Metal Gear Solid: Rising


[PS3] [360] [PC] Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

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[PS3] [360] [PC] Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Unread postby recoil » 14 Jun 2010 21:05 ... _gameplay/

Anoop Gantayat wrote:Metal Gear Solid Rising saw its debut at last year's pre-E3 Xbox 360 press conference. The game was back at this year's press conference, held earlier today in Los Angeles, only this time Konami brought gameplay footage.

Series producer Hideo Kojima took the stage briefly, saying "As executive producer on MGS Rising, I felt it was important for my team to come up with something new and unique for their first Xbox 360 project."

He introduced the game's producer, Shigenobu Matsuyama, who promised a game "unlike anything you've seen before." The game's concept is "Zan-datsu," he explained. This original word, created by the Rising staff, pairs two kanji, respectively meaning "cut" and "take." Gamers will recognize these two kanji from the Kojima Productions E3 teaser site.

A trailer demonstrated the meaning of the two words. The trailer first showed Raiden, the main character of Rising, chopping up a heavily armed enemy creature in a factory environment. After splitting the enemy at multiple arts, Raiden pulled out what looked like the enemy's spinal cord. Raiden then seemed to absorb something from the spinal cord before crushing it.

Following this teaser footage, the trailer continued to a lengthy gameplay sequence in an urban environment. Raiden slashed through everything from enemies to large environmental objects like building pillars and trucks.

Players seem to have precise control over the directions of their slashes. In one sequence from the trailer, the game shifted to slow motion as Raiden chopped up an enemy at multiple parts. It looks like the player is able to aim the directions of their slashes.

In typical Kojima Productions fashion, the trailer ended on a humorous note, showing Raiden chopping up a watermelon into little bits. This footage again demonstrated the apparent precision in the slash mechanics.

You can see the press conference trailer here:
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Unread postby icycalm » 13 Oct 2011 12:21

Metal_Gear_Rising_Cover.jpg (69.55 KiB) Viewed 47246 times

Metal Gear Solid: Rising is an upcoming action video game under development by Kojima Productions as part of the Metal Gear series. The game was announced at the Microsoft E3 2009 press conference, and is in development for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The series' former tagline, "Tactical Espionage Action," has been replaced by "Lightning Bolt Action" to fit the protagonist, Raiden; the word raiden is Japanese for "thunder and lightning." Rising is an interquel set between the events of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

Unlike previous titles in the Metal Gear series, Rising will be a fast-paced action game, and creative producer Shigenobu Matsuyama notes that gameplay will focus on two key elements: swordfighting, and a style of stealth that is more fast-paced and action-oriented than in previous titles, which were Tactical Espionage Action games.

Looks pretty damn awesome:

The designer's last comments in the second video show great insight into game design. I mean it's only common sense, and all the good designers instinctively make games this way, but to hear them articulate it is rare.
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Unread postby void » 11 Dec 2011 01:39 ... mbediframe

Apparently this game is now called Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and is being developed by Platinum games!

I don't know where this video originates, but holy shit is this game looking awesome. The only thing I don't like is the sword now seems less powerful than it did in the earlier videos.
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Unread postby icycalm » 11 Dec 2011 16:38

"Less powerful", lol? Now that you can lift entire 10-story-tall mechas with it? I think many of you dudes need to check on your eyesight.

Anyway, here's the video again, because the other one was removed:

It's tough to tell what part of all that is mechanics and what cutscenes. If all the actions depicted can actually be performed, it will be awesome. And strange but cool news that Platinum is now making it. I guess Kojima's team just finally gave up on it, lol -- or Kojima gave up on them, perhaps. Or they just moved on to something else...?
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Unread postby David » 14 Dec 2011 16:36

A 25-minute documentary about the game's development, which explains Platinum's involvement:

It also features a little bit of new footage, some of which is clearly showing mechanics.
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Unread postby watatatow » 15 Dec 2011 23:14

duckroll wrote:!/PG_inaba/status/147104560442376192!/PG_inaba/status/147106129812520960!/PG_inaba/status/147106858484776960

Inaba has made a series of tweets clarifying the development status of Rising.

Bayonetta was developed only on the 360 at Platinum Games, while Vanquish was developed internally to be multiplatform. Since Vanquish, Platinum Games' engine has been designed to handle both PS3 and 360 versions of games, and the PS3 platform is always the lead platform to ensure there are minimal differences between both versions.

The 360 controllers you see in the Truth Behind Rising documentary video are connected to PCs on their development platform. It is easier to use 360 controllers natively on the PC than to use PS3 controllers. That is the only reason.

The lead platform for Rising is the PS3.
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Unread postby JoshF » 05 Jun 2012 03:32

E3 Trailer (with in-game footage):

Looks goddamn brilliant.
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Unread postby JoshF » 16 Aug 2012 17:55

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Unread postby icycalm » 13 Sep 2012 03:09

I watched this last trailer again just now, twice. It's going on my best trailers ever list. It's a bit too long for its own good, i.e. to be a really aesthetically great trailer, but at this point I don't care because I like to see as much of the game as I can. Maybe they'll release a tighter version in the future, in which case that's the one I'll put on my list.

The game, by the way, appears as philosophically significant as The Dark Knight was. Check out some lines from the trailer. The first could have come right out of Baudrillard, the other two from Nietzsche.

In a world of asymmetric war, where you don't know who you are fighting, it's hard to know what you are fighting for.

After the fall of the Sons of the Patriots, cyber technology runs rampant and information flows freely, but the truth is lost on those who refuse to see. And when the battle raging around you reflects the battle within, the only path back to the light, is through the darkness.

I told myself this was about justice, about protecting the weak. But I was wrong.

And it's all topped off by the game's amazing message of:


which is blasted in your face right at the moment when your character draws his sword and is about to go on a killing rampage, reflecting one of the ultimate insights of my philosophy, which I expound in the upcoming Orgy of the Will, that violence is ALWAYS the solution -- the first, the only, and the final one.

The fags will of course deny that this game utterly fucking trounces all fagot games ever, not only mechanically and aesthetically, but also philosophically, because it has men in it lol, but they are fags so what do they know.

And yeah, mechanically it looks insane. The history of the 3D third-person action game goes basically something like this:

Onimusha, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta*, Metal Gear Rising

At some point Gears of War came in and, well... complexified things even more, but the fusion of melee and ranged-weapon systems hasn't been accomplished yet -- though this game appears to be moving in that direction, with all the shootan going on in the trailer.

Onimusha really was the first 3D action game where the additional possibilities in the extra dimension began to really be explored -- even if it wasn't a full-on 3D game. It certainly beat in the quality of its combat all previous 3D action games that I, at least, have sampled -- and I can safely say I've sampled most. And things went on from there. Itagaki's Devil Third had until recently been one of the possibilities for the raising of the genre to a new level, but, from what we've seen of it so far at least, it's nowhere near Rising, even though they do seem to be going in the same general direction (i.e. the fighting resembling, as closely as possible, anime action scenes).

So, this is really on the top 5 upcoming games list -- perhaps even top 3. But it comes below Far Cry 3 and GTAV, simply because it's not free-roaming, and the free-roaming genre is the best ever. But still, the various parts of the genre of the future have to be assembled at first piecemeally before they can be put together, and I, for one, am looking forward to the time when a game of the type of Far Cry 3 will feature fighting mechanics right out of Metal Gear Rising (and narrative out of Deus Ex, and aesthetics made in Japan, and music by Harry Gregson-Williams, and you get the picture).

Meanwhile Derek Yu is still trying to make a sprite jump properly in Game Maker, and claiming that his games are better and have more soul than all the above-mentioned because, in contrast to Ubisoft, Rockstar and Platinum Games, he is "independent" -- i.e. alone, incompetent, untalented and poor.

*Provisional entry: I need to play the game longer to make the call, so wait for that.
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Unread postby ingolfr » 13 Sep 2012 13:38 ... n-for-west

The 360 version has been cancelled for Japan, and the PC version has been cancelled altogether.
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Unread postby ChevRage » 20 Sep 2012 09:21

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Unread postby ingolfr » 21 Sep 2012 22:17

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Unread postby El Chaos » 21 Sep 2012 22:33

Here's some footage from the Konami booth over at TGS:
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Unread postby ingolfr » 25 Oct 2012 13:43

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Unread postby icycalm » 07 Dec 2012 23:25

Even more footage.


Boss fight:

No idea how much of that second video is cutscene, but the very fact you can't tell without playing it (or at least without watching the hands of someone who's playing it) is a good sign. This is the real sequel to Devil May Cry. "Spiritual" sequel, if you will, precisely because it's the game that carries on in the spirit of that game. Ninja Gaiden, on the other hand, though a better game, was a step back in several respects, whilst Bayonetta... meh, I need to play it more to make up my mind.

Another way to see it is as Vanquish: The Brawler, which itself was Gears of War: The Real Sequel By People Who Can Actually Draw Pretty Things. Unfortunately, the autistic dimension is even more intrusive here than in Vanquish. Let's hope you'll be able to at least switch it off in-game as in Vanquish.

At any rate, Platinum is still on fire, and I can't wait to see more of The Wonderful 101.

Edit: The subhumans on NeoGAF are saying it looks like a PS2 game: ... st45155726

These are the same people that generate myths such as that there's something wrong with Japan's games industry, etc., so now you know where these absurd judgments are coming from: subhumans.
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Unread postby icycalm » 21 Dec 2012 13:07

Director gives a basic rundown of the mechanics: ... nd-rising/
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Unread postby El Chaos » 16 Jan 2013 04:45

New trailer, a cutscene followed by some game footage:
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Unread postby El Chaos » 18 Jan 2013 17:13

Footage of three boss fights:
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Unread postby icycalm » 23 Jan 2013 19:12

Demo is up on Live and PSN. Will play tonight after I get back from the pool if I am not too tired and if I manage to free up some space on my 360's puny 60GB hard drive. But if not tonight then certainly tomorrow.

Apparently, the US demo features the first "chapter", but the EU demo features "three stages", according to sources cited in this NeoGAF thread:

Probably a communications mixup of some kind, or else one chapter equals three stages or something. Either way can't wait to try this shit out.
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Unread postby El Chaos » 25 Jan 2013 13:13

Tech comparison of the demo: ... o-showdown

Main differences seem to be much higher quality full-motion video sequences (resulting in a bigger file to download) and v-sync on the PlayStation 3 original. I kinda expected the latter, the same thing happened with Vanquish, it's great to see they are taking advantage of the Blu-ray Disc's extra capacity this time.
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Unread postby Somali Pirate » 28 Jan 2013 21:14 ... e-trailers

Konami has released three new trailers for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, introducing cyborg enemies, Raiden’s deadly High-Frequency Blade (there are seven blades to unlock and upgrade), and the Cyborg Ninja (a.k.a. Gray Fox) costume included as pre-order download content, which includes the Fox Blade weapon.
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Unread postby dinopoke » 02 Feb 2013 11:10

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Unread postby ChevRage » 04 Feb 2013 11:42

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Unread postby icycalm » 04 Feb 2013 11:59

They have released so many trailers that I think the whole game must be on YouTube now. I stopped watching them ages ago. They must be real nervous about the reception of the game.
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Unread postby Texas » 05 Feb 2013 16:08 ... ns-on-ps3/

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is, in essence, a best of both worlds. Combining the top-notch action expected from the over-the-top experts at PlatinumGames combined with the deep storytelling and rich narrative of Kojima Productions, it plays to all its strengths. It is a return to form for some, with such classic Metal Gear appearances like Codec calls, Metal Gear Ray, High Frequency Blades and the titular character, Raiden, but infused with new elements like new villains, new allies, and the much-anticipated Blade Mode (try it out now in the demo available on PSN).
But what I’m excited to unveil today should be an old favorite for any Metal Gear fan, PlayStation-exclusive DLC VR Missions! Adding 30 all-new missions to the game, featuring that classic VR/Virtual Reality look inspired by the original Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions, the pack is pure, uncut gameplay that pushes Raiden’s Cyborg body to its limits.

Featuring a mix of combat training, tactical maneuvering, stealth-based approaches and more, these missions will both provide practice in which to hone your skills in original stages not seen the in the game’s campaign, and feature an eclectic mix of challenges that any veteran of METAL GEAR SOLID 2: Substance or METAL GEAR SOLID: VR Missions would come to expect. And, in an interesting twist, you’ll be able to take control of the much loved/hated Dwarf Gekko in the VR Missions.
I look forward to seeing your best combos and highest scores on our official MGR Facebook page and Twitter page! And don’t forget to take the blade into your hand and Cut What You Will, starting February 19th!
Pre-order now and receive the exclusive Cyborg Ninja skin!

And in the comments:

The DLC will be available for PS3 users in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Japan. The PS3 exclusivity is only for North America. Thanks for your question.
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