Check out this site:
https://hangar.linkYou can generate fleet images. It seems you can even connect it to your hangar and have the images autogenerate. But there's nothing for orgs yet, so I'll be doing it in this thread.
Doesn't it start to look like an RTS this way? Wait until they put in bases and we're parking everything inside them.
The PTVs by the way are the little buggies, you can barely see them at this scale.
So I want to keep track of the fleet in this thread. So every time you buy a vehicle—space, land, sea, or whatever—report it here.
The image is rough because it's 3 AM, but I'll be improving it. You can also rotate to see any perspective. I'll figure it out. It's a 4K image so it can fit a lot of stuff, and you can zoom out as much as you want. Quite probably eventually we'll have different pics for space, land, sea, etc.
So here's what I know so far.
icycalm: Mustang Alpha, 2x Greycat PTV
ysignal: Avenger Titan, Cyclone TR
recoil: Avenger Titan, Greycat PTV
Archonus: Avenger Titan
Ciaróg: Avenger Titan
Some guy: Mustang Alpha
ChevRage: Aurora MR
ExiledOne: Aurora MR
Jameson: Aurora MR
SriK: Aurora MR
I don't know anything about earthboundtrev and Adjudicator. I am guessing they have Auroras, but I won't put anything in the fleet until I know for sure.
Don't feel obligated to keep playing and buying ships just because I am making this image. I know I don't have to say this, but I am saying it anyway. I am just anal about this sort of thing and I love doing it. If all you have is one ship, that's cool, no worries.