Report here all your results for January's game: Granblue Fantasy Versus. For a match to count, we must have it on stream, so either one of the contestants has to stream, or they must be playing in a lobby or on a Remote Play session of a host who's streaming. So if neither contestant can stream, for whatever reason, find someone who can, and get him to host you.
Start the stream right before the match, and end it right after. We don't want anything in it other than the actual match. Test the quality of the stream and the voice balance beforehand, and make sure the music is clearly audible too and loud enough to be exciting. This game has great music. I am not sure about casting fighting games lol. I guess people do it so we could try it too. But I am not requiring it. Go wild with it if you want though.
Title the stream with the usernames in alphabetical order and the characters in parentheses, as follows:
Granblue Fantasy Versus: icycalm (Gran) v recoil (Lancelot)
So the streamer needs to know the players' character selections before the match begins.
That's all I can think of for the moment. Let me know if I am missing anything. The leaderboard for the event will be in this post, and I'll keep it updated as results come in.
Aim to have all your matches done by the end of January, but it's okay if you leave some matches for the start of February, and of course if more people join us later in the year, you'll have to play them too somewhere down the line.