Is head tracking/eye tracking worth it? Same with getting flight sticks, etc.? ... _same_withAneria69 wrote:I use dual sticks and head tracking. I’d highly recommend two sticks to play, the game feels entirely more fun imo.
Also I use head tracking on a 48inch screen for flying and cannot fly without it now, it’s amazing and works perfectly for me. Being able to look above and to the side without changing direction makes me way better at things like combat and landing. I imagine racing will also be excellent with it.
I tried head tracking for fps but like others, I don’t think it really adds to that side of the game.
Suspicious-Parsley-2 wrote:Dual Sticks changes the game in my opinion. I've enjoyed the game ALLOT more since I got them.
I actually purchased this game because of the Tobii eye tracking integration. I had mine sitting around for years collecting dust. Eye tracking is cool, there are cheaper alternatives. If you have a web cam look at opentrack, that should get you a taste. I use another program called FaceTrackNoir to smooth tracking of my tobii 4c, I like it better than open track, but it's not free, only like 4£.
There are two forms of tracking with tobii, head and eye. Head tracking is more useful in my opinion, eye tracking is distracting.
Eye/head tracking is great when you are in the cockpit, is makes it so much easier to view up, down, side to side, and check your blind spots.
SpecialistThink1968 wrote:If you're into SC, my advice would be. Prioritize Hardware upgrades over pledge ships. Especially since they are in a similar price range. Better hardware (screen, graphics card, sticks, headtracking etc) add so much immersion to the game and also give you joy beyond SC too.
I know many people who spend easily a grand on pledge ships, but first I would say, put that money into HW upgrades.
Chew-Magna wrote:Flight sticks help immensely for immersion, and offer much finer overall ship control compared to m/kb. It's kind of like playing a racing game with a keyboard vs using a racing wheel. There's a lot less finger dancing when it comes to flight controls as well. Aiming is where they tend to fall behind, it's easier to be precise with a mouse compared to stick. It is entirely possible with a stick, but the skill ceiling is higher. Put the time in and you can be just as good. At first you'll be saying "This is impossible" and then one day you'll notice that you aren't struggling anymore and it's easy and natural.
Head tracking also helps with immersion, and can have a tactical advantage as well. It's far easier to track targets and be situationally aware with a head tracker. You can also do neat things like look at a target to select it, scan it, or missile lock it, without having to turn your ship to point at it. You can do these things with m/kb or any other control scheme as well, but it's much easier, more fluid, and natural feeling with a tracker. No additional keys to press or anything, you just look.
You can have head tracking, eye tracking, or both. There are many different head tracker options on the market, eye tracking is much more limited. The Tobii eye tracker is the only real one out there, it can do head and eye tracking. The cost is much higher though. Head tracking can be done far cheaper, to almost free.
Are sticks or head tracking necessary? Nope. But they go a long way.
SC doesn't have VR support. Yet. It's been a planned feature for years, but I wouldn't expect it for a long time to come.
I've always flown HOSAS, dual sticks, in SC. I was already used to it from Elite, so the learning curve for SC was basically zero for me. I had a Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 and a Saitek ST290 Pro, and those got the job done for a very long time (still have them too, 23 and 17 years old and continue to work like champs). I "upgraded" to Thrustmaster T16000M sticks based on recommendations only to find out for myself, talking to others who know their business, and later research, that they're garbage and are best avoided. Now I have VKB Gladiators.
For head tracking I use a Grass Monkey Simulations 60hz Joseph II Odyssey. Amazing piece of kit, especially for the price. Punches way above TrackIR while being cheaper.
kozztant wrote:Head tracking is better when doing fps stuff. Having a gun or something out helps focus your gaze and get your bearings when looking around. When I'm not usung a gun or tool I turn it off. Hard to keep track of where I'm looking.
kozztant wrote:I use it only when I have my gun out. Great for peaking around corners/boxes. I also have eye tracking to toggle off during ADS. Works pretty good.
Thetomas wrote:HOSAS is the way. Also, I've owned both and tried them side by side, and TrackIR is much better than tobii. More responsive, more range, more customizability in settings. The only thing tobii does better is marketing.
Quite a few people saying pedals are useful. I wouldn't underestimate pedals.