretty close to the end, but there's lots of tricky platforming and I kept falling to my death. Every time you fail it adds to your sentence so I ended up with over 9 hours in jail time.

icycalm wrote:Probably best pic we've taken so far. This would be a cutscene in another game.
ysignal took the above screen.

And shubn this one.

And my pic from first-person with the Captain saluting.

icycalm wrote:5 of us are going in an Ursa, operating out of a Hammerhead.
Another pic with crazy-cinematic lighting and framing that I took randomly. Ground vehicles are especially well-lit, and every other pic taken around them, especially at night, ends up super-cinematic.

icycalm wrote:Jameson driving and ysignal navigating.

icycalm wrote:Unloading corpes from the Ursa to the Hammerhead. I am overseeing hangar operations.

Me and ysignal in my office in the Hammerhead. ysignal is trying the white Oracle helmet. Looks good, but can only be got from looting, so we're sticking with the Base Oracle. And honestly, after some testing, I think the Base looks better with this armor and armor color.

icycalm wrote:shubn went off duty and recoil came on duty, and the adventure continues.

This session ended up being our greatest PVP session ever. Just read the above Discord chats. We need to see if we can make some clips of this and post them in the Cult Clips thread I want to make.

icycalm wrote:Got back to the Ursa but it's upside down because of the strong winds it seems. Can't seem to flip it over.

icycalm wrote:Commander icycalm greedily eyeing the counterfeit credit terminal, yearning to extract free credits to fill up his empty bank account.

I love the ambience around the Ghost Hollow counterfeit credit terminals.

icycalm wrote:Sitting in the Corsair's common room with the new recruits.

One of the new recruits, sketchy, took this superb picture of loading the Ursa in the Hammerhead.

sketchygods wrote:Waiting for reinforcements at Ghost Hollow.

sketchygods wrote:Regrouping on the Hammerhead.

Another pic of a terrific Ghost Hollow terminal.

The Reclaimer's remote turret station is another terrific ambiance. Pic is me on a Reclaimer's remote turret. No shirt or shoes because we were on our way to buy some.

Our one and only major attempt to use work clothes (the guy in the Inquisitor Pilot loadout kneeling is sketchy running security for us in his Gladius). Looks pretty good, but the
Cult Contractor loadouts I just recently published blow it out of the water, so we won't be touching plain work clothes again (though individual players might choose to use them for a change when they're playing solo).

Me in the Scorpius Antares with the Tiburon paint. This is now the official Scorpius paint for the Master Chief Spec. I think it matches very well his general grey colors.

ysignal as Captain leading a fireteam of shubn and Exiled as Inquisitors on a mission to Ghost Hollow. OG Rainbow Six vibes, and looking smashing thanks to my inspired specs.

ysignal wrote:Admiring the Retaliator missile bay.

ysignal wrote:We're going on a mission to disable a comm array with a few Hornets. Exiled climbing in to ride shotgun.

ysignal wrote:Hiding in the comm array blind spot.

ExiledOne wrote:Going to disable comm array.

ysignal posing in front of and inside his 600i.

ysignal wrote:Waiting at the gate for Sib to return from the tutorial mission.

ysignal wrote:Extracting from Ghost Hollow. We made 668k credits total.

ysignal wrote:Adjudicator, me, recoil and BigDonne about to head out to Ghost Hollow.

ysignal wrote:Topping up on Inquisitor gear at CRU L4.

ysignal wrote:Visiting Orison to get an XL-1 for my Corsair.

ysignal wrote:I've been doing some ship upgrades and buying equipment.

ysignal wrote:Collecting the Ursa for some bunkers with Adjudicator.

ysignal wrote:Landed on Grim HEX for repairs and some Tigersclaws.

ChevRage wrote:Adjudicator looking sharp.
That was our first attempt at using the new
Cult Ranger spec (initially called Scout) I published, and Adjudicator was the first one to try it out. I sent him ahead to Jumptown to scout it for us, and though we had some issues I'll detail in the
Jumptown thread, overall I'd call the Ranger a success on his first mission.

Super-cool pic of everyone getting ready on Chev's A2. We've got a Commander, three Captains, two Inquisitors, and one Ranger Inquisitor.

7 of us crammed into an elevator at Riker.

Me as Commander inspecting the troops strapped into recoil's Valkyrie dropship, still in the hangar.

Valkyrie taking off. Surely one of the coolest ships in the game.

ExiledOne wrote:Landed on Calliope.
You can see in the background recoil taking off in the Valkyrie, after dropping us off.

Incredibly atmospheric night trek towards Jumptown in the Ursa. Chev's picture.

Archonus over the body of a dead Nine Tails at Ghost Hollow. Could have been a cutscene.

ysignal wrote:Taking off from Area18 in the Valkyrie.

ysignal wrote:Beautiful day on microTech.

Encountered heavy weather en route to Ghost Hollow.

ysignal wrote:shubn coming to treat icy's dehydration.

Inside shubn's C8R with the back ramp open as he takes off. Very cinematic exfiltration.
icycalm wrote:Today's session is very fun because we're playing slowly and conservatively and no one has died yet so it feels more like a real operation and less like Doom.
icycalm wrote:We died right after I posted that.

ysignal in his 400i checking out the new Seraphim station for the first time.

ysignal wrote:Exploring the Pyro Jump Point station.
I still haven't been to the JP stations. I want to go there with a loaded Hull C.

recoil and shubn on their new F8Cs on their way to a player bounty.

shubn wrote:We're going racing so I bought the 890 Jump.
Our first 890J. shubn looks great in front of it in Inquisitor Pilot gear.

shubn wrote:recoil landing his Fury LX in the 890.

shubn wrote:We put six Fury LXs in the 890.

shubn wrote:Taking the Syulen out for a spin.
icycalm wrote:It'll be so cool when there are alien systems to explore. Would be nice if they made them so that taking an alien ship wouldn't attract attention.

shubn wrote:The Syulen can hold 6 SCU of cargo (2 SCU per side).
icycalm wrote:That thing will create cool screenshots no matter the location or angle.

shubn wrote:Found a Picoball in an aid shelter on Cellin. First time I ever see one.

recoil getting wasted again, this time at IAE, and with better clothes.

Adjudicator wrote:Tumbril Storm AA exhibit. To my surprise, it is available for rent.

recoil wrote:Trying out the Storm.
recoil taking a pic of his brand-new Storm, with his F8C in the background.

Pic on the inside. Pretty claustrophobic, especially compared to the Nova. The window is actually a video wall.

Adjudicator wrote:The 890 Jump exhibit dwarf all the other Origin ships. It makes me wonder how was it physically moved into the hall in the first place.
icycalm wrote:They brought it in in boxes and assembled it with an Allen wrench.

recoil wrote:Jameson and I putting in work for The Cult.
Jameson and recoil suited up in front of one of our Freelancers with matching paintjob.

recoil wrote:Salvage crew arriving to the 890J we shot down.

recoil wrote:The Reclaimer looks cool moving around, you can really feel and see the weight of it as it lands.
recoil wrote:Our current plan is to blow up ERT bounties while Adjudicator and Barney clean up the messes with the Reclaimer.
icycalm wrote:Cool plan.

ysignal wrote:Cutlass Steel door gun.

ysignal posing in front of his new Storm.

recoil wrote:Celebrating my release from prison.
I got crime stat from bounty hunting. The game glitched and considered my bounty kills as homicides.
Jameson and I tried clearing my crime stat at Kareah, but we both got gunned down by security.

ysignal stocking up on the new MaxLift Tractor Beam, that's now part of the Cult Commander Spec.

The Cult meeting at the Crusader building lobby for the latest Siege of Orison op.

The new MaxLift looks mighty cool on ysignal's back.

One of our coolest pics yet. Me surrounded by the boys, ready to storm Siege of Orison.

Jameson using the medbed in a gym partway through Siege of Orison.

During a break from Siege of Orison, shubn and recoil provide escort for ysignal's new Hull C.

From recoil's viewpoint.

Second session of Siege of Orison, later the same day. shubn pic.

recoil close-up pic that shows how well-chosen and -matched the Master Chief and Inquisitor Specs are. You won't find a cooler-looking org, even though
Star Citizen is reportedly the game with the most orgs in gaming ever.

ysignal wrote:We crash-landed an M2 with this Nova inside onto the final platform. This is me and Archonus providing armored support for shubn and recoil.

ysignal wrote:AA guns going off.

ysignal wrote:The final confrontation.

ysignal wrote:Actually, we didn't kill enough lieutenants yet for this section so we have to backtrack.

ysignal wrote:In the end, the mission bugged out and we got stuck before the final boss. But there was some pretty amazing action. shubn's miraculous crash-landing felt like a movie from our perspective. We saw half a dozen other M2s try to break through and get blown out of the sky while we battled on the ground.

shubn wrote:Checking Dunboro on microTech with Adjudicator.

Adjudicator wrote:There is a bar in Dunboro.

Adjudicator wrote:The inside is modest, to put it kindly.

shubn wrote:Having a sippy.

Adjudicator wrote:The bar is well stocked, but the shop terminal is not working, and the stocked beverages cannot be interacted with for purchase.
icycalm wrote:These settlements are stunning. I can't wait to properly play them.
That pic of you sitting in the couch looks so real.
It makes Rust look like a 16-bit game.
It makes it even worse that you're wearing the Commander armor.
That's grounds for court martial.
shubn wrote:It's a different color! It's all a misunderstanding! I dindu nuffin!
icycalm wrote:lol
You cosplay as Commander on weekends.

recoil eating a chili dog while working. He's wearing random work gear because it was before I debuted the
Cult Contractor Spec.