I've been thinking about adding a planetary commander rank to the spec for a while, and the recent F7C Mk II release and upcoming F7A upgrade pushed me over the edge to do it. There's just so much cool and very exclusive gold and gold-tinged stuff in the game right now (including the Mk II) that it begged for a rank themed after them. At the same time, with the arrival of 15 new
derelict settlements this patch and a bunch of enormous
distribution centers next patch, the planets are now being VERY fleshed out with so many cool unique locations that players have begun losing track of what EXISTS in the game (none of us have been to all the new derelict settlements, not even shubn, and we're about to have a bunch of new locations dumped on us in a couple of weeks). And things will only get "worse" when persistent hangars arrive next patch and apartments a few patches down the line, not to speak of the animal-filled caves that were just datamined [
> ].
So a planetary commander rank is now needed. To that end I have DEMOTED the current Commander Spec to merely planetary commander (he was system commander before), and made a brand-new gold-themed Supreme Commander Spec that's the system commander. And finally, I have changed the galactic commander's title (meaning mine) to Supreme Leader, or Supreme Führer.
So, as you can see below, the SupCom's main loadout now consists of a pistol that costs $1,000, a sniper rifle that costs $2,500, and an undersuit and armor that cost $5,000. These prices aren't separate, they're cumulative, which means with $5,000 you get everything, but that's still a crazy amount of money, more than most people's entire Steam libraries cost. So who the fuck will I make system commanders then?
Well, shubn and ysignal are already there. Adjudicator is probably already there too, and recoil and I are halfway there. That's 5 prospective system commanders right off the bat, and we've barely just begun. So I don't see anything unreasonable about introducing this spec. It was about time I did.
Every time I think, "The last thing I need is ANOTHER fighter."
https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/co ... _i_need_isAs aforesaid, I was motivated to act by the F7C Mk II's introduction because one of its paints looks very similar to the Executive Edition vehicles that the SupCom will be getting. So it's a perfect medium fighter for this rank. And since there is a limited window to acquire the Mk II (must buy it over the next couple of months up to Invictus Launch Week), and even more limited window to acquire its F7A military variant (must complete all Overdrive missions before ILW), I thought I'd give prospective SupComs a chance, and a reason, to consider buying it, or at the very least acquiring the upgrade tokens so that they can buy it at some point down the line. You can buy a Mk II CCU right now for just $10, then gain the F7A token by completing Overdrive, then complete the chain whenever you have about 150 spare dollars. The event is also likely to be run again at some point, but that's at least half a year to a year out. So it's not an impossible ship to get, nor a very expensive one, but you'll only get one or two opportunities a year, from the looks of it. And as SupCom it will tide you over until you hit $15k and get the F8C Executive Edition.
There were multiple other perks in introducing this rank. One major one for me is that it smooths out some of the abrupt jumps in tech between ranks. Previously, the jump for example in capital ships between Captain and Commander was huge because the Captain had the Polaris and the Commander had both an Idris and a Kraken. Now the Commander only has an Idris, the Supreme Commander a Kraken, and the Supreme Leader a Javelin. Similarly with the construction vehicles: the Commander had both a Galaxy with construction module and a Pioneer, whereas now I've only left him the Galaxy and moved the Pioneer to the Supreme Commander.
Note as always that you don't need to have all items and fulfill all requirements to gain a rank, I don't have even half of my rank's stuff either, nor the PC rig that I stipulate, nor 3 clones, etc. etc. As long as you're moving in the right direction and plan to reach the goal SOME day, you're welcome to join a rank if you want. For this particular rank, the gold suit is the minimum requirement, because the troops need to see you move around the system with it. And as aforesaid, at least 2-3 of our players already have it.
So without further ado, take a look at the new SupCom Spec, and I will have details soon on the updates to the Commander Spec, which I think you'll find are very interesting and quite radical. And after that I'll explain the new (self-)promotion system that will basically see players promoting THEMSELVES whenever they want without any input from me or need for approval.
P.S. Parenthesis means a recommendation. You can use what's in the parenthesis, or you can use something else that you prefer (unless it's a paint in the parenthesis, then you MUST use that paint).
P.P.S. Forward slash (/) means either/or. For example, with the SupCom Spec you can use the yellow medgun newly available to buy from the Subscribers Store, or if you think yellow on gold is too much and too tacky, you can use the standard white one.
P.P.P.S. I am open to alternative Battlesuit Spec helmet options, if you don't like the current helmet. In fact we could go as far as giving each system commander his own unique helmet, or even unique battlesuit once there are more in the game to choose from. In general, the higher the rank the more I can work with the players to customize it, because fewer players are involved, so fewer people to convince of, and satisfy with, a change. At the apex of this is me because I am only one person in my spec so I can do whatever the hell I want. And if anyone thinks that's too great a perk to give myself... start your own org and see how you like them apples. If I am working dozens of hours per month to administer the org, I will damn well wear whatever the heck I want to.
P.P.P.P.S. Royal and Imperial lieutenants and bodyguards are coming.
CULT SUPREME COMMANDERRole: Those serving in this prestigious position are responsible for ensuring The Cult is ready for combat at all times and against all enemies, external and internal. Supreme Commanders oversee the command of an entire solar system during times of war and times of peace, and can launch operations without prior authorization.
Requirements: Must display boundless initiative and thrive under conditions of complete lack of supervision.
Training: grand strategy games (4X), city-building/automation games, survival-builders, first-person 4X games, roleplaying games.
Insomnia Subscription:
Cult RoleplayerRoberts Space Industries Subscription:
ImperatorConcierge Level: Praetorian ($15,000)
HARDWARE SPECMultiboxing: 2 clones simultaneously
Motion: any DOF Reality
Feedback: ButtKicker Gamer Plus
Controllers: dual sticks + control deck + eye-tracker + mouse + keyboard
Streaming: 1080p
Resolution: VR or 4K
Rig: 13900K or equivalent, RTX 3090 Ti or equivalent, 32 GB DDR4, NVMe SSD
GROUND SPECVenture Explorer Suit Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Venture Helmet Executive [Concierge] [$$$]
Venture Executive Core/Arms/Legs [Concierge] [$$$]
Left back: (Gallant "Executive Edition" Rifle/Custodian "Executive Edition" SMG/Devastator "Executive Edition" Shotgun [Loot] [N/A])
Right back: Arrowhead Sniper Rifle Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed "Xanthic" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$]/ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Right thigh: Arclight II Laser Pistol Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT "Mirage" Multi-Tool [Subscribers] [$$$] + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [320]
Left torso: 3x Individual Choice ammo [Cubby Blast]
Right torso: 3x Arrowhead Sniper Rifle Battery (16 cap) [Cubby Blast] [108]
BATTLESUIT SPECNovikov Ascension Kit [RSI] [$$$]
S71 Ascension Rifle/Karna Ascension Rifle [RSI] [$$$]
Atzkav "Deadeye" Sniper Rifle [RSI] [$$$]
Yubarev "Deadeye" Pistol/Coda Ascension Pistol [RSI] [$$$]
GROUND VEHICLE SPECLuxury Transport: Lynx (Moonrise) [Grey Market] [$$$]
Combat Bike: X1 Force [Grey Market] [$$$]
PILOT SPECVenture Explorer Suit Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Venture Helmet Executive [Concierge] [$$$]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed "Xanthic" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$]/ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Arclight II Laser Pistol Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
Capital bridge uniform: None
SHIP SPECLight Carrier: Kraken [N/A] [N/A]Heavy Construction: Pioneer [N/A] [N/A]Minelayer: Nautilus [N/A] [N/A]Heavy Gunship: Hammerhead [New Deal] [12,459,900]
Luxury Expedition: 600i Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Heavy Repair: Crucible [N/A] [N/A]Heavy Bomber: Retaliator Bomber [New Deal] [4,031,700]
Heavy Fighter: F8C Lightning Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Medium Fighter: F7A Hornet Mk II (Ironscale) [RSI] [$$$]
VIP Transport: E1 Spirit (Olympia) [N/A] [N/A]Snub Fighter: P-72 Archimedes [Astro Armada] [150,000]