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Videogame forums you've been banned from

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Videogame forums you've been banned from

Unread postby icycalm » 10 Apr 2008 08:54

NeoGAF: Twice (Currently: unbanned)
Insert Credit: Two or three times, can't remember exactly (Currently: unbanned)

Select Button: Twice (Currently: banned)
Shmups: Three times (Currently: banned)

I think there's more. These are the biggest ones though, in terms of size.
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Unread postby Molloy » 10 Apr 2008 14:31

I've never particularly bothered pushing it that far that I actually got banned. I just get pissed off and quit. Most of the forums I've frequented over the years have had overbearing cunts in charge (lets not name names icy ;)), and there's a certain accepted company line of opinion that if you deviate from gets you kicked out. I hate bastards that can't accept they've lost an argument and resort to censorship. Or the ones where if you criticise the guys in charge 20 million of his minions jump in to get offended for him.

There are two or three forums out there that I still enjoy other than this one. World of Stuart has sadly recently become subscription only. I'm going to miss that place. I also enjoy but it can be a tad slow. Still, lots of cool arcade hardware on it. The third one is because I make a bit of music and it's full of very funny people. Theres an absolutely no holds barred atmosphere on there. They've got a couple of excellent trolls as well. Every forum needs a good troll.
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Unread postby icycalm » 10 Apr 2008 14:55

Molloy wrote:Most of the forums I've frequented over the years have had overbearing cunts in charge (lets not name names icy ;))

I realize I am an overbearing cunt, but I have very good reasons for that! Which I will of course explain in excruciating detail in an upcoming article.

The gist of it is that the only thing I care about is quality. If that means I have to choke baby Jesus to death in order to attain it, then so be it.
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Unread postby zinger » 10 Apr 2008 16:08

Since you brought it up, what the hell happened back there (your outbreak)? :o
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Unread postby icycalm » 10 Apr 2008 16:18

I don't know what you mean by "outbreak". I was just being my usual self.

As for what happened -- the same thing that has been happening ever since I started posting in videogame forums. I hold a mirror to people's faces, they see their ignorance and stupidity reflected in it, and then instead of learning from that and mending their ways they lash out at me, for showing them the mirror.

The Athenians poisoned Socrates for this.

The Jews crucified Jesus of Nazareth.

This is human nature, lol.
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Unread postby zinger » 10 Apr 2008 18:32

Yeah I know. Reading posts on shmups was actually pretty interesting for a few days there, now it's back to this shit (from that same thread):

Shatterhand wrote:Their shmups aren't bad, but are overrated indeed. Both RSG and Ikaruga are pretty good, but waaaaay overrated (I dislike RSG, but I can see why people like it so much. I do enjoy Ikaruga, though I suck at chaining). Gradius V is AWESOME though, and actually I find it to be underrated.... maybe the lack of a score system made possible for them to design the levels with more freedom, and they made a masterpiece. Silpheed: The Lost Planet is garbage. People say its more due to gamearts controlling the development of the game, but it seems they didn't had any idea of what made the original Silpheed so enjoable.

kozo wrote:Overrated? Sure. Still appreciated by me? Yes.


Still, I don't think that kind of hostility will add to your credibility.
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Unread postby icycalm » 10 Apr 2008 19:25

zinger wrote:Still, I don't think that kind of hostility will add to your credibility.

The above statement is wrong on so many levels it's not even funny.

Firstly, I was not the one who was being hostile. What I was being was incredibly helpful, by having the patience to explain all these elementary issues to all those morons in the first place. Then they started repaying my kindness with booing and insults, and it was only THEN that I started giving them what they deserved. GP's conduct in particular was totally unacceptable. WTF ragging on me for 3 pages because he never learned to read, and when I told him to leave me alone and learn some English he went through my reviews with a magnifying glass to find a single mistake, and when he couldn't find anything he comes back saying that I did not MENTION this one thing from the strategy guide! And to cap it all off the illiterate bastard had the nerve to compare my site to IGN. To IGN! Totally unacceptable behavior. And all for what? Because he misread one of my sentences, and when I told him so his pride was hurt to such a degree, that he simply HAD to find a way to get back at me. People do not get much pettier than this, nor much stupider.

Secondly, my credibility among intelligent people remains, and will always remain, sky-high. If you actually think that I care about my credibility amongst anyone else, you really do not understand very much about me, nor about this website.
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Unread postby zinger » 10 Apr 2008 19:44

I just read what GP quoted from your review in its original context, and it made me laugh out loud. :lol:

Puts your agitated tone in a whole different context as well of course. I got you.
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Unread postby HeavyElectricity » 10 Apr 2008 22:50

I've not been banned from any, but I left the Games Animal forum voluntarily years ago as I had become thoroughly sick of the members. I also left another recently due to a change in ownership.

Molloy wrote:World of Stuart has sadly recently become subscription only. I'm going to miss that place.

Same here. I mean, you can still reply to topics, but can't post new ones. It's a real shame. Have you made the jump over to Be Excellent To Each Other?
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Unread postby Randorama » 11 Apr 2008 09:58

Icycalm wrote:What I was being was incredibly helpful, by having the patience to explain all these elementary issues to all those morons in the first place

And there you go. When you explain things to morons (i.e. people of weak intellect) they parse it as a menace. It basically means "Oh no! External information! External means not me! Menace!" Or something like that. I wouldn't shovel slaps on the head in your place, or better: not in terms of name-calling, strictly by the rules it qualifies for ban (not exactly a life-or-death matter...), but that's really a difference in style.

I mean, at times I simply broke fingers to get the point through, at least the given moron parsed that hostility was not the best answer around (not with me, at least). In such cases, I'd invoke eugenics but of late I try to keep my Nazist side in line. Hence, I pretend Zinger has never pasted anything from :lol:
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Unread postby icycalm » 11 Apr 2008 22:33

Randorama wrote:I wouldn't shovel slaps on the head in your place, or better: not in terms of name-calling, strictly by the rules it qualifies for ban (not exactly a life-or-death matter...), but that's really a difference in style.

I don't mince words. If someone is being an asshole to me I will tell them to go suck a donkey's balls, and the mods to go fuck themselves. It is indeed a difference in style. I was never one for subtlety or diplomacy. I just don't have the patience for that sort of thing.
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Unread postby Mr.Stevenson » 12 Apr 2008 01:23

Emuparadise: Once

I was banned because of my....posts (and user name, probably); they were chalked full of grammatical errors and they were incoherent. Now, the official reason was some slight infraction I supposedly committed. But that was just their front to banish me from their forums.

In retrospect, it was a great decision for both groups: Great for me because Emuparadise isn't a forum I would choose to inhabit now and one I shouldn't have then, and great for Emuparadise because they don't have to see my posts anymore. Still, it's a shame that they weren't blunt enough to tell me either I shape up my post or stop posting, instead they just gave no reason at all, just a ban.

Emuparadise was the first forum I joined, and it is the first and only forum I have been banned from. While I can't be certain that Emuparadise will be the last forum I'm banned from, there's a good chance I won't be banned from many more of them. Because in majority of forums I frequent, I don't post or very rarely post; it all just feels like a huge waste of both time and energy. Needless to say, this forum is different. Perhaps that's the reason I'm posting on it.
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Unread postby icycalm » 13 Apr 2008 02:17

Mr.Stevenson wrote:Needless to say, this forum is different.

That's right. From here people can get banned just because I didn't like their username.

Or because they smell funny.
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Unread postby DaleNixon » 13 Apr 2008 15:08

I was banned from for two years. I logged in the other day and noticed they unbanned me. Hopefully I can post there for a while before the decide I'm an "insert credit faggot" again.
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Unread postby icycalm » 25 Feb 2009 00:03

Updated list:

Insert Credit: Two or three times, can't remember exactly (Currently: unbanned)

NeoGAF: Three times (Currently: banned)
Select Button: Twice (Currently: banned)
Shmups: Three times (Currently: banned)
rllmuk: Once (Currently: banned)

I would have been banned from several more places (NTSC-uk, for example, or SRK) if I cared enough to go back there and get involved in arguments, but I think I am at the point where the whole schtick is getting boring, even for me. Animals are fun to play around with, but you can get bored of anything, and there comes a time when even monkeys lose their charm and one can get amusement only out of -- human beings.
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Unread postby Vert1 » 25 Feb 2009 00:47

I trolled a Fable thread because of Jeff Minter's Unity being cancelled and that slop getting a release instead.

N-Philes forums

Banned for hating on Final Fantasy from what I recall.
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Unread postby jiji » 26 Feb 2009 17:31

Have never been banned; have abandoned many forums. I usually don't post enough or participate in heated enough discussions to get myself removed. (Or, I've never pissed off the wrong people.)
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Unread postby KAI » 03 Feb 2010 21:48

I've been banned from CAVE-STG for being a member of this place:


Come to visit my DeviantArt
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