Moderator: JC Denton
by icycalm » 01 Dec 2022 16:50
by icycalm » 16 Dec 2022 01:19
by icycalm » 16 Dec 2022 01:33
by icycalm » 17 Dec 2022 20:43
GuilheMGB wrote:We can't know with absolute certainty how it is going to unfold (I could be proven wrong end of next week :)), but while the patch has been baking in for a long time in Evocati (15 3.18 builds + 4 or 5 2h test builds earlier that were focused purely on PES), typically we'd need to be right now 2-3 builds into Wave 1 to hope for a _rushed_ live release end of next week.
Even though I've read dozens upon dozens of bug fixes and encouraging progress in patch notes, it remains true that this patch is a beast . Core tech changes are so foundational that every type of interaction in-game are affected by it (from dragging an item into an inventory to bed logging to buying something etc.) so there's probably still a long queue of annoying and hard-to-reproduce bugs that we'll learn to live with for a few patches, but still quite a few problematic ones (OK for wave 1, but bad for live). But that's just core changes. There's also plenty of new locations (overhauled SPK, 35 derelict sites, Orison missions, PTV track, 6 race tracks, Daymar crash site), missions (or AI placed on POI sites of existing missions), mechanics (salvage, racing time trials), a huuuuge list of fixes and little improvements and tweaks here and that too is likely to bring up new issues to fix before live.
Personally I'm hoping for Wave 1 some time next week (maybe tonight, but really not betting on it), and live some time in February.
by icycalm » 23 Dec 2022 18:59
shellshokked wrote:To summarize you can craft multitools, salvage attachments, tractor beams, as well as the salvage canister with the vulture's filler station.
> Is this a permanent intended feature of salvage ships to be able to craft tools, or a temporary measure until other things are in place?
> This is just a temporarily solution.
- Savrals-CIG
by icycalm » 23 Dec 2022 19:43
Selene Stardragon - Vtuber @SStardragon wrote:This might be a small thing, but - Transferred salvage cargo from one ship to a party member's ship and they sold it from there. THAT was rather cool to me. #StarCitizen
SanTOMATofficial @SpaceTomatoGG wrote:Just finished a session salvaging a ship, loading it onto a Hull A, and sending it off to be sold by somebody else.
Retrieving and selling goods from other players is a huge step forward for Star Citizen. It's the beginning of more complex group operations & I'm all here for it.
by icycalm » 11 Jan 2023 02:47
by icycalm » 12 Jan 2023 21:36
by icycalm » 27 Jan 2023 11:13
Seanenanigans wrote:Building Interiors?! So hyped right now
Jade Star wrote:Meanwhile in the Elite Dangerous universe they dream of just basic ship interiors.
by icycalm » 30 Jan 2023 08:23
by icycalm » 30 Jan 2023 20:06
by icycalm » 02 Feb 2023 23:29
by icycalm » 04 Feb 2023 23:50
by icycalm » 02 Mar 2023 21:17
FugLong wrote:I want to be able to drive into a base in a ground vehicle. It looks like these could support it or were even built to!! Imagine doing trucking missions between these when roads come in!!
Uncanny Valley wrote:Omg, driving a freight truck across an alien landscape
I had never even thought of that
But now it's all I want to do!
Jim Williams wrote:Watched it again, something looked familiar about the UGF. My brain shouted BLACK MESA FACILITY! loving this even more!
Jordan Alves wrote:The surface part reminds me of old Forunner structures from the Bungie era Halo games. It's a good thing tbh I like the look
GobbleDeezNuts wrote:this whole thing give me huge Halo vibes to be honest and I love it. Like the elevator, the retractable bridge, etc
StarHunter_ wrote:And then they will use what they learned with these to make building interiors.
Maybe the inside of stations will get bigger too, as we’ve seen with Pyro stations.
molkien wrote:These locations would be a really great place to make the Multi-Tool Cutter attachment useful. Cutting into ventilation shafts, opening large crates to get the valuables from inside etc.
Flimsy_Ad8850 wrote:Getting major Black Mesa vibes from this, and I'm loving it!
SpecialistFeed wrote:Mark Abent helps make both games so it shouldn't be a surprise to see some overlap.
by icycalm » 25 Mar 2023 02:55
by icycalm » 13 Apr 2023 01:52
by shubn » 13 Apr 2023 11:09
Zyloh-CIG wrote:Star Citizen Alpha 3.18 - Upcoming Patches
Greetings everyone,
We want to provide a quick update on what to expect in the upcoming releases. Our initial goal was to avoid the need to wipe the database for the upcoming point patches. However, due to the current state of Alpha 3.18's database and the numerous hotfixes we've implemented since 3.18 went live (more than 50!), we have concluded that a couple of full wipes (aUEC, items, and reputation) will be necessary to further improve and stabilize the service.
For those interested in what's going on under the hood, alongside a myriad of changes that shook up our database, we uncovered an issue with the Identity Service related to Player IDs, which was revealed through the error 40014 that some of you may be encountering. While we've resolved this issue and many others like it, we'll still require a wipe to get all of our cogs and wheels back into the right place.
For both Alpha 3.18.1 and 3.18.2, we will perform these wipes alongside a hearty list of improvements and optimizations, which will hopefully make your gaming experience much smoother.
Zyloh-CIG wrote:Star Citizen Alpha 3.18.1 - Live Release & Free Fly
Hello everyone,
The much-awaited release of Alpha 3.18.1 is set to launch later today. While we know that this incremental update is not a silver bullet, we expect that it will bring solutions to some of the ongoing issues some of you have been facing. The team has implemented a tremendous number of fixes in the last few weeks, and we believe that the infrastructure is now ready to go through heavy testing with all of you.
If you're one of the ones who has said "This is the worst Star Citizen has ever been"...then hold our beer, as we plan to launch a Free Fly event starting Thursday, April 13 through April 20. Jokes aside (I just wanted to be the first one to make the meme), launching a Free Fly event is a beneficial move for us, as it allows us to test the game's infrastructure with a larger number of players. More players mean more data, which helps us identify and fix problems more quickly.
This is particularly important as we continue to improve the game, and we want to make sure it can handle the increased traffic that comes with a rapidly-expanding playerbase. We also need to ensure that the game can handle peak-traffic moments, such as the Invictus Launch Week Free Fly we'll host in late May. Separately, we want to give everyone a chance to experience the latest gameplay additions in Alpha 3.18, such as the new locations, new race tracks, and more. Regardless of any previous issues, we hope the Free Fly will provide an opportunity for people to explore and enjoy everything Star Citizen has to offer, thanks to the latest fixes in 3.18.1.
Naturally, as has been the case since 3.18.0 launched, things have been very fluid for us, meaning there is a chance this planned Free Fly may see a last-minute cancellation. We've conducted days of automated load testing to simulate peak traffic on our login service, and our login and entitlement fixes have held up to that volume. However, in the event that we experience catastrophic issues upon rolling out 3.18.1 to the live servers, we may need to pivot away from the planned Free Fly and instead focus all our efforts on addressing and resolving the issue at hand. In any case, our top priority is to keep you all informed, and we will provide updates as soon as we have new information to share.
Most importantly, we'd like to thank all of you for your support and understanding during the recent turbulence we have experienced. We believe that these moments, alongside the positive ones, define the journey we are on together. See you in the 'verse!
by shubn » 21 Apr 2023 15:16
Wakapedia-CIG wrote:Star Citizen Alpha 3.18.2 LIVE.8440578 Patch Notes
Alpha Patch 3.18.2-LIVE.8440578 has been released and is now available on the LIVE environment!
Database Reset: Yes
Long Term Persistence: Partially Disabled (aUEC, Merits, REC, and Reputation will be preserved)
Starting aUEC: 200,000
by shubn » 18 May 2023 17:09
We are tracking and investigating a fix for an issue with player inventories, ships, and items that have been recently acquired during a play session. Certain items, such as those looted from out in the verse, can sometimes not be properly saved to Long-Term Persistence (LTP) which can result in any new additions to a player's inventory simply seeming to vanish on their next login.
This seems to occur most frequently when a newly acquired item isn't properly stowed in a location or ship-based inventory or a logout occurs away from a landing zone or a bed.
We are working on a fix for this and will be attempting to get it resolved as soon as possible. To prevent item loss until the fix can be deployed, make sure that any newly acquired items/equipment are retrieved and stowed in a location or ship-based inventory before you logout.
Basically, moving new items from one inventory location to a different inventory should ensure that LTP can work to preserve your hard work in the verse so you can pick up where you left off when you return.
Please note: Ship components and FPS items acquired prior to the patch are being reported missing in 3.19.0. If they were not placed in inventory before 3.19.0, these items are lost.
We have identified and are also working on a fix for some issues with ships, similar to items as noted above. Newly acquired ships are being observed to vanish if they have not been properly delivered and stowed before logout. Some specifics for this issue:
- Filing an insurance claim will result in the loss of your ship or vehicle unless you retrieve and store it before logging out of the game.
- New ships purchased with aUEC will need to be delivered and then stowed to ensure it remains available on next login.
- Rentals need to be delivered and stowed or they will not be available on next login, regardless of the time left on the rental.
Basically, to ensure you don't lose a new ship, however it was acquired, make sure you deliver and stow it at least once before you logout of the game.
This is obviously a hugely frustrating issue and our teams are working on a fix for this as quickly as they can.
by icycalm » 26 May 2023 03:23
Star Citizen wrote:Would you rather sip champagne or blitz through enemies while roaming a battlefield? Buckle up because today on Inside Star Citizen, we're introducing two vehicles making their debut for Invictus Launch Week.
by icycalm » 26 May 2023 03:35
by icycalm » 26 May 2023 03:40
by shubn » 02 Jun 2023 15:18
CIG Community Team wrote:The following cards have been added to the Alpha 3.20 column on Release View:
Arena Commander: Frontend Update
Replacement of the current Electronic Access Frontend. This makes switching modes, vehicles, loadouts, as well as creating lobbies, a more fluid experience, as well as giving developers the tools to adjust features and create new ones more easily.
Arena Commander: New Racetracks
Test your racing prowess in Euterpe Icebreaker, Miners Lament, The Snake Pit and Yadar Valley as some of the first persistent universe locations enter Arena Commander, alongside Halloran Circuit, a brand new racetrack on the New Horizon Speedway.
Arena Commander: New Horizon Speedway Rework
One of Star Citizen’s oldest locations gets its long-awaited update. The three Murray Cup Racetracks hosted in the New Horizon Speedway have had their tracks improved and location moved to the holiday resort planet, Green, the 3rd planet of the Ellis System.
Arena Commander: New Dogfighting Map - Jericho Station
Stanton's INS Jericho debuts as the newest location for all dogfighting game modes in Arena Commander. This true zero-g open space environment has players face off with few distractions and high performance in the lightest of all our maps.
Arena Commander: New Elimination Map - Echo11
The FPS map Echo11, previously exclusive to the game mode Control, has a new variant tailored for Elimination.
Arena Commander: New Map - Security Post Kareah
One of the new additions to Arena Commander from the Persistent Universe, Security Post Kareah will host all Arena Commander game modes, both FPS and Dogfighting (except for Classic Race).
Arena Commander: New Dogfighting Map - Winner's Circle
Alongside the reworked New Horizon Speedway Maps comes a long-requested atmospheric map for dogfighting modes. Battle in the earth-like atmosphere above the beautiful planet Green, the 3rd planet of the Ellis System.
Arena Commander: Experimental Game Modes
These limited-time game modes range from simple twists on current modes to entirely new modes. This initiative will not only allow rapid iteration of game modes to be put in players' hands faster, but also allow all teams to gather vital analytic data for specific activities, equipment, vehicles, and in-development features.
by shubn » 02 Jun 2023 17:14
by shubn » 06 Jun 2023 11:52
Wakapedia-CIG wrote:Star Citizen Alpha 3.19.1: Long Term Persistence Update
Hi everyone,
With the upcoming release of 3.19.1 to the LIVE environment, we'd like to take a moment to give you an early heads up on the state of Long Term Persistence (LTP).
First, we want to let you know that we don't plan to wipe for patch 3.19.1, meaning that we'll hold onto the LTP data from 3.19.0 going into 3.19.1. With that said, due to the issues with LTP in 3.19.0 and earlier, certain items have not been fully saving correctly to the database, which can result in some items not migrating to the new release. You may recall a similar occurrence when we transitioned from 3.18 to 3.19. The good news though is that we already have fixes for this checked into 3.19.1. In the meantime though, you may have to take a few steps to ensure your items are properly recorded and carried over from 3.19.0 to 3.19.1.
Below are the 3 notes of interest that could assist with items being saved. Following these steps will give items the highest likelihood of them saving to LTP for the 3.19.1 release:
- Ships and FPS items are not saved to LTP in all instances of 3.19.0 if they were never pulled out and put back inside an inventory. Transferring FPS items from one inventory to another will create an LTP record for that item, as long as you're the owner of the destination inventory (i.e. your own ship, not someone else's). This may apply to all item earned and looted in the PU. A test case for this would be to transfer looted items from corpses/loot boxes into either a local landing zone storage or the storage of a ship you own.
- An insurance claim will result in the loss of in-game earned ships unless you retrieve/store it back. As with the first note, if you've never retrieved and stored a ship you've earned in-game, it won't save to LTP. Each time you use the ship or claim it through insurance, it's good practice to retrieve/store it to ensure saving.
- As with all normal LTP transitions, we are not persisting items such as consumables (ammo/food/etc.), rented ships, and refinery jobs.
We hope that this information will help you maintain your inventories as we transition to 3.19.1 soon! And as a reminder, this particular issue has already been resolved in 3.19.1, so hopefully we can avoid these types of necessary steps in the future.
Thanks and we'll see you in-game!
Wakapedia-CIG wrote:Ships/Items through the pledge store in your website hangar will be preserved without this step in game.
Wakapedia-CIG wrote:Hi there IceFire!
The current flow is that customized ships should be stripped of all customizations and those components put back into your home location between patches like this.
To confirm this still works with the workaround of needing to retrieve and store your ship as originally posted, going into 3.19.1, I ran a series of simulated LTP tests on some internal servers with Nova-CIG on pledge store attributed ships and items as well as in game purchased ships and components. Through all our tests this has worked as currently intended and gave us back the ships in their default loadout and placed the non-default custom components and weapon into our home city inventory.
However, loaner ships will behave a bit more like rentals and may not persist in the same way. To be safe, I would make sure to take customized parts off of loaners.