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Profession: Slave Trading

Moderator: JC Denton

Profession: Slave Trading

Unread postby icycalm » 18 Sep 2024 00:56

CIG never mention about "SLAVE cells" What's that? ... whats_that


Pic from a recent Pyro ISC that briefly mentions slavery.

Valkyrient wrote:Likely it's just an illegal commodity. Pick them up from Grim HEX, smuggle them through the jump gate to Pyro.

Probably not, because the video shows Jared being inside one of these cages and moving around, etc.

Snarfbuckle wrote:More the other way around, the major corporations need cheap labor after all.

BoabPlz wrote:Hurston gonna Hurston.

vorpalrobot wrote:Slave smuggling operation go brrrr

Armored_Fox wrote:Probably buying and selling slaves, they do want to give you the option to be evil. Hopefully we can also free them.

Armored_Fox wrote:Haha, probably just a commodity, but who knows.

Imagine having to worry about your NPC crew getting kidnapped though...

Mazon_Del wrote:In "Death of a Spaceman" it is indicated that in the event that you eject from your ship you get one of three outcomes.

  • If nobody picks you up, you just fade to black and wake up in a hospital.

  • If a friend picks you up, they can let you out.

  • But if bad person picks you up, then you can be in an enslaved state.

In the event of the enslaved state, realistically what will happen is the player in question will basically ask "Your options are to play with this, pay a ransom to be let go, or just die and wake up somewhere else in a hospital." Though possibly there will be something similar to the prison mechanic where you aren't a slave of another player, but of some NPC entity till you work off your debt.

Presumably NPC crew might eject as well, and thus can be captured as slaves too.

InconspicuousIntent wrote:Just found my whole game loop: busting players out of those places and then trashing the place, as spitefully as I can. If I can leave a poop on the floor I will.

Herpderpmcderpalerp wrote:Better start with lorville

Kazeite wrote:No, no, those are not slave cells. Those are non-compensated worker holding facilities.

Thedogsnameisdog wrote:You know how much I hate the S word.

Alright, the "prisoners with jobs".

Chance_Adeptness_832 wrote:They get free food and lodging!

mrchooch wrote:13th amendment has entered the chat

_Mark_Lewis_ wrote:Hope they add Exotic Dancers - Male as a commodity also! Loved to gift those to my friends on their birthday in EVE Online.

thebigdustin wrote:I would always carry at least 1 exotic dancer in every ship of mine in EVE. It would be pretty funny if we got something like that as a little nod to EVE.

jez345 wrote:How else do you expect to deliver organs fresh?

WeekendWarriorMark wrote:This has been talked about in the past. Mostly if you look for lore re: USS Olympus (like this one from 2014 ... Nul-System) or the Banu. Essentially outlaws or non-player factions in general vary in how bad they are for immersion and variety reasons. Like how on Hurston you got turbo-capitalism that only focuses on quarterly gains while disregarding the planet or workers' wellbeing. Or how the different gangs in Pyro are differently bad. The UEE and Xi'an have outlawed it; the Banu turn a blind eye in some of their places.

TL;DR: It's going to be a trade commodity outlawed most places that us players likely can buy and smuggle in the future and a storytelling/ambience element.

HappyFamily0131 wrote:I don't think OP was asking what slavery is or why slavery would get mentioned in connection to the game, more like what literally is the purpose of that box and why use it. Like is it a stasis pod or are the occupants conscious? Is it single-occupant? Do they have g-force limits while in the cell? Can they be exposed to vacuum or a solar flare and be okay?

I can get that the real answer to "why a slave cell and not a slave" might be so that CIG doesn't have to make NPC pathing work just yet, but what's the lore reason to transport them that way?

WeekendWarriorMark wrote:I mean we have jail stasis cells in that Caterpillar mission. Having an outlaw variant was a certain. Ultimately it's more secure, space efficient and yeah less to worry about for the server and building dedicated prison ships is sort of a waste tbh too.

Cloakk-Seraph wrote:If anyone remembers the CR game that was the spiritual father to SC called Privateer, they'll know this was gonna come sooner or later. Can't have slavers without cages.

freebirth wrote:Yes they have, you just didn't see it.

Slavery is one of the many horrible things that happens outside of UEE space.

Jean_velvet wrote:You will (it'll never get deployed) be able to capture and imprison NPCs and players for transport. This is the criminal end of that.

The-Deevis wrote:Hawk and Cutty Blue both use different kind of "custody containers". I think Zeus MR also has room for such; but those in the picture look more like the Mad Max version of the known prison pods.

drizzt_x wrote:CIG has talked about slavery in game since the first year of the project. Granted, not frequently, but it's always been a planned thing.

mcchink008 wrote:Gonna stack slaves in my hanger

AdSalt9365 wrote:Don't worry about it, just another feature that won't be in the game until we are all dead. Feel free to tell your grandchildren to look forward to it, though.

ZZGooch wrote:In Privateer you'd destroy a ship, tractor beam the escape pods and can sell them at black markets as slaves. Was the highest selling commodity.

If you did this a few times you would end up with negative affiliations and couldn't go to lawful space anymore without being attacked by police.

Eventually bounty hunters would chase you everywhere too. Pretty cool mechanics for 30ish years ago.

Dig-a-tall-Monster wrote:Everyone is focused on how you can play the evil role with this, but this also potentially enables you to play a slave liberator. It just depends on how they manage what the slave pods actually are. Like, is it just a bounty pod reskinned and has an NPC inside who's catatonic and can be revived and released? Or will it simply be a sort of black box experience with a crate model that doesn't open and just says "slaves inside trust me".

e3e6 wrote:the entire game is a slave cell
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