After a year's work, I present you Cult Spec 1.0: the most complete and comprehensive
Star Citizen org spec ever. Note that the following details have now been copy-pasted to the first post in this thread, and further changes will be made to THAT post, NOT this one. Always refer to the first post in this thread for the latest spec details.

The Cult Spec is the standard-issue CULT equipment for official operations. You'll need a set of gear for every life you lose, so if you want to play two or more lives per event, you'll need two or more sets of gear (5 is a good number to have at all times, and some people keep 10+). Keep the gear stowed in our HQ at ArcCorp's Area18, because that's where we'll begin for every mission (and also make that your spawn/regeneration point if you want to have the easiest time hooking up with us; though that's not required).
We have 5 ranks: the Inquisitor rank is inspired by Warhammer 40k, Master Chief by Halo, Commander by Wing Commander, and Supreme Commander by Supreme Commander of course. The Captain rank is the only one that doesn't come from a famous sci-fi game franchise; if you have a suggestion for changing this, let me know.
For every rank we have two sets of gear—ground and space; plus a list of approved vehicles. These lists will always be a work-in-progress as we learn more about the gear and vehicles, and as the universe is enriched with more new gear and vehicles. There'll also be many specialized loadouts like scout, sniper, assassin, etc. But for now, I am only going to be posting the basic loadouts. You are encouraged to post suggestions for changes to any of these lists and loadouts, plus suggest entire new specialized loadouts, including for industrial or even recreational purposes. Just post everything in this thread, and we'll sort it out. If you don't have login credentials to this website, post your suggestions in our Discord.
Note that the ships and ground vehicle specs below are the minimum required. Players are encouraged to buy and use whatever they want. Go wild and buy a Javelin if you want, even if you're only an Inquisitor: we can always use more Javelins. The difference is that you won't be COMMANDING this Javelin during Dynamic Events and large ops, that's all. Also, if you're an Inquisitor (the frontline rank), you don't really need ANY vehicle beyond a Gladius and a Cyclone MT (both with Frostbite paint, only about $5 each from the RSI store), and we can buy those for you if you show up to a Dynamic Event or major op where they're needed (not the paints though, you have to get these yourself). Often you won't need any vehicle because you'll be riding in a bigger ship or vehicle provided by your CO (Commanding Officer). You WILL need the armor and personal gear, however; you can't play with us without these so make sure you always have a good stockpile of those if you want to be able to quickly and randomly jump into our ops.
CULT INQUISITORRole: Frontline soldier operating in fireteams, small military subordinated elements of infantry designed to optimize initiative, combined arms, bounding overwatch and fire and movement tactical doctrine in combat. Depending on mission requirements, a typical fireteam consists of four or fewer members: an automatic rifleman, a grenadier, a rifleman, and a designated fireteam leader.
Requirements: Must enjoy bold and decisive action: breaking down doors and blowing shit up as you set the enemy's world on fire. Must be able to coordinate with teammates and follow orders, but also improvise when needed, and even take the lead when the chain of command breaks.
Training: first- and third-person shooters, stealth games, vehicle sims, space sims, racing games, fighting games.
HARDWARE SPECNo hardware requirements.
GROUND SPECStoneskin Undersuit [CRU-L4] [850]
Morningstar Helmet Black Steel [CRU-L4] [2,980]
Inquisitor Black Steel Core/Arms/Legs [CRU-L4] [3,680/985/1,645]
CSP-68M Backpack [Cubby Blast] [2,177]
Left back: P4-AR "Nightstalker" Rifle [Cubby Blast] [3,671]
Right back: Individual Choice
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320]
Left torso: 3x P4-AR Magazine (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [36]
Right torso: 3x Individual Choice ammo [Cubby Blast]
GROUND VEHICLE SPECLight Tank: Storm (Summit) [N/A] [N/A]Combat Rover: Cyclone MT (Frostbite) [New Deal] [28,086]
Combat Bike: Ranger TR [N/A] [N/A]
PILOT SPECStoneskin Undersuit [CRU-L4] [850]
Stoneskin Helmet Desert [CRU-L4] [1,097]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Arclight "Nightstalker" Pistol [Centermass] [693]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
SHIP SPECGunship: Freelancer MIS (Black) [New Deal] [2,537,800]
Ground Bomber: A1 Spirit [N/A] [N/A]Expedition: Freelancer DUR (Black) [New Deal] [1,967,600]
Bomber: Gladiator [Astro Armada] [1,954,500]
Stealth Recon: Razor EX [Astro Armada] [1,878,800]
Combat Freight: Cutlass Black [New Deal] [1,385,300]
Dropship: Cutlass Steel [New Deal] [1,355,300]
Interdictor: Mantis [New Deal] [1,230,000]
Light Fighter: Gladius (Frostbite) [New Deal] [1,169,900]
Small Medical: C8R Pisces Rescue (Nightbreak) [Astro Armada] [918,000]
Snub Fighter: Fury [Grey Market] [$$$]
CULT MASTER CHIEFRole: Designated fireteam leader. The role of the Master Chief is to ensure that the fireteam operates as a cohesive unit. Fireteam organization addresses the realities of 29th-century warfare, where combat is getting exponentially faster and more lethal, as it identifies and removes anything which slows down the reaction time between first detection of an enemy and rounds impacted.
Requirements: Must enjoy bridging the frontline and tactical spheres, existing on the thin precipice between action and thought all the while holding heavy weaponry at bay and being ready to unleash it on the enemy at the optimal moment. Must possess an instinctive understanding of when to charge and when to take cover, and communicate it effectively and efficiently to your team.
Training: tactical shooters, milsim shooters, space sims.
HARDWARE SPECNo hardware requirements.
GROUND SPECForceFlex Undersuit DigiCamo [Cubby Blast] [1,219]
Neoni Yuki Onna Helmet [Subscriber] [$$$]
ADP Black Core/Arms/Legs [Tammany] [4,360/1,140/1,960]
Left back: GP-33 MOD Grenade Launcher [Loot] [N/A]
Right back: Scourge "Nightstalker" Railgun [Loot] [N/A]
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320]
Left torso: 4x GP-33 MOD Grenade Launcher Magazine (6 cap) [Cubby Blast] [240]
Right torso: 4x Scourge Railgun Magazine (5 cap) [Cubby Blast] [240]
GROUND VEHICLE SPECHeavy Tank: Nova [New Deal] [546,026]
Exploration: Ursa [New Deal] [70,267]
PILOT SPECOdyssey II Undersuit Grey/Black [Tammany] [1,000]
Horizon Helmet Black [Tammany] [1,290]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Arclight "Nightstalker" Pistol [Centermass] [693]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
SHIP SPECLight Carrier: Liberator [N/A] [N/A]Gunship: Redeemer [New Deal] [8,675,500]
Heavy Ground Bomber: A2 Hercules Starlifter [Crusader] [5,525,000]
Dropship: Vanguard Hoplite (Frostbite) [New Deal] [3,104,200]
Expedition: Terrapin [Astro Armada] [2,568,100]
Medium Fighter: F7C-M Super Hornet (Frostbite) [Astro Armada] [2,132,600]
Bomber: Vanguard Harbinger (Frostbite) [New Deal] [2,050,500]
Interdictor: Vanguard Sentinel (Frostbite) [New Deal] [2,012,000]
Medium Repair/Refuel: Vulcan [N/A] [N/A]Search & Rescue: Cutlass Red [New Deal] [1,810,500]
Boarding: Legionnaire (Shadow Strike) [N/A] [N/A]Snub Fighter: Fury [Grey Market] [$$$]
CULT CAPTAINRole: Squad leader commanding multiple fireteams organized into a squad in co-ordinated operations. Squad leaders supervise and manage other soldiers and first-line supervisors within their squad. A squad leader is the tactical center of a squad, maneuvering and leading their team to meet the objective.
Requirements: Must excel at tactical thinking under pressure, receiving strategic objectives and figuring out on your own how to tactically achieve them. Must relish life on the battlefield, where plans routinely fall apart on contact with the enemy, and only zen-like quick thinking amidst total chaos can win the day.
Training: real-time tactics and real-time strategy games, tactical space sims.
HARDWARE SPECMultiboxing: 1 clone
Motion: none
Feedback: none
Controllers: stick + mouse + keyboard
Streaming: 720p
Resolution: 1080p
Rig: 10900K or equivalent, RTX 2080 Ti or equivalent, 16 GB DDR4, SSD
GROUND SPECForceFlex Undersuit Arctic Camo [Cubby Blast] [1,219]
Oracle Helmet Base [Everus Harbor] [1,290]
ORC-mkX Arctic Core/Arms/Legs [Cubby Blast] [2,720/714/1,216]
CSP-68L Backpack Night Camo [Subscriber] [$$$]
Left back: P4-AR "Nightstalker" Rifle [Cubby Blast] [3,671]
Right back: Individual Choice
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320]
Left torso: 3x P4-AR Magazine (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [36]
Right torso: 3x Individual Choice ammo [Cubby Blast]
GROUND VEHICLE SPECAnti-air: Ballista [Astro Armada] [364,500]
Short-range Anti-air: Centurion [Astro Armada] [287,400]
Armored Personnel Carrier: Spartan [Astro Armada] [255,500]
PILOT SPECOdyssey II Undersuit White/Black [Everus Harbor] [1,000]
Horizon Helmet [Everus Harbor] [1,290]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Arclight "Nightstalker" Pistol [Centermass] [693]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
SHIP SPECCorvette: Polaris [N/A] [N/A]Large Gunship: Perseus [N/A] [N/A]Refueling: Starfarer Gemini (Black) [New Deal] [6,191,500]
Military Transport: M2 Hercules Starlifter [New Deal] [5,225,300]
Expedition: Constellation Aquila (Polar) [New Deal] [4,926,700] + P-52 Merlin + Ursa [New Deal] [70,267]
Heavy Dropship: Valkyrie [Astro Armada] [4,454,400] + Ursa [New Deal] [70,267]
Stealth Bomber: Eclipse [New Deal] [3,490,000]
Support - Medical: Apollo Medivac [N/A] [N/A]Anti-capital: Ares Star Fighter Inferno [Crusader] [2,859,000]
Anti-capital: Ares Star Fighter Ion [Crusader] [2,859,000]
Stealth Fighter: Sabre [New Deal] [2,183,300]
Snub Fighter: Fury MX (Templar) [Grey Market] [$$$]
CULT COMMANDERRole: Those serving in this prestigious position are responsible for ensuring The Cult is ready for combat at all times and against all enemies, external and internal. Rather than giving soldiers direct commands, Commanders are responsible for planning their missions and strategies. Those in this role oversee the command of an entire solar system during times of war and times of peace, and can launch operations without prior authorization.
Requirements: Must excel at strategic thinking and operating from a command center far from the front while planning missions and logistics. Must display boundless initiative and thrive under conditions of complete lack of supervision.
Training: grand strategy games (4X), city-building/automation games, survival-builders, first-person 4X games, roleplaying games.
HARDWARE SPECMultiboxing: 2 clones simultaneously
Motion: any DOF Reality
Feedback: ButtKicker Gamer Plus
Controllers: dual sticks + control deck + eye-tracker + mouse + keyboard
Streaming: 1080p
Resolution: VR or 4K
Rig: 13900K or equivalent, RTX 3090 Ti or equivalent, 32 GB DDR4, NVMe SSD
GROUND SPECTCS-4 Undersuit Arctic [Cubby Blast] [850]
CCC AVES Helmet [Subscriber] [$$$]
CCC AVES Core/Arms/Legs [Subscriber] [$$$]
CSP-68L Backpack Night Camo [Subscriber] [$$$]
Left back: P4-AR "Nightstalker" Rifle [Cubby Blast] [3,671]
Right back: Individual Choice
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT "Bloodline" Multi-Tool [Subscriber] [$$$] + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [320]
Left torso: 3x P4-AR Magazine (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [36]
Right torso: 3x Individual Choice ammo [Cubby Blast]
GROUND VEHICLE SPECLuxury Transport: Lynx [Grey Market] [$$$]
PILOT SPECOdyssey II Undersuit Red/Black [HUR-L1] [1,000]
Horizon Helmet Dark Red [HUR-L1] [1,290]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Arclight "Nightstalker" Pistol [Centermass] [693]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
SHIP SPECLight Carrier: Kraken [N/A] [N/A]Frigate: Idris-M [N/A] [N/A]Minelayer: Nautilus [N/A] [N/A]Heavy Gunship: Hammerhead [New Deal] [12,459,900]
Heavy Expedition: Carrack Expedition [RSI] [$$$] + C8R Pisces Rescue (Nightbreak) [Astro Armada] [918,000]
Field Hospital: Galaxy w/ Med Bay (Protector) [N/A] [N/A]Heavy Repair: Crucible [N/A] [N/A]Heavy Bomber: Retaliator Bomber [New Deal] [4,031,700]
Heavy Fighter: Scorpius [New Deal] [2,879,700]
Heavy Fighter: Scorpius Antares [Grey Market] [$$$]
VIP Transport: E1 Spirit (Crimson) [N/A] [N/A]Snub Fighter: Fury MX (Teng) [Grey Market] [$$$]
CULT SUPREME COMMANDERRole: Supreme Leader whose word is absolute and ultimate as the sole source of power in the organization, leading his ever-expanding forces into escalating conflicts across the galaxy according to the ancient Chinese proverb "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
Requirements: Must be icy and calm.
Training: grand strategy games (4X), city-building/automation games, survival-builders, first-person 4X games, roleplaying games.
HARDWARE SPECMultiboxing: 4 clones simultaneously
Motion: DOF Reality P6
Feedback: ButtKicker Gamer Pro
Controllers: dual sticks + throttle + control deck + eye-tracker + steering wheel + pedals + mouse + keyboard
Streaming: 4K
Resolution: VR or 8K or triple-4K
Rig: 14900K, RTX 4090, 64 GB DDR5, NVMe M.2 SSD
GROUND SPECLamont Corvus Undersuit [Loot] [N/A]
Calva Helmet [Grey Market] [$$$]
ORC-mkX (Modified) Core/Arms/Legs [Loot] [N/A]
Left back: P4-AR "Nightstalker" Rifle [Cubby Blast] [3,671]
Right back: GP-33 MOD "Thunderclap" Grenade Launcher [Subscriber] [$$$]
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT "Quicksilver" Multi-Tool [Subscriber] [$$$] + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [320]
Left torso: 3x P4-AR Magazine (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [36]
Right torso: 3x GP-33 MOD Grenade Launcher Magazine (6 cap) [Cubby Blast] [240]
GROUND VEHICLE SPECLuxury Transport: Lynx (Nebula) [Grey Market] [$$$]
PILOT SPECOdyssey II Undersuit Sunset [CRU-L1] [1,000]
Horizon Helmet Yellow [CRU-L1] [1,290]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Arclight "Herrero" Pistol [Subscriber] [$$$]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
SHIP SPECDestroyer: Javelin [N/A] [N/A]Frigate: Idris-K [N/A] [N/A]Minelayer: Nautilus Solstice Edition [N/A] [N/A]Heavy Gunship: Hammerhead [New Deal] [12,459,900]
Heavy Expedition: Carrack Expedition (BIS2950) [Grey Market] [$$$] + C8R Pisces Rescue (Nightbreak) [Astro Armada] [918,000]
Field Hospital: Galaxy w/ Med Bay (Protector) [N/A] [N/A]Luxury Touring: Constellation Phoenix [New Deal] [5,658,800] + P-72 Archimedes + Lynx (Nebula) [Grey Market] [$$$]
Stealth Dropship: Prowler [Astro Armada] [4,248,200]
Heavy Repair: Crucible [N/A] [N/A]Heavy Bomber: Retaliator Bomber [New Deal] [4,031,700]
Heavy Fighter: Scorpius (Lovestruck) [New Deal] [2,879,700]
Heavy Fighter: Scorpius Antares (Lovestruck) [Grey Market] [$$$]
Interdiction: Sabre Raven [Grey Market] [$$$]
VIP Transport: E1 Spirit (Olympia) [N/A] [N/A]Snub Fighter: Fury MX [Grey Market] [$$$]