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Cult Clones

Unread postby icycalm » 01 Dec 2022 05:40

So here's how the clones will work. There will be two types of clones: generic CULTCLONES, and personalized clones.

Generic CULTCLONES can be created by any clan member (though ask me to help you do so before creating one, as I have certain requirements).

These clones will be named CULTCLONE-1, CULTCLONE-2, etc., and will be available for use to all of our org players above a certain rank. What rank is that? The rank that pays me $25 per month on Patreon. As I said before, you're welcome to bring your friends into the org, but they will be one rank below the CULT players, and that rank won't be given CULTCLONE access. It's simple pay-to-win, there's nothing complex about it.

Note that in order to create a CULTCLONE you'll need to make a NEW Star Citizen account (and of course buy a Starter Pack for it so it can play the game).

  • CULTCLONES keep the default avatar the RSI website gives you on account creation.
  • CULTCLONES keep the default face that pops on your screen during character creation.

And then there are the personalized clones. These clones will be named ICYCLONE or ICYCALMCLONE or whatever, RECOILCLONE, etc. Perhaps even ICYCLONE-1, ICYCLONE-2, etc., because I think we'll end up needing multiple ones once all the mechanics mentioned in this article get implemented:

Multiple Package Clarification ... rification

CIG wrote:Players will always be able to hire NPC crewmen in the game, contracting computer-controlled crews to help man turrets, run consoles and fly escort. If you would like the option of customizing your crew, you can create your own NPCs by using a Game Character slot. You will go through the same character creation process as your player character but will then have the option of handing off control to an AI. As an additional bonus, friends can ‘drop in’ to take over these crewmen themselves and to help man your spacecraft when available.

For these clones, you WON'T be making a second account, you'll just be buying additional game packages for your main account. This is all theoretical because this feature isn't in the game yet, I am just saying.

  • Personal clones should use the same avatar on the RSI website as your main character.
  • Personal clones should use the same face as your main character.

Keep in mind that the only reason we're using CULTCLONES now is because the additional character mechanics aren't in the game yet, and we have no idea when they might be. They will probably take years, so the additional trouble and expense for alt accounts and CULTCLONES is 100% worth it. The possibilities with CULTCLONES are limitless: imagine a Carrack/Hercules/Corsair dropping us off for a mission while the ship takes off and goes into space to wait there safely for when we need it. Or imagine a clone following behind in a rescue ship like the C8R or the Cutlass Red with medbed onboard. Or imagine an entire new squad of clones ready to come in once our main squad is dead, for an "extra life" to throw at the mission. Or more efficient mining, cargo hauling, etc. If you have two computers, you could be earning twice as much money for any given time. And, added to all this, we can be buying the more expensive ships for the clones, so that with one purchase every player will be able to use the vehicle at any time, instead of being forced to buy multiples.

For example, the Drake Vulture is coming out with 3.18, and it will allow hull-stripping ship salvage. It will cost around $135 at launch, and I am sure that several of us would have bought it. I certainly plan to buy one. But now we only need to buy one and give it to this account, and then we can all use it. And once we're done with it, that ship can be gifted to the account of whoever paid for it, since ships can be gifted once, so no one loses their money. We can also, if the ship is expensive, pool money to buy it. If we're talking a $300 ship, a few of us could chip in to get it, and then everyone has access. In this case though, we couldn't just gift the ship to anyone to get our money back: it will just have to remain with the clone account, and possibly upgraded later. Or maybe the big ship can be melted to buy several smaller ones, and then THOSE can be gifted to all the players who contributed? Maybe this will also work. I wish we had done this before ysignal bought his Corsair. If he had bought the Corsair for a clone, he could have gotten it back later by gifting, but if he gifts it now to a clone, he can't get it back, which would suck. Would have been cool for all of us to have access to a Corsair every time we log in the game regardless of what ysignal's doing. Same for Adjudicator's Carrack, really.

Or the Hercules we bought in-game for my account for that matter, because the above goes for in-game purchases too. That Argo Mole we want to buy costs 5,130,500 UEC, and we'd have given it to ysignal. But now we can give it to the clone and have access to it no matter who's online. Most of the general-purpose vehicles should be bought in this manner, and only player-specific ones like everyone's fighters or tanks for example should go to our character accounts.

Doesn't all this break game progression?

You'd think so, but in this case, I would say not at all. Once you grasp how many fuckin' HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS it would take to buy merely all the vehicles CURRENTLY in the game, and that moreover with every wipe YOU NEED TO REBUY THEM, the advantages we get via this method are merely a drop in the bucket. When would we get around to buying the 6,651,500 MISC Starfarer refueling ship, for example, let alone both that and the combat-focused Gemini variant? And then we give it to which player? Instead, we give it to a clone, and we can always have it flying nearby on longer missions, both combat and industrial ones. (And btw there is a profession where you can sell other players fuel, there is even an escrow service to make sure you don't lose your money if the refueling is interrupted, check here: ... -Refueling).

So in my view, clones are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for orgs focused on domination, at any rate, and I have made the first one for us, named CULTCLONE-1, and bought the new C8R Pisces for it, and that's the only vehicle this clone now has. So it's set up to be a paramedic/ambulance for us (and we should figure out a uniform for it as well), and anyone can use it. I will give everyone the credentials on Discord soon, including access to a new email address I registered specifically for it so that we can take care of the mandatory 2FA.

We can use this thread to discuss additional roles for this clone, or the registering of further clones, etc. Please don't register a clone until you have talked to me so I can tell you how to set it up. Any questions, post here.
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CULTCLONE-1 Is Online!

Unread postby icycalm » 01 Dec 2022 07:37

There is a new #cultclones Discord channel. Only active duty players who have the @Star Citizens role can see this channel. The login details for CULTCLONE-1 are pinned to this channel. Please don't share these details with anyone.

These details give you access to a Proton email address and an RSI account. Do not alter anything in these accounts, not the settings, nor even any emails. Just log in to play the game, and if you get asked for a 2FA code, log into the email, get the code, and log out. Don't delete any emails. (You can set the 2FA to a year, so that it won't bother you again. You'll see the option where it asks you to input the 2FA code.)

The Star Citizen launcher for some reason downloads a small update every time you switch accounts. No idea what's happening here, but it works fine.

The CULTCLONE-1 character has been made with the following settings:

Default male face
Stanton, Area18

The RSI account includes the C8R Pisces that I bought. This ship belongs to me, and once the C8R can be purchased with in-game credits, I will probably gift this ship away to my main account. Similarly, other people can buy vehicles for this account that will ultimately belong to them. Their system doesn't save your card details, and you have to reinput them every time, so there aren't any security concerns. It saves your address, but I think you can delete it. My address is in there currently, and I'll leave it there, I don't care. But you also have the option of making a clone for yourself, if this bothers you.

When I launched the game, all my settings were carried over from my main account, detail settings, control inversions, everything. I hope that the same will happen when other people log in, because I think these settings are saved locally. Let's see if it works that way, it'll be very convenient if so.

And that's it for now. Let's use this clone to enhance our operations! I can't wait for the next Jumptown.
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Re: Clones

Unread postby Adjudicator » 02 Dec 2022 17:02

I am ready to create a CULTCLONE account. I have enough resources and Warbond ship upgrades to get the new clone an Aegis Vulcan support craft (Loaner: MISC Starfarer).
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Re: Clones

Unread postby Adjudicator » 03 Dec 2022 11:32

While I am waiting to prepare the CULTCLONE-2 account, I am also mentally debating the merits of an RSI Galaxy (loaner: Anvil Carrack) in the clone account.

Pros: Anvil Carrack as the loaner ship for the time it takes for the RSI Galaxy to become flyable (assume 1 to 3 years barring significant delays).

Cons: Once the RSI Galaxy is online, a standard RSI Galaxy with no modules installed is nothing more than an oversized, expensive Hull A (64 SCU storage according to the official concept specification sheet): ... source.pdf
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Re: Clones

Unread postby icycalm » 03 Dec 2022 12:24

I don't think anyone will be flying lone Hull As in Pyro... Even if the cargo capacity is the same, you'll have all the guns and armor of the Galaxy to protect the cargo. Plus... we'll be buying modules in-game with UEC. Or you just take the loaner Carrack now and once the Galaxy is nearing release you can upgrade to another, more useful ship. But there have to be some legit uses for the Galaxy, or if there currently aren't, they'll balance it accordingly before release, and they'll find a niche for it. Whatever that niche ends up being, we can use it.

In sum: buy the Galaxy! But only if you can easily afford it, don't destroy your bank account.
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Re: Clones

Unread postby icycalm » 03 Dec 2022 14:20

So here's the procedure for making generic clones, where X is the clone number. Please double-check everything you type before you hit enter so you don't make TYPOS. And be sure to pay attention to the difference between LOWERCASE and ALL-CAPS!

1. Clone 1 is mine and 2 will be Adjudicator's shortly. Post in this thread to reserve a number before you create your clone. If some number is taken by some internet joker reading this, no worries, that clone malfunctioned and we trashed it. Just move to the next number.

2. Go to Proton at and click on "Create a free account" at the top-right.

3. Use this template to input the required information:

Username: cultclone-x
Password: [pick a strong password]
Display name: CULTCLONE-X
Recovery email address: [use your main email address]

4. Go to the Roberts Space Industries website at and, after making sure you're signed out, click on "Account" at the top-right, then "Enlist Now".

5. Use this template to input the required information:

Account Name (CallSign): CULTCLONE-X
Password: [pick a strong password but DIFFERENT from the Proton one]
Birth Date: January 1 2000

6. Buy a Starter Pack for your clone at the Pledge Store: ... ction=desc

There are significant discounts on those until December 8, so it's a good time to make a clone for those who are interested. You will note that the site doesn't save your card info, so there are no security concerns. I think it saves your address, but I think you can delete it if you want.

7. Optional step: Upgrade the starter ship if you wish, and/or purchase additional vehicles.

8. Go to the #cultclones channel on Discord and post the two passwords.

9. Someone other than you at that point will try to log in with your credentials to see if everything works alright.

10. Once we've confirmed the clone is working, come to this thread and declare the clone operational, and then send a request to join the org at

Any questions, fire away below.
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Re: Clones

Unread postby icycalm » 03 Dec 2022 14:29

Oh and be sure to use the org's referral number when making the account: STAR-NYPR-DHWZ

That's the RSI account. There's an option at the bottom labeled "Referral Code". That's before you've purchased a starter pack.
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CULTCLONE-2 Is Online!

Unread postby Adjudicator » 03 Dec 2022 19:03

CULTCLONE-2 is active.

Default male face and body
Home location: Stanton System, ArcCorp, Area18
Server region: USA

It has the following ships:

Drake Cutter IAE Starter pack (Unmodified).

Standalone Aegis Vulcan (Upgrade chained from Drake Cutter) - As the Vulcan is still in concept at the time of this post, a MISC Starfarer is provided as a loaner vehicle.

Anvil C8R Pisces Rescue (Unmodified) - Purchased for the account because only during this IAE, it has lifetime insurance. It might end up being a base to apply ship upgrades in the future.

RSI Galaxy standalone - The most recently released concept ship. As of this post, an Anvil Carrack is provided as a loaner vehicle.
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Re: Clones

Unread postby icycalm » 06 Dec 2022 14:30

If you make a clone, pay attention to which ship in your hangar is stuck with the game package. Because if you upgrade this ship with the intention of later gifting it to your main account, the clone will be left with no game package so you won't be able to use the clone until you get a new package. And new packages generally come with lame 6 month or even 3 month insurance. It's very rarely that a game package comes with LTI, as with the Cutters now until December 8. So if you upgrade your clone's starter ship, make sure the ship you're getting will satisfy you for a long time, because you won't really be able to melt it.

I learned all this the hard way, and ended up forking over some extra cash to remedy it.
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Re: Clones

Unread postby Adjudicator » 18 Dec 2022 14:45

As a consequence of the Luminalia referral experiment [ > ], CULTCLONE-2 now has an ARGO MPUV Cargo added to its account.
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CULTCLONE-3 Is Online!

Unread postby icycalm » 02 May 2023 22:01

I registered CULTCLONE-3, so I have two clones now. Unfortunately, none of the available Starter Packs now have LTI, so I got a limited insurance one that I hope to replace with an LTI Starter Pack at some point. Hopefully something will be available at Invictus.

I am not making this clone available to the rest of the clan yet, because there's no need for it. We already have two available, and no one's multiboxing yet. I'll make it available as needed, and certainly when I start triple-boxing later this year.

I am also planning a chapter for my VGART Star Citizen essay where I explain why multiboxing is the ultimate way to enjoy Star Citizen, at least for those who enjoy tactics and have some extra cash to spare.
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Re: Clones

Unread postby icycalm » 23 May 2023 18:40

I've been piling up Warbond CCUs in my clones in preparation for buying a Hull C in September when it drops with Alpha 3.20, and an 890J possibly at IAE 2953 (crypto willing) to serve as our mobile HQ.

Remember there's a new CCU offered every day during Invictus. It's annoying af having to log in every single day on multiple accounts to buy this stuff, but whatchou gonna do. The fleet won't fleet itself.
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Re: Clones

Unread postby Adjudicator » 28 May 2023 17:55

I have purchased a 2 Furys, 2 Fury MXs, a Lynx Rover, and a Tumbril Storm for CULTCLONE-2.

Once the 24-hour cooldowns on some of these pledges have elapsed, I will be consolidating some of them for store credit with the intention of upgrading one of the LTI token pledges to a Prospector for CULTCLONE-2.

These items, along with some Warbond ship upgrades, resulted in CULTCLONE-2's account achieving Concierge status.
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Re: Clones

Unread postby icycalm » 28 May 2023 20:16

Damn, I wanted to tell you about this but I didn’t act fast enough.

The Prospector is a good idea, but beyond that, giving many vehicles to one clone isn’t a good idea, because a clone can only really use one of them at a time. If the clone uses the Carrack, how can it also use the Starfarer? Or the Galaxy? Or whatever else you want him to use?

Rather we need a different clone for every large vehicle.

Same with industrial vehicles. If we give the same clone all the industrial vehicles, then only one of us can work at a time. Whereas if we have half a dozen clones, each with its own large industrial vehicle (e.g. one for the Mole, one for the Reclaimer, one for the upcoming Hull C, etc.) all of us can work at the same time on different professions.

So ultimately each clone should have only ONE large military vehicle AND one large industrial vehicle—since the clone won’t be working and fighting at the same time. In the case of clone 2, it already has two military vehicles—the Carrack and the Starfarer—so we definitely shouldn’t be buying more for it. A Storm or Fury isn’t a bad idea because they are small and can be loaded into the Carrack, but definitely don’t upgrade these vehicles to anything bigger. If you intend these vehicles as LTI tokens for something bigger, I suggest you ask Support for a refund—they give refunds very easily within a 30-day window. All you have to say is that you changed your mind.

As for the Prospector for clone 2, that’s a good call because it doesn’t have any industrial vehicles.

From now on it would be best if people posted in this thread to ask me when they wanted to buy new clones or new stuff for clones.

Note that we have registered up to and including CULTCLONE-3 (I will be giving clone 3’s login info soon). The next free designation is CULTCLONE-4.
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CULTCLONE-4 Is Online!

Unread postby shubn » 20 Jul 2024 18:21

I made CULTCLONE-4, and got it the Cutter Foundation Festival Starter Pack. It will also get the Nox referral bonus in about a month.

Until we need it for something, I was thinking of parking it at Klescher, as a sort of Cult Prison Bank, where people could log in and earn merits when they feel like it, which could then be used for times when one of us gets a long prison sentence and wants to get back in action quickly.
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Re: Cult Clones

Unread postby icycalm » 22 Jul 2024 20:46

Yeah we talked about that recently, didn't we? I also made a note to make a Cult Patsy outfit for the clone (it'll just be whatever they give you in prison lol). Don't forget to put the clone's login details in the #cultclones Discord channel. We should also make a thread where we report the Merits, a la Cult Bank. I think when Pyro comes, they'll raise the Stanton crime penalties, so this should come in handy.
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CULTCLONE-5 Is Online!

Unread postby ysignal » 22 Sep 2024 07:34

I just created CULTCLONE-5 with the Cutter Starter Package. Unfortunately, I gave the referral to the org because I didn't read far enough down in the referral thread. I want to use this clone as a "quartermaster" for microTech. The way this will work is that I will store all the CULT gear in his hangar and station inventory on MT so that the stockpile remains accessible when I'm offline. He can also idle in his hangar during microTech events so that respawning players can pick up fresh suits without any need to distribute the suits to players ahead of time.
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Re: Cult Clones

Unread postby icycalm » 22 Sep 2024 16:48

Great thinking! And now we have TWO hangars on microTech. The Cult Empire expands!

I also like smaller hangars for storing gear. They’re much cozier and convenienter than my XL football stadium.
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CULTCLONE-6 Is Online!

Unread postby Adjudicator » 25 Sep 2024 19:42

The RSI account for CULTCLONE-6 is now online and ready for use.

This clone will be primarily stationed in Klescher Rehabilitation Facility, Aberdeen (the current prison facility in Stanton as of patch 3.24).

Originally a dummy account created to get the referral gift (STV) during Foundation Festival (August 2023), this account was converted into CULTCLONE-6 by transferring a low-cost game package from my main account, along with changing the security settings and account email address.

In summary, this account has a C8X game package and an STV.
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Unread postby Adjudicator » 19 Dec 2024 03:27

The RSI accounts for CULTCLONE-7 and CULTCLONE-8 are online and ready for use.

CULTTCLONE-7 will be permanently stationed at Klescher Rehabilitation Facility, Hurston, taking CULTCLONE-6's role. This was done to free up CULTCLONE-6 who will stay in the Stanton system and mind affairs there whenever my main account is away from Stanton, as CULTCLONE-2 may be in use by other CULT players.

CULTCLONE-8, like CULTCLONE-6, was another placeholder account created to get the referral gift (STV) during Foundation Festival (August 2023), this account had its security and account email address changed for accessibility, and I purchased a game package for it. This clone is intended to be stationed in the upcoming Pyro system when Alpha 4.0 launches.

RSI Accounts Summary:

Intrepid Game Package with LTI
It is expecting a Pulse Luminalia 2954 referral reward after 6 January 2025

Intrepid Game Package with LTI
STV (Foundation Festival 2023 referral reward)
Pulse (Luminalia 2954 referral reward)
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