https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm ... tival-2024
Here are the main three points of interest: Free Fly, Referral Bonus, Guide System Rewards.
Free Fly
Click the "fly for free" button on this page to get access to the following ships to test fly: Arrow, Caterpillar, Cutlass Black, Cutlass Red, F7C Hornet Mk II, Gladius, Prospector, Razor, Valkyrie, Vulture. It's not clear if you get them for the duration of the Free Fly, which ends on July 19, or for the duration of the Foundation Festival, which ends at the end of the month.
Referral Bonus
https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm ... rral-Bonus
Refer a friend (or your own alt account) for both accounts to receive an Aopoa Nox. Make sure your referral code is used during account creation. You can check the "referral program" page in your account settings to see if the referral account appears in your list of prospects. To count as a recruit, the account must spend a total of $40. A common thing to do when using an alt account as a referral is to buy $40 worth of Warbond CCUs, then gift them to your main account when the 30-day refund period has passed.
Guide System Rewards
https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spec ... -has-begun
JakeAcappella-CIG wrote:Guides are Star Citizen's ambassadors and, for many players, the first friendly face they'll see in the 'verse. Star Citizen is a deeply immersive world, but it can also be an incredibly complex endeavor for new players. As a guide, you can hold the torch and be the guiding light for first-timers navigating the ins and outs of the 'verse. As a Recruit, you can pair up with a veteran to make those first steps in the 'verse easier. And during this year's Foundation Festival, there's plenty of opportunity for BOTH Guides and Recruits to fly away with some epic freebies.
Head over to the Guide Hub to get started!
What's in it for me?
Everyone (both Guides and Recruits) who use the Guide System will automatically receive exclusive rewards from July 12 until the end of the Foundation Festival on July 31. Rewards are provided weekly, and as you complete more guide sessions, or help with multiple categories, you'll rack up the bounties. Don't miss out on these exclusive Foundation Festival rewards!
- One successful guide session (at least 30 minutes and a verified Endorsement*) - Grey Foundation Festival in-game hat
- Two successful guide sessions - Origin 100i Foundation Festival Paint
- Three successful guide sessions - Red Alert RRS Arden-SL Armor Set and Behring P8-SC
- One successful guide session (at least 30 minutes and a verified Endorsement*) – Gemini LH86
- Two successful guide sessions – P4-AR Rifle
- Three successful guide sessions – Multi-tool set (Pyro PYT w/Orebit Mining Attachment, Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment, and TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment)
*Recruits (the ones requesting a Guide) will receive a message prompt after a successful session (minimum of 30 minutes), asking them to verify the Guide and the tutorial category completed. This prompt will occur via Private Message on Spectrum.
Heads up! If you already own one of the rewards, you won't be able to receive them a second time. Also, please remember that we can monitor and verify all Guide interactions and disqualify players attempting to game the system.
In addition to these rewards, we'll award exclusive Foundation Festival-themed prizes for completing a single guide session in a particular category (for both the Guide AND the Recruit). Only one prize will be rewarded for each tutorial category, but up to twelve paints can be rewarded if all twelve tutorial categories are completed. Rewards are based on the tutorial category that is endorsed by the recruit at the end of the session. See below for which prize goes with each category:
- Basics: Anvil Arrow Foundation Festival Paint
- Refresher Basics: Foundation Festival Challenge Coin
- Vehicle Combat: Aegis Gladius Foundation Festival Paint
- FPS Combat: Anvil Valkyrie Foundation Festival Paint
- Mining: MISC Prospector Foundation Festival Paint
- Salvage: Drake Vulture Foundation Festival Paint
- Missions & Reputation: Drake Cutlass Black Foundation Festival Paint
- Trading: Drake Caterpillar Foundation Festival Paint
- Medical: Drake Cutlass Red Foundation Festival Paint
- Racing: MISC Razor Foundation Festival Paint
- Refueling: MISC Starfarer Foundation Festival
- Touring: Origin 600i Touring Foundation Festival
- Miscellaneous: Crusader Mercury Star Runner Foundation Festival
But there's even more!
For every weekend during Foundation Festival, we'll additionally reward one unique Armor and Weapon set to both the Guide AND the Recruit completing at least three successful sessions each weekend. A total of three sets are available as a reward.
- Weekend 1 (4pm UTC July 12 to 4pm UTC July 15): Venture Ascension Kit
- Weekend 2 (4pm UTC July 19 to 4pm UTC July 22): Novikov Ascension Kit
- Weekend 3 (4pm UTC July 26 to 4pm UTC July 29): Xanthule Ascension Kit