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Hints & Tips

Moderator: JC Denton

Re: Hints & Tips

Unread postby shubn » 26 Jun 2024 16:41

Adding to what Rory wrote regarding comm arrays:

You can also buy Tigersclaws at Technotic in Grim HEX, and at the Factory Line at the New Babbage Plaza (head to the center of the Plaza and walk downstairs). Buying them from the displays isn't working right now, but the Factory Line also has a terminal you can buy them from. You can also find them in loot crates.

To get in a comm array, you can park in a blind spot under the entrances, between the main structure and the solar panels, so your ship doesn't get shot at by the automated turrets. At least this used to be possible, and may or may not have changed. You can also shoot down the turrets, or have a buddy drop you off and pick you up. Using a hoverbike to get up to the entrance also works, and the Pulse is small enough to get inside. There are two entrances, located opposite from each other, 90 degrees from where the solar panels connect.

Hacking a comm array with a Tigersclaw takes about 5 minutes from the moment the hack starts. It sends an alert to other players, so you might get visitors. Sometimes, a comm array might be up, but the terminal says it's down. Simply click "reconnect" then "cancel" to take it down, without needing to insert a cryptokey. There's no automatic reconnection timer, it stays down as long as no one reactivates it.

There's been a bug for a while where you often cannot insert a cryptokey to hack the terminal. The issue has been marked as "under investigation" by CIG recently, and should hopefully get fixed soon.
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Unread postby icycalm » 15 Jul 2024 18:25 ... ns/7043427

ZacPreece_CIG @ZacPreece_CIG wrote:So with hitmarkers, it's currently only tied to combat visors, they're the most optimal for combat for certain playstyles but will have larger trade-offs when more gear archetypes come online etc.

But there's no reason not to use one now because the other gear types aren't here yet but when more things come online you'll have to make meaningful choices on the gear you take with trade-offs to suit your style.

So for example, gear that gives you more information such as hitmarkers will not have the other powerful elements that other gear will have (which I won't go into since it's future content we've not talked about specifically).

But you can imagine just as a really high-level concept example of a trade-off, this gear might have very high emissions meaning you are really easily scanned.

Obviously don't want it to be a crutch for combat as we want to offer gear with meaningful choice and reward those who go for gear with less contemporary FPS feedback.

But just the nature of development with the combat helmets being the furthest along and being the only ones turned on.
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Re: Hints & Tips

Unread postby ysignal » 05 Aug 2024 22:40

Be sure to check the recipient when transferring aUEC using the wallet. When I typed in the amount, it changed the recipient for no reason and so I sent 500k to CULTCLONE-2 instead of CULTCLONE-1 by accident.
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Carry Weapon Lowered

Unread postby icycalm » 02 Sep 2024 19:37 ... altr_press

jakeslogan wrote:Default key for Carry Lowered is now Alt-R. Press Alt-R to lower your weapon.

kaisersolo wrote:AMD card users - Alt R will Launch Radeon Settings. You can change that mapping in the app itself.

Gromington wrote:Nvidia users - Alt R will pop up the Performance Display. No clue where to turn that off, would love to know.

Siknett-515 wrote:Wait a minute, when I try to aim from carry lowered he automatically store the weapon, that behavior has been like that since 3.23. How does it works for you?

zak2806 wrote:Keybinding was requested by the community, it's new in for 3.24.

DoughnutTraditional3 wrote:Yes, lowered ready weapon indicates you do not want to be hostile but will be if required. I would like to see NPCs react to this as a positive attitude but also cautious.

I remember reading the Spectrum thread where this was requested months ago and a dev replied that they put it on their list. It will be very useful in Pyro. Previously you either had to have the weapon stowed, or drawn and pointed at people. Carry-lowered was desperately needed in a game as social and vicious as this. It means people can approach you without (much) fear of instant hostility. It will doubtless be the beginning of many beautiful friendships.
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Stacking Merits

Unread postby shubn » 20 Sep 2024 12:45

Currently, the most efficient way to earn Merits in Klescher is to go far enough in the mines where the Comm Array doesn't reach, and start knocking out and looting other inmates (middle mouse button to knock out). This is around depths 7 to 9 depending on the route. You'll get a notification once you're deep enough, and the Comm Array icon in the top-left corner of your screen will disappear. What you're looking for is Hadanite, Dolivine, Tigersclaws, and Prison Shivs. Hadanite has the highest Merit value. Dolivine has about half the value of Hadanite. Aphorite has a very low value, so you don't want to bother with it most of the time. You can of course mine Hadanite and Dolivine if you find any, but I never do, so I stopped looking. If you do find a shiv, equip it, pull it out (hold 1 and select it on the wheel), and start stabbing inmates instead of knocking them out (middle mouse button for a knife takedown). Killing inmates will make it so that the ones you've already looted never wake up, meaning they won't waste your time with an empty backpack. Any extra shivs you find, as well as Tigersclaws, can be surrendered for Merits at the contraband terminals located at depth 1 of every route. Next to the contraband terminal is the ore deposit terminal, where you can deposit your hard-earned gems. And of course, you can take and complete oxygen dispenser contracts, for bonus Merits.

If you're stacking Merits with a patsy clone, you don't need to worry about the Comm Array, and can knock out or stab inmates anywhere in the mines. It will increase the patsy's CrimeStat, but since he's staying in Klescher, it doesn't matter. And he will eventually rack up enough time served to be able to leave at any time, in case he is needed outside. Attacking other inmates within Comm Array range will make the guards hostile, but you should be able to run past them, and getting killed by them resets their hostility.

Note that other players can knock you out and steal your shit as well, so make sure to stay aware of your surroundings, especially outside of Comm Array range.

You can see how many Merits you have at the commissaries, located right before the entrance to the mines, and at the contraband terminals.

The Merit cost for reducing a sentence is 3,600 per hour. You can use this to calculate how many Merits you need for a specific sentence, including the transfer fee:

Merits can be sent the same way you'd send aUEC. Some people might be wanting to buy some from you. This isn't a very common occurrence currently, but it could become a legitimate business once server meshing comes online.

Attempting to escape wipes your Merits, so you'll want to avoid using the patsy clone to practice escaping, unless he has few or no Merits.
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Gear Home Delivery

Unread postby icycalm » 19 Nov 2024 02:29

Something shubn told me that’s worth sharing. When a new patch launches, your gear across the system gets sent to your home location. So for example I’ve been meaning to stock up on Inquisitor gear, but the new complex cargo mechanics have been holding me back because now you need large boxes, and you can’t get them at landing zones, so that’s an extra trip to an LEO station just for the boxes, not to mention all the freight elevators and tractoring involved. And then a pirate attack or server error or just a botched landing can send you back to square 1 and cost an arm and a leg to boot. However, since a new patch drops this week, I went to CRU-L4 and bought dozens of sets of gear, and just left it there. It’ll be safely delivered to my HQ later this week, and for free!

Come to think of it, I should have also gone to Lorville and Everus Harbor and bought some Master Chief and Captain gear. I’ll try to do it before the patch drops.
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Take Periodic Screenshots Of Your Web Hangar

Unread postby icycalm » 10 Dec 2024 04:18

The Best in Show paints this year weren't attributed correctly to people's web hangars, so CIG will be removing those that were given and reattributing everything. This "removal" has got people on edge that a mistake may remove legit items, and with some people's hangars being dozens of pages, maybe even hundreds for older big spenders, it will be a challenge even realizing that you lost something that you should have. So people are taking pics of their web hangars, and I just did it too. I suppose it's a good idea to do this periodically, but especially now that they're about to run a script that removes items.
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Re: Take Periodic Screenshots Of Your Web Hangar

Unread postby shubn » 16 Dec 2024 20:58

You can see changes to your web hangar by clicking the "Hangar log" button in the top-right corner of your hangar page. If anything is removed, it will show up there.
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Cargo Grid Reference Guide

Unread postby shubn » 16 Dec 2024 21:13

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