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[PC] [MAC] Gone Home

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[PC] [MAC] Gone Home

Unread postby NeoKubrick » 03 Feb 2013 22:26






Gone Home is a story exploration video game set in 1995. It is being developed for PC, Mac & Linux, for release in mid-2013.

Tom Francis wrote:Gone Home starts as you arrive back at your family home after a year abroad, only to find it conspicuously empty. It’s a large, gloomy mansion on a dark and stormy night, so you’re always half-expecting something to leap out at you. Even when you remind yourself it’s not that kind of game, the edge it adds to the already ominous atmosphere is exactly the kind of irrational tension you feel exploring an empty house in real life.

After a few minutes of not being stabbed or shot, though, the details of the place you’re in expand to fill your attention. You investigate it like a detective, deducing what’s happened in the year you’ve been away. But while the atmosphere is spooky, most of what you discover is not. The notes, letters, diaries and visual clues that litter every room bring a whole family of characters to life.

Last edited by NeoKubrick on 03 Feb 2013 23:38, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread postby NeoKubrick » 03 Feb 2013 22:41

As a fan of Steve Gaynor's work, I'm looking forward to this. That said, if there is no human interaction and it isn't revealed that the Father sexually abused the sister or something similar that thickens the plot and piques interest in investigating this family, I don't see this sustaining my interest. I like the story concept but not necessarily the Dear Esther mechanics.

Did anyone here like Dear Esther?
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Unread postby icycalm » 04 Feb 2013 01:39

Is there any point to this question or are you simply trying to conduct a poll of Dear Esther's popularity in the Gone Home thread? What would be gained if, say, a bunch of people decided to post:

"Sure, yeah."

"Yep, I loved it."

"Favorite game this gen."

"It was fun while it lasted."

"I liked it too."

"Me too."

etc. etc.

From the forum posting guidelines:

I wrote:So. When you post you should VOLUNTEER information -- just like I do. Asking questions is okay too, but only in specific threads (discussions, for example) at specific times. I.e. it's NOT okay to bump a thread asking "Has anyone played this?" -- if someone HAS played it, and if they feel like posting about it, they will do so of their own accord. On the other hand, if we've reviewed a game, you can of course ask whatever question you want -- at that point that's mainly what the thread is for: for people to ask questions (and of course to volunteer opinions/additional information, etc.)

In plain terms, if you, who are presumably trying to initiate discussion, cannot be bothered to comment at all on the game, it shouldn't be surprising if no one else can be bothered to either. So what we get in the end is some random dude who no one knows anything about saying that he likes a game, and some other random strangers agreeing or disagreeing for similarly nonexistent reasons. It is quite a different thing when I say that I liked or disliked something, for on the one hand I've written hundreds of pages of commentary on hundreds of games, so people know to a greater or lesser extent who I am and what I like -- whereas you haven't written anything and no one knows anything about you; and on the other hand I usually elaborate, or when I don't you know that I am planning to elaborate sooner or later, and I am saving my analysis for the proper time and place. Your opinion, on the other hand, stands almost on the level of any random person on the street at this point, and hence is worthless without elaboration.

If you really cared about this game and were really looking for discussion about it, what you would do is start a thread about it and offer some comments -- or even an entire review, if you were that much into it -- and see whether anyone had anything to say about that. But you don't, so you didn't. Instead we get a lazy throwaway question, that even in the best of cases and with the best will in the world would almost certainly not lead to any worthwhile result. You are not even asking people WHY they liked it, for christsake -- which would show up your laziness even more blatantly, of course (since you would be asking for something you are not willing to give) -- but it would at least be a proper question, instead of this retarded straight-up popularity poll conducted by strangers for strangers.

And please, don't give me any excuses. The Gone Home thread is already burdened enough with off-topic bullshit as is, and I have better things to do than click on, read and delete off-topic excuse posts. Just learn how to post like a proper thinking human being and move on to the next thread.
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Unread postby icycalm » 16 Jan 2014 16:47

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