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Real Ca$hmoney

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Re: News

Unread postby shubn » 16 Oct 2023 19:25 ... Hunt-Is-On

CIG wrote:Happy Birthday Star Citizen!

It’s Star Citizen’s birthday, and it's shaping up to be our most epic yet. Today, we celebrate the incredible journey so far, and more importantly, all of you who have made this shared universe possible. From the solo Aurora pilot all the way to a fully crewed fleet, YOU are the reason we are all here today. As a toast to all of you, we’re unleashing something special: the most formidable solo heavy fighter in the ‘verse, the infamous Anvil F8C Lightning.

As originally conceived, for a player to secure one of these magnificent birds outside of Chairman’s Club rewards, they would first have to complete the upcoming Squadron 42. However, over the last few years, you salty scallywags and industrious ship hunters have proven adept at stealing and piloting F8s during their appearances at Invictus Launch Week. So, in a nod to your unofficial mayhem, we’ve decided to officially unleash this storm on the ‘verse. With CitizenCon coming on October 21-22, what better way to countdown to the big show than by bringing you some good old-fashioned, fun-filled action.

With that said, unless you’re a member of the Chairman’s Club with an F8 already snuggled cozily in your hangar, it’s not going to be easy to get your hands on one. You’re going to have to earn it by locating a special license, and once you get your hands on one, watch your back, this is gonna be the hottest ticket in the ‘verse.

CIG wrote:Gold License

Find a gold license and redeem it at any rental kiosk in Stanton for a 24-hour F8C rental. What’s more, you will automatically unlock the ability to purchase the formidable Lightning here on this very page.

If you're fortunate enough to snag one of these Gold Licenses, you'll get a confirmation email with more details. After redeeming your Gold License, you will have until November 7, 2023 to pick up your F8C.


Your best bet for gold licenses is bunkers. Look into every box, and into every dead enemy and friendly's core and legs armor or jacket and pants. It shouldn't take too long to find one. I currently have 5 of them, so if you want to buy the F8C but don't have time to look for a gold license, feel free to hit me up on Discord this week. I should be on between 5 and 10 PM UTC. You have until October 20 to redeem a license to unlock the F8C in the store, and until November 7 to buy it.

Note that you can only buy one, it can't be gifted, and it can't be upgraded to or from.
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Re: Real ca$hmoney

Unread postby shubn » 21 Oct 2023 00:47 ... hunt-is-on

JakeAcappella-CIG wrote:We are extending the Gold License Hunt event until Monday, October 23, 2023, so you still have time to snag one of these to secure your F8C Lightning if you haven't found a Gold License yet.

Happy hunting!
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Re: Real ca$hmoney

Unread postby icycalm » 05 Nov 2023 00:35 ... vember_7th

YFM_ZaktiNox wrote:NO F8C After November 7th

For those that are wondering (seen it posted on here and asked in game a few times).

After November 7th, the only way to get the F8C Lightning will be from Squadron 42. This is confirmed by CIG in the F8C Lightning Q&A (last question) and I have received word from CIG Support on the matter as well. Screenshot from Support that includes Q&A question.


So if you are holding out for the F8C being sold after the November 7th deadline. Don't. As this is the only chance you have at buying it without spending $10,000+ and getting it from the Wing Commander Concierge rank. After the 7th you will have to complete Squadron 42 to unlock the F8C purchase rights in game.

There's much speculation in the thread because even CIG doesn't seem to be positive on what they'll do in the future. After all, they've already gone back on their word on this ship. The appeal of this event is that you can get for $260 what previously would have cost you $10,000. But we don't know if this offer will be made again, and the Squadron 42 route doesn't sound like it will give you the ship outside the game, let alone with LTI. On the other hand, by the time apartments and bases go in, the kind of person who would drop $260 on a digital ship will probably have dropped $10,000 overall, at which point you get the ship with LTI for free. So I am not sure what to do here. Either way, it's a good idea to grab the ship now if you want it and can afford it, and if you also get it free later you can always melt the first one (though I think the different versions come with different paints, so if you want all paints you'll need multiple ships lmao). Some people are also buying and melting now to have it in their buybacks, but I haven't delved into this part of the ca$h mechanics, so I am not sure how it works, or even if the F8C is compatible with it, so I take these reports with a grain of salt.
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Re: Real ca$hmoney

Unread postby shubn » 05 Nov 2023 15:12 ... ack-my-f8c

Enrize @EnrizeX wrote:Can i buy back my F8C after i melt it?

JakeAcappella-CIG @JakeAcappella-CIG wrote:Just confirmed, you can indeed (even past November 7)!

Only one gold license can be earned, and acquiring a second license will not get you access a second time.

What Jake means in his second sentence is that you can only have one gold license F8C, whether it is in your hangar or in your buybacks.

Note that Chairman's Club members have until November 14 to get the F8C. Also, it looks like you can still redeem licenses if you have them. At least Adjudicator was able to redeem one for his clone after October 23. I still have 4, so if anyone needs one, just let me know.
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Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2953 - Pledge Updates

Unread postby icycalm » 10 Nov 2023 21:26 ... -2/6378448

JakeAcappella-CIG @JakeAcappella-CIG wrote:Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2953 - Pledge Updates

Hello everyone,

We've seen a number of you preparing for the upcoming Intergalactic Aerospace Expo, whether it's picking out what ship to pilot during the Free Fly or sorting through your web hangar ships and upgrades. We want to give you a heads-up about some price changes coming to a selection of ships, going into effect with IAE 2953.


  • Anvil F7C-M Super Hornet | $185 (+$5)
  • RSI Constellation Taurus | $200 (+$10)
  • RSI Constellation Aquila | $315 (+$5)
  • Aegis Redeemer | $330 (+$5)
  • MISC Hull D | $550 (+$100)
  • RSI Orion | $650 (+$75)

Capt_Snuggles @Capt_Snuggles wrote:Jake,

Any chance you're able to advise as to why? Concept ships is one thing, but would be good to understand why existing delivered ships (F7C-M, Aquila etc) that have little/no love in years are getting price hikes.

Crackpunch @Crackpunch wrote:Inflation. The cost to 'make' the ships doesn't go up, but their operating costs certainly do.

Smoker @PuppetMaster86 wrote:Operating costs for digital goods? they don't even use any electricity and simply have to be duplicated :) Only the development and adaptation costs money, but once finished there are no further costs! In addition, you should perhaps simply try to offset the increased salaries and other costs by offering cheaper prices! A $150 ship that will cost $10 more will bring in §160, 2 $150 ships that will cost $20 cheaper will bring in $260, mass makes profit!

Capt_Snuggles @Capt_Snuggles wrote:To be fair, there are so many inaccuracies in this post, I can't correct them all.

The company as a whole has costs every single moment of the day; whether you're talking about the electricity and heating, property, to insurance, licensing. Then your people costs thrown in and all that comes with those - all sat under OpEx. Then your CapEx, with assets, equipment, IP, etc. These costs don't just 'exist' for a single ship's modelling and delivery, and the pledges fund the company, not the ship.

@Crackpunch is most certainly right in that it'll be linked to inflation; salaries, costs and more rise year on year - income needs to match, or else a business will go bust. So the perspective of 'once finished there are no further costs' is incredibly short-sighted.

Regardless, curious to know what's driven the price change in these particular ships, when there are far more questionable ships in regards to the pantheon and their prices that stand out (Cutlass Black, as an example, or the Cutlass Steel on the other end of the spectrum).

dust @dust_cell wrote:They absolutely have operating costs related to maintaining ships, very large ones at that. Code doesn't update itself.

That said, if this were the case I imagine we would have seen more updates here. These seem a bit more intentional than just covering operating costs - I wonder if they're designed to make space, position them more accurately, or to break specific CC chains.

knsmknd @Han-Kelrian wrote:It was always said that ships will increase in price over time.

Carth Antex @CarthAntex wrote:The explanation they already made years ago. How further the project goes, prices for ships will increase - that's nothing new and surprising. That's why it is recommended to buy them now and concept ships before their release.

Wren @hrafnblod wrote:"We're going to make these announcements with more advance notice so y'all can have a chance to buy things before the price hike" - CIG in June the last time they arbitrarily raised prices on ships they added no new value to. What happened to that?

Jack 'Zero' Owens @JackZero wrote:Yes, it would be fair if CIG would at least offer those ships until the IAE starts for the old price. For the Orion and Hull D, I expect we'll see WB CCUs for the old price, so the issue isn't that bad! But those small increases where a WB CCU won't fit really hurt!

Larszx @Wykhom wrote:Why even bother telling us in advance about the Super Hornet and Redeemer. We can't do anything about it.

VerseGen @Verse_Gen wrote:Orion, too.

Mrax @Mrax wrote:If you have a CCU in buyback you can get it for the old price right now.

Admiral_Deckard @Admiral_Deckard wrote:Just be happy they are in fact giving us advance notice this time and not doing it without saying anything like they did at Invictus this year. I would rather they make these changes before the event than after everyone has already made CCU purchases that they may or may not come to regret like getting a Cutty Black to a Nova Warbond during this summer's Invictus. It ended up not granting any savings at all.

Capt_Snuggles @Capt_Snuggles wrote:In truth, CIG has always said that concept was the cheapest a ship would ever be (excusing the obvious CCU-chaining side of things).

Don't get me wrong - I'm not opposed to price changes at all. But price changes have always come with justification. Caterpillar's features versus the 'rival' C2. Avenger rework. Ships moving from concept to release. It's rare that there are random increases on (seemingly) random ships with no justification/merit, and such an oddball selection/group too.

Vlas @Vlas_vilneous wrote:The only ones that are out of band on price are Orion and Hull D, which are still not released. All others are literally inflationary.

Prices have always been set on concept size, vs actual size. They know, after releasing the Hull C, Hull D will be larger. They also know Orion will be larger, because they are working on it or working on other RSI ships and realizing the conceptual sizes are smaller than what they will put together.
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Re: Real ca$hmoney

Unread postby icycalm » 11 Nov 2023 20:43 ... &context=3

FearBytes wrote:It's the Escort Pack. It's $1,325 and has the Hammerhead, Sabre, Defender, F7C-Super Hornet, Gladius, Terrapin. If you can't see it, it may only be visible once you spend ~1,000 and reach Concierge. All LTI hulls. As mentioned in some of the other messages, as long as you want the Hammerhead or something more expensive, it's a great starting point if you haven't already chained something up to build up some discounts as it starts with $315 savings compared to the standard price of each hull.

And if you aren't Concierge yet, you can spend $1,000 on random stuff, reach Concierge, then melt everything and buy the pack.
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Re: Real ca$hmoney

Unread postby shubn » 13 Nov 2023 22:30

Red's CCU Game Guide - SAVE MONEY on Star Citizen Ship Upgrades


Good video for CCU game novices that just came out.
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Re: Real ca$hmoney

Unread postby icycalm » 20 Nov 2023 02:56 ... eres_a_tip

GipsyRonin wrote:Those new to IAE & are pledging... here’s a tip.

IAE sells ALL ships, Military and Workhorse ships. From the Javelin to the Vulture to the Argo.

IF you are trying to plan as you go into the holiday season and budgeting. Push less for Military ships. The working style ships that are not traditionally in the store are only for sale this time of year. Military style ships sell twice a year, as well as alien ships with “Alien Week”.

So if you want that Reclaimer and an Eclipse, focus on the Reclaimer as you have Invictus in like 5-6 months for the military ships.

That said, if you REALLY gotta have it, you do you.

Demonic-soul466 wrote:Although, iae is the best time for ccu chaining and is hands down the best way to save money.

Dayreach wrote:Granted, if you're considering a retaliator, you might want to go ahead and grab a ccu or something now, because supposedly the rework is coming this year and it might get a sizable price bloat before the military ship sale in summer if the rework happens to land near then.
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Concierge Includes Game Package

Unread postby icycalm » 27 Nov 2023 00:35 ... me_package

DemonOfElru wrote:PSA: Concierge Includes Game Package

I am sure there are plenty of new Concierge members since IAE started, so hopefully this helps someone out.

Once you become Concierge, you are granted a copy of the Star Citizen Digital Download as part of your rewards. You can find it and verify it in your "My Hangar" area of the RSI website. It is listed under the reward for High Admiral.

This allows you to melt your game package (if you want or need to) and put that value towards something else. In my case, I was able to recover the cost of my Cutlass Black game package and put it towards something else.

Hope this helps someone out.

DaveMash wrote:PSA: your extra game packages will convert to additional character slots on your account. It will eventually be possible to use these as NPC crews.

BOTY123 wrote:Although I'm fairly sure the last time CIG talked about that is already years ago. Might not hold true for the future, same as things like modding and private servers.

--SaL-- wrote:That article/clarification in question: ... rification

Yonks old, nevertheless they have not taken it down.

MarcvsPrimvs wrote:I managed to have a SQ42 add-on long ago for $15. Right now I have 3x game package, 2x future custom NPC.

Sangmund_Froid wrote:I tried cleaning up my game packages when this was implemented, since I have both Sq42 and SC attributed to my High Admiral status. But the game packages I have are so valuable (savings) it's impossible to get away from them.

SirGreenLemon wrote:Even if I was Concierge, I sadly could not melt my starter pack because it is one of the old ones that still included Squadron.

ochotonaprinceps wrote:If you were holding onto it on the date that this policy rolled out, and you were Concierge by that date already, your High Admiral reward item was supplied with both a PU access token and a SQ42 access token.

This was a one-time process and anyone who didn't actively have SQ42 on their account (not in buyback but actively owned and waiting for SQ42 launch) or who wasn't Concierge on the one day they ran the script missed out.

I totally understand not wanting to melt your old pack and there are very good reasons not to other than simply having SQ42 included, but it might be worth checking your High Admiral reward in your My Hangar to see what all it includes now.

Swatmat90 wrote:PSA on this PSA... if you have a SQ42 combi package, you won't get SQ42 when you hit Concierge unless you did it a long time ago, so if you melt that, you lost your SQ42 digital download.

DolphTheDolphin_ wrote:What happens if you gift things to someone else?

Usual-Application916 wrote:You still paid money to CIG before, so that status stays.

Whatever you buy in CIGs pledge store adds to that sum, no matter what happens after that - only exception, if you actually refund.

MasonStonewall wrote:Subscription and physical merchandise also add to your totals.

CaseCompetitive3039 wrote:Also a SQ42 copy not only SC which is at least 20USD.

Vayne7777 wrote:Not anymore unfortunately. This was changed last year. New Concierge only get the SC part now.
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Re: Real ca$hmoney

Unread postby shubn » 28 Feb 2024 14:22 ... ts/6639673

Ulf-CIG wrote:Upcoming Anvil Hornet Price Adjustments

Seize your chance to secure the current prices of the Anvil Hornet F7C, Hornet F7C-S Ghost, and Hornet F7C-R Tracker before prices will be adjusted after the Jumptown event ends on March 11.
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Hornet Mk I CCUs

Unread postby icycalm » 27 May 2024 19:13


Finally resolved the Hornet Mk I conundrum to my satisfaction. I just bought a $5 CCU for every variant, $25 in all, and I can buy them whenever I want in the future. It's actually a better solution than the $650 Warbond pack because that only gives 10-year insurance, whereas with the CCUs I can use LTI tokens like Pulses to get LTI for all of them.

There are two Mk Is left to get: the Heartseeker that can only be bought on Valentine's Day, so I'll have to get that from the grey market; and the F7A Mk I that you had to have bought an upgrade to years ago and at this point can only be got from the grey market? I also heard someone say the only way to get it with LTI is the $48,000 Legatus Pack. So, if I get rich.

But I am happy with my complete Mk I paint collection [ > ] plus $25 in CCUs to almost all the variants. If I never get rich, these will have to do. But I'll probably get rich.

Details here if you don't know what I'm talking about: ... ornet-Mk-I

You only have about a day if you want to buy these ships or CCUs.
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Unread postby icycalm » 09 Jun 2024 20:43

PSA for all LTI-Token collectors: Pulse is only available as LTI Warbond for 2 more days. ... se_is_only


And that was 23 hours ago.

There's FOMO, damn FOMO, and then there's CIG.
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Trading Referral Points

Unread postby icycalm » 21 Jun 2024 18:47

People are trading referral points lol. Current rate seems to be about $10-20 per point.


This takes place at

This has nothing to do with the Overdrive Initiative, btw. It's just a friend referral program that was run for a while alongside the event. It means you refer a friend who buys the game and you get a referral point. And people are selling these points because there are some sweet rewards for them:

The Javelin requires 2017 points, so even if you get all points at $10, it's still $20k, while the Javelin itself costs only $3k. So that's not a great deal. BUT you also get all lower rewards. Still not a good deal for the Javelin tier. However, the SECOND-highest tier reward is pretty sweet and cannot be acquired any other way:


This is an actual in-game club, and unless you are a popular streamer or YouTuber or manage a big org and can get lots of people to use your referral code, the only way to get in is to buy 1042 referral points at minimum $10/point. So about $10k to get into that club lol. More like $15k at current prices. And it'll still take you months if not years to acquire all of them.

I'll do it if I get rich.
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Re: Real Ca$hmoney

Unread postby icycalm » 21 Jun 2024 19:00

If you're really rich and can't be bothered spending months or years buying points from people, you can always buy 1000 accounts at the next referral program at $45 each and refer all of them to your main account. Instant club access for $45,000. Though I am not sure if the club is even operational yet, so probably there's no hurry. But anyway I think this is the only reward from the referral program that you can't buy straight from CIG.

Endgame content.
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Re: Real Ca$hmoney

Unread postby Discord BOT » 15 Sep 2024 22:01

@Star Citizens Jumping on 3.24.1.

Not gonna buy any Atlases lol? There’s a huge stinkstorm on Reddit and Spectrum about it, but it’s still making CIG 160k/day lmao.

I'll probably get 5 or 10. One to keep, and the rest as LTI tokens. But I get to test one for a week with the Imperator Test Flight, so that's what I'm going to do now.

Wow. And I thought the 10+ Mirai Pulse and variants you purchased are sufficient. I guess your answer to "How many LTI tokens does one need?" is: "YES".

I keep forgetting about the sub trial period. When I saw recoil flying the Peregrine I thought wow that’s a lot to drop on a pure racer, then I remembered the sub.

I'm running out.

Originally posted in the Insomnia Discord.

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The Three Types of Big Spenders

Unread postby icycalm » 01 Dec 2024 21:07 ... il/lzwvp5c

LightningJC wrote:What other people seem to miss about CCU gamers too, is that they don't melt their chains. CCU gamers will continue to give them cash as if they've saved 30-50% on a ship they won't ever melt it, they'll just buy more CCUs with fresh cash.

Whereas players that have spent $1000+ buying ships can now just melt whatever they want and buy a new ship with credit. So the only thing they will ever spend fresh cash on is an LTI token.

Then you have the actual whales that can and will just buy everything fresh cash to get concept LTI etc, but I doubt that player base will be growing much if at all.

Very astute analysis of the different types of big spender. I am number 1 but aspire to be number 3 when I grow up. shubn, recoil and Adjudicator are number 1 too, and ysignal is borderline number 3. We don’t have any number 2 people though shubn has talked of moving into that territory by setting some money aside to buy a bunch of ships merely for temporary utility and keep melting them and adjusting them periodically. The SLMAX would have been the start of this, but I suspect it’s growing on him and he won’t melt it lol, especially with its blue paint.

If you remember where I was at after my first purchase of the Scorpius, I was planning to be a number 2 spender, just putting in a few hundred bucks and keep recycling it to always have the latest stuff, but I was never able to permanently part with anything from my fleet, and here we are now, $5,000+ later.
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Re: The Three Types of Big Spenders

Unread postby shubn » 03 Dec 2024 12:20

The Starlancer MAX is indeed the start of my pot of cash for buying and melting—my melting pot, if you will. Though now that I think about it, I had already done it with the A1 Spirit: bought the standalone to play around with while building a chain for it, then melted the standalone and applied the chain. I'll melt the Starlancer MAX eventually, but I've already started a CCU chain for it for when that happens, if I do decide to keep it in my fleet. I bought it too late and the blue CitizenCon paint wasn't included anymore, but I had already bought two of that paint separately. So the plan is to keep playing the CCU game, since it's more bang for my buck, while keeping a few hundred bucks in store credit on the side to play with new toys as they get released. I was planning on the Intrepid being part of this, but then I realized that anything below $100 was a good LTI token, since sub-$100 Warbond CCUs are scarcely a thing, plus they released the exclusive Nocturne paint, plus it's growing on me and I'm starting to see its utility, so I might not even upgrade it.

What some people do is buy a concept ship that cannot be CCUed to, like a Pioneer, Idris, Kraken, Javelin, etc., then melt it and use the store credit to play with released ships, while the concept stays in their buybacks, ready to be bought back closer to release. I won't do that with my Pioneer though, since I used a discount coupon on it, and melting it would forfeit the discount.
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