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Tales from the Verse

Moderator: JC Denton

Tales from the Verse

Unread postby icycalm » 16 Oct 2022 20:00 ... der_hobocy

Jurserohn wrote:Piracy vs Murder Hobo-cy

Going around bombing people in ROCs is not piracy. That's just murder. Personally, I have a lot of respect for a good pirate, but zero for a murderer. Yesterday, I encountered both.

A fine young space ne'er-do-well snuck onto my ship yesterday, and proceeded to hold me hostage briefly (ultimately realized I didn't have anything and just let me bring him back to HIS ship.) This was a very cool moment in the game for me. It was immersive, surprising, and a lot of fun trying to negotiate my way out of that situation. A pirate created that great experience for both of us.

A little later, I'm breaking out my ROC for its first mining trip. As I leave the cargo bay of my cutlass, I'm blown to shit by someone. No warning, nothing. A gratuitous waste of time for both of us. Had this player tried to interact with me in any way other than "F*** YOU (ign)!!!!" A murderer created that crappy experience for both of us.

Guys if you wanna kill someone, at least try to extort 'em first instead of just firing missiles from a distance on a mining vehicle.

Share your stories of your encounters with pirates and/or murderers!

Canopus2662 wrote:I play medic with my friend we even got a white armor with red chest, fly with a cutlass red, xD got guns ofc in case people need a resurection in a bunker

I had great experiences with people needing resurection in bunker filled with hostiles AI or even me and my teammates breaking into a bunker with players criminals and we kill them and we die as well but our medic guy goes in to save the client

Honestly it had great experiences with pirates who kill dudes but don’t finish them, had fun doing that bunker break through

Then I had a dude do a beacon, we arrive he says the place is empty, it is

We land after several scans only his ship

An eclipse arrives and bombs our ship

Three dudes comes out of the woods and shoots us camping at ladders

We come back we had to take hour fighters, we wipe them, but it’s fine ambushes can happen

We reach our client, get him to one of our ship, a fourth man arrive and tried to shoot us on ground we killed him

The client then shot us, trying to kill us, we killed him tho, that was a personally bad experience as a medic, I don’t mind getting ambushed cuz people are camping a dude, but man the client making a trap is genuinely sad because we don’t get to feel like heroes saving the day or anything so it’s just plain sad

CrapWereAllDoomed wrote:I saw a vid of a guy that got ambushed. He killed the other dude, stripped him, revived him, pumped him full of meds to overdose him and then left him.

Neile1977 wrote:I got pirated in my freelancer, guy jumped me in a cutty blue, blocked quantum and used emp on the shields, he asked for 20k, I chose to fight and died. I respawned grabbed my Aries Inferno headed back to Aberdeen found his cutty blue and cut it in half with the massive dakka cannon looted most of my stuff back and lobbed the rest off a cliff in case he came back for his body... Good fun to be fair.

foghornleghorndrawl wrote:I came across a Cutty black one day. The ramp was up but I knew the owner was coming back. He opens the ship and I sneak onboard. I stayed behind him and only moved when he moved. He went into the flight cabin, but turned around and returned to the cargo bay, walking right past me. I then started to walk behind him again, until he eventually did a 180 and found me. Before I could wiggle or say hi, he blasted me. When I woke up, we talked in global and he was surprised I didnt press charges against him. What he didnt know was that I went to klesher and couldn't, but even if I hadn't I wasnt going to. I tried to pirate him, and failed because he was vigilant.

Another instance, my friend and I were flying my Super Hornet to go check out his STV on a nearby moon. We found an MSR with the ramp open. I snuck onboard and hid in a bathroom. Friend took my Hornet and flew a short ways away outside scanning range. The MSR pilot returns and loads an URSA onboard then takes off. I sneak into the flight deck and over voice say "Pilot, get out of the seat, do not draw your weapon. Pilot! Get out of the seat, do not draw your weapon. You have 10 seconds to comply!" He was wearing the RSI Zeus suit from the pledge store. Instead of murdering him, I ordered him to pay me 50k sauce. And he paid. I then ordered him to get back into the pilot seat and to open the ramp so I could jump off. My friend then picked me up in my Hornet and we flew off.

Proper piracy can happen. And it's so fun to pull off.

VariousPositive5999 wrote:Crime stat 6 UEE Navy gets involved starts sending in drop ships with SRT teams in to take you out, you wake up in a military installation in front of a tribunal sentencing you to 20 in game hours of only being able to fly small cargo ships to do box missions as your penance. Weapons locked.

Citizen_DerptyDerp wrote:"Guys if you wanna kill someone, at least try to extort 'em first"

I don't think that would have worked well for me yesterday, when I just made it inside Barton Flats from the prison before a Vaguard wielding maniac turned up...

They eventually got out and came into the building, I rushed them with all the unarmed skills I've picked up playing naked Star Marine (not as kinky as it sounds) and somehow managed to grab them before they could kill me... I took their ship (as they foolishly left it open) and flew it to Lorville.

There aren't many bounty hunters you can really bargain with... But when they eventually have to take you in alive, I'm going to have a lot of revenge.

HAPPYK1096 wrote:I have only been pirated once, or rather it was an attempt.

Flying about doing some bunkers minding my own business I spot a random ship come on the radar. Next thing I know 2 missiles fired at me. Get told to drop what I'm carrying or else. After a short conversation I agree. I move my ship alongside open my cutty doors but not before setting my auto destruct. Guy had just enough time to get aboard my empty ship before BANG him my ship and I also presume their own along with it. Only other encounter with murderers though, doing a bunker just about to leave when the lift comes down with 2 players. Rinsed me and my mate. Not a word or anything. Kept them boxed in the bunker on our return by taking mission after mission located at the same bunker and destroying any other ship that showed up so they couldn't leave. Made quite a bit of money from that in fact. Whoever you were thanks for that.

DANGER-RANGER- wrote:I hid under a URSA parked in a carrack I found landed with the hangar ramp down. When the owner came back and launched I got out, went up to the bridge and held a shotgun to his head and Said "give me all your gear or I'll shoot" he had a railgun and a lightning sniper. A full set of heavy armor, lots of medpens, food, ammo and a heavy backpack half full of mining shit and a medgun/hand mining beam. He put the ship on cruise control, gor up and dropped his shit. I then proceeded to take gear, let him go on his way and hijacked the Pisces (guess he was using it as storage because it was full of boxes with the ramp down. I proceeded to launch and bid him farewell.
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Re: Tales from the Verse

Unread postby icycalm » 26 Mar 2023 16:24 ... &context=3

StaySaltyMyFriends wrote:During JT, a newbie wandered into the fray and was subsequently shot. The funny part is my org had like 15 people there patrolling while our koggies loaded the drugs and he just innocently made his way past us all. He comes up to the complex and eats a few bullets and falls right in front of the door. We then proceeded to used him as a door stop for the next hour while keeping him on the verge of life with drugs. The dude thought it was hilarious. We ended up inviting him to our Org and gave him the honorary title of Doorstopp as a role.
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Re: Tales from the Verse

Unread postby icycalm » 06 Jul 2023 02:29 ... nture_ever

accountcraft123 wrote:I literally just had the most EPIC adventure ever in star citizen.

I was doing a bounty assessment contract over Microtech when my shields went down.

The pirates blew off one of my wings and I started to spiral out of control because I was no longer aerodynamic. Then they blew off the other and I realized that I could not get away, so I aimed towards the ground and impacted it in a crash landing. Then I bailed out and got a safe distance from the ship and the pirates blew it up. Next, I tried to arrange a ride off of the planet Microtech, but because it was an ice planet I was developing hypothermia, and I have 15 minutes to live. Finally, I found someone who was in the area, but the pirates were still flying around. He arrived in a Hercules Starlifter, which is a beefy cargo hauler, and tried to shoot down the pirates. We were running out of time though, so he had to land and get me on board as I had 3 minutes left. He landed about 100 meters away, and I began to hobble towards him as my vision blurred and everything was going black. I got on board, but because I was already so far gone, my condition was still terminal, and I needed a med bed. By pure luck he had a Pisces in his hanger, which is basically an ambulance, and as I had 30 seconds left, I made my way into it, and as I was passing out lay on the med bed. I immediately regained consciousness, and realized that my injuries were too great to be treated, so I told the pilot I needed to get to a hospital. He decided to take me to the Brentworth Care Facility, which was equipped enough to handle the tier two injuries on my arms and legs. On the way, the med bed was able to stabilize my condition, and I no longer had hypothermia, but because I was out for so long, I still had repercussions. For some reason, though, the pilot landed me about 200 meters in front of the garage. I decided to hobble my way into the New Babbage interstellar spaceport terminal and took the MT Hyperloop to the hospital. I hobbled up and got a room. I survived.

Star citizen may be buggy, but that experience is not possible in pretty much any other game.
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Re: Tales from the Verse

Unread postby icycalm » 20 Sep 2023 18:09 ... us7rYjHnlz

@AshU-ug2fy wrote:I think it depends on what you're doing. I record my adventures on Twitch and there is always a crazy moment happening. Start taking jobs from other players and it opens up new possibilities. Ran a recon mission for some players to escort them to safety because for some reason their ship had no guns (I didn't ask questions, they paid well) and in exchange I just had to keep any bad guys away. The combat that followed was some of the best content I've ever played in my life!
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Re: Tales from the Verse

Unread postby icycalm » 21 Jun 2024 17:25 ... story_time

Illfury wrote:A pickup group called me to them on Discord. We got along and teamed up against the Idris.

There weren't many of us fighting it last night, regardless we gave it our best shot. My new buddy "RoamingSomething" was helpful and on point. Several attempts later, I take out my Eclipse and deliver 3 dumbfire payloads into the Idris, only to lose a wing and eject.

I sat there, in the void... watching the battle unfold. The streaks of red and gold chaos splashing to and from the Idris, the ensuing explosions of various ships backlit by a dancing nebula of green/blue hues.

I thanked the team for picking me up, but I needed to call it a night. I removed myself from the party and intended to go to bed... except, I didn't. I was mesmerized by the dance before me.

Maybe 20-30 minutes later, the Idris finally succumbs. I EVA my way to its wreckage, nothing wrong with securing arms and armor.

As I slide between a twisted heap of flesh and steel, I notice a ship approaching. A Cutlass Black. A side door opens and two players emerge, scanning the debris for potential spoils. They make a quick EVA, and return to their ship, but just before the side door closes, I blast into their ship. One, clearly confused while holding a gun in his sperm suit, just looks at me as I knock him out, his buddy frantically running around. I eventually knock him out too. In this moment, I learned K/O only works for about 9 seconds... and none of us had guns with ammo.

Now we're running a la Benny Hill in circles in the back of this man's Cutty Black trying to K/O each other until I escape to the cockpit, get into the seat and hit some high-G maneuvers to knock them on their ass. I was going to try and NAV to a nearby station but I start to receive damage. Was I getting punched? Didn't matter, I couldn't NAV out for some reason.

If I couldn't live through that moment, neither were they.

*Self destruct initiated*

Suddenly in chat I see
"RoamingSomething: FUCK YOU"

ME: Roaming... is this YOUR cuttyblack?
Him: FURY? YES!!!

*Self destruct disabled*

I hop out of the seat, face him and we start laughing.

I wanted to hijack the ship to safety, had no intentions on killing anyone but it was my most fun pirate experience yet. This game delivers stupid engaging moments I don't find elsewhere.

As if you read this far. You're on the shitter, aren't you?

SUB2_CinonPK wrote:I'm actually on the balcony at the beach, wanting to make more stories like this when I get back :) :)

TheSpicySadness wrote:We need an anthology of player stories like this! This is gold and the magic that Star Citizen can have despite all its dust.

Good ol' icy has you covered with this thread.
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Another Amazing Interaction

Unread postby icycalm » 25 Nov 2024 03:29 ... nteraction

weightofastbmm wrote:Another Amazing Interaction

Guy sent a medical beacon out and no one was taking it. I wasn't paying attention but I saw him ask in global chat for help. Him and his buddy were down at a hostile outpost.

They said there would be turrets which means I have no choice but to drive in. But I needed med beds because they had high-level injuries.

This meant two things. Most people couldn't handle this mission because of the required equipment. And that I had no choice but to take the Carrack, packing my rover inside.

I took the beacon and flew to their coordinates. Started a party for communication and flew to the 10km mark.

I was greeted with dozens of turrets. Not 3... Dozens.

I landed the ship around 8km thinking I was safe. No fire was exchanged. I set max power to shields and unloaded the rover.

Drove 8km to their down site. Guy that posted the beacon was alive but at 63% and had a high-level injury and needed the med bed in the Carrack so he got into the rover. The second guy was downed and couldn't walk. We used a handheld tractor beam and put him in the rover and drove back.

About 2km from the ship I saw a distant turret shooting at the Carrack. I started driving less conservatively.

We got the rover inside, closed the door as fast as possible and I rushed upstairs.

Hearing the overwhelming pelting of laser fire on the hull from even just a single turret was concerning but I had confidence in the armored hull of an exploration-level ship of near capital size.

I got to the bridge to find the right side shield completely dissolved with some minor hull damage.

I picked the ship up off the ground and rotated it quickly to get another shield facing the turret. I hit the afterburners and split.

The crew hit the med bay and we returned to New Babbage thrilled. Less than $10k in fuel and repairs. A $15k beacon payout and a $50k tip.

Made two friends and we all checked out the IAE.

This is why I play Star Citizen.
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Ok. I'm converted.

Unread postby icycalm » 08 Dec 2024 06:02 ... _converted

Jealous_Annual_3393 wrote:Ok. I'm converted.

So I was one of those folks that hated on SC in r/gaming for years. Then a buddy started playing. He and I have been gaming together for about 20 years so I was willing to at least download it and get a basic ship. He calls me hammered last Saturday at around 11pm and is like "People Have Wronged me. Get on SC I have a solution." The Solution was he purchased a A2 whatever massive ship/bomber and 5 of us just went and rained shit on a couple dudes who'd been griefing him. The BEST PART? They were loving it and joined our little team! So I posted something here and you all had great answers. I now have a Vulture. Have no idea what I'm doing... but have had more fun in 8 or 9 hours than I did in 20 before quitting Starfield. Also, then I got drunk and bought a Harbinger. This game is sick.

AAF099 wrote:i should try drunk sc that sounds fun as fuck lmao

Jealous_Annual_3393 wrote:We airdropped tanks. We all died. But it was amazing.

xXSheepDog11 wrote:Lmfao that's how it starts... now I'm 4 years and $3500 in

Jealous_Annual_3393 wrote:I'm quitting golf just to pay for capital ships I fly solo.

NMSky301 wrote:I feel attacked

OttoRenner wrote:You know what to do.

Buy a bigger ship and ATTACK BACK!
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Polaris Betrayal

Unread postby icycalm » 08 Dec 2024 19:04 ... s_betrayal

The_Dancing_Owl wrote:Polaris Betrayal

Welp, it happened. I realized that this could happen shortly after I got the ship, but in my hubris I never thought it would happen so soon. So there I was, flying the Polaris solo over Daymar. I see some hadanite pop on scan so I figured I would land and do a bit of mining. That is what I was supposed to be doing here after all. I touch down, get in the ROC, and take care of business. Little did I know, I landed on a rock that would ruin my entire session. Upon my return I notice the ship jumping a bit. No big deal. I see the ramp is just a bit higher than when I left it. No big deal. I try to run onto the ramp but then I see a bunch of red pop up on my HUD as my ROC warns me that this Polaris is actually friendly. I agree. It's my ship. Well... this was incorrect. Both the ROC and I forgot that the PDS was in fact not our friend. It just tolerates us being around. That is unless you slightly bump the cargo ramp a bit too hard. EVERY. SINGLE. PDS turret opened fire upon me as I scrambled around the ship for safety, but there is no safety in the shadow of this temperamental ship. I died, but that's okay because I have a medical bay. However one thing I did forget was to stock my ship. So I did not have an extra set of armor. There exists now somewhere within the rocky terrain of Daymar a pile of naked bodies, a box of hadanite, and a broken ROC. I wish future explorers luck figuring that one out.

Ambitious_Bee_5417 wrote:Hah. Great story.

Good to hear the Polaris is as much a threat to its owners as anyone else.

-Shaftoe- wrote:Moreso to its owners.

gproenca wrote:This happened to me, albeit with a f8

I touched the polaris when landing and the pds went berserk

I use to do ERT and Vaughns with the polaris and f8 inside and loot the downed ships

So the solution is: put the ship in NAV mode when taking a ROC OR ship inside - pds are inactive in NAV MODE

Rude_Job_6186 wrote:I press "P" to shit off weapons but keep the shields on

Kitchew wrote:Will the PDS fire at players on the ground not in anything I wonder. Sound like maybe a good way to flush out ground support during that PVP event with the drug smuggling.

GarrusBueller wrote:OP, after respawning in your medical bay, why did you not tune weapons systems off or just powered down the whole ship?

The_Dancing_Owl wrote:Why would I? The PDS was no longer an issue.

NAKEDnick wrote:Then why not just go get your stuff?

The_Dancing_Owl wrote:Because you can't breathe on Daymar.

NAKEDnick wrote:I probably would have tried the old take off, realign the ramp, try to beat the O2 gauge tactic.

The_Dancing_Owl wrote:I did. That's why there is a pile of bodies on Daymar. The Polaris has a sexy ramp, but it is a very very long ramp.
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Pyro Fucking Rocks!

Unread postby icycalm » 19 Dec 2024 09:07 ... erspective

tKnut wrote:Greetings, Citizens,

I jumped into Pyro for the first time tonight to see what all the buzz on Spectrum and Reddit was about regarding Pyro PvP and griefers. For context, I’ve mostly been playing this game for industrial cargo hauling and mining, as the FPS aspects always felt janky, and I’m dog water at dogfighting.

I started my adventure in my Starlancer MAX and headed off to a Bloom outpost. Before I could land, I spotted a Polaris chasing another ship that was taking off. Normally, I’d hightail it out of there and find another outpost, but this time, I decided to dive headfirst into the Pyro experience and land my ship.

I managed to sneak into a building and climbed up to the roof to survey the hostile area. From there, I was greeted by a dazzling display of ship combat—a cinematic battle between the Polaris I’d seen earlier, a second Polaris, and several other ships all fighting for aerial supremacy. I was awestruck by the visuals and audio and it felt like I was watching a blockbuster movie.

With my gaze focused at the sky in amazement, my own personal movie was cut short when I started taking sniper fire from another player. I immediately ducked for cover and hid. Ships were falling out of the sky from the battle above and I decided to use the chaos of the ships crashing down to the planet and managed to flank the sniper and land a clean killing blow on the poor bastard who thought he had the upper hand.

I climbed into the sniper’s nest to claim my prize from my first PvP kill in Pyro, only to see the victorious Polaris landing nearby. Its ramp dropped, and out came three players, hot-dropping into the battlefield. My heart was pounding, but I steadied myself, waited for the perfect moment, and sniped two of them before the Polaris gunner spotted me and sent me back to the reanimation tube.

After that, I figured my heart rate needed a break, so I decided to try some solo Mole mining (I know, I’m a masochist). To my surprise, I struck gold—literally—with a deposit of Quantanium, Bexalite, and Gold all in my first deposit.

Overall, the entire experience was exhilarating and easily the smoothest FPS gameplay I’ve had in Star Citizen. I’m so glad I decided to check it out for myself because all the negativity I’d read about Pyro almost dissuaded me from even trying it at 4.0’s release.

Rest assured I'll be seeing you fuckers in Pyro,


TL;DR: Pyro fucking rocks!
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