TL;DR: You can go ahead and finish Phase 4. There are 2 factions but you can help either or a little of both, it makes no difference right now. But when Chapter 2 starts in Pyro, then you'll have to choose between them, and this choice will be made by the Pyro Supreme Commander when the time comes. I'll talk about that soon in the
Cult Commissions thread. For now, the whole point of Phase 4 is to get acquainted with the factions. For more info, read below. Also, if you have a second account and you also get him through all 4 Phases, you can join both factions in Pyro and get all the rewards in Chapter 2...
P.S. 4.0 is now in Wave 2 in EPTU, so it's coming soon, and then Chapter 1 is over. We probably have another weekend before this happens. About 10 days, I would say. Plan accordingly.
P.P.S. The paints image is just a leak, not official. It shows 6 paints for one faction and 4 for the other, but in all probability there will be 6 paints for both factions. Either way, don't worry about if for now. It doesn't matter for Phase 4.
Paints for Citizens for Prosperity vs Frontier Fighters (for Phase 4 choices and future rewards). Which faction do you choose and why? ... s_frontier
SilkyZ wrote:Who are the Frontier Fighters?
kairujex wrote:Some militant group. CIG spent 12 years making lore pages and then gives us a gang option that has no info out there that I can find. Go figure.
McNuggex wrote:Just like the Slicers. Did we ever hear about them?
Rasc_ wrote:We first heard of Citizens for Prosperity during last year's IAE. Zero info for Frontier Fighters and the Slicers, nothing on Galactapedia either.
There's so much cool lore on Galactapedia, too bad we rarely get to interact with them at all.
Grumbulls wrote:The flyers and graffiti around the Citizens for Prosperity booths at IAE seems to suggest that they are anti-alien and possibly the backers for XenoThreat. But who knows what's up with the "Frontier Fighters".
Arqeph_ wrote:One can be against the xenos, for a plethora of reasons. However that does not equal teaming up with XenoThreat. I for one dislike the xenos, however I condemn XenoThreat's indiscriminate attacks, its disregard towards human life, killing uncountable innocent humans just to take down 1 xeno symphathizer.
No way.
EnTesque wrote:What if you do 3 missions for one group and 3 missions for the other group?
Sotonic wrote:Half of ship—gray and orangey-red. Half of ship—bright green camo.
Which half is which depends on which missions you did first.
Le_Sherpa wrote:A dev said Chapter 1 (Phase 1 to 4) makes no permanent choice now. Chapter 2 when 4.0 drops is when we will have to make a permanent choice.
Source: ... on/7466629KoakuCIG @EmaltbyCIG wrote:It's not permanent yet, Chapter 2 when it releases will be when you have to make your choice, this is your intro to see what both factions are talking about.
Keep in mind that if you have 2 accounts, you can join both factions... and get both rewards...
Note that you will only get the ship skins if you finish BOTH Chapter 1 (meaning Phases 1-4 in Stanton) AND Chapter 2 (the upcoming missions in Pyro). So if you want both sets of paints you need a clone to do Phases 1-4 ASAP. These are the three levels of rewards offered:
- Chapter 1 - Save Stanton: Ship Weapons
- Chapters 1 & 2 - Ship Skins
LT_Bilko wrote:Do we even have to choose now? They said nothing that I saw about that.
kairujex wrote:It's confusing because it says "Now's the time to choose your allegiance, as your choice will matter". Which makes it seem like you have to choose now and it does matter. But devs have since been going around saying it doesn't matter now.
Honey_Badger_Actua1 wrote:How do you get Phase 4? I'm not seeing it pop up?
Anon wrote:You need to finish Phase 1 6x, Phase 2 6x, Phase 3 3x. Then you get Phase 4, which needs to be completed 6x to get the Pyro repeaters.
New Info about the phase 4 Save Stanton mission. Apparently our "choice will matter". ... on_mission
Sparky_Hotdog wrote:The Slicers are the new gang. We can't support them, they're the baddies.
There are two factions we can support: The Freedom Fighters, a group of Stanton Citizens who want to strike back at Pyro for harbouring criminals; and the Citizens for Prosperity, one of the groups in Pyro who are trying to live peacefully, and don't want their home attacked because their neighbours are rowdy.
Basically (there might be some bias in there, I support CfP).
BeardyAndGingerish wrote:New in lore more than newly announced, but the idea of Pyro is a buncha gangs jostling for control of a barely stabilized system, one who happens to be new "good guy" settlers.
The CfP is basically the "good gang" in Pyro, and XenoThreat is the "evilest gang". So naturally I support XT.
Wendorfian wrote:Citizens for Prosperity is the faction getting the black/grey red skins. They are the "peaceful" faction.
BeardyAndGingerish wrote:I like how they flipped it for Pyro. The "good guy" faction is kinda like a Grim HEX sorta enclave in a sea of criminals of varying levels of asshole.
Rooks even play the less bad gang role, sorta how Hurston is the less good corp in Stanton.

Deathsnake075 wrote:not a link. Just in the mission text
a Group of Militia try to get rid the Pirates out of Pyro. So Mercenaries group in Pyro.
FuckingTree wrote:Frontier Fighters = bring violence against Pyro, Citizens for Prosperity = try to solve through diplomacy
Wendorfian wrote:Frontier Fighters want to go into Pyro and wage war with the gangs there.
Citizens for Prosperity want to go into Pyro and support the non-gang factions there in hopes of slowly turning Pyro into a lawful system.
ADDpillz wrote:Who are the bad guys, I want to be the bad guys.
Wendorfian wrote:Neither really. I would say the factions are naive idealists (Citizens for Prosperity) vs in-over-their-heads militia (Frontier Fighters).
Neeeeedles wrote:We should get more info, I don't get why Citizens for Prosperity would be against attacking a gang in Pyro.
Unless the Fighters just wanna attack everybody at Pyro? At which point they are insane.
Wendorfian wrote:It sounds like the Fighters are going to go scorched earth. They don't care what happens to the system, as long as the gangs are gone.
Citizens want Pyro to become a lawful system under the UEE. They hope to accomplish this by supporting the non-gang factions. They probably want to be more careful so that Pyro's few remaining infrastructures remain intact.
Grumbulls wrote:The flyers and graffiti around the Citizens for Prosperity group seems to suggest that they are anti-alien and likely the backers for XenoThreat, but there is no info on these Frontier Fighters.
UnknownEntity2426 wrote:I'm gonna refer you to to the guy who commented below you who linked the CFP lore page. Citizens for Prosperity are advocating for UEE intervention in Pyro and are pushing for the civilian development of the system to encourage the UEE to step in.
Grumbulls wrote:Then why does their booth at IAE have flyers stocked decrying the use of alien ships saying the aliens are just biding their time until they attack? There is clearly more going on than what is just listed on the lore page.
Gliese581h wrote:Somebody vandalised the screens with anti-xenos messages etc., might also have placed the flyers at the CFP booth.
Grumbulls wrote:Inside the little flyer holders? That'd be a bit of a stretch. Scattering them around would make sense, but every booth has the flyers stacked neatly and ready to hand out. It just sounds like CIG writers going the "the obvious good guys have a dark side too!" route.
SabineKline wrote:Honestly, CIG should know better than to tie different rewards to in game moral or political choices that will "matter". Everyone knows that, when a reward is involved, players pick the choice that gives them the reward they want, regardless of the impact or context of the choice. If one side just has better skins, that side wins on that merit alone.
_krypt wrote:Yesn't. In pretty much any MMORPG, you have a silent majority who just does whatever is quickest to finish the quest.
Though in Star Citizen's case, everybody is just doing the one mission that can be completed at all.