The new official JT page just dropped, check it out because many things have changed: ... umptown-21Cloud Imperium Games wrote:
New LocationsJumptown has expanded with the addition of a fourth PvP location in Alpha 3.22- Wrecks to Riches designed for more battle-royal-style combat. The drug lab for Hurston is located on an island, which makes it difficult for players to land their ships, while the thick atmosphere on Hurston makes air combat challenging.
Alternative ExperiencesThe new Daymar location offers a clear view for snipers and attackers. Paradise Cove has moved to Wala and has a large mountain offering some protection from bombers and other aerial threats. Raven's Roost on MicroTech now has the drug lab hidden in the mountains with trees and snowstorms encouraging combat on foot or using light ground vehicles.
Multiple Points of ContentionThe scofflaws and scalawags of Stanton are getting wiser, rotating the locations of their automated drug-production operations. Jumptown is but one of these facilities, so keep an eye on your mission manager for the up-to-date locations (such as Raven's Roost, Paradise Cove, and Echo Isle).
In short JT was moved in 3.22:
Yela > Daymar
Calliope > microTech
Lyria > Wala
Plus a new one on Hurston that's on an island
New JT - Echo Island - Hurston ... nd_hurston

sexual_pasta wrote:I for one am super stoked to have a new spot on the Jumptown rotation. The forest biome on Hurston is super pretty and the density of the forest breaks up a lot of the sightlines.
The island is about 3km on its long axis. One side is steep and cliffy, the other has a gradual slope to a beach. Rather heavily forested all over.
Usually at JT snipers dominate the ground game meta, because all the locations are on barren moons with really long sight lines. One sniper/railgunner can disrupt a whole JT operation. This should force combat to be much closer quarters, and should give FPS players that don't have air superiority much better hiding spots. The canopy is pretty dense in spots.
Also toward the end of my stay it got quite stormy. The location is near the pole, it seems like the nightside pole, so it can be pretty dark there a lot of the time.
Since you can walk underwater unimpeded on the seabed bottom with an undersuit and helmet, maybe time to do some SEAL insertions or something.
FPS weapons are unimpeded by water and you can shoot normally like you would out of water.
But if the wind is blowing you'll still have to tend with the wind and push your way against it even underwater.
Wunderpuder wrote:That's a pretty unique location. Really looking forward to all the FPS battles in those woods. The new TTK and weapon improvements will probably make it a better experience than previous JT events - for me at least.
Agreeable_Action3146 wrote:Love this location. Gib boats for night insertion.
That's what I was hoping for when I heard they put a JT on an island. They did show a boat in the CitCon
Squadron 42 trailer after all, and for years they'd been saying they want to do boats but only when there's "gameplay" for them. Well now there is misters!
It had to be done. ... to_be_done
It all sounds very exciting but the location only updates once per day, so we only have a 25% chance of getting the island tomorrow. We're playing on the bolded slot below:
Cloud Imperium Games wrote:Jumptown Schedule - Alpha 3.22
Each time listed represents a location change, and each location runs approximately 15 hours.
December 22, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 23, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 24, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 25, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 26, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 27, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 28, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 29, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 30, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
December 31, 2023 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
January 1, 2024 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
January 2, 2024 at 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM UTC
You'd think that since our 1 PM slot starts 3 hours before the location change, we might get a chance at two locations, but read carefully at the top; each location runs for about 15 hours which means there may be no JT at all at 1 PM. If there is, we'll rush there immediately with a dropship and try our best, but it doesn't sound like there will be anything there for us (or rather, the facility will be there, but the drug dispensers won't be functional), so instead I propose we tool around with the new derelict settlement missions until 4 PM, and then we try whichever JT we happen to get for as many hours as we can play, including at 10 PM and beyond when our late slot starts.
As for our tactics, since we no longer do advance sign-ups, I've no idea who will show, how many people I'll have, or what vehicles, so it's pretty impossible to make a plan in advance. We'll just have to make a plan on the spot when we see what's what, kinda like how we did in
Planetary Annihilation lobby games in the old days in the 5 mins you get before the game starts. We already have several tactics in our toolbox that we've used in the past, so it shouldn't be hard to come up with something on the spot. And once we're acquainted with all the new locations, we can discuss and develop general tactics for them in this thread.
As for the island, if we don't get it tomorrow we could play again next Saturday, but don't count on it, or at least don't count on there being many CULT people then. Two Saturdays in a row can get tiring, plus it is the holidays and people may be busy. We'll talk about that next week midweek, and see if there's enough interest. For now, just focus on tomorrow, and let's have some Christmas JT fun!