Electricity finally arrives in
The Electric Anniversary
https://rust.facepunch.com/blog/electric-anniversaryFacepunch wrote:Celebrating Rust's 5th anniversary with a huge update: electricity is here, enabling players to build elaborate defensive contraptions and other amazing devices. This patch wipes the servers. Enjoy!

And that's not even all of what's been added. Among other additions, there is now an M39 rifle and coming soon there's a barge which will eventually be used to spawn new players, plus an oil rig.

Plus, I forgot to link the Hot Air Balloon Update last month, and don't forget that cars and rideable animals are coming at some point too:
https://rust.facepunch.com/blog/the-hot ... on-update/
It is incredible the amount of work that's been put into the game over the years, and no one can tell that story better than its creator.
Maurino Berry wrote:Just over 6 years ago I fired up Unity and created a new untitled project. I was going to make a survival game I wanted to play. I didn't know if it would make it past the prototype stage and I most certainly had no idea it would go on to become such a hugely successful game spawning endless memories and stories of exploration, defeat, victory, loss, and often rage.
On December 11th, 2018 Rust will have been on Steam for five years. That's a third of my adult life. Words cannot express how thankful I am it has been well received and that people continue to play and enjoy it. Rust wouldn't be what it is today without the entire team of extremely talented professionals I have had the pleasure of working with at Facepunch Studios. The long hours and dedication they show for Rust makes it what it is today.
There’s still so much to do, and not a day goes by that I don’t have some kind of a shower thought and run to my computer to add it to my notes. There’s still so much left to do in the game and I couldn’t even hazard a guess as to when I’d consider it “done”.
Thank you all again. And, hey, maybe I’ll be writing another one of these in 5 years!
Amen to that, brother. No wonder he's made one of the best games ever with that attitude.
The Cult will be returning to
Rust as soon as we're done with
LiF. Which could take a while, so don't hold your breath. But when it happens, it'll be glorious, so be prepared for it.