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Narrative Event: Save Stanton

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Narrative Event: Save Stanton

Unread postby icycalm » 28 Jun 2024 17:58

Star Citizen: 3.24 Datamining | Codename "Cheesecake" (Slicer Raids) - An Upcoming Dynamic Event ... g-codename

First off, CIG no longer calls them Dynamic Events, they call them Global Events. Second off, this isn't that either, because it's a chain of events like the recent Overdrive Initiative, which they're calling Narrative Events. So that's what this Cheesecake is. With that out of the way:

Danny wrote:Within the files for 3.24, an odd name was discovered in various sections typically dedicated to dynamic events: "Cheesecake". This seemingly new dynamic event is obfuscated heavily by a variety of code words and blank entries, so details on what this may be are quite hard to determine. Regardless, I've been doing quite a bit of digging on this "Cheesecake" event so I can do my best in summarizing everything on what this new event might be.


Danny wrote:Code-named "Blood", "Garlic", "Oreo", "Strawberry", and "Vanilla", these various odd names seem to be the 5 different overarching activities for the event. There's a few variations of each activity, similar to the Overdrive event that released earlier in the year.

The event seems to imply a new faction, the Slicers, but I find it hard to believe this is a brand-new faction because these take ages to make, all the while we can follow their progress in the monthly reports, including sneak peeks of their outfits, and we've seen nothing of that for the Slicers. So unless Chris took a bunch of artists aside and tasked them with fast-tracking a new faction, the Slicers might only be a subfaction of an existing faction, maybe slightly palette-swapped etc.

Danny wrote:To start off with the bare minimum I could scrounge up for actual "hard details" on the details for the event, I can somewhat confirm that the faction that we're facing is a completely new one. Entries within the datacore (a data file that details much of the specific functionalities in Star Citizen) seem to reveal the faction's name: "Slicers". It should additionally be noted that it's heavily implied that this is yet another battle alongside the CDF, but we'll get into that later.


There's a lot more in the link, so head on over there if you want a breakdown of all the missions, but what's most important for me is that the last mission is delivering supplies to the Stanton - Pyro Jump Point. And not even to the station, but the actual jump point gates, which makes it seem that, if there's a Global Event to cap it all off, it will end in Pyro. That's why I am putting Cheesecake in the Stanton forum, and I'll probably be putting the yet-to-be-revealed Global Event in the Pyro forum.

Can't wait for the Inside Star Citizen episode that reveals it all.
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Save Stanton Launched!

Unread postby icycalm » 12 Nov 2024 19:00

Event Page: ... ve-Stanton

Event Thread: ... ve-stanton

Event Intro: ... XVyolQO3wj


Breaking news out of Stanton - yet another civilian ship has been targeted in an escalating system-wide rash of violent pirate attacks. With local security details and even the Advocacy seemingly powerless to stop these marauders, who can we count on to save Stanton?

This is the event previously known as "Cheesecake" (see earlier post in this thread for more info). Unlike the Overdrive Initiative Narrative Event that ran earlier this year, this one is confirmed to NEVER be offered again, so if you want to play it (and get the rewards), you have to complete it before 4.0 launches in December.

With Overdrive I made the mistake of not scheduling weekend sessions because I thought it wouldn't work very well with so many missions. So we never ended up playing that event in a large group. This time I'm not making that mistake, and I'll be scheduling sessions for this weekend, and every weekend thereafter. Stay tuned for the announcement, and my advice is to not touch the event on your own unless you can't make our weekend sessions. But you do you, if you want to play now, play now, and hopefully you'll find some people to join you when you tag us on Discord.

So again, wait for my scheduling announcement (in the Scheduling thread), and in the meantime you can use this thread for tactics talk if you have any info/ideas.
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Save Stanton Tip #1

Unread postby icycalm » 15 Nov 2024 00:04 ... ve_stanton

Brolysmokes wrote:Heads Up - Completing 6 of either Save Stanton locks you out of all missions

If you complete six of the combat missions you will be locked out of both the combat and cargo missions. If you want to maximize the event, do 5 of both before completing.

iggygames wrote:It's six total, once you hit the 6 it will most likely lock you out.

well_honk_my_hooters wrote:Yep. I did four cargo and two defends and am locked out.

evilducky611 wrote:You can join a friend and do them still.

drdeaf1 wrote:yes they just need to share it
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Save Stanton Tip #2

Unread postby icycalm » 15 Nov 2024 00:19 ... d_progress

kdjac wrote:Once you get 6 the missions, they won't show for you and you are complete (Check Journal for 6/6). Then whoever hasn't completed it shares it with you and you help them until they are 6/6.

Works well.

RV_SC wrote:... adding to this:

If your friend joins in during phase 2 (without doing phase 1 missions), you can share your phase 2 missions with him (even if he doesn't see the contracts in mobi), and he can do them prior to phase 1. Usually it has worked like this anyway.
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Save Stanton Tip #3

Unread postby icycalm » 15 Nov 2024 00:26 ... ld/lx4c4jr

drdeaf1 wrote:it doesn't take that long for the event, just do the defense mission since it's much faster than cargo.

also when taking the mission if it's not at the planet you're near abandon and take it again in 2 minutes so you don't have to fly across the system.
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Save Stanton Tips

Unread postby icycalm » 15 Nov 2024 00:43 ... ay/lwttqlb

Vayne7777 wrote:Some tips:

- Before you start with any mission do the bed/door test when you wake up. If it takes more than 5 - 10 seconds to get out of bed or open the door the server is in a bad state. Go to another region and try again.
- Don't mix and match. I did 4x Combat and 2x Cargo but it only showed that I completed 4 missions. Stick to one type of mission only.
- Bring some food and drink.
- Ensure you have a good QD installed as you will be jumping all over Stanton for the next mission (that's a lot of time waiting instead of playing).
- Of course griefers are back; it's not great when you try to deliver the cargo from a cargo mission after jumping through all the hoops only to get killed by one of them at Bajini Station :-(.
- If you're > 25GM away from the mission tag it may not show up or you can't target it. If it doesn't show up read the log: at least the planet should be mentioned. Jump to the planet and when you arrive jump around the OM points until the target show up. If it doesn't it may still be there but it's bugged and the tag is not yellow but blue. Just scan each marker until you find it.
- Both missions are soloable although if you play in a group it may be faster as you can chain missions one after another or one player can already start the mission while the others reload/rearm.
- Don't forget to share the mission if you play in a group.
- Don't forget to accept the mission when it's shared with you while playing in a group.
- It is not possible to autoland, the refueling/rearming on a pad or in a hangar works 50% of the time and docking is broken again. If it doesn't work spawn a fresh ship.
- Sometimes your map/navigation breaks. In that case swap to Nav Mode and manually navigate to your target from your cockpit.
- Server errors still happen - if one occurs while doing one of the missions you lose the progress of that mission. Hence it's better to do the combat mission than the cargo as it usually takes less time to redo.
- Make screenshots of the progress tracker in your journal in case you need to contact Customer Service because you didn't get the reward despite having completed six missions in phase 1.

- Cargo may not appear. Abort the mission and try again.
- For the cargo missions: bring a Max Tractor and a large cargo ship (M2, C2 or Caterpillar is perfect).
- It may be better to have at least two players. One for cover and to assist with loading later on.
- Enter the Cat, sit in the pilot seat and open all doors as the door controls are glitchy and do not always work.
- Sometimes the cargo bugs out and you can't interact with a container. As long as you have ten containers in your cargo hold and you get the message that you have collected 10/10 you're good.
- While moving cargo, players can move cargo together by using multiple tractor beams: the UI will show 'Supporting'. We found that when the first player stops using the tractor beam the container remains in the 'Supporting' state and other players can't move the container anymore or at best very slowly. The workaround is to have the initial player move the cargo to reset the status of the container.

- Ships may not appear. Wait five minutes if they're still not there abort and try again.
- The largest ship I encountered was the Valkyrie; but most are small ships.
- Equip fast laser repeaters (but avoid Attritions as they are bugged). Ships may randomly teleport and with the repeaters you have the highest chance of hitting them.
- Don't use ballistics - they run out of ammo too quickly and you can only rearm by leaving the area and returning to a station; if you're the last person leaving the mission will fail.
- The ship that you need to protect will not defend itself; ensure that you kill all enemy ships nearby first but keep the Freelancers for last because...
- Some of the Freelancers are almost invincible. You can take down their shield but it seems the area around the turret is the only area where the hull can be damaged. It is tedious but you should be able to kill them after a while.
- Quickly soft kill the enemy ships first to increase the chances of winning the mission. Later you can hard kill them to clean up your UI if necessary.
- Missiles will fail 80% of the time. Leave your missile boat at home for this one.
- Sometimes a NPC will fly into the target you need to protect resulting in an untimely end of the mission. There is not much you can do other than kill enemies quickly especially when they're close to this ship.
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Save Stanton Tip #4

Unread postby shubn » 16 Nov 2024 14:35

Some enemy cargo ships might have weevil eggs and drugs, so make sure to soft-death them if you want to make extra cash (eggs sell for over 100k per SCU). Scan them beforehand if you can, so you know which ones to soft-death and which ones you can destroy.

Vayne7777 wrote:Ensure you have a good QD installed as you will be jumping all over Stanton for the next mission (that's a lot of time waiting instead of playing).

Currently, all QDs of the same size have the same speed and fuel efficiency, so you don't need to worry about that.
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Mission-sharing Issues

Unread postby ysignal » 16 Nov 2024 23:57

Mission-sharing hasn't been working for us so far. Once you've completed the mission, only the person who shared the mission gets credit for it in their Save Stanton Mission Status journal entry.
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Re: Mission-sharing Issues/Save Stanton Tip #5

Unread postby Discord BOT » 17 Nov 2024 18:31

I didn't see anything about that on Reddit.

Sharing worked after we switched servers near the end, we started all getting credited for completing the mission. It must have been the first server we were on that was acting up.
Originally posted in the Insomnia Discord.

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Save Stanton Tip #6

Unread postby icycalm » 18 Nov 2024 19:54 ... te/lxsd9rc

_UrsusArctos_ wrote:So sick of trying to do the Save Stanton events just to have the mission marker disappear. I hope they fix that one...

AlexaGrassoFlexgif wrote:Look for the eliminate target mission that is not on a named outpost. The generic derelict ship or outposts work better than the named ones for the eliminate target missions. It will make you fly 500+KM but the marker has less chances of disappearing than the named outposts with a QT marker.
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Progress Report #1

Unread postby icycalm » 18 Nov 2024 20:15

The weekend went terrific, we played both days and shubn must have streamed close to 24 hours in total. I’ll have more info on all that soon, but before that I want to let everyone know that 3.24.3 is about to drop (see link in previous post), which means that next weekend we’ll have our 3 Polarises and ysignal’s Starlancer MAX. The SLMAX is especially great for the cargo missions that normally take ages, but I think with this ship they’ll be super-fast especially if fully-crewed with 4 people. We had to use several C1s and even a Zeus CL this weekend, but all of those can be replaced by a single SLMAX going in and blasting all the fighters like a gunship then opening up and gobbling all the cargo in one trip. Really the SLMAX is next-level, all the player reviews are glowing, and it’s the next step up for combat freighters after the C1 and the CL. If anyone else wants to cashbuy it or upgrade to it, I strongly recommend it, we could use more than one (or more than two if shubn does get one, as he has said he might).

If neither shubn or ysignal are available next weekend, my Polaris should do the job.

In sum, I strongly suggest people hold off on this event until next weekend. We should be much faster with the new, bigger ships, and Phase 3 will also probably be out by then, so we should make great progress and it should be a terrific weekend. Of course if you can’t make it, then by all means get as much done as you can midweek.

And btw the finale seems to include a Slicer-crewed Idris! And I do believe there might be a Pyro-based Global Event to cap it all off in 4.0 as there was XenoThreat to cap off the Overdrive Initiative.
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Phase 3 Starts Tomorrow!

Unread postby icycalm » 19 Nov 2024 03:12 ... ar-Citizen

Lénaïc "Nicou" Riédinger wrote:This Tuesday, get ready for Save Stanton: Phase 3 on the Live servers. Rally your crew and protect the system against an invasive gang responsible for violent attacks on civilian and commercial vessels.

Can't wait for the weekend.
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Progress Report #2

Unread postby icycalm » 20 Nov 2024 23:05

4-player Assault on Save Stanton with shubn and The Cult 1

This was too long to export to YT, so it'll have to stay on Twitch for now.

4-player Assault on Save Stanton with shubn and The Cult 2


So these are our last weekend's streams. First one is 15.5 hours and the second 8 hours, so shubn very nearly streamed 24 hours. But some of us kept playing after he logged off on Sunday, so as a group we played more than half the weekend. And it wasn't even that many of us, and Pyro isn't even in yet. I think with Pyro and a capital ship to use as mobile HQ like the Polaris, we'll be playing throughout the weekend very soon.

Not much to say in terms of tactics. Phase 1 needs decent cargo space and some pew pew, so the C1 and Zeus CL were good choices we used. An SLMAX will probably be the ultimate for around 4 players. If there are 5 or 6 players I would also bring a FLMAX (Freelancer MAX) if one is available. And also, I would like us to gear up as Contractors next time around because these are Contractor ships.

I didn't get to play Phase 2, but ysignal said the Razor EX is good for it. Problem is, the Razor EX is a Ranger ship... So I would rather we used something else. Ideally more Contractor ships so we won't have to change gear. And anyway everyone on Reddit says that Phase 2 is a breeze, so maybe we can just keep going with the MISC ships. Not sure if there are also two paths through Phase 2. But if we end up needing military ships, ysignal says to try the A1. Not sure how many of these we have.

Phase 3 was supposed to be out by now, but it's been delayed for a day or two. It will surely be out by Saturday.

ysignal and Exiled have finished Phases 1 & 2, shubn is probably at 4/6 in Phase 2 and I am 2/6 in Phase 1. Not sure where Adjudicator is, probably halfway into Phase 1.
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Progress Report #3

Unread postby Adjudicator » 21 Nov 2024 23:20

Last weekend, my character and CULTCLONE-2 progressed to Phase 1 3/6.

As of today, both of them have completed 6/6 missions for Save Stanton Phase 1.
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Phase 3 Report

Unread postby icycalm » 25 Nov 2024 03:54 ... nd/lytz4a1

kevvvbot wrote:I had a blast with completing this mission. Crewed Polaris with myself in a Lightning and another member in a Hornet. Was dogfighting with the small fighters and then we hear “I’m in”: the Hornet breached the front hangar and was gunning down NPCs. By this time the Idris was spinning crazy from all the torps that impacted it. I came up from the rear hangar and Interstellar matched its rotation and flew in. Once inside I hopped out and started FPSing the 50+ enemies. It was only myself and the Hornet pilot that were there, as the Polaris boarding crew blew up when trying to approach and assist. We managed to kill every single one of them and complete the mission. I had multiple wounds, T1s, T2s and T3s, and was drugged out of my mind from all the stims and med juice. We captured the Idris and now have it in our org. It was a glorious Star Citizen experience!

LrdAnoobisScrapper wrote:This is what Star Citizen should be right here.

The true experience would have been a server error right at the end.

This is what we’ll try to do on Saturday.

And it must be done x3 for event completion lol.

But maybe x1 or x2 can just be blowing the Idris up with Polaris torps. We’ll see.
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Phase 3 Tactics

Unread postby icycalm » 28 Nov 2024 19:57 ... ce/lzfebih

SSC-BlackDove wrote:I took the Idris to test if it persists in my persistent hangar. Spoiler: It did not. The unowned ships I took out of it did though. But she disappeared on relog.

It also did not cause the server to crash the mission. The Idris Slicer mission respawned 3 times after taking it, so they fixed that part, or it was an unconfirmed rumor to begin with.

I dueled the mission Idris with this one, but with the current shields and hull values, both are invulnerable if there aren't multiple players pounding the shield faces at all times. Since there were only few players at the mission, we just sparred for like 30 minutes, the other Idris being unable to damage me, and me being unable to really damage it in a fair fight. ... ll/lzfxwy7

BOTT123 wrote:Lmao yeah, I killed the Idris twice in my Polaris and the second time today I landed and wasn't able to afford the repair costs :) ... ll/lzfyhse

LuckyIngenuity wrote:Facts. No matter what, 1.0 players are gonna need weckies BAD—and they’re gonna run out quick for capital ship owners, especially if they don’t have an org to pool cash with. Gonna see a lot of planet-locked Polarii being used as “just a temporary base for now”—and I think that’s dope.

We gonna need money if we plan on spamming the Polarises, even for just expediting claims, let alone repair, rearm and refuel bills. Money in this phase will be as important of a resource as ammo. Hell, more important since you can never run out of money to buy ammo.

In short, maybe don’t take out a Polaris if you only have 2 people. Maybe make a scout mission first with something like a Hammerhead to figure out how the phase works.

And also of course maybe play some more to earn money if you have the time.
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Don't Get CrimeStat

Unread postby icycalm » 29 Nov 2024 13:41 ... as/lzjj9v3

Wild234 wrote:That's not a bug, you automatically failed the mission when you got a CrimeStat. The CDF doesn't pay criminals. You likely didn't notice the popup about the mission canceling with all the action of the battle.
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Phase 4 Tip

Unread postby icycalm » 29 Nov 2024 13:52 ... ls/lzhzw0a

SpoilerAlertHeDied wrote:Just want to point out that you can get materials at way more places than the contract indicates. The contract for copper, tungsten and titanium lists Bezdek and Seraphim as the places to acquire, but those materials are available all over the place:
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Progress Report #4

Unread postby icycalm » 30 Nov 2024 00:35

3-player Assault on Save Stanton with Some guy and The Cult 3


5-player Assault on Save Stanton with shubn and The Cult 4

4-player Assault on Save Stanton with recoil and The Cult 5

3-player Assault on Save Stanton with shubn and The Cult 6


The ones on Twitch are too big to export, and include a 24-hour stream by recoil that's getting the top spot on our Streaming High-scores board.

All the above were done midweek, and there's another Rory video I am exporting right now, and another shubn one that's still in progress. Quite a lot of action for midweek! And the weekend is about to commence...

I think by this point just about everyone participating, plus some clones, is at the end of Phase 2. And anyway, Phase 2 can be done quickly, and even solo if necessary. So we'll be dedicating the weekend to Phase 3, which is the cap ship battle. Meanwhile Phase 4 has also opened, but I am advising everyone to not touch it because it has two paths, and depending on which you choose you ally with a Pyro faction which carries over to Chapter 2 of the story. Phases 1-4 is Chapter 1, and Chapter 2 will take place in Pyro.

So please don't play Phase 4 this weekend. Let's just focus on Phase 3 for now and try to get as many players and clones over that finish line, and on Monday I will lay down our choices for Phase 4 (which can be done even solo midweek, so we have plenty of time to do it, while Phase 3 is IMPOSSIBLE to solo).
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Save Stanton Story

Unread postby icycalm » 01 Dec 2024 02:32 ... nt/7477769

Scrundle @Scrundle wrote:There's snippets, Phase 2 missions had little PDAs you could find that had emails on them, I didn't read them all but I got the impression they were actually looking for something in Stanton?

I think I am the only one of us who hasn't finished Phase 2 yet, so when I go through it I'll look for these if I have the time.
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Progress Report #5

Unread postby icycalm » 07 Dec 2024 01:58

3-player Assault on Save Stanton with Some guy and The Cult 7


4-player Assault on Save Stanton with shubn and The Cult 8


The above were midweek sessions that happened Thursday-Friday last week. Still impressive that they total more than 10 hours.

6-player Assault on Save Stanton with shubn and The Cult 9

6-player Assault on Save Stanton with recoil and The Cult 10


Saturday though was on another level, shubn streamed for 15 hours and we had the biggest crew for Save Stanton yet, 6 players including a newcomer recruited in-game during the event. recoil joined towards the end and streamed for a couple hours more. The guys really dominated the event, including boarding the Idris and killing the captain and taking control of it! I should have been there, but I was travelling. From Discord:

ysignal wrote:A random started riding along with us after the Idris battle.
This time we blew up two Hammerheads, about a dozen smaller ships and an Idris.
shubn was in the F8C, which he's landed in the hangar.
Exiled was running around the ship mid-battle falling all over the place trying to get to the torpedo controls.
Another friendly Polaris helped us out as well. It takes a lot of torpedoes to destroy the Idris.
1.6 million repair bill for the Polaris. We took some heavy damage getting up close to the Idris.
We're all piling into a single Polaris for this run.
Loaded up some F7s, just in case.



ysignal wrote:We're all 3/3 on Phase 3 now (Adjudicator, Exiled, recoil, shubn and myself).
The last few attempts they finished before we got there.
So we've finished the mission 5 times now.
We managed to get the back of the Idris open but we're all dead.
recoil blew it open with his half-destroyed F7A.
We're going back, the door is open.
recoil is only in soft death. He's trying to tractor onto it.
Adjudicator and MonsterT are thinning out the escort fleet.
They've blown up two Hammerheads so far. We're coming back for our boarding run.
We've disabled the Idris.
But we're getting some desyncs and it's not showing as open for everyone.
We can't get through the airlock.


ysignal wrote:I'm on!
We beat the mission by killing the captain.


ysignal wrote:We're in control
It's dead. The last engine blew up.




ysignal wrote:The Idris finally blew up a few minutes after we evacuated.
We had to use the MaxLift to tractor-beam ourselves into the ship due to the artificial gravity.
While we were battling the Slicers on board the Idris, a player Polaris was firing torpedoes at the Idris.
We managed to fight our way to the bridge and kill the captain then evacuate the ship before it exploded.
That guy who was torpedoing the Idris with us on board also came aboard without us realizing it. It was only when MonsterT fell behind during the evacuation that he ran into him and was killed. Then the Idris exploded, killing the torpedo guy as well. The rest of us made it out alive.

ExiledOne wrote:I personally didn't get to board due to some bug with the Hornet Mk IIs when you try to exit in space, at least that's the only time I can recall encountering it.
Great session though.
I can see why everyone was so hyped for the Polaris before its release.
It might sound silly but I can definitely recommend trying this at least once. It reminded me of the recent Squadron game footage that they showed at CitCon a lot actually. It's very intense because you're essentially lost but at the same time, you know you have to find what you're looking for quickly. Also because you know you have other people relying on you in that moment, you really feel like the stakes are high. I guess it helped that that was basically my first time being inside the ship so everything was new to me.

So we finally grabbed an Idris, but didn't manage to hold on to it. We even have a pic of an Inquisitor (ysignal?) sitting in the pilot's seat with his feet resting on what looks like the dead Slicer pilot. Would be cool to go through the stream and find the exact time when the boarding action takes place. If anyone has the timestamp, post it here for us.

I wonder exactly how many minutes we were in control lol.

In any case, our next goal is clear: Take the Idris again but this time hold on to it for as long as possible, the entire weekend if possible, and use it in missions all around Stanton, preferably with one of our Polarises in tow if we have enough players on. So that's our goal for this weekend, though before attempting it we should get everyone who shows up all the way to the end of Phase 3 (this includes me, because I haven't done Phase 2 yet). Then next week we have plenty of time to finish Phase 4. I'll make a post about it on Monday, it's not hard.
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Phase 4 & Future Choices

Unread postby icycalm » 08 Dec 2024 06:23

TL;DR: You can go ahead and finish Phase 4. There are 2 factions but you can help either or a little of both, it makes no difference right now. But when Chapter 2 starts in Pyro, then you'll have to choose between them, and this choice will be made by the Pyro Supreme Commander when the time comes. I'll talk about that soon in the Cult Commissions thread. For now, the whole point of Phase 4 is to get acquainted with the factions. For more info, read below. Also, if you have a second account and you also get him through all 4 Phases, you can join both factions in Pyro and get all the rewards in Chapter 2...

P.S. 4.0 is now in Wave 2 in EPTU, so it's coming soon, and then Chapter 1 is over. We probably have another weekend before this happens. About 10 days, I would say. Plan accordingly.

P.P.S. The paints image is just a leak, not official. It shows 6 paints for one faction and 4 for the other, but in all probability there will be 6 paints for both factions. Either way, don't worry about if for now. It doesn't matter for Phase 4.

Paints for Citizens for Prosperity vs Frontier Fighters (for Phase 4 choices and future rewards). Which faction do you choose and why? ... s_frontier


SilkyZ wrote:Who are the Frontier Fighters?

kairujex wrote:Some militant group. CIG spent 12 years making lore pages and then gives us a gang option that has no info out there that I can find. Go figure.

McNuggex wrote:Just like the Slicers. Did we ever hear about them?

Rasc_ wrote:We first heard of Citizens for Prosperity during last year's IAE. Zero info for Frontier Fighters and the Slicers, nothing on Galactapedia either.

There's so much cool lore on Galactapedia, too bad we rarely get to interact with them at all.

Grumbulls wrote:The flyers and graffiti around the Citizens for Prosperity booths at IAE seems to suggest that they are anti-alien and possibly the backers for XenoThreat. But who knows what's up with the "Frontier Fighters".

Arqeph_ wrote:One can be against the xenos, for a plethora of reasons. However that does not equal teaming up with XenoThreat. I for one dislike the xenos, however I condemn XenoThreat's indiscriminate attacks, its disregard towards human life, killing uncountable innocent humans just to take down 1 xeno symphathizer.

No way.

EnTesque wrote:What if you do 3 missions for one group and 3 missions for the other group?

Sotonic wrote:Half of ship—gray and orangey-red. Half of ship—bright green camo.

Which half is which depends on which missions you did first.

Le_Sherpa wrote:A dev said Chapter 1 (Phase 1 to 4) makes no permanent choice now. Chapter 2 when 4.0 drops is when we will have to make a permanent choice.

Source: ... on/7466629

KoakuCIG @EmaltbyCIG wrote:It's not permanent yet, Chapter 2 when it releases will be when you have to make your choice, this is your intro to see what both factions are talking about.

Keep in mind that if you have 2 accounts, you can join both factions... and get both rewards...

Note that you will only get the ship skins if you finish BOTH Chapter 1 (meaning Phases 1-4 in Stanton) AND Chapter 2 (the upcoming missions in Pyro). So if you want both sets of paints you need a clone to do Phases 1-4 ASAP. These are the three levels of rewards offered:

  • Chapter 1 - Save Stanton: Ship Weapons
  • Chapter 2 - REDACTED: REDACTED
  • Chapters 1 & 2 - Ship Skins

LT_Bilko wrote:Do we even have to choose now? They said nothing that I saw about that.

kairujex wrote:It's confusing because it says "Now's the time to choose your allegiance, as your choice will matter". Which makes it seem like you have to choose now and it does matter. But devs have since been going around saying it doesn't matter now.

Honey_Badger_Actua1 wrote:How do you get Phase 4? I'm not seeing it pop up?

Anon wrote:You need to finish Phase 1 6x, Phase 2 6x, Phase 3 3x. Then you get Phase 4, which needs to be completed 6x to get the Pyro repeaters.

New Info about the phase 4 Save Stanton mission. Apparently our "choice will matter". ... on_mission


Sparky_Hotdog wrote:The Slicers are the new gang. We can't support them, they're the baddies.

There are two factions we can support: The Freedom Fighters, a group of Stanton Citizens who want to strike back at Pyro for harbouring criminals; and the Citizens for Prosperity, one of the groups in Pyro who are trying to live peacefully, and don't want their home attacked because their neighbours are rowdy.

Basically (there might be some bias in there, I support CfP).

BeardyAndGingerish wrote:New in lore more than newly announced, but the idea of Pyro is a buncha gangs jostling for control of a barely stabilized system, one who happens to be new "good guy" settlers.

The CfP is basically the "good gang" in Pyro, and XenoThreat is the "evilest gang". So naturally I support XT.

Wendorfian wrote:Citizens for Prosperity is the faction getting the black/grey red skins. They are the "peaceful" faction.

BeardyAndGingerish wrote:I like how they flipped it for Pyro. The "good guy" faction is kinda like a Grim HEX sorta enclave in a sea of criminals of varying levels of asshole.

Rooks even play the less bad gang role, sorta how Hurston is the less good corp in Stanton.

macboypro_ wrote:Anyone have a link to the lore on The Frontier Fighters?

Citizens for Prosperity: ... prosperity


Deathsnake075 wrote:not a link. Just in the mission text

a Group of Militia try to get rid the Pirates out of Pyro. So Mercenaries group in Pyro.

FuckingTree wrote:Frontier Fighters = bring violence against Pyro, Citizens for Prosperity = try to solve through diplomacy

Wendorfian wrote:Frontier Fighters want to go into Pyro and wage war with the gangs there.

Citizens for Prosperity want to go into Pyro and support the non-gang factions there in hopes of slowly turning Pyro into a lawful system.

ADDpillz wrote:Who are the bad guys, I want to be the bad guys.

Wendorfian wrote:Neither really. I would say the factions are naive idealists (Citizens for Prosperity) vs in-over-their-heads militia (Frontier Fighters).

Neeeeedles wrote:We should get more info, I don't get why Citizens for Prosperity would be against attacking a gang in Pyro.

Unless the Fighters just wanna attack everybody at Pyro? At which point they are insane.

Wendorfian wrote:It sounds like the Fighters are going to go scorched earth. They don't care what happens to the system, as long as the gangs are gone.

Citizens want Pyro to become a lawful system under the UEE. They hope to accomplish this by supporting the non-gang factions. They probably want to be more careful so that Pyro's few remaining infrastructures remain intact.

Grumbulls wrote:The flyers and graffiti around the Citizens for Prosperity group seems to suggest that they are anti-alien and likely the backers for XenoThreat, but there is no info on these Frontier Fighters.

UnknownEntity2426 wrote:I'm gonna refer you to to the guy who commented below you who linked the CFP lore page. Citizens for Prosperity are advocating for UEE intervention in Pyro and are pushing for the civilian development of the system to encourage the UEE to step in.

Grumbulls wrote:Then why does their booth at IAE have flyers stocked decrying the use of alien ships saying the aliens are just biding their time until they attack? There is clearly more going on than what is just listed on the lore page.

Gliese581h wrote:Somebody vandalised the screens with anti-xenos messages etc., might also have placed the flyers at the CFP booth.

Grumbulls wrote:Inside the little flyer holders? That'd be a bit of a stretch. Scattering them around would make sense, but every booth has the flyers stacked neatly and ready to hand out. It just sounds like CIG writers going the "the obvious good guys have a dark side too!" route.

SabineKline wrote:Honestly, CIG should know better than to tie different rewards to in game moral or political choices that will "matter". Everyone knows that, when a reward is involved, players pick the choice that gives them the reward they want, regardless of the impact or context of the choice. If one side just has better skins, that side wins on that merit alone.

_krypt wrote:Yesn't. In pretty much any MMORPG, you have a silent majority who just does whatever is quickest to finish the quest.

Though in Star Citizen's case, everybody is just doing the one mission that can be completed at all.
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