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Project Stockholm

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Project Stockholm

Unread postby icycalm » 09 Feb 2022 16:08


icycalm wrote:Note that we really don't have any concrete plans with Beak. He might not come over at all if he ends up sticking with the girl he has, and though I will 100% make the trip, I haven't decided when.
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Re: Project Stockholm

Unread postby icycalm » 16 Feb 2022 14:22

So I have some news to report. I am finally getting evicted next week, on the 24th, so that would be a good time for me to get out of the island. Choices are Stockholm or Poland, partly because those are the two places I can fly to without needing a test. Ideally I would prefer Stockholm, but accommodation is 2x as expensive, and that’s what’s keeping me back, otherwise I’d probably be there already. Still, I am leaning towards going anyway because I’ve bottomed-out over here and not getting any work done or being able to do anything besides watch Californication all day. Not a big fan of Polish girls, so I’ll probably pony up some extra cash and go to Stockholm to start with, and when restrictions are lifted in some East European countries later, I’ll fly over and check them out (never been to EE before).

Beak, schaden and feth have expressed interest in joining me at some point, but I’ve no idea what their plans are, or if they even have any. It sounds like we’ll all arrive at different times and hopefully some parts of our schedules will match.

So there is an 80% chance I’ll be flying to Stockholm next week. I’ll keep you posted, and you can also let us know here what your plans are.
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Re: Project Stockholm

Unread postby feth » 17 Feb 2022 01:35

I'd be inclined to go after the border situation with the UK is cleared up & have completed some stuff with work. So very short-term I'm not flexible, but should have clarity in the next month.
Joined: 23 Sep 2021 04:06

Re: Project Stockholm

Unread postby schadenfreude » 17 Feb 2022 20:39

Still no plans on my end yet, but I don't see myself arriving before May. I have things to take care of and people I want to visit before I leave the US because I doubt I'll be back anytime soon.
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