2954 Lunar New Year and Valentine's Challenge Coins
https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/co ... enge_coins

Duncan-CIG wrote:Red Festival = Kill Collector: FPS & Kill Collector: Vehicle - in either game mode come 1st place.
Coramor = Duo Showdown, be part of the winning team to earn the coin.
These are two coins, front and back, for the two festivals currently ongoing (I only made a thread for the Red Festival, the other one is Coramor). If you win the two limited-time Arena Commander modes outlined above, you get the coins. And I want them, but I am not even sure of the event end dates. I speculate the Red Festival ends on the 26th because that's when the associated referral program ends, and Coramor was supposed to end around the 14-15 but they extended it to the 19th. So the duo challenge should take precedence because it ends a week earlier, in about 2 days.
If anyone gets any of these coins let us know! If I do manage to make it online, hopefully one of you will team up with me because I can't shoot for shit on my current setup, so maybe you can carry me.
And don't forget there are also the red envelopes like last year! At least you don't need to win anything to collect these.
P.S. These are some of the coolest coin designs I've ever seen.
Edit: Apparently you don't need to find an envelope this time around, you just need to log in and play the game for a bit. Source (could be wrong): https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spec ... nt/6616312 I think they're saying there ARE envelopes you can find and sell, but those aren't the one you get for you hangar, you get that automatically if you play.