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MISC Hull Series

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MISC Hull Series

Unread postby icycalm » 22 Jan 2023 07:19

A Hull for Every Job: The MISC Hull Series ... ull-Series

As part of the Lunar New Year festivities, CIG is offering the Hull C for sale until the end of the festival on February 6: ... -Year-2023


Scroll all the way to the bottom for the prices.

It's not cheap. About €400 in Europe depending on whether you're buying with fresh cash or store credit. But it has 4,608 SCU storage capacity compared to 696 SCU for the biggest cargo ship in the game now, the Hercules C2. It's freakin' massive and will radically change the hauling profession. I would love to fly it back and forth across planets with a heavy escort of a bunch of our fighters, and even more I would love to haul stuff back and forth between Pyro and Stanton. I suspect Pyro is the reason they seem so keen to add the ship to the game this year.

Note that they were supposed to add it in last year, but it got delayed, and it may be again. But they seem quite confident they can get it in, otherwise they wouldn't be pushing it so prominently. That said, it's always a gamble buying a ship that's not in the game yet. You may end up having to wait years. Of course, you can always melt and buy something else if you get tired of waiting.


You can see how big it is: as big as a Carrack. There will be bigger ones too though. Pic isn't all ships in the game btw, only a fraction of them. E.g. the Hull D that's between C and E is missing. That's just some org's fleet from this thread on Reddit:

As the Hull C is coming out in 2023 I actually just noticed the extreme size difference between the Hull C and the Hull E. (yes my fleet in the hangar, yes in an org lol) ... i_actually

It can't land in atmo while loaded btw. It's only supposed to fly between stations, and then smaller ships take the cargo down to planets.

So I am making the thread for general information, and also just in case anyone has a $400-ish wad of cash they want to get rid of. Note that the insurance offered is only 6 months, so you'd have to upgrade from an LTI vehicle for best results. If someone DOES decide to buy this, consider making a clone account and buying it for that, so that the entire clan can use it. You can always gift it back to your main account at a later time.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the price will almost certainly increase on release. Not by too much, but it could be $30 or $40 or so.


Looks quite badass unloaded.


And when it's loaded it looks badass in another way, it looks like money.

Hull-Series Size Comparisons ... omparisons


ysignal and I have a Hull A each, so we've a long way to go if we want to up our cargo-hauling game...
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Re: MISC Hull Series

Unread postby icycalm » 25 Aug 2023 08:08

Hull C on MFD... ... l_c_on_mfd


operationtrex wrote:I mean... It does extend and get bigger... Right?

mecengdvr wrote:Only when it has a full load to deliver.

GooteMoo wrote:Ostensibly, yes, but space is pretty cold.

wittiestphrase wrote:Yep. It sure is odd that the front of the ship appears outside the boundaries of the shield. That’s what we’re talking about right?

wormfood86 wrote:Would you say it's penetrated the boundaries?

mecengdvr wrote:I don’t think it counts if it’s just the tip.

Ingromfolly wrote:Once it dumps its load, it shrinks

Shadonic1 wrote:Here to fuck up the economy.

riftwalker9 wrote:You know what the C stands for now

Le_Woof wrote:Hull C?

More like Huge D

Miserable_Dream_7015 wrote:Save this and use it when the Hull D comes out

Konishki987123 wrote:Bring on the Hull-V I say, it needs a sister ship ;) with a sturdy docking collar :)

ENTIA-Comics wrote:This is an... IMPRESSIVE ship!

GooteMoo wrote:It's just cause they shaved around the drive section, it's not that big, really...

Hull C Pic From Evocati - Look at that Booty ... that_booty


Seal-pup wrote:EXTRA THICC!

sgtlobster06 wrote:Noone's gonna use this thing beyond the first week. There's been no changes (so far) to the economy to make it useful, and the fact that players can actively block the loading process means it's just a troll fest.

grahad wrote:Dude, trade has always been a shit show but there are still traders out there doing our thing. I don't even care if I make much profit as long as I am making more than I spend.

As a bulk trader I will grab whatever is left over and sell that. I refuse to carry gold and the sorts because of the risk.

Some of us just love to fly, and trade gives us a reason to go to different places.

DriftwoodBadger wrote:That's the thing about the Hulls. It's not competing for Beryl and Gold or whatever with other traders in more conventional ships. The Hulls are for hauling around a truly enormous amount of trash and profiting on the economy of scale.

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Re: MISC Hull Series

Unread postby icycalm » 26 Aug 2023 11:41

3.20 has hit the PTU and Hull C pics are pouring out: ... isc_hull_c







I can't wait to buy it. Let me know if anyone else will be getting one. The idea of a convoy of two of these loaded with millions in cargo and escorted by half a dozen fighters massively excites me. Science-fiction wish-fulfillment! Escort missions have never been more fun! Even in movies we haven't seen anything this cool. And in movies they don't bother to render the entire interiors of massive cargo ships in millimeter detail. All you get is a couple rooms in a studio basement.

You don't have to buy one outright. You can just spend a few bucks to upgrade an existing ship. That's what I might do if I end up being tight on cash. I'll probably upgrade one of my two Scorpiuses. Otherwise you won't be able to buy this in-game for at least half a year, possibly longer. And even then, it will cost a freakin' fortune, and we might have higher priorities by that point with 20-30 players taking part in Dynamic Events.

We can be playing this in September if all goes well with the patch. Maybe even in a mere couple of weeks! I can't fucking wait!
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Re: MISC Hull Series

Unread postby icycalm » 26 Aug 2023 12:19

Hull C New Babbage Departure ... _departure

Hull C New Babbage Departure


YojinboK wrote:What a beast ship yet so gracefull!

StressedOutElena wrote:Beauty! Only thing that really annoys me is how fast the spindle deploys. It should take a while to do it. Maybe even couple it with a gameplay feature like lack of shields while opening/closing the spindle. Make it something you have to consider where and when you do it.

Apparently they spent a long time trying to get the transformation right, so that if you're walking inside the corridor while the spindles extend, you see the entire ship transforming around you. I think they were talking about special sounds or even music playing when this happens. Go to 3:40 on the video above to see it happen from the outside.

Hull C Hangar to Bridge Preview ... ge_preview

Hull C Hangar to Bridge Preview

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Re: MISC Hull Series

Unread postby icycalm » 18 Sep 2023 21:08 ... _reasoning

SnooLobsters983 wrote:Hull C Profits vs. Hull D Reasoning

Hello everyone, veteran player here! So I'm currently on deployment so I haven't been able to play for a bit but I'm curious. I have a pledged Hull C and I'm super excited to sit back with a cup of coffee and some lofi and do some short-range space trucking.

How is the profitability with the Hull C in PTU currently? What can you currently ship/trade from the stations? I know it'll change time and time again but I'm curious as to the starting point.

My second part is, knowing how I play I'm going to be enjoying the chill, laid-back vibes of space trucking and am already thinking about the other Hull series ships, specifically the Hull D. Do you all think that the Hull D would be a viable ship for cargo or do you think that it is WAY too much? (I also have an Org that has an understanding that anything above the Hull C's cargo will warrant an Org escort to safely move so I'm not TERRIBLY concerned about that, just a little concerned is all lol.)

Anyway, thanks for any inputs and opinions, and 07!

theghostofeisenhower wrote:Profitability seems to be 100-250k depending on what cargo you can get. Seems on par with a C2 trading more valuable stuff like gold. Hull C can buy helium, copper, hydrogen, and a couple others I’m forgetting. You can buy scrap too but I have not found a way to sell it since the C is strictly limited to trading with planetary stations—Everus, Tressler, Baijini, Seraphim and none of them buy scrap. I had to remove a bunch of 32scu scrap containers by hand and just yeet them into space when I couldn’t sell any.

Overall I like the Hull C, but be warned—the cargo loading and offloading system specifically makes the Hull C a sitting duck for other players.

I'd like to know how much of an investment you must make in order to earn that 100-250k profit. I imagine it must be in the millions, which means no way I am flying this thing without at least 2 fighters escort.

I've been refreshing Reddit and the RSI site twice an hour for the whole day today lol. I can't wait to walk into my C!
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Re: MISC Hull Series

Unread postby icycalm » 21 Sep 2023 03:16

The Long Haul - MISC Hull C ... XVyolQO3wj


Unbelievable action.

Seamless travel between solar systems, when Bethesda can't even handle between planets.

The jump effects are coming btw. They've been working on updating them for must be a year now. They look cooler than movies'.

The Hull C could be bought for $350 for years btw, but now that it's out they bumped the price to $500 ($450 Warbond). You snooze, you lose.

The Impound had it for $270 on release, but they must have sold a bunch of them so they upped it to $290 now. Will probably go higher still there too:
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Re: MISC Hull Series

Unread postby icycalm » 13 Mar 2024 18:59

A post that summarizes the current issues with the Hull C. Last I checked we had 2 of them, and still haven't run any trade routes with both of them together. ... s-/6671159

QuitYourWhining @QuitYourWhining wrote:Every pirate in the game wants the Hull C to work. So they can pirate it and so they can use it. Make a post with suggestions on how to do that and I'll support it.

There's a lot of issues, aside from the cargo loading and offloading nightmare, it also has other major issues. The rear isn't (or wasn't the last time I bothered to check) considered to be a part of the ship. So it still had gravity after soft death. No ship comms, unlocked rear door, etc. etc. The spindle tunnel was a tunnel of instant death in EVA both inside and outside of it.

Plus the docking arm not extending/opening left the ship very vulnerable with its docking door wide open in space. And you have to waste time setting up a shuttle ship in case that happens. The best route only got you maybe 400k profit on a 10 million investment, but you couldn't do it because the station wouldn't load and you'd lose your cargo and your $$$.

I mean, I could go on, but that's your mountain to die on. Mine is the Mantis paint.
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