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Global Event: Jumptown

Moderator: JC Denton

Global Event: Jumptown

Unread postby icycalm » 15 Dec 2022 19:11 ... ck-in-town



Chris Wayne Schmitt | CIG @Wayne-CIG wrote:Jumptown v2.1
What started as emergent gameplay before being implemented as a Dynamic Event is now in its third iteration.

After evaluating your feedback, Jumptown's illegal drug labs have doubled in size for version 2.1. They also now have a second entrance, a second drug dispenser, and multiple windows and skylights. To improve gunplay inside, we made the labs circular and removed most of the doors for better visibility and fire lines.

And, if you run the mission on the illegal side, you can now also sell the captured Maze at junkyards alongside Grim HEX.


Jumptown in 3.18 will be epic, and now we have two Carracks and two clones to bring along. For anyone who doesn't know what this is, Jumptown is basically PlanetSide inside Star Citizen. It's the same goal: to capture a base, but here you make tons of money the longer you keep it (if you manage to carry out the contraband without it being stolen that is, and transport it etc.), and you can be attacked from everywhere across an entire planet including space.

I wouldn't call this update 2.1, I'd call it at least 2.5 if not 3.0.

Background links:

Jumptown 2.0 ... umptown-20

Jumptown Wars Documentary

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Unread postby icycalm » 15 Dec 2022 22:52 ... wn/5605640

LtHedonist @LtHedonist wrote:Jumptown is both an occasional event and always a shady location you can visit regardless of ongoing events, to loot and interact with. Jumptown on Yela, Paradise Cove on Lyria, and Raven's Roost on Calliope.

That doesn't sound right to me. Unless the dispensers generate contraband only during the timed events.
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Re: Event: Jumptown

Unread postby icycalm » 15 Dec 2022 23:00 ... wn/5606027

Venomancer @venom400 wrote:Please consider adding strong anti air (like those found at regular bunkers) at jump town that shoot at ANY ship criminal or not to incentivize ground vehicles and ground combat. at least as an initial strike force while the ground force removes the turrets. right now the ships bombing everyone removes or make FPS and ground vehicle combat very difficult. specially now that the atmosphere protection has been removed from the lab., it means now ships will be able to bomb and shoot inside the lab.

Add 6 anti air turrets to protect ground troups and give them a self repair timer. I guarantee you it will make the gameplay more fun.

Also remove sat comms from drug labs as it makes no sense that a drug lab is being monitored by the UEE and keeping track of crimes in the area.

ROWDY-PIPER @ROWDY-PIPER wrote:I'd much rather they just fixed the Centurion's emissions so it's barely detectable and let players defend it with the vehicles that are meant to do that job. If they do what they said they were gonna do with the altitude restriction on the A2 bombs, a Centurion should have no issues with taking out the bombs. The best thing about JT is that it's a pure sandbox PvP location without any AI. I think they should keep it that way.

[Exile] JadeStarwatcher @Exile-JadeStarwatchr wrote:No. They should not bias gameplay towards one thing or another. It's a sandbox. Just make the anti-air ground vehicles more effective (lower emission, higher range). Like someone else said, the best thing about JT is that it's a Sandbox. The original Jumptown 1.0 was community created and didn't have any AI help, nor should this. The minute they start adding automatic turrets and stuff they need to rename it as it's no longer Jumptown.
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Re: Dynamic Event: Jumptown

Unread postby icycalm » 06 May 2023 07:26

So here's my plan for tomorrow's/tonight's JT. It's by far the most elaborate tactics we've used in this game, or any first-person game really.

We divide ourselves into two squads, one led by me in the air, and one by recoil on the ground.

My squad includes ysignal and ChevRage. recoil's includes shubn, Adjudicator, Some guy and ExiledOne. So my squad is 3 people, and recoil's 5, for a total of 8 people in this mission.

In short, we load up all the vehicles into our two A2s. Then we drop the vehicles within driving distance of JT. Then my squad bombs JT to clear it out, and then recoil's squad rolls in with the vehicles to secure the two exits and the perimeter of the facility, then moves in to clear whoever's inside. Once everything's clear, they call my squad in, and we land and load one A2 at a time, while recoil's squad stays outside and guards us. The two A2s then take turns flying the drugs out, and coming back to load more drugs, etc.

Ideally, shubn would have bought an Eclipse to patrol overhead and one-shot any enemy A2s, but it wasn't possible to earn enough to buy an Eclipse for this weekend, because CIG gave such short notice of the event. And anyway, A2s are rare in Jumptown. We've never seen one in our previous attempts that we didn't bring ourselves. They ARE seen frequently in YouTube videos, but I suppose it must be because YouTubers are rich and connected. For small groups, an A2 is quite expensive, and especially this soon after a wipe. So the Eclipse isn't an utter necessity. And besides, I can bring my Scorpius just in case. We'll have an Eclipse for next time, this time we'll do without.

So here's the breakdown of vehicles we're bringing:

Alpha Squad (icycalm)
icycalm: Scorpius
ysignal: Hercules A2
ChevRage: Hercules A2 (with CULTCLONE-1 account)

Bravo Squad (recoil)
recoil: Nova
shubn: Ballista
Adjudicator: Ballista
Some guy: Centurion
ExiledOne: Centurion

In addition, everyone should bring along a Cyclone MT just in case.

So this is v1 of the plan. There is a v2, that's quite a bit more complex, for your consideration.

In this version, we bring all the above machines, but we also bring two Carracks: Adjudicator's and CULTCLONE-2's. Before we drop off recoil's vehicle force, we land the Carracks 50km away from JT, and we transfer our imprints to their medbeds, so we can respawn there. We also leave the Cyclones there so we can rush back to JT with them for extra lives. The problem is that we aren't sure what the range of the Carrack medbeds are. Opinions online are mixed. Some people say the beds have infinite range, others say it has to be the same planet, or 100km, or 50km, or even 20km. A couple of guys swear up and down that it's just 2km. All these opinions are often voiced in the same thread. No one seems to know for sure, and to complicate matters, it seems that this number has been changed several times over the years, so if you find old opinions, they're useless.

Keep in mind also that if we bring Carracks, we have to load them up with our gear for successive lives, and if something goes wrong—whether by the Carracks getting blown up, or us respawning back in ArcCorp—the gear will be lost. I suppose we could split our gear, half on ArcCorp and half in the Carracks, to cover all eventualities. But it will get expensive, plus time-consuming to load up the Carracks, etc.

If we take the Carracks, Adjudicator would be flying the one on his main account, and someone else would have to fly CULTCLONE-2. I suppose that could be recoil. But recoil has already bought a Nova for his main account, so now he would need to buy one also for CULTCLONE-2. At least I think that clone has a bunch of Commander gear that ysignal bought for it for XenoThreat last week.

There are many more types of tactics we could utilize. Some day I want us to just take a Prowler dropship and just pile in with rifles and shotguns and just drop in and kill everyone and take all their ships and their drugs. That would be a fun approach. Or we could all get sniper rifles and stealth our way in from the mountains. But for now, I want to go as heavy as possible in order to utilize as much of the cool hardware we've been buying as possible. Ergo all the tanks and bombers and Carracks. I think that has insane potential for fun, and success.

That said, keep in mind that this is a new wipe, and an improved, enlarged Jumptown that everyone will want to experience, so competition will likely be stiff. But we'll do our best, and we'll see how far we get. If we make any money at all, I'll be ecstatic.

Post any questions, objections or suggestions here. As for the choice between v1 or v2 of the plan, it will depend on how organized we manage to get right before the start time. If everyone is on time, fully geared up, and with cash to spare, we'll add the Carracks into the plan. If not, we'll go with the light version of the plan for now, and try the heavier one next time, while making it even heavier in the meantime, by for example bringing in the Eclipse, et al.

P.S. shubn says he has 5-10 railguns, so maybe he can hand these out if we have enough time. There's no use hoarding this sort of stuff, might as well go all out and see what we can do with them. And don't forget ammo for them!

It's gonna be grand! Especially if the servers cooperate.
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Re: Dynamic Event: Jumptown

Unread postby icycalm » 06 May 2023 07:38

Some additional instructions for recoil.

Once he's on the ground with his vehicle force, it's up to him how he will secure the facility. The reason I give him a Nova is:

1) So he can protect the Atlas platforms, if they encounter ground forces. The Centurions can help a bit too, but the Ballistas only have a small gun I think, and they are practically defenceless.

2) So he can one-shot any ships parked around Jumptown in case my squad fails with the bombing (which is quite probable given that ysignal and Chev so far have almost no experience with bombing, and precious little time in which to learn).

I leave all details on the approach, the clearing of the perimeter, and the breach of the facility to recoil. Remember there are two doors now, and multiple windows and skylights, plus I think there is a turret positioned on the roof.

After our bombing run, my squad will be circling overhead, waiting for the all-clear to land. In case of an emergency, we can land and provide help in securing the facility, but only as a last resort.
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Re: Dynamic Event: Jumptown

Unread postby icycalm » 06 May 2023 08:41

Them: "The Eclipse is a 1 trick pony." Me: But I bagged 2 Hammerheads and an A2 over Jumptown tonight. ... y_me_but_i


PlanetBurner_ wrote:Being a one trick pony isn't bad if it's really good at that one thing.

SaltyLittleLich wrote:I imagine when stealth components do what they're supposed to, it'll turn into a very scary ship when it's doing that one thing.

I mean, imagine an S9 torp that just suddenly comes at you from only 2500-3000m away, no ship on radar.
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Re: Dynamic Event: Jumptown

Unread postby icycalm » 06 May 2023 15:40

Rory is sick so he won’t be playing. But I made a mistake anyway since I gave Bravo Squad 5 large vehicles, and the 2 A2s can only carry 4. So the plan is the exact same, just with one fewer Centurion.

An additional modification is that Adjudicator should bring one of his Carracks along in the initial flight. He still gets a Ballista loaded in the A2s, and still joins Bravo Squad as normal. But before all that, he parks his Carrack 50 clicks or so away from JT, and as mentioned in the v2 of the plan, we all imprint there. Even earlier, we load the Carrack with 2-3 gear sets each.
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Unread postby icycalm » 21 Sep 2023 07:17

For the upcoming Jumptown we'll try some lighter approaches than normally. Not so much complex combined arms tactics based off a Carrack, but more traditional approaches coming off straight from Area18. But first, the purchases.

Using funds from the bank:

  • Adjudicator should purchase a Razor EX from Astro Armada for 1,878,800
  • recoil should purchase a Valkyrie from Astro Armada for 4,454,400 and an Ursa from New Deal for 70,267
  • ChevRage should purchase an A2 Hercules from Crusader for 5,525,000
  • In addition, all 3 Captains should make sure they own all 3 Atlas Platforms (Spartan, Centurion and Ballista)

The bank money should just about suffice to buy all of the above. But just to be sure, leave the Atlas Platforms as the last purchases, as the ships are more important. Coordinate the purchases with each other on Discord.

Once you've bought everything, take your new vehicles out for a spin and familiarize yourselves with them, especially the ships. Adjudicator should take the Razor EX for a flight, recoil should make at least one flight with his new Valk and Chev should learn to bomb with his A2. Apparently the bombing issue is fixed, but I've also heard it's still bugged for some people. At any rate, Chev should learn to bomb via whatever means possible so that it's not only ysignal who knows how to do this.

Once you're done with your test flight(s), load your ships with their ground vehicles. recoil should load the Ursa into his Valkyrie, and Chev should load a Spartan and a Ballista in his A2. ysignal should load a Centurion and a Ballista in his A2. Then park everything in Area18. And that's it: you're ready for game day.

The Anvil Valkyrie

Valkyrie jumpseats

Ursa exiting Valkyrie

As for our tactical plan.

First off, we send in Adjudicator geared up as the new Scout specialist class:

This means Adjudicator must buy at least one set of Scout gear. He could buy two, but I think one will be enough. Moreover, I would like ysignal to also buy a set as a backup, in case Adjudicator dies quickly or somehow screws up and we don't get any intel from him.

But ideally, Adjudicator will get the job done and give us some intel on what's going on in JT. Based on this info, I will decide the approach out of the following basic possibilities:

-We all pile in recoil's Valk (which is a heavy dropship with 20 jumpseats and lots of turrets and even door guns) and we either fly straight to JT, or recoil drops us a few clicks away and we drive in with the Ursa.

-We all pile in Chev's A2, and he drops us off a few clicks away in the Spartan and Ballista while he goes on ahead to nuke JT.

-We divide ourselves between the two A2s and they drop us off a few clicks away and we drive in with 4 Atlas Platforms while the A2s take turns bombing JT and environs.

Note that since it's JT time, Ghost Hollow might be less contested than usual, so if we have JT under control we can also try sending a couple of guys to Ghost Hollow to boost our earnings. So even if it ends up being a quiet server, we'll just keep upping the ante by grabbing more and more hotspots (next would be Kareah) until we're stretched thin and struggling to hold on to them. We've never done this before, and I think it will make everything more challenging and guarantee us as much pressure and action as we can handle.

Any objections or suggestions, post them here, and above all post when you've accomplished the above tasks I have set out for you.
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Re: Dynamic Event: Jumptown

Unread postby icycalm » 22 Sep 2023 02:33

After some quick math it doesn't look like we can afford all the Atlas Platforms for all the Captains right now, but we won't need all of them for this event anyway. So buy only the ones you absolutely need, meaning recoil shouldn't buy any Atlas Platforms, and Chev and ysignal should buy 2 max each, the ones I told them to use (and I think they already have 1-2 of them iirc).

This might leave some cash over for another purchase I want you to make: some Nox bikes and/or Cyclone RNs. Why do we want Nox bikes and Cyclone RNs? Because those are the Scout's ground vehicles, so it'd be nice to have some of them in any ship that has the space for them, in case our Scout(s) end up needing them. So I would like to see one or two of these vehicles packed inside our A2s (recoil's Valk can't fit anything beyond the Ursa).

The Nox is surprisingly expensive btw (349,200) compared to the Cyclone RN (28,086), but I suppose that must be because it can go in space. In any case this expenditure should come from Chev and ysignal, because they are the ones who must load the vehicles into their A2s before game day. Normally the Scout should be buying his own vehicles, but it's just not convenient to arrange for him to store them in someone else's ship before game day, so the Captains will just have to buy a couple vehicles that aren't in their spec. Remember that the specs are designed for ideal circumstances when we have dozens of players in all ranks. Until then, we will make exceptions whenever we must to facilitate operations (the Captains shouldn't have A2s either, but since we don't have enough Master Chiefs available, we make another exception here).

Moving on, and again related to the Scout, Adjudicator and ysignal should check the updated Scout Spec because I've made major changes to it:

If you've already bought some items from the RSI/Subscriber stores, it's easy enough to melt them and rebuy, but keep in mind the 24-hour cooldown and do it in good time.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that, in addition to the 3 tactical possibilities I outlined in the previous post, we also have the option of going in with an all-fighter composition if the Scout tells us that JT is swarming with fighters and/or gunships. But generally we try to play JT with a focus on the ground because it's the only Dynamic Event where you can use ground vehicles, so it makes sense to focus on them. But as I said, if going all-air makes sense, we can do that too. (Does this talk remind you of PA lol?)

In fact, since we've had more luck in PVP with gunships than fighters, anyone who has a Hammerhead should load it up with an Ursa (and also a Nox if you can afford it, it can take one in addition to the Ursa I heard) and keep it stored in Area18 in case we decide to go that route.
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Re: Dynamic Event: Jumptown

Unread postby ChevRage » 23 Sep 2023 07:43

I've loaded the Spartan, Ballista and Nox into the A2 which is now stored at Area18. They are ready for the mission.
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Re: Dynamic Event: Jumptown

Unread postby ChevRage » 23 Sep 2023 14:50

I did, yeah. I ran into a weird bug that made it harder for some time, but I should be able to get the bomb on target even if it returns.
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Re: Dynamic Event: Jumptown

Unread postby Adjudicator » 23 Sep 2023 22:40

I have prepared the Razor EX and 2 sets of Inquisitor Ranger equipment. My character is equipped for the scouting mission.

I have also prepared my Hammerhead with an Ursa rover and a military quantum drive in case it is needed. It is currently in Area18.
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Re: Dynamic Event: Jumptown

Unread postby ysignal » 23 Sep 2023 22:50

I have a number of Captain and Inquisitor sets ready at Area18. I also have two Ranger Captain sets. I'm wearing the Captain Spec. The A2 is loaded with a Centurion, Ballista and Nox.
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Re: Dynamic Event: Jumptown

Unread postby recoil » 23 Sep 2023 23:03

I practiced flying with the Valkyrie and have it loaded with an Ursa at Area18.
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Jumptown 2.1 #8 Briefing

Unread postby icycalm » 22 Dec 2023 19:52

The new official JT page just dropped, check it out because many things have changed: ... umptown-21

Cloud Imperium Games wrote:Image
New Locations

Jumptown has expanded with the addition of a fourth PvP location in Alpha 3.22- Wrecks to Riches designed for more battle-royal-style combat. The drug lab for Hurston is located on an island, which makes it difficult for players to land their ships, while the thick atmosphere on Hurston makes air combat challenging.

Alternative Experiences

The new Daymar location offers a clear view for snipers and attackers. Paradise Cove has moved to Wala and has a large mountain offering some protection from bombers and other aerial threats. Raven's Roost on MicroTech now has the drug lab hidden in the mountains with trees and snowstorms encouraging combat on foot or using light ground vehicles.

Multiple Points of Contention

The scofflaws and scalawags of Stanton are getting wiser, rotating the locations of their automated drug-production operations. Jumptown is but one of these facilities, so keep an eye on your mission manager for the up-to-date locations (such as Raven's Roost, Paradise Cove, and Echo Isle).

In short JT was moved in 3.22:

Yela > Daymar
Calliope > microTech
Lyria > Wala
Plus a new one on Hurston that's on an island

New JT - Echo Island - Hurston ... nd_hurston



sexual_pasta wrote:I for one am super stoked to have a new spot on the Jumptown rotation. The forest biome on Hurston is super pretty and the density of the forest breaks up a lot of the sightlines.

The island is about 3km on its long axis. One side is steep and cliffy, the other has a gradual slope to a beach. Rather heavily forested all over.

Usually at JT snipers dominate the ground game meta, because all the locations are on barren moons with really long sight lines. One sniper/railgunner can disrupt a whole JT operation. This should force combat to be much closer quarters, and should give FPS players that don't have air superiority much better hiding spots. The canopy is pretty dense in spots.

Also toward the end of my stay it got quite stormy. The location is near the pole, it seems like the nightside pole, so it can be pretty dark there a lot of the time.

Since you can walk underwater unimpeded on the seabed bottom with an undersuit and helmet, maybe time to do some SEAL insertions or something.

FPS weapons are unimpeded by water and you can shoot normally like you would out of water.

But if the wind is blowing you'll still have to tend with the wind and push your way against it even underwater.

Wunderpuder wrote:That's a pretty unique location. Really looking forward to all the FPS battles in those woods. The new TTK and weapon improvements will probably make it a better experience than previous JT events - for me at least.

Agreeable_Action3146 wrote:Love this location. Gib boats for night insertion.

That's what I was hoping for when I heard they put a JT on an island. They did show a boat in the CitCon Squadron 42 trailer after all, and for years they'd been saying they want to do boats but only when there's "gameplay" for them. Well now there is misters!

It had to be done. ... to_be_done


It all sounds very exciting but the location only updates once per day, so we only have a 25% chance of getting the island tomorrow. We're playing on the bolded slot below:

Cloud Imperium Games wrote:Jumptown Schedule - Alpha 3.22

Each time listed represents a location change, and each location runs approximately 15 hours.

December 22, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 23, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 24, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 25, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 26, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 27, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 28, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 29, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 30, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 31, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
January 1, 2024 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
January 2, 2024 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC

You'd think that since our 1 PM slot starts 3 hours before the location change, we might get a chance at two locations, but read carefully at the top; each location runs for about 15 hours which means there may be no JT at all at 1 PM. If there is, we'll rush there immediately with a dropship and try our best, but it doesn't sound like there will be anything there for us (or rather, the facility will be there, but the drug dispensers won't be functional), so instead I propose we tool around with the new derelict settlement missions until 4 PM, and then we try whichever JT we happen to get for as many hours as we can play, including at 10 PM and beyond when our late slot starts.

As for our tactics, since we no longer do advance sign-ups, I've no idea who will show, how many people I'll have, or what vehicles, so it's pretty impossible to make a plan in advance. We'll just have to make a plan on the spot when we see what's what, kinda like how we did in Planetary Annihilation lobby games in the old days in the 5 mins you get before the game starts. We already have several tactics in our toolbox that we've used in the past, so it shouldn't be hard to come up with something on the spot. And once we're acquainted with all the new locations, we can discuss and develop general tactics for them in this thread.

As for the island, if we don't get it tomorrow we could play again next Saturday, but don't count on it, or at least don't count on there being many CULT people then. Two Saturdays in a row can get tiring, plus it is the holidays and people may be busy. We'll talk about that next week midweek, and see if there's enough interest. For now, just focus on tomorrow, and let's have some Christmas JT fun!
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3 Inspirational Jumptown Videos

Unread postby icycalm » 23 Dec 2023 00:06

Some inspirational videos about Jumptown, two of which I've posted before elsewhere, but they all need to be in this thread too.

First we have the new video I discovered. Check it out, it's fun.

The 7 types of Star Citizen players who go to Jumptown...


Voidy Vids wrote:If you've ever been to Jumptown in Star Citizen then you've met them before...

Then we have the very first JT video I found way back. It's a very cool medium-size org video where they use a Spartan for roleplaying basically, since it's such an inefficient method for approaching JT. But it looks as cool as a movie, so we need to try this method too some day. Or maybe with the new locations and changes, the Spartan is legit viable now. Need to investigate and think about it.

Using The Anvil Spartan To Attack Jumptown


DTOX wrote:In this Star Citizen org operation, we finally use the dust-covered Anvil Spartan to attack Jumptown, but things don't go so well.

And finally the famous 46.5-minute BedBananas video (more like a MOVIE) from last Christmas that's up to 3.3M views by now. Probably the most-watched Star Citizen video ever, and in my view the greatest real-time action gaming video of all time, to the point where I'll probably make a sidebar section on Insomnia's frontpage and post it permanently there at some point. If you have any interest in videogames, you ought to watch this, and I rewatch it every few months for inspiration.



BedBananas wrote:Get rich or respawn trying.

If we're lucky, BedBananas will drop another video this Christmas. He drops about one a year lol. Never seen such a quality YouTuber before, certainly not in gaming. And lo and behold, he plays Star Citizen, and Rust, and PlanetSide 2, because of course the best YouTuber would have taste.

If you find any more good/interesting/whatever Jumptown videos, feel free to drop them in this thread, as always.
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Jumptown Commander Jurisdictions

Unread postby icycalm » 05 Sep 2024 18:41

We're playing Jumptown on Saturday at 1 PM UTC. This will be the first time we're using my newly-introduced Planetary Commander ranks and mechanics [ > ]. This means that if the Commander who has jurisdiction over the drug lab in question happens to join us for the event AND has the rank-appropriate gear, he'll be leading the operation for as long as he's online AND has gear sets left (you really shouldn't need more than one since you aren't supposed to get near enough the action to be in danger of dying). Otherwise the highest-ranking tactical officer will assume control (so if you want to be him, make sure you have at least one Master Chief or Captain gear set in your hangar).

I haven't yet written out in detail the gear for each Planetary Commander, but basically the standard Commander armor is the AVES from the RSI store (red, green, blueish), and if you plan to be close to combat, you can use your battlesuit instead, which is the in-game buyable ADP-mk4 olive for ysignal, the same but in red from the Subscribers Store for Adjudicator, and the blue Overlord from the Subscribers Store for shubn. As for weapons, lots of red ones for Adjudicator on the RSI store, blue for shubn on the Subscribers Store, and some green for ysignal on the Subscribers Store, but also some olive and olive camo for him in-game.

DON'T BRING BACKPACKS IF YOU'RE PLAYING A PLANETARY COMMANDER. They look dumb on a Commander, and you're not supposed to get close to the fighting anyway outside of an emergency. Any additional stuff you need, stock them on your vehicles and have underlings carry them for you.

So the idea with Commanders is that you should figure out some tactics for the drug lab in your jurisdiction. If you can spend some time visiting them and scoping them out and thinking about them before Saturday, great, but if not, just do your best on the day and leave the study for a later time. You might want to think of multiple plans depending on how many people show up: perhaps a simple plan if it's 2-4 people, and a more elaborate if it's 5+.

Try to bring vehicles that you have in your primary color. And of course, on the day, tell people what vehicles of their own to bring, if any.

Breakdown of locations and jurisdictions:


Echo Island - Hurston - Commander Adjudicator:


Jumptown - Daymar (Crusader) - Commander shubn:


Paradise Cove - Wala (ArcCorp) - Emperor icycalm:

(Paradise Cove used to be on Lyria and was moved to Wala recently, so I am not sure if the pic is accurate. The rest should be accurate.)


Raven's Roost - microTech - Commander ysignal:
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