The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


[PC] [PS4] [ONE] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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[PC] [PS4] [ONE] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Unread postby icycalm » 16 Jan 2013 17:45 ... aser-image

Sal Romano wrote:CD Projekt RED has seemingly teased The Witcher 3 in a REDkit beta update post on the official Witcher community website.

“Oh, and if you are wondering what’s that in that picture above,” teases the post, “well, we’ll leave it for your imagination to answer. :)”

The developer is scheduled to announce its newest project on February 5. And while it hasn’t said it’s The Witcher 3 by name, CD Projekt RED did say it is a “fully open-world game with an intense story” and that “you can probably guess the game we’re talking about.” Considering The Witcher is the only series its worked on next to its upcoming Cyberpunk RPG, The Witcher 3 is pretty much a given.

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Unread postby Steven Berg » 01 Feb 2013 16:39 ... witcher-3/


We just got through an image and some blurb from CDPR (above, clicky for large), in which they announced their new RPG-building game tech, REDEngine 3. We know that it’s going to power Cyberpunk 2077, but see if this sounds like The Witcher 3 to you: “Combining a non-linear story and open-world RPG for the first time, CD Projekt RED’s REDengine 3 brings a new level of realism to the gaming experience.” And then there’s CD Projekt RED boss Adam Badowski, saying: “If we look at RPGs nowadays we find two approaches, one which emphasizes the story but limits the game world, and one that builds a vast, open world but hampers and simplifies the story. With the REDengine 3 we combine the positive aspects of both approaches for the first time, creating an open environment with a complex, multi-thread story. Together with believable characters, a captivating tale and a world where players can roam freely without loading times, we will be able to move gaming to a new level with a realistic feel and full player immersion.” Sounds a lot like what we might expect The Witcher 3 hyper to sound like, eh?
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Unread postby icycalm » 01 Feb 2013 16:45

This is exactly what the next step from GTA3 is going to be. (And if the game is first-person, the next step from Far Cry 2 -- is The Witcher first-person?) The only question is whether these guys can deliver, and if we go by the comments I've quoted in the original Witcher's thread [ > ], it doesn't quite sound like it, but we'll see.
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Unread postby rockman » 05 Feb 2013 08:25 ... s-official

According to Game Informer the open world in The Witcher 3 is 30 times larger than the previous game, which will make it even bigger than Skyrim.

Free expansion packs will release after the launch of Wild Hunt next year, akin to The Witcher 2's continuous, free post-release support.

Wild Hunt isn't broken up into acts, as the REDengine 3 permits the exploration of a vast, open-world without loading screen interruptions. Enemies won't scale to Geralt's level, though, so you can wander into territory filled with too-tough monsters who will wreck our intrepid hero. Along the way, you can expect to encounter friendlies and enemies in a dynamic world affected by unpredictable weather, including randomly generated storms, and water physics while sailing.

Fast travel is a go, and Geralt can mount horses for both transportation and combat.

Geralt will play the part of monster-hunter and detective throughout his quests, which developer CDP claims will occupy more than 100 hours of players' time. He'll have almost five times the amount of unique character animations, too.

Each new area of the game – Skellige, the metropolis of Novigrad, and "No Man's Land" – has its own story. Non-linear storytelling with branching paths dictates that avoiding the central plot of seeking out Geralt's lost love, Triss Merigold, will have ramifications.

In combat, you can interrupt attack animations to dodge or block, which depletes stamina. Dodging isn't a big somersault anymore, however – Geralt pivots to evade attacks while maintaining the momentum of a fight. Enemy AI has been retooled as well, and quick-time events are out entirely.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Trailer - Game Informer Coverage:
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Unread postby movie » 05 Feb 2013 13:06


Some more details from the Game Informer feature:

So more about the monster hunting:

Clues build up information (like a Bestiary perhaps?)
Books garner information about monsters
Townsfolk provide information
Potions and such are important
Time of day and other conditions affect where monsters appear, and their abilities

[Some combat info]

Critical strikes in areas that matter depending on how much you learn about said monster
You can disable a vampires poisoning attack by hitting its venom gland (Vampires are poisonous?) or skewer BOTH ITS HEARTS with a thrust attack (instant kill)
Monsters drop loot like unobtainable alchemical and crafting ingredients for unique potion, mutagen and item crafting.
Provides income as well

Enemy AI completely rebuilt, scripted bosses out
Environmental combat 'contributions' (a dozen types of interactive objects)
---> Wasp hive irritated using Aard

Magical signs retooled
Igni = new flamethrower effect
The magic tree advancement allows secondary sign forms = ie. Igni and a 360-degree blast
Yrden = small trap can be modified into a larger field that slows any enemy

Other trees, Swordsmanship and Alchemy
New strikes under Swordsmanship, boosts like improved stamina and parrying
Mutation mechanic under a different development path
Not much information given about Alchemy path, other than it being based on potions

Horse could be used to access long term stash, as well as Inns
Team aware of frustrations of inventory management in The Witcher
Committed to a less tedious process

Crafting critical to maximize Geralts potential, but weapons and armor can be found in many ways
Players can customize their crafted weapons with some components, ie, monster scales for leather in armor

Each armor piece has unique appearance, new cloth simulation tech.
Barber is in from the get go. Dyeing hair is OUT OF QUESTION, White Wolf.
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Unread postby icycalm » 06 Feb 2013 15:33

Screens from the GI article via Eurogamer:







More here: ... -witcher-3

And a new press release:

CD Projekt RED announces The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt

Designed to be the crowning achievement from the renowned RPG developers; for the first time will combine mature, nonlinear story with a vast, fully open world.

CD Projekt RED has officially announced the title of their next upcoming game: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Further, they've announced that this, the ultimate game in the series, will also be the final Witcher game from the studio. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt combines CD Projekt RED's trademark decision-based storytelling flair with a living open world larger than any other in modern RPG history.

"The captivating and nonlinear story of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt takes place in a rich, truly open world environment. A world which is thrilling to explore, full of daring adventures, momentous quests, memorable characters, and unique monsters. Players will freely travel through woods, lakes, mountains, cities, and villages. Each region is inhabited by distinct populations with their own customs, legends and problems. The world of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is 30 times bigger than The Witcher 2," said Adam Badowski, head of the studio.

"Imagine playing a dark fantasy game with the same great nonlinear story as in the previous Witcher titles, but now told in a world you can explore freely with no artificial boundaries. The war-ravaged world is so huge that to reach further places you will need to ride a horse or sail a boat to get there. A world where your choices have truly epic consequences. From the development side, this goal is extremely demanding. Our team had to make significant design changes and our tech had to be rebuilt. But we believe that this will lead to a completely new level of nonlinearity and a whole new, richer gaming experience. As a gamer, I would love to play this kind of RPG and I think this is what many players are waiting for. This is our dream come true at CD Projekt RED, and we hope it will be the same for you!" adds Badowski.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the final episode of the award-winning RPG series and the last part of the legend of Geralt of Rivia. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the most robust and breathtaking game ever created by CD Projekt RED. Open world free-roaming exploration is an adventure in itself as the player will gallop through war-ravaged lands, sail misty waters and track down dangerous beasts for money. An improved combat system will allow players to feel like a real monster-hunter, a witcher who uses his superior senses and fighting skills to survive in a dark fantasy world--while he embarks on a quest to save his loved ones. The new core mechanics of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt immerse the player in the experience completely, with no Quick Time Events, only intuitive RPG gameplay.

Badowski continued, "People may ask if this is really going to be the last Witcher game. Yes, it is. Why? Because we believe that we should end the series on a high note. Technology has progressed to where we can finally tell the story the way we want, with the visuals we want, in the world we imagined. This will be the ultimate fantasy RPG experience, and while we're hardly out of stories to tell, we believe it's time for us to look to new worlds and new horizons to keep pushing the boundaries of what we can create."

For all of those who have never experienced the adventures of Geralt before, this will be their last chance. The game will be accessible all players--those who are fans of the series and those who just love RPGs--thanks to availability on all major high-end platforms and an introduction designed to smoothly introduce all those who visit the world of the Witcher for the first time."

The game will be released in 2014 simultaneously on all high-end platforms. Making use of the same remarkable art direction from The Witcher 2 combined with the support of in-house technology--the recently-announced RPG-oriented REDengine 3--The Witcher 3 will take full advantage of the technical capabilities of modern hardware and will set a new standard for RPG visuals.

CD Projekt RED has added a whole new section to their website. If you want to find more information, please go to

For more details check out the latest issue of Game Informer, available for online subscribers starting from today. There you will find exclusive materials in a 14 page cover story, including early screenshots and concept artwork.

Notice how they don't put up the screens and info on their site, but send you to Game Informer. This is what they had to give to Game Informer to secure the cover story.
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Unread postby Dolt » 27 Feb 2013 00:29

The Story Of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: ... -hunt.aspx

The Art Of The Witcher 3: Designing The Ice Giant: ... giant.aspx

Capturing The Animations And Combat For The Witcher 3: ... ageIndex=1

Monster Hunting In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: ... -hunt.aspx

The Music Of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: ... -hunt.aspx
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Unread postby dinopoke » 27 Feb 2013 08:25 ... e-in-2014/

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt developer CD Projekt RED has confirmed that its open world RPG will hit PS4 in 2014, as well as other high-end consoles.
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Unread postby dinopoke » 01 Mar 2013 17:30 ... for-quests

More screenshots in the above link.






There will be no quick-time events (QTEs) in The Witcher 3!

The news comes from Germany and a round of previews based on an hour with the new open world role-playing game. German website World of Players mined a PC Games preview for the detail (relayed on NeoGAF). Our German colleagues at have verified the translation for us.

In The Witcher 3, hero Geralt is more agile and can now jump and climb. There's a new combat mechanic that lets you target specific parts - vulnerabilities - of monsters. Apparently it's a similar system to VATS in Fallout 3. This used Action Points to trigger, via the Pip-Boy tool, targeted slow-mo attacks. And heads did splat.

Geralt can hunt wild animals for their furs and claws in The Witcher 3, and has a sense ability he can use to track colour-coded traces of beasts. This will help him prepare tactics in advance.

Hunting provides materials for crafting, and will be a valuable way of making money. But killing monsters and animals outside of quests won't reward you with XP. That only comes from completing quests, it sounds like.

How much you can sell your looted or crafted items for depends on the dynamic local economy of each settlement.

The world being bigger means Geralt is able to use horses and boats to get around. He can tame horses using an Axii magical sign, or he can buy them. He can borrow boats from the beaches and ports of the world (and probably buy them as well). There's also a fast-travel option to-and-fro from known locations.

There are to be no invisible borders to the world; the three areas of The Witcher 3 - the wind-swept rugged archipeligo of Skellige, the delta of the Pontar and port capital of Novigrad and the war-ravaged No Man's Land - are accessible from the off. Whether The Witcher 3 will break up the open world and load interiors or areas like cities separately remains to be seen. Elder Scrolls games do this, and CD Projekt Red has publicly said it will take many lessons in open world architecture from that series.

The main story will occupy you for 50 hours, it's said. Mopping up all the side-quests will push that time to 100 hours. There are a possible 36 states the world can end up in because of your actions, and there are three possible epilogues to finish your adventure with, each an hour long.

You'll be able to import saved games from previous Witcher titles, which will alter relationships with characters but not affect the main story.

Geralt can reach level 60 in The Witcher 3 and character development will be more complex, allowing for hundreds of customisation possibilities. Monsters won't level with you, so you'd better not bump into the bigger beasties before you're ready. Inversely, if you're much more powerful than your enemy - bandits, say - then they may surrender to you rather than fight.

You won't be able to kill civilians, who'll alert the guards if you pinch from them. If you want to make a bit of extra money, new mini-game betting pursuits axe-throwing and playing cards are open to you.

The Witcher 3 will have a tutorial from the outset. The Witcher 2 didn't, and suffered for it. A tutorial was later added to the Enhanced Edition of the game.

The Witcher 3 is due out on PC and PS4 and probably next Xbox in 2014. Oh, the PC and console versions will have a different UI.
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Unread postby shubn » 08 Mar 2013 13:08 ... ld-beards/

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Good news! Better news. Best news. Geralt is back, and he’s realized that he’s capable of doing more than just moving ever-onward in a straight line. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt sees gaming’s favorite silver-haired sourpuss return with a heart full of purpose, a beard ripe from mighty mutant brooding, and – most excitingly – a fully open world teeming with possibilities. But why? What does the beard mean? Can we talk to it? Oh, and also the open world, I guess. How’s that work? I got in touch with CD Projekt senior quest designer Jakub Rokosz and (thankfully un-assassinated) marketing king Michal Platkow-Gilewski to find out everything. Or, well, most things – for instance, how Witcher 3's world will stack up to Skyrim‘s, where traditional Witcher storytelling fits into that, how far-reaching the impacts of our choices will be, what sorts of people and locations we’ll encounter, and heaps more.

Make a break for the break. Otherwise, this intro will never end. (Warning: Beware of minor Witcher 2 ending spoilers.)

RPS: I’d like to start with the most important question. Why does Geralt have a beard now?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: [laughs] That’s a tough question. When it came to redesigning the character, we made a survey of the company. We asked all the girls here, what’s the sexiest thing about the guys in the office? They all said the beards are the sexiest. So we came up with this breakthrough design change and added the beard. No, just joking. A few months have passed. Geralt is on the road, you could say?

Jakub Rokosz: Right now he’s pretty much a man left on his own, after what happened in Witcher 2. He basically wanted to get a little alone time. I think the beard signifies that, that he spent some time in the wild. He didn’t really have to worry about looking good for the ladies out there.

RPS: It’s an interesting dichotomy to set him loose in an open world like this. I mean, you’ve been saying that getting his memories back has made him more focused than ever on his main goal. It seems like he has something he really wants to do now, as opposed to just wandering. Why did you decide to use an open world to tell that story?

Jakub Rokosz: To be honest, we always loved the narrative part of the Witcher series. We really like the way we tell the story. But we always felt that we were restricted by the way we allowed the player to travel to locations. They were always small, closed locations. We knew that if we wanted to give you the feeling of Geralt searching for his meaning and knowing the world, this wouldn’t work. The open world was the only right approach for this, to be honest. Geralt, right now, after two games and restoring his memory and stuff, I think he needs to find himself again. This is part of his journey as well.

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RPS: Also, there’s a war going on now. How does that affect the open world? Are there actual battles, or is it more that you just see the ramifications of the war?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Depending on the region, you’ll see other effects of the war. When you’re traveling through the open world, you’ll see places just after the armies have marched through. Places destroyed by the war. In different places you’ll see people talking about the war as a chance to maybe gain some wealth.

Jakub Rokosz: Or they’ll talk about it as if it’s something really far away that won’t actually happen to them.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Yeah. War will be present – maybe not at every single step, but almost everywhere – in different ways, depending on how far from the actual fighting, the front lines, you might be. It depends on who you talk to. Maybe a small community will have other problems on their hands apart from the war, which is far away.

RPS: Will there ever be any points, just roaming around the open world, where massive-scale battles – presumably related to the war – break out?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: I don’t know if we really want to get into those kinds of details right now. I might spoil something. But what I can say is that there will be heavy combat events. They will be executed better than in Witcher 2.

RPS: In other interviews, you’ve noted that you’re paying close attention to the strengths and weaknesses of worlds like Skyrim. How so, though? Where do you think Bethesda and others most need to improve?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: It’s hard not to mention Skyrim, but I believe that our approach to our game is totally different. What they created was an open-world RPG. What we’re doing is a story-driven RPG set in an open-world environment. For us, the most important aspect of the game is always the story. And by “story” I mean not only what’s happening, but also the choices and consequences, the moral gray areas, the good or bad characteristics of the NPCs that make them believable. After you meet them, you’ll remember who they are and why they do what they do. All that is the most important thing for us.

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But this time we wanted to put all of that in an open world. It’s a big challenge, but we’ve identified all the tricky parts of it, and we’re working hard to give a great storytelling experience in this open world. As far as asking what will be the consequences of your actions, there will be a lot of them. You know Witcher 2. We want to bring all of our experience in this field and put it in an open-world environment. Bigger and smaller actions will all bring you to small or huge consequences.

It’s enough to tell you that we’re preparing three totally different epilogues depending on how you finish the game, with different choices somewhere in the middle. There will be 36 different states you can leave the world in. By states, I mean more significant changes, not every single change you’re involved in.

RPS: How do you a tailor an open world to be conducive to really good storytelling? In general, they’re best for player-driven types of things. When you’re trying to tell a player a story, how do you change open world design?

Jakub Rokosz: In our case, in The Witcher’s case, it helps in some fields. One of the biggest problems we had in The Witcher 2 is that to keep pace between the story and the game itself, we had to sometimes overload the player with information. Just so they could understand the mechanics and the world and the consequences of their choices. What the open world gives us is that, because we have this open world consisting of three different regions, we can build areas up from local communities to whole countries or peoples, and we can tailor the whole experience, the whole story arc of what Witcher 3 will be about… We can tailor it at both the macro and micro levels.

Even the smallest quest about some person who has troubles with monsters outside of his hut, we’ll tell you a little bit of story about it. Maybe this pack of monsters arrived because the war’s on and they were driven away from where they used to be. We got to a point where we decided to tell the whole story at every single level.

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RPS: It sounds like those types of missions will fill in the gaps. They’ll tell you a little bit more about the world. With the main story, though, Geralt’s quest, how linear will that ultimately be? Will that just be like, “Go to this city. Now, to continue the main quest, go to this other city”?

Jakub Rokosz: What you just said, that example… This really conflicts with our point of view on the open world. It doesn’t make it an open-world game if you just make a huge world and ask the player to go from point A to B to C in exactly the same order every time. When we create our game, it’s always in our heads that the player can go anywhere and do anything in any possible way.

We think that the main story will cover around 50 hours. The thing that you said about the other quests filling the gaps, that’s probably another 50 hours of content. Then there’s a lot of other gameplay quests. But to answer your question, we don’t want to make anything linear. Where we can get away with not making it linear, we’ll do it.

As an example, there will be a main plot, a main storyline, but we won’t treat it as a chain of quests. It’ll be more like the theme for everything you’re doing. You’ll travel through a diversified world, and in the different regions, you’ll have a main storyline for each region. You might complete it, or you can abandon part of it. All that will move the main plot somewhere. By doing something or not doing something, by being involved in it or by skipping whole quests.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Also, not doing something… When you’re finishing the storyline for some area, there’s also a significance if you choose not to do anything in relation to things people ask you to do. The story will be all around you, to a greater or lesser extent. Sometimes you may think that you’re not doing anything related to the main plot right now, that you’re not advancing it, but in reality you will be. It may have some impact on the main plot as well.

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RPS: That’s interesting. I think a lot of games just treat quests as a checklist of things to do, and if you don’t do them, well, you just didn’t do them. It sounds like you’re focusing on having ramifications for inaction or indecision.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Yes. I don’t believe in a structure like A-B-C-D-E-F-G, you’re finished. The main storyline needs to be connected with everything that’s going on in the world, to a bigger and smaller extent. Of course, you just go out to somewhere in the woods, in the wilderness, and you can focus on monster-hunting. Maybe you as a gamer just love to hunt monsters, like the Witchers are supposed to do. You can focus on the undead if you want. So you can do whatever you want. For me, this is the definition of an RPG. Do whatever you want.

RPS: You said that different quests might affect the main story without players even knowing. That sounds like it would ultimately benefit players the most to do everything, or do as much as possible before they finish the main story. With those multiple epilogues you were talking about, is there a good, better, and best one, or are they just different?

Jakub Rokosz: We don’t have multiple colors of endings in our game [laughs]. To be honest, the ending for us, the epilogue, it should just be the cherry on top of all your consequences and how you wanted the world to change. I don’t know if there’s anything like a bad ending or a good ending. It’s just the way you played. If you don’t like it, just play it again.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: It’s only the consequences of your choices. You decided that the world should be shaped this way. If you don’t like it, you can try it again.

RPS: You’ve said that the characters around the world are going to react to you, who you are, and what you’ve accomplished. One of the things that struck me about that is that Skyrim also did it. It was sort of an immersion killer for me sometimes. At one point I became the head of The Companions, and then I fast-traveled to the other side of the world and some random guard immediately knew who I was. There’s no way they could’ve known that quickly. How are you executing that?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: First of all, you’re the Witcher. People who live in the Witcher’s world, they know who the Witchers are.

Jakub Rokosz: Yeah. Basically, people react like that to the Witcher. This is the basic way they will react to you. As far as the consequences of your actions and the fast-travel thing, like you said… This is pretty tricky. You have to ask yourself a question. Do people care about a guild master from the other side of the world? I don’t really know if this is even possible in this setup that we have.

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What we prefer to do is an approach from micro to macro. Local communities, the most important thing to them is, do they have a potato on their plate? Do monsters eat their children every night or not? This is the important part of being a Witcher. This is what we want to focus on, the experience of being the Witcher. Of course you do have big things. You can do absolutely awesome things that you get recognition for. But the recognition is always justified, in my opinion.

RPS: Tech and resource limitations aren’t exactly kind to open-world NPCs, though. They add flavor, certainly, but only up to a point. I mean, does the phrase “I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee” ring any bells? Because I’ll probably go to my grave remembering it better than most of my childhood.

Jakub Rokosz: You could even see that in Witcher 2, to some extent. You have to re-use some assets. You can’t get away with anything else, because otherwise your budget would just kill you. The difference is, how do you use them and how often do you use them? As you said, the arrow to the knee got overused to a point where it just became a meme, a funny thing on the internet.

But to be honest, I don’t know how to answer the question. We are trying not to do that. We always try to make our characters and our world believable. But one day you’ll have to judge whether we’ve done enough work on that or not. I believe that the guys from Bethesda weren’t trying to create a meme there. It just happened. We aim to use that wisely. This is our goal, our approach – we don’t want anything to break the immersion in the game. Repetitive dialogue and text are a bit of an immersion breaker, so we try to minimize the damage.

RPS: What about unfriendly NPCs? Will they just be of the “Grrr, arrghh, murder, kill, whoops I died, oh god I’ll never get to play violin again” variety? Or will there be a bit more to them?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: While you’re fighting with enemies, human enemies, they have a morale system. If you’re strong enough and they feel like they’re losing – like if they outnumbered you at the beginning, but now there’s only one of them still alive – they’ll start to go on defense. They’ll be afraid of your swings. Then, ultimately, they’ll surrender. When they surrender, you can either finish them or leave them alive. You can take their loot any time you want.

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RPS: When people surrender, depending on whether or not you let them go or kill them, how big are the ramifications later in the game? Is it just a moment-to-moment thing as far as how the player feels, or will it affect them in some major way later on?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: It depends on the situation, of course. If it’s an important moment in the storyline, it will have significant influence on everything. You saw situations like that in The Witcher 2 already, just in the prologue.

Jakub Rokosz: That’s also one of the situations we told you about where not doing something matters.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Yeah. If you’re just fighting small-time bandits somewhere in the deep woods, maybe it will have no influence on the world. But maybe something will happen. We’ll see. Those bandits might do something later on. Maybe they’ll kill a shepherd.

Jakub Rokosz: Or join up with his friends and have another ambush for you.

RPS: You’ve mentioned that hunting will play a much larger role this time around, but how does it work? There’s a sense mode now, right?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Yeah. We call it “Witcher senses.” All these mechanics, gameplay mechanics, reflect our idea that in The Witcher 3, you’ll be more Witcher-ish than ever before, in every single aspect. Not just story-wise, but also gameplay-wise. We’ve implemented a lot of changes in the combat to make you feel like the ultimate sword-master. That’s who Geralt is. We introduced Witcher senses as well.

These are actually many tools. They’re not just one thing. These are tools that reflect your long training and the augmentations in your body. So when we’re talking about using them to find clues, it’s basically something you activate with the press of a button. You’ll see more and hear more. When you see it, it’ll be as if the screen fades a little bit into shades of gray. All the points of interest around you will be highlighted. It’ll be easy for your to spot something.

Jakub Rokosz: Drag marks or footprints or [what have you].

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Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Yeah. This is one layer. Further in, sometimes, in some situations, you’ll be able to predict or judge what might have just happened. You’ll see small, simple animations showing what happened in a place. For example, if you see a body that’s been murdered somehow, with these skills you can see some of what happened – how the guy died.

Jakub Rokosz: Geralt, because of his knowledge of anatomy and movement and stuff, he can reconstruct the events that took place and you can see a visualization of it.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Yeah. He can anticipate what just happened. Other uses of Witcher senses… If you enter a deep, deep wood – I’m not sure why I’m always referring to a deep, deep wood, maybe it’s just attractive to me – but if you’re in a deep, deep wood and you can’t see anything, with the Witcher senses you can hear more. You can hear something from one direction or another, and when you walk toward that direction you might find it. Maybe a monster. This is part of the set of tools that will help you feel that you’re the Witcher – not only human, but something more. ... witcher-3/

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Geralt has a beard now. We know this much for certain. Oh, and I suppose he’s also got that whole open-world thing going on. But adding a new number to your title’s a big responsibility, and a simple promise that you’ll feed it, water it, and add boats for some reason (because year of the bow is over; hopefully year of the boat will be a worthy successor) doesn’t always cut it. So what else is going into The Witcher trilogy’s 50-100-hour swan song? To hear CD Projekt tell it, pretty much everything they could think of. The Witcher 3's scope is beyond ambitious, but that doesn’t mean the Polish powerhouse is skimping on details. Read on to see senior quest designer Jakub Rokosz and marketing mastermind Michal Platkow-Gilewski discuss revamped combat, managing difficulty/learning curve, how big of an impact choices can have, using sex for the benefit – not detriment – of story, and what multiplatform development from the get-go means for the PC version. It’s all after the break.

RPS: How much have the nitty-gritty basics of combat changed this time around? At its core, is it similar to what it was in The Witcher 2, but with more abilities and more potions and things? Or have you totally revamped it?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: What we wanted to do with Witcher combat is that we wanted to show how Geralt uses the sword. He’s the master of the sword. Geralt’s true mastery comes out in the crowd fights, where can take on five or six enemies on his own. What happened in Witcher 2 is that people were telling us that the combat was just a little bit too arcade. The rules were a bit too arcade, to be honest. What we decided is to go a bit more over to the tactics side, to give you the feeling of having absolute control over the battlefield. That’s what we aimed for.

For example, we improved the camera. We’ll always show the fights from the right angle or perspective or distance so that you’ll be aware of all the enemies around you. If they communicate among themselves and decide that it’ll be a good idea to surround you, you’ll see everyone who’s going around behind you.

There won’t be any situation where someone attacks you and you won’t know what’s happening. The enemies will move around you and you will move as well, but it’s not wild and frantic. It’s a slow walk, like a slow dance. With swords. For all the enemies, we’re using real fighting techniques, many valid techniques. We have a few experts on our team, and we’ll be using stuntmen with huge experience for that as well. But Geralt’s fighting technique, it’s like sword dancing. He’ll have cool movements that you wouldn’t see in a real fight.

Jakub Rokosz: But it’s not over the top. He won’t do a somersault with three twists. It’s still effective.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: But he’s different. He’s faster and stronger than anyone else, so his fighting technique is different.

Jakub Rokosz: I think the camera helps a lot.

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Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Yeah. That reminds me of another change. When you hit a button, you won’t see a sequence of a few swings that tend to get interrupted. Each press of a button will correspond to one swing, a swing generated out of 96 different animations that we’ve prepared for the fights. That means that when you’re in combat, you can create almost unlimited chains of swings – from the left, from the right, from different poses. You can change your target freely at any given moment. You can attack two times in front of you, then pierce the guy who’s approaching you from behind. If you know the technique for it, that is. You can chain those moves together without stopping. It all gives the impression that you’re the master.

Jakub Rokosz: So there’s no more jumping and stunning with one push of the button, like in The Witcher 2.

RPS: In Witcher 2, especially before you patched it a lot, the combat was really hard. Witcher 3 sounds like it’s being designed to be quite empowering, to say the least. But are you still going to have that element of sometimes merciless difficulty? And what does all of this mean for the learning curve?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: We learned a lot from Witcher 2. We know that our learning curve wasn’t the best in that game. This is one of the most focused parts of the development of Witcher 3, the learning curve and the difficulty curve for players. In many aspects. The combat was hard at the beginning and became too [routine] later on at the end. The plot could be, for some, a little bit too complicated at the beginning.

Right now we’re taking a different approach. For the quests, for example, I believe we can say that we have a kind of rocket science behind it. I’ve seen huge graphs showing how much information we can put into players’ hands at any given moment of the game. We don’t want anyone to feel like they’re overloaded with information, but on the other hand, we want to keep everyone interested. The same goes for the combat. You’ll learn some moves during the game that you wouldn’t ever think of at the beginning.

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RPS: In The Witcher 2, the ramifications of choices were often really, groundbreakingly huge. But what about in Witcher 3? How big will the changes be, based on your choices? I mean, I doubt you can pull anything like Witcher 2's mid-game twist for obvious reasons.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Okay, first of all, it’s impossible to incorporate something like what we did in The Witcher 2. We were really happy about that experiment, but in the open-world environment, we can’t hide a huge part of the world just because you made a different choice at a given moment in time. Something like creating two totally separate second acts would be impossible here. So we had to change our approach. But we wanted to keep serious consequences for significant choices.

Jakub Rokosz: It’s pretty much like that. You have important choices, and a lot of people are counting on you to make the right one, but you never know which choice is the right one.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: If you make a wrong one, maybe a lot of people will die somewhere.

RPS: You have these massive environments to work with now. How much do the effects of your choices manifest in those?

Jakub Rokosz: Yes, of course. It’s another way to lead up the narrative without dialogue, to be honest. You have to see the consequences of your choices. The fans really loved the way we handled those plots in The Witcher 2, where one of the party would have a feast and the other was the massacre. We really want to keep that approach in making our quests.

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RPS: So Geralt’s pursuing someone who was once very important to him now. Having another person to be so dedicated to, will that affect his outlook on sex and relationships?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Actually, we liked our approach in The Witcher 2. I didn’t count the sex scenes. I didn’t keep track of how many women you can have sex with. So it’s hard to say whether there will be two more or three less. But I believe that we’ll be staying in the same place. If it’s not breaking immersion, if it’s not sex just for the sake of having a sex scene in the game, if it’s justified by the story, why shouldn’t we use it?

Jakub Rokosz: I think that some people thought that the sex scenes and our approach is crucial to our game. Which it is, because this game is really serious, and sex is part of being serious. But we’re not saying, “Okay, we need five more sex scenes. Write a quest where Geralt hooks up with five different women.” That’s not the way the approach works. It’s the other way around. You’ll need to do this or that, and maybe sex will become an option.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: It’s not a Pokemon approach. It’s not a collectible.

RPS: I really liked some of the scenes in Witcher 2, actually. I mean, it was still creepy plastic people doing some mix between The Robot and The Worm, but there was legitimate character development underlying it. Like, Geralt and Triss in the first act. That’s one of the few videogame sex scenes I’d describe as “adorable.” In a good way!

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: We will not be changing that. When you look, not only at the games, but at the Witcher books as well, the sex was there, with different women. Geralt has needs and he’s fulfilling his needs along the way. He met women who were close to him, but they weren’t the one for him. It was never the ultimate goal for Geralt, to sleep with girls. That’s childish, and Geralt is far from being childish. He’s a very mature character. He has romances along his way, but he’s never going for sex specifically. That’s not what drives him.

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Jakub Rokosz: From a quest point of view, it’s not like tits are the most interesting thing when you’re making a quest, just showing them off. The interesting thing is to give the option to the player to have sex with the Sorceress archenemy that’s really messed up your plans for the whole game, and then you can actually have sex with her, because she’s like, “Yeah, that’s all water under the bridge now, Geralt.” Just seeing what the player does there, from that point of view. It’s a way to give you a certain opportunity to role-play your character and show what matters to you.

RPS: I’ve heard tell of major plot twists and other finale-friendly razzle-dazzle. Some games pull those things off well, but others, er, not so much. At all. A twist for twist’s sake, after all, tends to come off as quite forced. Has the Witcher trilogy been leading up to these reveals all along?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Harry Potter will die [laughs]. You pushed me. Sorry for the spoiler. We’re planning a lot of twists, and I won’t tell you exactly what the level of the twists might be, but… We had to think about this game as the final part of the trilogy. In this part, a lot of things will happen. A lot of mysteries will be solved. This is also a place for us, for the studio, to use 10 years of ideas and to put them all in one game. It might be our last opportunity to do something.

Jakub Rokosz: And also, our world can finally fit all of that. Sometimes, in Witcher 2 for example, the world was just too small to fit in more quests there. It would just feel too crowded in some places.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Yeah. We have a bigger game, a longer game, and more places we can use our ideas that we’ve been thinking about for some time.

RPS: I know that, this time around, it sounds like The Witcher will also be launching on various consoles. Is PC still the lead platform for it?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: We’ve never really thought about the term “lead platform.” For sure, we’ll be creating this game for the PC.

Jakub Rokosz: Our goal is to make sure this game looks the best as it can on every single platform.

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Michal Platkow-Gilewski: On everything. We won’t be creating some kind of barrier and dumbing everything down to that level. We’re all working on PCs here. We grew up on PCs. Somewhere in our minds, for part of us at least, the PC will always be the leading platform. But I don’t think we have that kind of approach. Even when we were creating the Xbox version of The Witcher 2, a year after the release of the PC version, we treated that as an adaptation, not as a port. We had to rewrite a lot of stuff, and redesign some things as well.

Jakub Rokosz: Our approach was actually to make it look as good or better than on PC, which I think we did.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Yeah. Right now we’re just creating it on a few different platforms at the same moment.

RPS: Even so, you could create a very different control scheme expressly for a keyboard and mouse than you could for a controller. When you’re designing combat and things like that, what’s the mindset? Is it, “We need to make this be able to work on both,” or is it like, “Let’s design for keyboard and mouse right now and then figure out how to make that on a controller later”?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: We’re designing for both in the same moment. We’re optimizing it for both. It’s not like, “Let’s do this for the one and then we’ll see what happens.” We can’t work that way, because we want to treat everyone seriously. More and more PC gamers are playing on game pads now. They’re plugging in and playing with those. We can’t assume that anyone, even a PC gamer, will play with a keyboard and mouse.

RPS: Right now The Witcher 2 has mod tools, the REDKit. Is Witcher 3 going to support something similar to that out of the box?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: We made an editor available for The Witcher. Now we’ll be bringing it to The Witcher 2. I think that this is a tradition that we should continue. But right now it’s too early to tell you when it would be released, or to confirm 100 percent that it will be released. For sure, it would be great, and we’re keeping it in mind. But the ultimate goal for us is to release a really kickass game, a huge game. That’s what we’re focusing on right now.

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RPS: The Witcher one and The Witcher 2 were more constrained and more focused games. This one is going to be a big open world. Is that the direction that CD Projekt is going to move in from now on, or could you see yourselves going back to maybe a smaller, slightly more linear RPG in the future?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Right now we’re working on two huge projects – Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077. Those are both open game worlds. So that’s our focus right now. That’s what we’re willing to do. It’s quite a challenge for us.

Jakub Rokosz: The decision about making an open world game didn’t come out of the blue. Nobody just said, “Let’s make an open world.” It was a decision we made because of what we wanted to show to the players in The Witcher 3. I guess that every game is a separate case. You have to look at it like that.

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: Maybe we’ll come up with other ideas in the future, but right now, we’re fully focused on these two projects. Which means a full focus on open world games. We want to look into that field.

RPS: RPGs are moving in a lot of different directions, I think. One of them is obviously bigger open worlds and things like that. But where do you want to see RPGs end up? For you, what is the definition of an RPG? Are you afraid that, especially with the genre being sort of absorbed into other genres, that could go away?

Jakub Rokosz: For me, I’m a quest designer, so I’m a bit twisted to that side. But the most important thing in role-playing games is story and narrative. It always resembles, for me, the game master’s role in computer RPGs. The narrative works in the same way that a game master would work in a pen-and-paper RPG. It sets the mood, it tells you the story, it creates the mood around you, it lays out all that stuff. For me, personally, it’s all about the story. I would like to be involved in that way – making more awesome, non-linear, strongly narrative-based games.

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Michal Platkow-Gilewski: From my perspective, I’m an avid pen-and-paper player, and I’ve had the great chance to play with an absolutely wonderful game master for 20 years now. For me, the definition of an RPG, a computer RPG, is similar to a pen-and-paper RPG. What it means to me is that you can do whatever you want, and the world adapts to your choices. I can go left, I can go right, and there will be adventure waiting for me on either side of the world. I can play a role in this world. I can influence it somehow. I’m not led to go a little bit left and do this or that. I’m free to play my role. I would love to play games like that. I think it’s close to what we’re doing right now. You’re playing the role of Geralt of Rivia. We give you the tools to play the role of the Witcher.

RPS: Speaking of pen-and-paper stuff, since CD Projekt is also working on Cyberpunk, how much back-and-forth is there between the two projects? Are you guys mostly keeping to yourselves, or is it like, “Hey, we came up with this thing for Cyberpunk. Maybe you guys could use it for Witcher,” and vice versa?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: First of all, we like each other. We drink beer and we eat food together. On a social level it’s really easy. On the game design level, we have one part of the studio which is common for both projects. It’s not only administration and HR and stuff like that. We also have some divisions dealing with production – code, programming, the engine, things like that.

But we’re constantly talking about both projects, projects which are developed almost in the same moment. There’s a huge exchange of ideas. Of course, some of them can’t be adopted in both games. In some cases we just don’t want to adopt them, to make sure that these two games are different. It’s not like a version of one world and bam, we have another. They have totally different assumptions, which will influence the gameplay as well. But for sure, it’s a great opportunity for us. We have big teams of people exchanging really cool ideas.

Jakub Rokosz: It also gives you some perspective. For example, I’m working on Witcher 3 and someone is working on Cyberpunk. When I look at their stuff, it’s not like I’m so emotionally attached to it. I can see things that he can’t and vice versa as well. He judges my work on Witcher 3 while working on Cyberpunk, he can pinpoint the kind of problems that I otherwise wouldn’t see.

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Michal Platkow-Gilewski: We have a huge group of professionals who can focus-test everything we’re doing. We’re not afraid like we would be if we were talking to someone from outside the studio. It’s super cool. We’re all sitting on the same floors. And I’m on two projects, so I get to be the lucky guy who’s involved in everything.

RPS: You said, in the run-up to the announcement, that this is the end of the Witcher trilogy, but it’s not the end of The Witcher as a series. If you bring it back, would it be as another single-player RPG? Would you consider, say, an MMO or maybe even something that’s not a typical RPG at all?

Michal Platkow-Gilewski: I’m not a big fan of talking about projects that aren’t yet announced. Right now we’re only thinking about the end of the saga, the trilogy. It would be a pity to leave such a wonderful world behind, though, so vivid and full of stories. I’ll bet that one day we’ll do something again. Most things about it will be something different, but… Let’s come back to that when we announce something. Maybe one day.

I spent way too much time on World of Warcraft [laughs]. My time there could be counted in weeks. I like MMOs as well, but right now we’re fully focused on The Witcher 3. This is an enormous job for everyone. We don’t have time to even think about anything else. Even if we would love to think about that, we have to think about Witcher. That’s our day and night now. Maybe without the night.

RPS: Thank you for your time.
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Unread postby movie » 14 Apr 2013 02:43

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Unread postby shubn » 10 Jun 2013 22:10

E3 2013 Trailer:

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - The Beginning:
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Unread postby alastair » 14 Jun 2013 05:11

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Unread postby ksevcov » 26 Jun 2013 05:53

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Unread postby shubn » 14 Aug 2013 16:22

Killing Monsters Cinematic Trailer:
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Unread postby Heell » 08 Dec 2013 20:41

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Unread postby System Blower » 27 Jan 2014 19:51 ... nospa=true

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt leverages nearly every ounce of power from the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, developer CD Projekt Red CEO Marcin Iwinski has revealed.

"There is a lot of power in these machines, and I don't want to say we're using them to their capacity, but we're fairly close to doing so," Iwinski told IGN.

Part of the reason why CD Projekt Red has been able to nearly max out the power of the new machines is because the studio decided to skip Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 more than two years ago.

"So we've spent a lot of time with these machines, and it's been a great experience across all three platforms. On the old platforms, namely the Xbox 360 and PS3, we probably would have had to sacrifice nearly half of our vision," Iwinski said.

Earlier this week, Iwinski said releasing an uncompromised version of The Witcher 3 on Xbox 360 or PS3 would be "impossible."
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Unread postby dinopoke » 13 Jun 2014 13:41 ... sword.html







The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Release date set, new trailer and pre-orders launched!

CD Projekt RED, the creators of the critically acclaimed Witcher series of games, are thrilled to announce the content of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector’s Edition, reveal details about pre-orders, and launch a new trailer, full of epic in-game footage showing previously-unseen game features.

With the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, CD Projekt RED continues its tradition of giving gamers more. Wild Hunt will be available in two physical, content-rich editions, and as a digital edition, on

Dedicated to gamers who want more from physical box editions of games than just the disc and the manual, containing premium items prepared by the developers, this edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the definitive answer for those gamers who want to enter the Witcher universe with style.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt standard box contents

• A Blu-ray Disc with the game (DVDs on PC)
• An exclusive CD with the official soundtrack
• The official, developer-created "Witcher Universe - The Compendium"
• A beautiful, detailed map of the in-game world
• A set of unique stickers
• A stylish, protective sleeve

The Wild Hunt Collector’s Edition brings Witcher fans the fruit of our hard work and passion--what we think is the most artistically complete game figure ever made for a collector’s edition of a game. Forged of supreme-quality materials and containing exclusive content straight from the developers, The Witcher 3 Collector’s Edition is every Witcher fan’s dream come true.

“Behold, the Collector’s Edition of The Witcher--over two kilograms of the most badass monster slayer, ready to bring your desktop figure collection to a whole new level,” said Adam Badowski, Head of Studio, CD PROJEKT RED.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector’s Edition box contents

• All the contents from the standard edition of the game
• A giant, 33x24x26 cm (10”), 100% hand painted, Polystone figure of Geralt of Rivia battling a Griffin
• An exquisite, collector-grade Witcher medallion
• A one-of-a-kind SteelBook™ box
• A two-hundred-page artbook, containing breathtaking art from the game
• Huge outer and inner Collector’s Boxes you can store your Witcher merchandise in!

The release date of the game is set for the 24th of February, 2015. The game will be available in the following languages: English, Polish, German, French, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese and Japanese (full voiceover); Arabic, Italian, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Czech, Hungarian, Latin America Spanish, Korean (subtitles).

To whet your appetite, the studio has released a brand new trailer for the game, containing never-before-published gameplay and features.

E3 2014 Trailer - The Sword Of Destiny:

E3 Microsoft Press Conference Demo:

E3 IGN Stage Demo:

E3 Gamespot Stage Demo:
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Unread postby El Chaos » 12 Jul 2014 17:46

Tech Analysis: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Digital Foundry on CDPR's stunning new engine, and its plans to treat PC and console owners equally: ... h-analysis

Thomas Morgan wrote:Our outlook on The Witcher 3 so far is hugely positive, then. With a non-linear approach to questing and no loading screens to speak of, the world streaming aspect of REDengine 3 is already tightly optimised on Xbox One at 900p - a point which bodes well for the PS4 version. The PC version may be set for a few extra visual tricks come the 24th February 2015 release, and we're intrigued to see whether CD Projekt RED can indeed deliver on its promise to treat all players equally, handing in an equivalent slice of gameplay to all platforms.
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Unread postby Masahiro9891 » 14 Aug 2014 08:25

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Unread postby Texas » 07 Nov 2014 03:10

16 pieces of DLC for The Witcher 3 will be free for everyone who owns the game: ... veryone-2/

Marcin Iwiński wrote:“We love games. We love collecting them, playing them, and everything connected to that experience. Every time we reach out for a new release, we expect to be taken care of. We expect support if we encounter any problems, we love updates constantly improving the experience, and we feel really special when we receive free content that gives us more than we initially paid for. It doesn’t have to be huge, it can be an awesome skin for a character, or an extra sword, or armor.
Unfortunately this treatment is quite rare these days. As gamers, we nowadays have to hold on tight to our wallets, as surprisingly right after release, lots of tiny pieces of tempting content materialize with a steep price tag attached. Haven’t we just paid a lot of cash for a brand new game?
As CD PROJEKT RED, we strongly believe this is not the way it should work and, with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, we have decided to do it differently. Cutting to the chase, everyone who buys Wild Hunt will receive 16 specially prepared DLCs absolutely for free, regardless of platform. You don’t have to pre-order, you don’t have to buy any special edition to get them — if you own a copy of Wild Hunt, they’re yours. This is our way of saying thank you for buying our game.”
The FREE DLC program for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt consists of 16 entirely free DLCs, that will be available for every gamer owning a copy of Wild Hunt, for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PC, and PlayStation®4, and is applicable to all versions (digital or physical, standard or Collector’s).
On February 25th we will release the first bundle of DLCs (2 of the planned 16) — the Temerian Armor Set (horse armor included) and a Beard and Hairstyle Set for Geralt, the game’s protagonist. After this date, a DLC bundle consisting of two DLCs will be published every week, entirely for free. Gamers are entitled to the free DLC regardless of obtaining the game via pre-order or after launch. Instructions on how to obtain DLCs on specific platforms will be provided at a later date.
For additional details about the 16 FREE DLC program, please refer to the below Q&A
Q: What do I have to do to receive the 16 free DLCs?
A: The only thing you need to do to receive the 16 DLCs is purchase The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. All of the DLCs will be available for free on every platform (i.e. Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4).
Q: Do I have to pre-order to get the free DLCs?
A: No, each piece of content will be available for download regardless of you buying the game before or after launch on February 24th, 2015.
Q: I have the standard version of the game (i.e. not the Collector’s Edition). Do I still get the free DLCs?
A: Yes. You get the 16 DLCs regardless of the version of the game you bought (i.e. standard or Collector’s, digital or physical).
Q: What’s the plan? When can I expect the DLCs to be released?
A: The plan is to release a new DLC bundle (each bundle contains two DLCs) on a weekly basis, following the game’s launch February 24th, 2015. The first DLC bundle will be released the next day on February 25th. The next bundle will be available for download a week after that, on March 4th, the next on March 11th, and so on. The first bundle will contain the Temerian Armor Set and a Beard and Hairstyle Set for Geralt. The second bundle will contain an additional quest and an alternative look for one of the game’s main characters — Yennefer of Vengerberg.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available for pre-order at
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Unread postby ksevcov » 20 Nov 2014 06:59

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Unread postby ksevcov » 08 Dec 2014 18:30

Sal Romano wrote:CD Projekt RED has delayed The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from its planned February 24 release to May 19, the company announced.

In an open letter to fans, the developer said it needs the additional 12 weeks to correct details and limit bugs that prevent players from fully enjoying the game.

“We owe you an apology,” CD Projekt RED said in the letter. “We set the release date too hastily. It’s a hard lesson, one to take to heart for the future. We know what we want to do to make Wild Hunt one of the best RPGs you will ever play. And we continue to work hard to achieve just that. So, we apologize and ask for your trust.”

CD Projekt RED wrote:Dear Gamers,

Ever since we started working on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, we knew it would be an ambitious game. We wanted, and still aim, to give you an incredible experience, an epic adventure in a vast, completely open fantasy universe.

The sheer size and complexity of The Witcher, key features of the title, have had a decisive impact on production. Now, nearing the end of our work, we see many details that need to be corrected. When we release the most important game in our studio’s history, we must be absolutely sure that we did everything we could to limit any bugs to a level that will allow you to enjoy the game thoroughly.

With this in mind, we took another look at current workloads and what they mean for the team. Even though everyone is working at full speed, we concluded that we need another 12 weeks, so we are shifting the release date of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to May 19th, 2015.

We owe you an apology. We set the release date too hastily. It’s a hard lesson, one to take to heart for the future. We know what we want to do to make Wild Hunt one of the best RPGs you will ever play. And we continue to work hard to achieve just that. So, we apologize and ask for your trust.

Thank you for the all support you show us on a daily basis. We truly do appreciate it. It has fueled us in our passion since the start and will continue to do so.

The Board of CD PROJEKT SA
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Unread postby ksevcov » 08 Jan 2015 06:34

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt launches on May 19th, 2015. If you are looking to play the game on PC, here are the minimum and recommended system requirements.

Minimum System Requirements
Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz
AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660
AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
DirectX 11
HDD Space 40 GB

Recommended System Requirements
Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3,4 GHz
Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770
AMD GPU Radeon R9 290
OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
DirectX 11
HDD Space 40 GB
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Unread postby shubn » 09 Apr 2015 13:24

the-witcher-3-wil-hunt-expansion-pass.jpg ... unced.html

The Witcher 3 Expansions Announced ~ Hearts of Stone & Blood and Wine

CD Projekt RED, creators of the open world RPG The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, announce two massive expansions - Hearts of Stone & Blood and Wine

The Witcher is a story-driven, next-generation open world role-playing game, set in a visually stunning fantasy universe full of meaningful choices and impactful consequences. In The Witcher, you play as Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster slayer tasked with finding a child from an ancient prophecy.

“With the development of Wild Hunt coming to an end, the team has embarked upon the creation of two new really big adventures set in The Witcher universe,” says Marcin Iwiński, CD Projekt RED co-founder. “We remember the time when add-on disks truly expanded games by delivering meaningful content. As gamers, we’d like to bring that back. We’ve said in the past that if we ever decide to release paid content, it will be vast in size and represent real value for the money. Both our expansions offer more hours of gameplay than quite a few standalone games out there.”

Hearts of Stone will take Geralt on an all-new, 10-hour-plus adventure into the wilds of No Man’s Land and the nooks and alleys of Oxenfurt, where he’ll try to complete a contract from the mysterious Man of Glass. Caught in a thick tangle of deceit, Geralt will need all his cunning and strength to solve the mystery and emerge unscathed.

Blood and Wine, a 20-hour-plus tale that will introduce the all-new in-game region of Toussaint, will take Geralt to a land untainted by war, where an atmosphere of carefree indulgence and knightly ritual masks an ancient, bloody secret.

“While we’re offering the Expansion Pass now, we want to make one thing clear: don’t buy it if you have any doubts. Wait for reviews or play The Witcher and see if you like it first. As always, it’s your call,” Iwiński concludes.

The upcoming expansions will offer gamers new adventures, gear and foes and will feature characters both new and dearly missed -- all crafted with maximum attention to detail and quality by the joint forces of CD Projekt RED’s Warsaw and Cracow studios.

Hearts of Stone will premiere in October, while Blood and Wine is slated for release in the first quarter of 2016.

Both expansions will be available on all three platforms: Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4.

For more information on obtaining the expansions, please visit
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