This ended up on Epic for now, for the low price of €15.99 (it's a four-hour game, apparently): ... arden/homeI bought it and installed it on my Shadow, and was about to stream it, but these reviews convinced me not to play on the laptop and wait until I am home on my TV: ... er-reviewspodzorama wrote:There are some beautiful eureka moments that is characteristic of all excellent puzzle games, but on the flip side, some puzzles leave a sense of having to grind out a solution. There is a freedom to explore any surface, and to fall freely through "space" without fear of death, and to arrive back where you started from, but on the flip side the infinite regression of the World within Manifold Gardens is also restrictive and repetitive. There is a magical beautiful side to the game, but on the flip side it is all hard edges and loneliness. At its best, the game is uplifting rewarding and visually stunning, at its worst it's a puzzle game in search of a puzzle.
Ultimately, you have to bow in deep respect and awe at the completeness of this immersive complex World, to drink in its majesty and get lost in its mysteries.
Highly recommended.
bluedrak3 wrote:Also, be prepared to say "woah" a lot.