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[PC] [PS4] [ONE] [360] [PS3] [WIIU] Watch Dogs

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[PC] [PS4] [ONE] [360] [PS3] [WIIU] Watch Dogs

Unread postby David » 05 Jun 2012 13:19

76tCJ.png ... watch-dogs

Ubisoft saved the best for last in its E3 conference, closing the show with the announcement of Watch Dogs, a stunning thirdperson action game in development at its Montreal studio.

In 2011, eight years after a blackout caused 11 deaths, major US cities are controlled by a centralised operating system, known as CTOS. It knows everything about you - how you think, and what you believe, linking personal information to the systems people use every day. "Today, everything can be hacked," the voiceover explained. "The next assault will do more than just turn out the lights."

Players are cast as Aidan Pierce, who controls Chicago's CTOS."You control an entire infrastructure and surveillance system," said creative director Jonathan Morin. "What would you do with that kind of power?"

Introduction trailer:

Some footage:
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[PC] [360] [PS3] Watch Dogs

Unread postby icycalm » 11 Dec 2012 10:43

New free-roaming game by Ubisoft Montreal, based on espionage and parkour/third-person cover combat:

Stunning next-gen graphics and environments (you have to watch the video to see them -- screens don't do the game justice), and increased level of interactivity, if you believe the developers.

But of course you shouldn't believe them because they are part of a multinational corporation working under the orders of managers, and hence against the socialist communist lone artist ideals that will usher in the new era of videogames on the frontpage of and DOWN WITH CORPORAHSUNS!
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Unread postby icycalm » 11 Dec 2012 11:01

Jesus fucking Christ though, the game sounds really excellent:

The main gameplay mechanic of Watch Dogs is the use of hacking and surveillance.[4] The game's antihero Aiden Pearce (voiced by Noam Jenkins[5]) can use any device tied to the city's central operating system (ctOS) as a weapon against it.[6] During the gameplay demonstration, Aiden is seen jamming cellphones to serve as a distraction as he enters a vanity art exhibit, tapping a phone call to retrieve information about his target, manipulating traffic lights to cause a large pileup designed to trap the target and his bodyguards, and escaping the police by driving a car across a raising river bridge.[6] The player can also access information from the ctOS on the NPCs they encounter, including information on demographics, health, and their probability of violence. Combat utilizes a combination of stealth components and parkour, along with the mechanics of a cover-based third-person shooter.[7] The E3 demo also demonstrated co-op play, as focus shifted to a second character above Pearce, on higher buildings, referred to as ”Bixxel_44" (controlled by another player) following Aiden's successful killing of his target, who was given orders to protect Aiden by intercepting the police trying to catch him, and then fled the place using fluid parkour-like moves.[7]

And finally serious co-op in a free-roaming game! That video gave me chills I haven't felt since the first GTAIII trailer, and notice how they both end the same way too. This shot straight up to my number 1 most wanted game.
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Unread postby icycalm » 11 Dec 2012 11:06

To be clear, though, the only thing I don't like so far is the hacking. A little hacking is okay, but being essentially a godlike person able to electronically learn anything and affect everything (as the trailer and the info coming from the developers seem to indicate) would RUIN the "me against the world" GTAIII feel that the game is aiming for, on top of being ridiculously unrealistic, and thus immersion-demolishing. Like those dumb depictions of hacking in the movies, where some kid punches some random buttons on a keyboard and can magically affect everything. It's stupid, and it shouldn't be in a videogame played by people who have at least a basic grasp of how fucking complicated and inefficient real hacking is.
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Unread postby icycalm » 11 Dec 2012 11:19

But yeah, it's not going to happen:

Ubisoft's North American studio is located in Montreal, Quebec. Founded as a subsidiary of Ubisoft in 1997, initially developing low-profile projects, the studio is now one of the largest in the world, with over 2,100 employees.

If they decide to take Derek Yu's and The Ghetto's advice to cut down the workforce to 2-3 people tops, including the cleaning lady, MAYBE they'll have a chance. But with 2,100 people working on this, what can you expect but trash.
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Unread postby David » 11 Dec 2012 18:22

I made a thread for this a few months ago:
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Unread postby icycalm » 11 Dec 2012 19:09

Oops. Forum's getting too big to remember everything, even for me. Threads merged.
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Unread postby Texas » 15 Feb 2013 22:54 ... oster-says

Watch Dogs, the impressive-looking game that stole the show at last year's E3, will be out this holiday for "all home consoles," according to leaked marketing materials received by Kotaku today.

Check the images below to see both the front and back of the marketing materials, which mention a quote from G4 about the game being a "truly next-gen adventure."

All home consoles. Truly next-gen adventure. Could publisher Ubisoft perhaps be hinting at something? As most people predicted last year when the French publisher showed Watch Dogs in action, this is indeed a next-gen game.

Ubisoft has already confirmed that the stunning open-world game—a cyberpunky adventure that involves a lot of computers—will be coming to PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. Now it's become clear that it will also be on the next Xbox and PlayStation, which have not yet been announced but are expected this holiday season.

But will Watch Dogs also be out on Wii U? Ouya? Shield? "All home consoles" could mean a lot of things.

We've also recently heard that Watch Dogs was originally a Driver game. We've asked Ubisoft for comment both on that and the console situation, and we'll update should we hear back.

UPDATE: Ubisoft has responded, and while they won't comment on consoles or release dates, Ubisoft senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key said in a statement: "Ubisoft is pleased with the response for Watch Dogs from media and fans. The game is an original IP that has been created from the ground up at Ubisoft Montreal with inspiration from many titles and ideas the studio has worked on throughout the years."

Here's the poster:



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Unread postby dinopoke » 21 Feb 2013 03:29 ... ed-for-ps4

Update: Ubisoft has just confirmed that Watch Dogs is in fact coming to the Wii U. Previously it had only been rumoured via retailer listings.

Original story: Ubisoft founder Yves Guillemot confirmed at Sony's PlayStation Event today that Watch Dogs is in fact coming to PlayStation 4.

Creative director Jonathan Morin showed off a new gameplay trailer - below - that showed the trench coat and baseball cap wearing protagonist causing a ruckus. Evidently, Watch Dogs takes place in a Minority Report-esque future where your jail broken super-duper smartphone can tell you the probability that someone is about to commit a crime. Eavesdrop on a lovers' spat and when the s*** hits the fan you start chasing the perp-to-be before he can land a finger on the potential victim.

Despite your crime-fighting pastime, you don't seem to be a cop as you're at the odds against the police, too. As the heat comes in to arrest the guy you busted, you shoot the police car's tires out for no apparent reason then elude them by hopping a train. Amusingly, your phone also stops trains (there's an app for that), and then you can make them run again once you've hopped aboard.

Watch Dogs will also be available on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC where it's due by Christmas. Retailers have suggested it will come to Wii U, too.

Open World Trailer:

Same trailer with commentary:
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Unread postby David » 07 Mar 2013 15:10

Q&A with Creative Director Jonathan Morin: ... ative.html

It reveals a couple of new details:

What do you mean by there will be real consequences to your actions?

In Watch Dogs, every open world moment needs to be treated seriously. Every action the player takes will have a direct consequence. When you cause chaos, people will be endangered. The media will talk about it. They will influence how the population perceives your actions and it will alter your relationship with the world.

In the game, there will be a Reputation System that will focus on the player’s attitude towards collateral damages. Is he causing a lot of havoc that injures or kills citizens? Is he acting heroically or like a criminal? Each action will have Positive and Negative effects. The player will choose how he wants to play and the game will not judge him. Our system will simply recognize the shades of greys our society is made of and reflect it back on the player. We are not building one of those yin and yang systems that always end up feeling gamey and out of place. Our Reputation System will focus more on how people in our society tend to forge their opinion and this is yet another fascinating subject in relation with our main theme: “the influence of technology within our society.”

What is the slow motion effect that we see during gameplay?

Aiden is very intelligent and street smart. He possesses the ability to think fast – in the game we call it ‘focus’. It’s a skill Aiden can use to analyze his environment to gain a quick advantage. This can be done anytime and is controlled by the player. But it’s not unlimited and needs to be used smartly.
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Unread postby ksevcov » 25 Mar 2013 08:17 ... watch-dogs

Ubisoft showed two videos of Watch Dogs behind closed doors at PAX East in Boston this weekend. The first was a message from Watch Dogs creative director Jonathan Morin. The second was same video from Sony’s PlayStation 4 unveil, but from the perspective of the ctOS security system.

Being that video recording was not allowed, we’ve transcribed both clips below. For the ctOS video, we suggest following along the older video for reference.

Jonathan Morin, Creative Director

“Watch Dogs is a brand new game experience well-anchored in reality. We’re all limited to a hyper-connected world. Everything that has been invented surrounding the internet these past 20 years have slowly begun defining the way we live our day-to-day lives. It started with computers and mobile devices, and then we had smartphones.

“The next step is the concept of smart cities: a system that matches entire the entire city to solve complex problems. Traffic jams, war against crime, power management—this concept is real. In our game, we call it the “CityOS” program. The cool part is, Watch Dogs will give you the ability to control every single bit of that CityOS. You’re going to turn an entire city into a weapon against itself.

“You’ll do it through the innards of Aiden Pearce, a man shaped by violence and obsessed with surveillance. A man who monitors his family 24/7 without them knowing to protect them from something that happened in the past. Unfortunately for Aiden, his family will be endangered once again, pushing him to his limits, he will take justice into his own hands and push his obsessions beyond its limits. What you’ll discover behind Aiden Pearce’s story will show that it goes far beyond a single person and involves the entire city of Chicago.

“Once you control Aiden Pearce, you can wander around the streets and tap into every mobile device, every laptop, every computer. If someone has a secret, you’re going to find it. You can control everything around you, from traffic lights to the entire power grid. When you can control everything around you that way, that means Watch Dogs has to simulate absolutely everything. All the realism our simulation of Chicago will offer is simply unprecedented.

“But what’s really important to us are the dynamics of the game. Every system in our game talks to each other. When you walk on the street and press a button to cause an accident, this accident will be real, and the people behind the wheel will be in danger—they might die. So if you want to fix the problem, then you’re going to have to intervene.

“Everything you’re going to do and how you’re going to do it will be reported by the media—the population will listen. The simulation will perceive you based on how you play, and it will change your game experience. In the end, in Watch Dogs, you’re going to feel the gravity of each situation as you play.

“In other games, players tend to follow the little icon. That’s because the icon tends to say what’s going to happen next. Not in Watch Dogs. But we also have random events. You’re going to be able to use the profiler to tap into anyone’s lives and be able to access anyone’s information. You’ll be to get into their bank accounts, finance your progression, and discover all sorts of clues for gameplay.

“When you can tap into the lives of someone you don’t even know, you just have no idea where it’s going to lead you. Expect the unexpected in Watch Dogs. When you wander around in the open world, the possibilities we have to offer you are endless. If everything is connected, then everyone is connected, too. If you think you’re alone, think again, you’re not. Someone is watching. Other players will cross your path. In Watch Dogs, everyone is watching. Even people on mobile devices. You’ll be able to play on any platform, anywhere you want, at any time.

“You’ve already had a glimpse of what Watch Dogs is all about. But believe me when I say it, there’s a lot more to come.”

ctOS Perspective

“ctOS Threat Monitoring Report #193A
Subject: Aiden Pearce

“On October 26 at 16:13 Central Time, ctOS network security detected multiple breaches in our system. This was a level 3 network intrusion. On-site surveillance cameras and first-hand eye witnesses confirmed Aiden Pearce at the site of the intrusion. We now have solid confirmation that Pearce can breach the ctOS populace database at will. This grants him access to names, salaries, occupations, and countless clusters of private information.

“Attempts to track and block his access points have proven unsuccessful. The illegal hacks used by Pearce have given him access to secure banking accounts. In this case, he uses private account information to withdraw stolen funds from a nearby ATM.

“Moments later, we detected a new intrusion from an unknown party. It appears we are not the only people tracking and monitoring Pearce. Make note of this as we’ll come back to it later. Starting at 16:32 Central Time, a series of escalating events.

“Pearce accesses data on Sandy Higgins, a teacher with a restraining order against her ex-husband Bobby Sawicki. The ctOS crime prevention system flags Higgins as a potential victim. Upon seeing this ctOS notification of an imminent crime, Pearce decides to follow Miss Higgins. This course of action was noted by a criminologist and will be added to his upcoming psych report.”

[Higgins is approached by her ex-husband, who says, "I'm not going to let you get away with it!" She responds, "Don't touch me, I'm warning you!"]

“Here we see Pearce intervene, saving Higgins. When the attacker flees, the ctOS crime prevention system prompts Pearce to capture her attacker. It should be noted that this indicator is part of the beta system intended for Chicago PD. We don’t know Pearce gained access to this. And it’s clear this breach goes far deeper than we ever imagined.

“Next is a hack we were completely unaware of. Pearce somehow overloads an electrical fuse box. The implications of this are obvious, but what happens next is even worse. Chicago PD responds to the disturbance, but Pearce alludes the officers by using our system against them. And when the ctOS isn’t immediately available, Pearce does not hesitate to use more conventional tools. Our image recognition systems confirm Pearce is armed with a .9 millimeter handgun.

“The lesson is: do not mistake Pearce as just another hacker. He’s something more. Despite Chicago PD’s considerable show of force against Pearce, he managed to escape the area by disrupting the ctOS transit system. One of our top priorities should be to find the exploit he used and close it off.

“As Pearce makes his escape, we again see clear evidence that an unknown party was monitoring his actions. We must track down this individual and determine if he or she is trying to stop him, or worse, help him. We must protect our system, and that means containing Pearce. Any breach of ctS is a danger to everyone.”
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Unread postby ksevcov » 27 Mar 2013 06:04

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Unread postby David » 29 Apr 2013 18:03

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Unread postby Fudge » 10 May 2013 23:32

IGN video preview that reveals a little more about the hacking: ... ng-preview

Six new screenshots have also been released:






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Unread postby Qpo » 01 Jun 2013 02:26

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Unread postby icycalm » 01 Jun 2013 03:20

Just watched the trailer David linked. The first part is boring, but the second part with all the quick cuts is very exciting. This would have been such a huge system seller if it were exclusive to one of the two new consoles. As it stands, I'll just get it for PC to play on 3 screens.

I want to believe, but it's so hard after so many disappointments in this genre. I don't blame them though. It's the hardest genre to make ever, and it's only going to get harder in the future, but if anyone can make it work it's Ubisoft.
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Unread postby dinopoke » 06 Jun 2013 08:33

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Unread postby movie » 10 Jun 2013 02:17

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Unread postby Fudge » 18 Jun 2013 23:54

I can't get the video to play. It seems to have been taken down for some reason.

These are the two E3 trailers I found on YouTube:
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Unread postby alastair » 21 Jun 2013 00:36

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Unread postby movie » 19 Jul 2013 00:54 ... n-detailed

Watch-Dogs-LE-Announce.jpg (142.54 KiB) Viewed 38105 times

Ubisoft has detailed the North American limited edition version of Watch Dogs.

For $129.99, it will include:

- A copy of the game
- 9″ statue of Aiden Pearce prominently showing his deadliest weapon, his smartphone
- Aiden Pearce’s iconic vigilante mask
- Collectible SteelBook game case featuring DedSec art
- Official soundtrack with an original score by pioneering composer Brian Reitzell, whose work includes the films The Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation, and the video game Red Faction: Armageddon. His recent projects, Sofia Coppola’s The Bling Ring and the hit NBC thriller Hannibal, are earning critical acclaim, reaffirming Reitzell’s status as one of the industry’s top composers.
- Deluxe hardcover art book with 80 pages of concept art

The limited edition will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. The standard edition game will also launch for Wii U.

Watch Dogs is due out for current-gen system and PC on November 19, and for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on their respective launch dates this holiday.
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Unread postby Amor fati » 08 Sep 2013 15:46

Demo footage with commentary:
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Unread postby Some guy » 03 Oct 2013 11:25

Watch Dogs PC specs revealed in full: ... list-here/

Dave Cook wrote:Watch Dogs publisher Ubisoft has given up the PC version’s spec sheet in full. See how your rig stacks up here.

The specifications were posted on Uplay and picked up by NeoGAF. Ubisoft has since pulled the page.

Here are the specs in full:

Base spec:

Operating System: Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 (SP1) or Windows 8
Note that we only support 64 bit OSs.
Hard Drive Space: 20 GB
Sound: DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card with Latest Drivers
Internet: Broadband connection and service required for multiplayer mode

Minimum Spec:

GPU: DirectX 11 graphics card with 1 GB Video RAM
CPU: Quad core

Example 1

GPU: NVidia GTX 460
CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q6600

Example 2

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 5770
CPU: AMD Phenom X4 9750

Recommended Spec:

GPU: DirectX 11 graphics card with 2 GB Video RAM
CPU: Eight core

Example 1

GPU: NVidia GTX 560 ti
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770

Example 2

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7850
CPU: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core

Ultra Spec:

GPU: Latest DirectX 11 graphics card with 2 GB Video RAM or more
CPU: Latest Eight core or more
RAM: 8GB or more

Example 1

GPU: Nvidia GTX 670
CPU: Intel Core i7-3930K

Example 2

GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7970
CPU: AMD FX-9370 Eight-Core
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Unread postby Some guy » 15 Oct 2013 18:25

Watch Dogs delayed to Spring 2014:

Gary Steinman wrote:Our ambition from the start with Watch Dogs has been to deliver something that embodies what we wanted to see in the next-generation of gaming. It is with this in mind that we’ve made the tough decision to delay the release until spring 2014.

We know a lot of you are probably wondering: Why now? We struggled with whether we would delay the game. But from the beginning, we have adopted the attitude that we will not compromise on quality. As we got closer to release, as all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place in our last push before completion, it became clear to us that we needed to take the extra time to polish and fine tune each detail so we can deliver a truly memorable and exceptional experience.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you. We thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the way you respond on the web, at events, press conferences and other opportunities we have to interact. Your passion keeps us motivated.

We can’t wait to see you in Chicago next spring. We are confident you’ll love this game as much as we love working on it.
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Unread postby movie » 07 Mar 2014 00:24 ... lease.html

Watch Dogs will be released worldwide on May 27th. The Wii U version will be released at a later date.







New Trailer:
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