The Best Features of Star Citizen Alpha 3.18
Great video showing off the biggest features in 3.18. One of the standouts is the new Kareah which, as Morphologis points out, should act as a "mini-Jumptown" that runs 24/7. They're closing all the mini-stations you used to go to to hack your crimestat and replacing them all with this, plus they're putting out an alert system-wide for bounty hunters to come get you, so they're funneling the entire server to this one hotspot. There should be space battles outside, and FPS ones inside; great place to go if you have a couple friends with you, and see how long you can control the place for.
Another thing that hit me was all the corpses with loot in all the hotspots that persistence will make possible now. He says there's a LOT more looting from now on. And that's ON TOP of all the hull-stripping from persistent wrecks.
This video is full of custom-shot footage highlighting all the features, and even merely the cargo-stacking that's possible now is a whole-new loop that has me excited; I can finally obsess over interior decoration in
Star Citizen!
And the video doesn't even show everything. E.g. it doesn't show Jumptown 2.1, and numerous smaller improvements and fixes.
One possibility I am excited for, when they add queuing up to return to a specific server, is people setting up impromptu bases by parking their ships somewhere, and just being based off of there. I want us to give this a try.
I also plan to start practicing and streaming low-level flight in rivers such as the pictured one, etc. And of course do all the new FPS missions, and the races, etc.
And Jumptown 2.1 should be epic. With two contraband dispensers, the potential value of the haul DOUBLES, and I bet you the entire server will be fighting over it during the events. I will have us try again on our own for the first event, but from the second we should look for another org to team up with.
I will play THE HELL out of this update, especially since there probably won't be another wipe until 4.0 a year+ later. For those who've been thinking about getting into the game, 3.18 is the absolute best time to do so, because I believe that when 4.0 drops, there'll be too much content to play all of it in one wipe. I believe the content will explode afterwards, and you might never be able to see and do EVERYTHING in the game.