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The Best Videogame Player In The World

The Best Videogame Player In The World

Moderator: JC Denton

Unread postby icycalm » 04 Jul 2017 21:53

Another thing is that I want to have solid reviews on the site of all the games in the contest, before the contest is announced. So post links here if you find any.
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Unread postby icycalm » 04 Jul 2017 22:10

Other genres I am considering: 2D action/platform (Uprising would be great here), city-builder (Anno, etc.)
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Unread postby recoil » 11 Jul 2017 02:40

You may want to switch out Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD due to its impending removal.
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Unread postby icycalm » 24 Nov 2017 12:08

I am going to make the rules page and open registration soon. The only thing left to do before that is to finalize the game list. I basically need solid options for the racing, simulation and sports categories. Games gotta be on Steam.

P.S. Kick Off has shit netcode and is even a crappy version of the game, so it's out.

P.S.2 Will probably go with Dirt Rally for racing, especially if it has an online versus mode.
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Unread postby icycalm » 24 Nov 2017 20:35

Final game list:

1. 2D Shooting (Mushihime-sama)
2. 2D Fighting (Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late)
3. 3D Fighting (For Honor)
4. Racing (Dirt Rally)
5. Sports (Steep)
6. Real-time Tactics (Planetary Annihilation: Titans)
7. Real-time Strategy (Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion)
8. Turn-based Strategy (Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword)
9. First-person Shooting (Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege)
10. Simulation (IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad)
11. Survival (Rust)

These are the games featured on the trailer. Couldn't feature more without making the trailer too cumbersome. However, I am open to adding one or two more titles to the contest, to cover any missing genres. One candidate for CRPG/roguelike is Darkest Dungeon. I'll play it and think about it. Let me know if you have any other suggestions.
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Unread postby icycalm » 25 Nov 2017 01:14

I am going to have to add turn-based tactics too, and then one more cerebral genre, to balance the numbers between cerebral and reflex-based genres (because right now the twitchy genres dominate), for a total of 14 games.

Perhaps a city builder or a management game of some sort. Maybe Cities: Skyline, or an Anno, or Football Manager?
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Unread postby Mike T. » 25 Nov 2017 01:47

14 super complex games across all genres sounds like a tall order for even the most hardcore of gamers. Are you sure people will sign up for such punishment?
Mike T.

Unread postby icycalm » 25 Nov 2017 01:52

I don't really care lol. If no one signs up I win by default and put my name at the top of my site for a year.

Anyway, it's not necessary to play all games. I am sure some people will skip some. Perhaps even most people. We'll see how it will play out. The only thing I know for sure is that I will play all of them (with or without the contest), and with great relish. There's nothing "punishing" to me about playing great games. It's entertainment.
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Unread postby icycalm » 02 Jan 2018 22:21

I am working on a pretty huge new project for Insomnia, so I have put the contest on the backburner until I get that out the door. It is the biggest Insomnia update ever -- bigger even than 2011's Insomnia 3.0 update -- so I am very excited to show that to people and I am working feverishly on it. It's a true game changer, taking Insomnia to a whole new level.

Once that is done, the ultimate game contest will be the next Insomnia project I'll tackle. In the meantime, y'all best start practicing at all those tough, complicated games!
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Unread postby icycalm » 03 Jan 2018 15:37

Added Factorio.

Physical Challenges
1. 2D Shooting (Mushihime-sama)
2. 2D Fighting (Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late)
3. 3D Fighting (For Honor)
4. First-person Shooting (Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege)
5. Racing (Dirt Rally)
6. Sports (Steep)

Mental Challenges
1. Real-time Tactics (Planetary Annihilation: Titans)
2. Real-time Strategy (Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion)
3. Turn-based Strategy (Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword)
4. Real-time City-building (Factorio)
5. Simulation (IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad)
6. Survival (Rust)

IL-2 and Rust are not purely mental challenges, but they are not purely physical either. A stupid say fighting game player with zero attention span would struggle to compete in them, or even play them at all to figure out how they work, so I think that they fulfill their role as primarily mental challenges, and help balance out the roster and make sure that a moron doesn't win the contest, or get anywhere near the top of the ranks.

This list is not 100% final. I am still evaluating other games, such as Tiger Knight: Empire War and For The King. I might use one of these in place of perhaps Factorio, if we don't manage to find a practical way to compete in that or some other mental game. But, most likely, the list will stay as it is.
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For The King

Unread postby icycalm » 08 Jan 2018 15:18

It seems to me, from my little time with For The King, that it's the best roguelike ever. I won't delve into arguments until my review. Also, I don't have much experience with the genre, but it's pretty obvious this is the best even if you don't know much about it.

Of course the game is at its best with three players, but it can also be played single-player for the purposes of comparing our skill for the contest. The games end quickly at the toughest difficulty, and it should be pretty easy to compare skill. We can start by comparing who got the highest level, and then if some people reach the same level we can compare who survived the most turns. In the unlikely event that two people are still tied, they can play one more game each for the purposes of deciding who gets the higher rank.

For the time being, however, I am NOT adding the game to the contest because I would need another physical game to balance the two categories, and I don't have another physical genre in mind. If you have any suggestions, let me know. If we don't come up with anything, I will use FTK as a back-up game in case we don't manage to figure out how to compare skill in Factorio. Between the two, Factorio is the superior game by far; it's just a question of making it work competitively.
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Re: The Best Videogame Player In The World

Unread postby icycalm » 21 Sep 2022 08:20


I moved this subforum to the High Scores forum, because that's where it belongs. It's not an ubergame, it's just a contest, so it doesn't belong in the Ubergames section.

It is still a very cool idea of course. But it's way lower on my priorities than the ubergames, and until I have all of THOSE up and fully-100% running, I won't give this contest a second thought. I remain open to someone coming in and organizing it under my supervision, but the fact remains that the people who'd take part in it are also the ones who're currently engaged in all my ubergames, so they will not have the time to participate in this, and neither will I.

So ultimately the only way this will ever become a reality is if some complete outsider does it and seeks contestants from outside my clan, and I am perfectly happy with this arrangement and wish him the very best.
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