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Cult Hangars

Unread postby icycalm » 28 Mar 2024 16:13

Leak: personal hangar size assignment ... assignment


bmemike wrote:This feels very much like a "version 1" limitation and probably not something to worry about.

Otherwise, new players would never get a hangar that would accommodate new ships they purchased.

WarpTroll wrote:They used to sell just the hangar, for I think $10 back before the PU existed.

This is certainly a temporary issue, T0 implementation. Or rather T1, since the regular hangars are T0. Still, if you ignore it you'll end up stuck with a smaller hangar for months, if not longer. No one knows when this issue will be resolved. So if you want to enjoy your home hangar to the full, the only solution is to buy with cash BEFORE you log into 3.23 for the first time the largest ship you intend to use. For me that means spending a few bucks to upgrade one of my ships to the Reclaimer. Hopefully the Reclaimer will be offered with the 3.23 launch, but if not I'll get a grey market one.

Use this thread to discuss your persistent hangar and hangars in general, as well as our hangar strategy. I'll only give a brief glimpse into my new 4X plans by saying that:

1. All of our players MUST make ArcCorp their home base in 3.23 (though your actual spawn point can be different, as usual), which means that all our persistent hangars will be in Area18

2. Unless at least one of our players promotes himself to (Planetary) Commander and chooses another planet as his home base, at which point any player who wants to move to that planet can move there and be under the command of that Commander

I will explain more in an extensive post soon, and certainly before 3.23 launches, which I estimate to be coming in a couple of weeks.
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Star Hoarder/Cult Hoarder

Unread postby icycalm » 29 Mar 2024 00:20

I plan to purchase ALL ground vehicles and arrange them around the fringes of the massivest hangar. And THEN I plan to stick AS MANY ships as possible on the hugest landing pad available. And THEN I plan to collect ALL the box cargo types and stack them in a corner, and THEN I plan to display every item and piece of gear or whatever in another corner. And then I'll take some pics and post them online under the title "Cult Hoarder" to match the game's upcoming name change to "Star Hoarder".

Here's a discussion on how I might be able to make all this work, functionally: ... r_thoughts

vangard_14 wrote:Hangar thoughts

I was thinking about my hopes for personal hangars, and was remembering that I wanted to be able to just have multiple ships laying around in different spots in the hangar. Do we think you’ll be able to make this work somehow? Maybe flying ships from a station and landing in your hangar and arranging them while never actually calling the lift? I’m thinking to make this work you’d have to set spawn to the station and just park then backspace repeatedly. Im really hoping this is at least possible. Even if it means maybe having to go to different places to call ships that you couldn’t fit to keep it from messing it up.

malogos wrote:We really need multiple pads in the instanced hangars to pull up multiple ships at the same time.

Dangerous-Wall-2672 wrote:Like the old days. I remember when we had to manage our hangars through the RSI site, but the hangars would dynamically expand to accommodate the ships we had loaded in at once.

The_Fallen_1 wrote:It is something I think they plan on properly having eventually when they implement more hangar types, but for now it looks like you might be able to do it if the hangar is large enough that you can take a ship fully off the ship elevator before calling up another one.

So I suspect in the larger hangars you might be able to have one big ship on the elevator and one or two small ships tucked away at the sides where there's not much going on. You might be able to fit more in by landing them, but you'll probably lose access to the ship elevator.

ElmerFett wrote:They've already said we would be able to call up multiple ships. Except, the way they suggested was to call up a ship for a friend to fly off in, then call up another for either yourself or yet another friend. You should be able to do all this from the terminal in the hangar itself.

They even suggested doing that with ground vehicles until they can get the freighter elevator working to its full intentions. Vehicles were originally supposed to be included in the freighter elevator but that part was delayed until they could get it functioning better. Spawning ground vehicles from the landing pad and driving them off to the side is a temporary work around.

So what we really don't know yet is how much extra room we're going to have. I imagine some of the larger hangars will have extra room but I'm not sure about the smaller ones.

EastLimp1693 wrote:I want it so badly. I literally have at least two ships as "garage queens".
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Re: Cult Hangars

Unread postby icycalm » 28 May 2024 18:52 ... hangars-26

Zylek @Zylek wrote:Hangars

One of the recent CIG videos is about 1 1/2 hours in duration and covers hangars and cargo/freight topics. I have notes on the entire video, I'll omit the cargo/freight notes here, for now at least, and only cover some of the highlights about the hangars. CIG folks, if I am incorrect with any of this, if I misunderstood what was said in that CIG video, please feel free to chime in and correct me. Thanks!

Future stuff:

  • Any hangar, anywhere, as a personal hangar (no longer limited to planet landing zones)
  • Possibility of relocating primary residence/personal hangar
  • Non-personal hangars become rentals (so items won't be lost in them when leaving)
  • Ability to upgrade hangars
  • Ability to bed log in ship in hangar and wake up in it
  • Prop team to update hangar flair (the old stuff)

The main info covered in that video...

4 hangar sizes - small, medium, large, extra-large - each with different cargo limit.

Personal hangars:

  • Everybody has 1, it's at primary residence, cannot change location once primary residence is set (but can via character reset? (something mentioned in video, unclear))
  • Items and decorations and things that you leave out will stay in your personal hangar
  • Hangar size is the one for your largest ship
  • If you buy a bigger ship later (via RSI site or in the PU), you'll get the bigger hangar, but for the time being it will be a public hangar

How to get there:

    1. From spaceport at your primary residence, go to "access elevator"
    2. Call elevator, it won't list all hangars

If solo, it will only display your hangar.

If in a party, it will list all party members' hangars that also have that location set as their primary residence.

Access control:

  • Only party members have access to access elevator, and thus the personal hangars (at that location)
  • Useful for multicrew
  • Party members can use freight elevator kiosk and item bank
  • Party members will not access hangar owner's inventory, only their own

Later, there will be more security levels for that access.

Kicking a misbehaving party member will result in them receiving a brief timer then teleported out.

Avoid intruders:

  • Don't let them in your and your party members' access elevator (be sure you trust your party members)
  • If they get in, they'll get to the hangar
  • They will receive a timer and will be teleported out
  • If they are fast, they will be able to grab something and steal it

Public hangars:

  • Don't treat them like your personal hangar
  • Stuff in them will be wiped out, they won't stay there

Persistent hangars:

  • There are 2 types, the "personal hangar" is at your home, and the persistent hangars are at other locations
  • Persistent hangars are not truly persistent (for the time being?), they are more like personal-public hybrids

Example 1:

    1. Go to space station hangar
    2. Leave box there
    3. Go to a shop in the station
    4. Go back to hangar
    5. Box is still there

Example 2:

    1. Go to space station hangar
    2. Leave box there
    3. Log out while still in space station
    4. Log back in
    5. Box is still there

Example 3:

    1. Go to space station hangar
    2. Leave box there
    3. Exit space station entirely
    4. Box is lost, it's forfeit, you will receive a notification

CIG folks in that video said the idea is this will be useful with more star systems.

General notes about hangars:

  • Landing pad doubles as ship elevator
  • Can only bring up 1 ship at a time
  • Can use freight elevator in hangar to get ground vehicles
  • Can get weapons and tools
  • Unable to equip weapons but can already have them equipped
  • Won't be able to use weapons in the hangars
  • Still able to use tractor beam tools in them
  • Several old hangar flair decorations are not ready yet
  • New furniture will be available to buy in the 'verse for your personal hangar
  • It will be possible to keep alien creatures in your personal hangar, so you can have pet kopions and pet maroks

This is a video of the old Hangar Module, for history buffs:

My Star Citizen Hangar drivethrough - May 2014


Star Citizen Wiki wrote:In Alpha 3.13.1a, the hangar module was disabled pending further review.

They were huge and expanded to fit all your vehicles. The new ones are nothing like this, and to be honest I prefer the new ones because they feel more realistic. The old ones could get as big as a town if you had enough ships, and it doesn't make much sense to me to be able to maintain that much space without expenses or having to fight for it. I look forward to the challenge of having to build a base big enough to contain all our vehicles.
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Re: Cult Hangars

Unread postby icycalm » 28 May 2024 19:07


A pic of the old hangars, from the thread linked above. I put it here for reference. I think they looked good for the time, but they were a bit too "videogamey", if you know what I mean, and the new ones are an order of magnitude cooler, more realistic, and detailed.
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Dual Cargo Elevators

Unread postby icycalm » 09 Jul 2024 13:11

Fantastic news. It turns out L and XL hangars get 2 cargo lifts: ... ati-around

LordWolf @LordWolf wrote:In the YT video that was discussing this, the streamer had mentioned that other party members can ALSO pull gear and vehicles up into YOUR hangar... so having a 2nd elevator allows multiple team members to be pulling up gear, vehicles, cargo, etc. at the same time... without just having one queue... thereby halving the prep time.

By myself, it likely wouldn't make much of a difference... perhaps just some added convenience... pull all your cargo up, then remember 'oh!... I gotta load a N-URSA in first, BEHIND the cargo'... don't start all over... just use the other freight elevator!... or some other yet unforeseen scenario.

So good call to require Planetary Commanders to have at least an L hangar and Supreme Commanders an XL. This means all strategic commanders will have 2 lifts, perfect for launching ops from.

Also note that the Polaris when it releases later this year will be the third ship granting an XL hangar.
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Inside Star Citizen: Alpha 3.24 - Hangars and Freight

Unread postby icycalm » 25 Jul 2024 17:46

Inside Star Citizen: Alpha 3.24 - Hangars and Freight


Cloud Imperium Games wrote:What are you most proud to display in your hangar? This week on Inside Star Citizen, we're taking one last look at the changes coming to one of the most fundamental features of the 'verse: your hangar, the items within, and how you move them.

You can see the new furniture they're making in some of the shots, and also of course in the preview image above. I think you'll be able to buy them in-game with 3.24. Maybe also out-of-game. Also, confirmed armor display cases are coming, but not with 3.24. They should also start selling arcade machines, and why not also a computer to put on your desk and play a real game like Among Us?

Note that they're also adding a search function, plus item stacking, so the inventory should be much more usable now. And you can have firefights in hangars now!

I need to make a new thread for the furniture. There's been some details leaked already.
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Re: Cult Hangars

Unread postby icycalm » 04 Aug 2024 20:03 ... ngar-in-3-

Stoaker @Stoaker wrote:Set respawn location to your personal hangar in 3.24 PTU


So I parked the Nursa Rover in my personal hangar and set it as my respawn location on Orison. I left the hangar and took the Orion Shuttle to Cloudview Center for good measure jumped off platform and after respawning I spawned back into my personal hangar in my Nursa bed. I also logged out of the game and back in and repeated the same steps and was still able to respawn inside my personal hangar. I'm excited for the possibilities for this in the future. Amazing stuff!

Update: So I decided to test the distance to the Nursa respawn capabilities. So I jumped in my Pisces and flew from Orison to Port Tressler and crashed my ship and died at Port Tressler. And even with a server crash and recovery (during this trip) I was able to respawn back in my Nursa Rover back in my personal hangar at Orison. This is amazing I didn't expect it to work.
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Re: Cult Hangars

Unread postby icycalm » 06 Aug 2024 17:41 ... g-too-slow

[ΩP-H] John Bradley @LtBradley wrote:3.24: So about the ship elevators being too slow.

Not going to go through all the points of the video, but I just cannot understand some folks complaining about the ship elevators being too slow and annoying.

Some interesting facts:

- You can still call the ship from the spaceport's main lobby. By the time you take the elevator to your hangar, your ship is there. Making the initial call of the ship exactly the same as it was before.

- Changing ships in your hangar takes less time than it would if you had to take the elevator back to the main lobby, call a new ship and take the elevator back down. Except that now you get to watch your ship being brought up which is much cooler. But the time it takes to swap ships is pretty much the same.

- Calling the wrong ship by accident and forcing you to wait for the entire thing, ok it's a pain. But... even though I agree that the ASOP terminal needs a lot of improvement. It's kind of your fault if you call the wrong ship. Just saying.

- Also don't forget. You can spawn ground vehicles in the hangar, put them on the side and load them in a ship in your hangar. Which is a massive quality of life improvement. And the video doesn't even mention it? Why?

There are some fair points brought up in the video, but I just don't understand why some are making such a big deal about the time it takes for your ship to be unloaded or loaded on an elevator. Especially if compared to how it is in the current live version. At worst, it takes about the same time as in the live build. And looks cooler. At best, you can load your smaller vehicles into your bigger ships now. Which is a massive quality of life improvement.

Not gonna link the video he's talking about, the guy is stupid. The video guy I mean. YouTube commentators are stupid and I've stopped watching all of them. I just get the news directly from CIG now.
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Re: Cult Hangars

Unread postby icycalm » 09 Aug 2024 19:16 ... about-3-24

Assault Lemming @AssaultLemming wrote:Salvaged components now snap to the cargo grid.

Salvaged components can be sent down the freight elevator and stored and then equipped or sold like any other ship component.

This also makes for some great screenshots.
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Early Personal Hangar Bugs

Unread postby icycalm » 30 Aug 2024 16:06 ... o_elevator

game_dev_carto wrote:You Can Brick Your Personal Hangar's Cargo Elevator...

Was landing at my hangar in New Babbage, noticed a med bed got launched into the cargo elevator from the force of my ship's thruster. The med bed glitched and fell through the floor and now that cargo elevator is bricked. Due to PES that med bed won't despawn and since it's my personal hangar, I'm kinda boned as it says the elevator is obstructed, remove the object so it can be sent down (I can't, it's under the floor). Thankfully the other elevator still works fine, but if something similar were to happen, I wouldn't be able to use anything out of my home city as I couldn't send those elevators down.

I found an issue on the council, if you've had this issue, please contribute, this is a really bad state that can happen.

https://issue-council.robertsspaceindus ... ARC-124611

In short, don't place stuff near the freight elevators.


Sandcracka- wrote:Move the rest of the med beds away from the good elevator.

masaaav wrote:You can brick your personal hangar by hitting store on two ships at the same time.

Warm_Ad4549 wrote:I had an 8scu container with all my stuff in it fall through the elevator & disappeared for good when I tried to move it.

What blocked my elevator though was an empty bottle of water that took me the better part of an hour to find (as it happened to be floating in mid air)...

And: ... cal_parked

jimmysquidge wrote:Don't set your respawn to a Pisces Medical parked in your hangar

This is on Issue Council, but don't know if it ended up getting confirmed.

Seems like a good idea to have your respawn in your hangar. But when you die it will leave you stuck in a state of being permanently unconscious. There's no way out other than a character reset. Happened to a few of us in PTU and was still present last night.

So just a warning for anyone planning to try this.

In short, be very careful, and ideally wait a week or two before putting too much time into hangar decoration.
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Commander Hangars

Unread postby icycalm » 04 Sep 2024 23:15 ... i_love_324

Stevenssssssssss wrote:This is why I love 3.24

I'm waiting for this feature for years, and now, I can finally put a part of my fleet somewhere. It took me four days to do that and, of course, that could be improved with a lot of features like:

  • multiple retrieve ship with a ship grid (like cargo grid);
  • keep our body when we die (I lost some VIP gear because my body disappear inside my hangar);
  • improve physics between elements, because for now, it's impossible to decorate, items aren't stable;
  • give us hangar enough large to spawn our entire fleet

Buuut, I really enjoy that improvement! Now I have multiple goal and they're not only based on money or reputation. There is a lot of way to play Star Citizen, this is mine. I wish you'll find some fun playing yours.

See you in the verse, O7


This is what I want all the Planetary Commanders to do, but with their own colors. You can also use vehicles for which your color doesn't exist yet, but prioritize the ones which do exist, and if there's space for more, use the default colors in the Cult Spec.

How do you set up something like this given that the ship elevator only brings up one ship at a time? The way I would do it is, first bring up all small ships and vehicles and park them off to the sides, then bring up the largest you plan to have, and move it to the back, and then—since you can no longer use the elevator, since the large ship is blocking it—I'd have a friend fly me to the nearest LEO station where I spawn the remaining large ships, one at a time, and fly them in.

Alternatively, if you want to do it solo, here's the OP's procedure, from the thread:

Stevenssssssssss wrote:I retrieve small ship and park on the side.

For medium ship (Mole, 600i, Phoenix Emerald) :

1 - retrieve one of them

2 - fly near to the top of hangar

3 - kill yourself (and respawn on medical bed if you get one)

Repeat that for all of your medium/large ship. Then :

1 - use C8R or cutlass red and board your ship

2 - land it

3 - kill yourself and respawn inside your C8R / cutlass red

Repeat that for all of your medium/large ship.

SpoilerAlertHeDied wrote:I like how these instructions are 95% "kill yourself and respawn". Wish they made it easier to just show all your ships in your own hangar.

Grixx wrote:How to play star citizen: kill yourself

AndyAsteroid wrote:I've been laughing like a fool for 5 minutes at this :)

BedContent9320 wrote:The real death of a spaceman was us parking in our hangar all along.

Interestingly, this sort of thing happens a lot in survival games.

Bit-fire wrote:That sounds complicated. Wouldn't it be way easier and faster to have another player shuttle you up and down in a Dragonfly / Aurora / Pisces?

This might work too.

So as you work on your hangar, adding more stuff to it, post pics on Discord so we can see your progress. When we have something satisfactory that looks finished enough, we can post the pic in this thread.

The goal is to have the pics for all 4 Stanton planets over the next couple of months, before Pyro arrives.

No idea if stuffed hangars like this are actually usable on a day-to-day basis. But if they're not, you can always stage yourself off your local LEO station for your routine missions.

Any issues, post here and we can discuss them.

All the above applies for Planetary Commanders. Regular cultists can do whatever they want in their hangars.

Eventually I plan to build the Star Citizen universe in Cult Engine 1.5, so you'll be able to zoom into any system and planet and moon and hangar and base facility we own and see pics of all our buildings and fleets and assets etc. In fact I'll make it part of Battlegrounds, an alternate dimension that works in full real-time and in which the timeline diverges from Blade Runner and Pathfinder because... a Greek boy is born, and, in September of 1990, plays a game called Wing Commander.
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