Moderator: JC Denton
by icycalm » 11 Sep 2024 02:36
by icycalm » 16 Sep 2024 00:21
by icycalm » 23 Sep 2024 19:12
by icycalm » 08 Oct 2024 17:00
vortis23 wrote:That's all being addressed with the mission refactor. Missions had to be bare bones for now because they were waiting on a ton of other foundational tech to make the missions they showed off years ago. They needed new scanning and radar reworks for bounty hunting v2 missions (amongst other tech), and they had to wait for server meshing before they could do the mission refactor so missions persist between server boundaries, but obviously they needed PES in before that before they could start that refactor. So based on what they have described, mission chains will be a thing, and will happen galaxy wide, and will include multiple types of missions -- Elliot even demonstrated this briefly where he made a mission that required multiple steps to complete that spanned different types of play-styles. That's sort of what Siege of Orison and Xenothreat and the new cargo events were all about. Testing local varieties of missions.
Now that the refactor is done, expect them to talk about the new investigation missions that were reliant on the new scanning tech, as well as the new stealth missions now that AI coning is working correctly and they can now pathfind across planetary surfaces. They also have been finishing up AI ground vehicle mechanics, so I'm sure they have some Mad Max-style convoy missions in mind.
MasonStonewall wrote:Also, don't forget that the refactor for transportation and missions is to allow for the ability of them to be tracked through servers and for AI to travel through those same servers. This is needed for the missions and AI to not "get lost" through those transitions, of course.
In addition, the refactor will allow missions to be made that chain into one or more star systems or to have NPC passengers that can get on in Pyro and get off in Stanton. They needed the tools you mentioned, and server tech, to really expand the scope of missions.
vortis23 wrote:Oh gosh, you're right, I forgot about those. And they are super important too, because the transportation and AI refactors will finally enable passenger gameplay and NPC crews!
by icycalm » 15 Oct 2024 15:42
by icycalm » 26 Oct 2024 16:51
by icycalm » 29 Oct 2024 01:36
by icycalm » 02 Nov 2024 21:15
Armored_Fox wrote:Place will be a war zone for that view.
Blubasur wrote:The view will polluted with the bodies of my enemies, and shortly thereafter, my own.
National-Weather-199 wrote:The new Hamburger Hill.
Dangerous-Wall-2672 wrote:Great view but holy hell a base in such a conspicuous location is just asking to be carpet-bombed on the daily.
Goodname2 wrote:True, but if base defenses are decent, it'd be a decent trap to make easy salvage of the attackers.
brockoala wrote:I doubt you even have enough time to set down proper defense turrets, assuming you won over the war to build there first.
2022 Jumptown
2025 Jumpmount
GodTiddles wrote:Literally king of the hill game mode.
CamVPro wrote:"upon this rock I will build my church"
Existing_Library5311 wrote:where is it!! looks amazing!!
jade_starwatcher wrote:Pyro IV
jade_starwatcher wrote:I have always looked for amazing vistas for base building. I have a whole list of them :)
Sotonic wrote:How do you keep their locations? Just a spreadsheet of coordinates, or do you have something more elaborate?
jade_starwatcher wrote:Spreadsheet and coordinates.
Bright_Structure_568 wrote:He have the good old morrowind quest system way to find it back.
After the cows of the mountain turn right at a 200m/s for 2 minutes. When you see the nicest tree in there go to its left for 20 more kms. Once you see the water do a 180 and find back the spot
Sotonic wrote:Well, go past the house that burned down--you know, where the Farrelys lived before they move to Kansas City--then you'll see the intersection that used to have the gas station, but that's not there anymore. Turn left there, and just go straight. If you get to the field where Amos used to keep his goats, you've gone too far.
by icycalm » 19 Nov 2024 03:28
@kokamoo wrote:The fact that these are giving off dynamic shadows, on a planetary scale, viewed from space is insane.
@Azariel-Horfald wrote:And to think it's a low tier 0 stuff, it's just dynamic clouds, not dynamic weather and all plus they will improve cloud logic formation and shape and all my god, this is absolute.
@lunamaria1048 wrote:It is remarkable how they made it so the clouds look as if they are simulating the natural process of forming from condensing from rising moisture, then disperse over time, like real life! I am often hard on CIG, but when they impress me, they impress me! :)
This is beautiful!
@kazzsaru wrote:note, the cloud layer is *placeholder*. The real enchilada with sauce is the reveal they had in the recent CitCon of a full dynamic weather sim.
If it blows people’s minds *now*...
@aguspuig6615 wrote:They blew my mind with moons, then when they added atmospheres and light scattering effects my mind was blown again, then when they added static clouds with little droplets of water when you fly through them? Yup, mind blown again.
This video blows my mind yet againnnnnn. And the GENESIS presentation? I think I might actually die if I see that in game, my mind can't be blown that many times.
@Manikazas wrote:other games have actual gameplay to enjoy instead of looking at clouds for 10 years
@Avean wrote:Star Citizen is a technical marvel. I really can't believe what I am seeing sometimes. Like standing on a space station outside a planet, I can actually see a big city on the planet itself and ships taking off. Even on planetside you can see ships incoming. There is no "skybox" like in most games, they have created everything from the ground up.
@AutoGibbon wrote:Just LOOK at the persistent cloud cover on those mountain ridges at the top of the planet! This is a real phenomenon called "orographic cloud". I am really impressed by that!
@aguspuig6615 wrote:Seeing a big cloud cast a shadow visible from orbit, that looks like it covers enough space to cover a medium sized country on a world map (even if the scales aren't literally that big) is so awe inspiring. Like that whole area now looks like night time yet you can see sunlight in 3 of 4 directions if you look far enough, for kilometers on end, that's so fkin cool.
@dirtynachobuffet wrote:What I don't think people fully appreciate with this is how long you had to sit in front of your PC while simultaneously not moving and making sure you didn't get disconnected for inactivity. Very cool video.
@N4me1ess wrote:This guy gets it! :D
It took quite a few attempts at learning this and then perfecting it, so it's nice to see someone understand how long it takes xD
@RPAudioeVisual wrote:How can you stand still while making sure you don't get disconnected for inactivity?
@madrooky1398 wrote:You press some hotkey that does not have a visual effect I guess. Could also be done with makros, but hey manual labor has value! :)
@N4me1ess wrote:If you click the mouse and move it every few minutes it works. I locked my ship so I can't move it with right shift.
@RPAudioeVisual wrote:But if you move the mouse the camera will change direction. Does the game detect micro movements?
@N4me1ess wrote:If I use right shift to lock the ship's movement moving my mouse won't actually do anything, so I can move it all I want to keep my character active.
by icycalm » 25 Nov 2024 04:12
BenMahagoni wrote:Bloom is unreal. It's been a while since I've felt so in awe, just exploring a planet. Feels like a real place! Here's a little showcase of my cinematic findings:
by icycalm » 25 Nov 2024 07:40
@insomniacult wrote:You have to make videos of every planet, moon and landing zone in the verse, and I will feature all of them on my site. I’ll be checking back! Don’t let me down!
by icycalm » 29 Nov 2024 22:07
Useful_Tangerine_939 wrote:Here's my money
Just did my first crewed Polaris vs Idris epic space battle I'm off giving CIG all my money kbye
by icycalm » 05 Dec 2024 15:03
@PepicWalrus wrote:44:25 fun fact CIG did not come to Henry Cavill but Henry Cavill actually came to CIG and requested to be in Squadron 42.
@soaphelps wrote:Henry Cavill called them and said I want in and I'll do it for free. The amount of actors and actresses in this is nuts, there is an IMDB page for Squadron 42. All the alien languages are made from scratch and are learnable and writeable. The effort of every part of this and Star Citizen is part of the reason it's taken so long. The lore is deep. Squadron 42 will be 3 episodes.
@Renn_Silvarian wrote:Ngl, I kinda want you to react to all the Star Citizen ship advertisements/commercials after watching this. They have ads for the in-game ships that you can purchase and fly around in.
@kaizammit wrote:There's real ads in the game that actually sell you stuff? This game sounds like fiction.
@andredbraxton wrote:The reason those clouds were so clean in the beginning is because they are actual volumetric clouds, no lightboxes used, and I noticed how often you mentioned the lighting, and how well they lit X, Y or Z character, but they actually don't use any fake or "invisible" light sources in any parts of the game. This is all in engine, each light source (even the star that lights the volumetric clouds, asteroids, ships and planet) are all actual light sources in the engine. The characters you see in the screens and displays are actually somewhere else talking into a 'camera' and render to texture is used to display them on the screens in real time. That shot from the planet with the fleet barely visible in orbit is actually from the surface of the planet looking up at the fleet.
@arenomusic wrote:"Starship Troopers without the satire" is the funniest review I can think of, and it's totally accurate.
@PepicWalrus wrote:Fun fact about the Vanduul War Chant theme is that it's actually chanting in the Vanduul Language. CIG had actual linguists come in and develop fully speakable and written languages for their alien species so you can actually learn how to speak and write them.
@rafaelstoll3305 wrote:And Ben Mendelsohn and Jon Rhys-Davies will be in there, too. Sophie Woo and Andy Serkis as well. Craig Fairbrass...
@nicholasrolo886 wrote:I love how much detail they put into the Vanduul aliens. The language is guttural and snarly as you'd expect from reptilian creatures, but I really love the added details of the dramatic hand gestures. Sometimes you can understand what they're trying to convey even without the subtitles.
@seldogrif9732 wrote:24:43 The reason why it looks like actually miniatures, because all those ships are real in-game assets. Each ship is intended to be available for players to fly and explore in Squadron 42 and Star Citizen, so they are designed in 1:1 scale with fully made interior and exterior. Also, leaving the approach question aside, one of the major income of CIG is selling ships in Star Citizen and because of that they really have a high bar set for ship designs, especially in recent years. So ships are usually made with a major attention to detail and hence why they feel here like miniatures.
@BoxximusPrime wrote:Thank you for a FANTASTIC and REFRESHING reaction video! And yeah, everything is in-engine, in real time. One insane detail that I haven't seen too many pick up on is that scene change when it goes from Bishop's speech to showing the people evacuating planet-side. The camera moves from inside a fully rendered ship interior contained within a full ship exterior, then to planet-side. The camera's panned up showing the engine flares of the ships up in orbit, which probably also gives everything a second or two to stream in as well, then jumps right back up to the ship. You notice a small hitch as assets are streamed out. I have never seen a game engine manage that so seamlessly that it ends up almost too subtle.
@RosscoAW wrote:As somebody with domain expertise (in the gaming industry) that's followed CIG's development of Squadron 42 and its underlying engine for many years, it is incredibly relieving how somebody with a cinematographic background picks up on the existence of very small features (the cinematic lighting they drop on character faces, the very specific and wide variety of cinematic camera movements working perfectly in dynamic cutscenes, etc.) some of which took years to dial in, and seeing how excellently all of CIG's investments in tech and features for this have paid off...
@taraskywalker453 wrote:Thank you for enjoying our game. We've all funded it and watched it for over 10 years. And there's a multiplayer MMO ("Star Citizen") for when you finish your military service. We're getting there. It's been awhile, but it's all coming together plain to see.
@tomgerasch560 wrote:With this game we can really say "our game". I've spent more money on this game in the last 11 years than on my entire Steam, GOG library and haven't regretted a single cent... I've spent almost 5000 hours in the game so far and there's always something new to discover :D
@Exilum wrote:Her lighting at the start was off because of the color of the sun of the system they were in.
@Rantandreason wrote:Here are some things to keep in mind:
- The game uses 64-bit architecture. So normal games (32-bit) are around 8 miles cubed for a play area. This game is 10 million miles cubed. And they are also working on server meshing, which will make the game virtually infinite if they want.
- The clouds you saw were not pre-rendered. They have developed a "cloud tech" which creates those clouds.
- At the moment, they are at like $750M for their game budget, and it is all crowdfunded.
- They put A LOT of work into the NPCs. Random dialogue. Behaviours. They are even on a set schedule, so they will be on duty for X amount of hours, then the mess hall, then the games room, and then bed.
- The screens will display in game news, as well certain ships will be able to broadcast "news". You can see your own reflection in mirrors. And when you're in your ship and you talk to your friends, they will see your face talking.
- What you are watching is not the final version. Squadron 42 has been labelled as "feature complete" by CIG, so now it's all about polishing everything.
- Keep in mind what I said about the size of each server, being millions of miles. That scene where it goes from the fleet to the planet surface, if you were on that surface, you could watch that fight happening as it happened. If you see a space station from a planet surface, you can fly straight to it. No loading screens. No tricks. It is physically there.
- Those ships are physicalized. They are MASSIVE, and completely rendered. You can walk inside, around. Everything works in them. Other games will have ships that are basically a shape with a skin on it.
- "Do you fly ships? Is it just a first-person game?" that is a HUGE question. Yes you fly ships. You can dogfight, mine, explore, build, run cargo, salvage, do bounty hunting, be a space pirate. You can be a space medic. You can basically be a space taxi. A space tow truck. Be a hacker. Do covert missions to gather data then sell the data. Race spaceships. Race ground vehicles.
- This is actually 2 games. They both use the same tech to run them. Squadron 42 is the singleplayer campaign that will come out in 3 chapters. Star Citizen is the massively multiplayer game.
- "The smoke on the god rays looks real" that's because it is. That is the cloud tech.
- "We're just on a turret" yes, you can do that. So those big ships will be able to be crafted and/or purchased in game, and you will need entire orgs (guilds) worth of people to man them. Some people will do engineering, will be gunners, radar operators, hackers, counter hackers, part of a boarding team etc.
- "It's got half a wing and it's still flying" that's the physicalized thing I keep mentioning. If you get shot in a wing, the wing falls off. If you get bullets through your hull, they could damage a component. Large ships will run the risk of catching fire, and you will need people to play firefighter while others re-route power to/from other parts of the ship to make sure critical components keep functioning.
@kaizammit wrote:Did you just say this game has cost 700 million and 12 years!?
by icycalm » 12 Dec 2024 03:14
Shift642 wrote:So? Seems like they’re taking the best aspects of all these games and combining them into one. I’m ok with that. Excited for it, even.
theBlackDragon wrote:We'll see, I have my doubts that combining a bunch of niche PvP-focused games into something that's already a niche genre will lead to the playerbase required to keep the game running sustainably long term, especially with the added hurdle of having to overcome the reputation SC already has in the gaming community at large.
Fingers crossed I'm wrong.
SiEDeN wrote:Rust has been in the top 10 for Steam concurrent players for a decade. The new design direction is less of a niche than the old one.
vortis23 wrote:This. The new modes/options give the Rust/Tarkov crowd something compelling to do outside of flying ships.
The Rust crowd will be enthralled with building/raiding/destroying bases.
The Tarkov crowd will be enthralled with the contested zones.
Those people can engage with those loops without ever stepping into spaceships if they don't want.
People who just want to fly ships and ignore all of the PvP stuff can do that. I'm loving where the game is going even though I have ZERO interest in contested zones, and will likely never partake in base building combat.
by icycalm » 16 Dec 2024 02:19
JontyFox wrote:Pyro is revealing one very clear thing...
Most people who play this game have zero clue how half of the game works.
I'm seeing so much misinformation and misunderstanding coming out from people, alongside videos and examples of people having a 'bad time' when in reality they're completely misplaying or doing something unbelievably stupid.
The game has so many variables and concepts, from stealth, weapon stats, power systems, flight mechanics, FPS mechanics... The list goes on. There are potentially thousands of different things that can impact what you're doing and how you play, and most people have no clue about half of it because the game does a terrible job of explaining it [Because it’s still under development. -icy], and most of the information is only available through YouTube videos doing testing, and online tools for loadouts etc.
The game also changes so much, with things getting buffed, nerfed, adjusted and modified that you need to pay attention to keep on top of things.
The main one I'm seeing people parrot is that "stealth is still not working as intended". It absolutely is working as intended. It functions as expected, your detection range is tied to your ships' emissions and CS value, and you absolutely can be stealthy in the game right now. However most people literally don't seem to have a clue how this works, and don't even touch their MFDs or think about their detection range. They fly in lit up like a Christmas tree and are an easy target to spot for anyone with eyes.
So many people are getting into scenarios that they've never been in before, and are just completely folding because they have no idea how to react or respond because everything can be so overwhelming.
Add to that the fact the game is completely and utterly unbalanced from a PvP perspective [Because reality is unbalanced “from a PvP perspective”, and can’t be balanced because balance is for faggots and Pong-level games. -icy] and 99% of people, even if they tried to fight back, don't even stand a chance because they have no clue about half the mechanics.
There is such a huge skill gap in this game based on knowledge alone that new players, or even experienced ones who don't put that much time into learning the game, are just complete fodder.
by icycalm » 18 Dec 2024 08:01
Substantial_Eye_2022 wrote:Orison will always be home. Pyro is just a big Tarkov raid for me.
EvilNoggin wrote:This, Stanton is where I will likely be most of the time. Pyro will be visited when I have a group, or possibly for a hauling mission or two, with the expectation of things going badly.
Substantial_Eye_2022 wrote:Groups will make it easy. I'm planning on going solo personally. Not afraid of groups.
flyr19 wrote:Area18, like always. I want Pyro to be a place for expeditions, not my home.
SpoilerAlertHeDied wrote:I'm happy to continue kicking around Orison as my primary Star Citizen gaming fix even after 4.0.
I only really plan on going into Pyro for major global events, nothing about a lawless system really appeals to me in the slightest.
doublarthackery wrote:I'm moving to Orison as it's the closest to the jump point with an Aeroview hangar (I like the extra space on the sides).
I like the idea of Pyro, and want to be nearer to check it out, but I don't think I want to set base there until I see more of the faction conflicts and solar blasts etc.
Pojodan wrote:Area18, thanks. I can't get the gear I like in Pyro, and I'll be doing most of my aUEC earning where folks aren't roaming around killing anything that moves.
Mondrath wrote:New Babbage, always NB; snow and tech, what more could you want.
Wedge_66 wrote:I will travel back and forth between Stanton and Pyro from time to time, but home base will always be Stanton.
BoskiCezar wrote:New Babagge, because I don't care about Pyro.
Dreadful_Bear wrote:As a Crusader fan, Orison is where I live. It’s just so beautiful.
Tiberius-2068 wrote:I have zero interest in Pyro until CIG gets it figured out. Not gonna be gate camped just to play a game.
exu1981 wrote:Stanton, The End!
endlesslatte wrote:either orison or new babbage, never pyro
OriginTruther wrote:Lorville as always, it's my home.
DaEpicBob wrote:going stanton first, doing my reclaimer salvage runs, buying combat ships then maybe i go pyro.
Chew-Magna wrote:I'll continue to live in Area 18. I'll spend a significant amount of time in Pyro, but home will be home.
BernieDharma wrote:I've spent my time in the EPTU exploring the planets and moons of Pyro. Every patch, I spawned at a new station, making the rounds. I love exploring, hauling, and mining, not combat so Pyro just isn't the right place for me after 0.4.0. Shame, because they did a beautiful job with the planets and I recognize the care and effort that went into those stations. So I'm just passing through...
by icycalm » 20 Dec 2024 02:03
TrevJenn @TrevJenn wrote:Thank You
The gaming community cannot praise this (Swen Vincke's speech at The Game Awards 2024): ...
... without recognizing that Chris Roberts is our version of this for Star Citizen and Squadron 42. A HUGE thank you to the entirety of CIG for pushing so hard for CitizenCon and SC 4.0 this year. The dream is still alive and is physicalizing more and more with each release and milestone overcome.
KaybeMaybe @KaybeMaybe wrote:The speech was largely a solid comparison ... except for the whole monetization bit. CIG really do go out of their way to putting making money above all else.
That being said, I also don't fault them. Without an existing game publisher or venture capitalist funneling CIG money, Roberts would have no choice but to milk us, the backers, for as much money as possible to fulfill the very vision he had already attempted once with Freelancer, and could never complete because his publisher fired him. For better or for worse.
by icycalm » 20 Dec 2024 02:43
Shaxipoo @Shaxipoo wrote:The Night Before Pyro
'Twas the night before Pyro, and all through the 'verse,
Not a player was stirring, fearing a server curse.
The ships were all docked in the hangars with care,
In hopes that the Pyro system soon would be there.
The backers were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of server meshing danced in their heads.
With Chris in his 'kerchief, and devs in their caps,
Had just settled down for some well-deserved naps.
When out on Spectrum there arose such a clatter,
I sprang to my mobiGlas to see what was the matter.
Away to the forums I flew like a flash,
Tore open the threads and refreshed in a dash.
The servers on standby, ready to go,
Gave a luster of hope to the gamers below.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature update, and patch notes so clear.
With a diligent leader, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Chris.
More rapid than eagles his updates they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
"Now Pyro! Now Meshing! Now Jump Points and more!
On Outposts! On Missions! On gameplay galore!
To the edge of the 'verse! To the planets and moons!
Now game on! Game on! Alpha 4.0 looms!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the servers the developers flew,
With the sleigh full of features, and St. Chris too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the net,
The prancing and pawing of each new asset.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the patch came with a leap and a bound.
It was dressed all in code, from its head to its foot,
And its lines were all polished with bug fixes to boot.
A bundle of features it had flung on its back,
And it looked like a marvel, just ready to unpack.
Its eyes—how they twinkled! Its functions, how merry!
Its scripts were like roses, its graphics like a cherry!
Its droll little modules were drawn up like a bow,
And the code of its logic was as clean as the snow.
The stump of a bug it held tight in its teeth,
And the smoke, it encircled its head like a wreath.
It had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when it ran, like a bowl full of jelly.
It was chubby and plump, a right jolly old patch,
And I laughed when I saw it, in spite of the catch.
A wink of its eye and a twist of its head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
It spoke not a word, but went straight to its work,
And filled all the servers; then turned with a jerk.
And laying its finger aside of its nose,
And giving a nod, up the player count rose.
It sprang to its sleigh, to the devs gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard them exclaim, ere they drove out of sight—
"Happy gaming to all, and to all a good flight!"
Thank you CIG for this holiday gift!
Assault Lemming @AssaultLemming wrote:A masterpiece.
by icycalm » 20 Dec 2024 05:28
Bollesy wrote:Missed Opportunity: "Twas the night B4.0"
by icycalm » 20 Dec 2024 05:56
by icycalm » 20 Dec 2024 09:08
@faklr3482 wrote:Congratulations to everyone that survived long enough to see the day come, see you in the verse!
@LawlessBaron wrote:I'm not crying, you're crying.
@JadeStarwatcher wrote:Been here since 2.5 (December 2016) I feel we are finally being able to play the vision!
@TheConfusionalCat wrote:It's a small thing but logging in for the first time and being able to select not just Stanton but Pyro as a home location is literally the coolest thing ever. I haven't been playing PTU so it's fresh to me and that's probably why but in the time I've been following this project it has felt like Pyro would never come but it has hit me now that it has. Congratulations CIG and thank you for producing this amazing game that will one day be somehow even bigger and better than it is now. I cannot wait to see the progression in the upcoming years, following for the past few has been great but seeing Pyro and other systems come into the game after that is going to be such an amazing experience. It's a beautiful game and a great journey, and I don't think I will stop being passionate about it. Thank you again CIG.
@ZyvhurStudios wrote:We held the line!
@rashonkelly3598 wrote:My hair didn't hold the line on my head unfortunately.
@Megalomaniakaal wrote:@rashonkelly3598 Some sacrifices had to be made. o7
@brad433 wrote:They nail it with the soundtracks every time.
@Kallivak wrote:Magnificent job CIG truly. Well done to every person on every dev team and Jared you've been cocky all year and for good reason. And to all the devs who have gone. We wouldn't have Pyro without you either. Congratulations Chris Roberts. I hope you popped the best champagne thank you for sharing your dream with us. Enjoy your holidays.
@jonnyk5 wrote:Playing 4.0 is finally feeling like a finished game. There's nothing like Star Citizen.
by icycalm » 03 Jan 2025 14:02
S1rmunchalot wrote:Of course the flip side is that those who keep insisting that the total revenue means nothing without factoring in expenses is that they can, and do, have the ability reduce their expenditures without significantly affecting their revenue. There is always natural wastage and where that isn't sufficient they have the option of 'restructuring' and lay offs.
Like any building project there are stages, this is perfectly normal in the game development industry. They will structure the company and development teams accordingly.
CIG have a 12-year history of being a going concern where for the previous 7 years they saw annual growth and steady progress toward a AAA marketable product, they would have no trouble at all raising business loans or private investment if they needed to. Since they haven't needed to (since the Caldwells' buy in) it speaks volumes.
The Caldwells are billionaires, they paid CIG $50 million or so for a 10% non-voting rights share of CIG in 2016, Chris Roberts was a multi-millionaire before the project began and Ortwin Freyermuth is also a multi-millionaire, he was the one who bought out Turbulent. There are possible revenue streams they haven't even touched yet, Arena Commander modules are still part of the Star Citizen game package deal, it's unlikely that will remain so.
It's worth pointing out that CIG stopped selling Squadron 42 packages over 2 years ago, and it hasn't affected their annual revenue. When it goes on sale again, at a higher price, it will boost annual revenues.
Why do they spend every penny on development instead of hoarding it in a bank account? To avoid paying tax.
by icycalm » 09 Jan 2025 03:01
by icycalm » 16 Jan 2025 00:31
by icycalm » 27 Jan 2025 00:38
Cloud Imperium Games wrote:Take a look at the evolution of music in Squadron 42, from digitally created sounds to the rich tones of a real orchestra. The difference speaks for itself, and as Captain MacLaren says, 'It was a good trade.'
@JoffThaBoff wrote:That last track is some of the most soul shatteringly epic music I've ever heard in my entire life.