State of Battlegrounds by icycalm on 27 Jul 2024 08:56

Quick update: I will have things to reveal soon, but let me just say that this project WILL be completed no matter what, and it won’t even take the 12 years that Star Citizen has taken. It will take 5 years. It started in 2020, and in 2025 I will launch 1.0. And it will be 100x better than even Star Citizen. It’s just that good things take time, and the best things take the most.

Enough said, back to work.

Cult Hangars by icycalm on 25 Jul 2024 17:46

Inside Star Citizen: Alpha 3.24 - Hangars and Freight


Cloud Imperium Games wrote:
What are you most proud to display in your hangar? This week on Inside Star Citizen, we're taking one last look at the changes coming to one of the most fundamental features of the 'verse: your hangar, the items within, and how you move them.

You can see the new furniture they're making in some of the shots, and also of course in the preview image above. I think you'll be able to buy them in-game with 3.24. Maybe also out-of-game. Also, confirmed armor display cases are coming, but not with 3.24. They should also start selling arcade machines, and why not also a computer to put on your desk and play a real game like Among Us?

Note that they're also adding a search function, plus item stacking, so the inventory should be much more usable now. And you can have firefights in hangars now!

I need to make a new thread for the furniture. There's been some details leaked already.

Cult Clones by icycalm on 22 Jul 2024 20:46

Yeah we talked about that recently, didn't we? I also made a note to make a Cult Patsy outfit for the clone (it'll just be whatever they give you in prison lol). Don't forget to put the clone's login details in the #cultclones Discord channel. We should also make a thread where we report the Merits, a la Cult Bank. I think when Pyro comes, they'll raise the Stanton crime penalties, so this should come in handy.

Cult Clones by shubn on 20 Jul 2024 18:21

I made CULTCLONE-4, and got it the Cutter Foundation Festival Starter Pack. It will also get the Nox referral bonus in about a month.

Until we need it for something, I was thinking of parking it at Klescher, as a sort of Cult Prison Bank, where people could log in and earn Merits when they feel like it, which could then be used for times when one of us gets a long prison sentence and wants to get back in action quickly.

D&D: Deals & Discounts (Games) by earthboundtrev on 20 Jul 2024 11:23

Maid of Sker is free on Epic until July 25:

Alex Kierkegaard's Battlegrounds Alpha 2.0 is now LIVE! by icycalm on 15 Jul 2024 22:37


Alpha 2.0 introduces a major element to the Battlegrounds experience: Battlegrounds Comics, developed by our Cult Comics division. This update introduces only the Pathfinder line, but more lines will be eventually added, including Dungeons & Dragons, Starfinder, Alien, Blade Runner, and many more. The inaugural collection—which will be going online shortly, after being unlocked by SriK in the recently-concluded Skeleton King’s Crypt—is an anthology comprised of the very first 6 issues of “Pathfinder Volume 1” developed by our Mount Laurel, New Jersey division (internally known as Dynamite), the best 15 alternate covers of which (out of a total of 31) can be seen in the monstrous collage above (9,940x9,168 px) that I put together specifically for this release (you won’t find it anywhere else online).

Note that we’re talking about a 224-page comic collection that dives deep into the Rise of the Runelords region with a parallel storyline with a cast of all-new characters and related events and villains. And all that was unlocked by a mere 1-hour singleplayer adventure... And players will be able to read these comics right on the overworld, by clicking precisely where the events begin.

But that is not all. If it were all, it would still be incredible and utterly unprecedented in the world of videogames. But there is much, much more to it than that.

Because each of the 6 issues that comprise this collection comes with several pages of game content by master game designer James Jacobs and other Cult Games Redmond staff, numbering 42 pages in all for this release, full of new locations, maps, encounters, characters and world detail. Moreover, this material is directly connected with the issue algonside which it is presented, which means that players who read the comics carefully will be able to tease out this content by visiting the locations in the comics, and/or seeking out the characters involved with them, and generally poking around the region in light of the new developments presented in the comics. And it doesn’t end even there, because the heroes of the comics first of all set up future adventures for the players (such as Black Fang’s Dungeon, which we will run right after), and moreover these heroes will be added to the overworld in the exact same manner as all PCs and NPCs, and can be sought and interacted with!

If you know any other game that allows even 1/10th of the above features, please let me know about it, cause I would love to play it.

Does that mean that players HAVE to read these comics?

Absolutely not. Feel free to completely ignore them if you wish, and continue playing as if all this stuff doesn’t exist. This stuff will 100%, sooner or later, impact your adventures in the game—but you’re welcome to deal with these events when they come, and abstain from the entire, let us call it “meta” dimension of the comics (and also movies, novels etc. that are coming).

And isn’t all this stuff metagaming anyway, and therefore verboten according to my theory (see Against the "Metagame")?

Good question, but the answer is... not quite. After all, metagaming happens outside the game, and the Pathfinder comics were developed specifically to enrich the game’s world. They are therefore... inside the game. Of course it can be argued that they are outside the CAMPAIGN of Rise of the Runelords, but even that argument is sketchy because... once more, these events are clearly inside the campaign since they dovetail with it in numerous places. So... there IS an element of metagaming involved in this additional material, but the situation is far from clear-cut. Suffice to say that there’s not the slightest doubt that this material massively enhances the experience of Battlegrounds as a whole, and the Rise of the Runelords campaign in particular (as well as the Master of Heroes/adventure-strategy layer btw, because whatever content ends up not being discovered or engaged by the RotR team will be discoverable by other players in that layer).

In short, it’s a complex subject, which is why it’s getting an entire Ultimate Edition chapter titled “Ultimate Metagaming”. Look for it to go online in the next few days, right before the first batch of comics go online. Everything will be explained in there in great detail, and everything will make perfect sense afterwards. Because when have I ever done anything that doesn’t make perfect sense?

Hints & Tips by icycalm on 15 Jul 2024 18:25 ... ns/7043427

ZacPreece_CIG @ZacPreece_CIG wrote:
So with hitmarkers, it's currently only tied to combat visors, they're the most optimal for combat for certain playstyles but will have larger trade-offs when more gear archetypes come online etc.

But there's no reason not to use one now because the other gear types aren't here yet but when more things come online you'll have to make meaningful choices on the gear you take with trade-offs to suit your style.

So for example, gear that gives you more information such as hitmarkers will not have the other powerful elements that other gear will have (which I won't go into since it's future content we've not talked about specifically).

But you can imagine just as a really high-level concept example of a trade-off, this gear might have very high emissions meaning you are really easily scanned.

Obviously don't want it to be a crutch for combat as we want to offer gear with meaningful choice and reward those who go for gear with less contemporary FPS feedback.

But just the nature of development with the combat helmets being the furthest along and being the only ones turned on.

Foundation Festival 2024 by shubn on 13 Jul 2024 19:27

Image ... tival-2024

Here are the main three points of interest: Free Fly, Referral Bonus, Guide System Rewards.

Free Fly

Click the "fly for free" button on this page to get access to the following ships to test fly: Arrow, Caterpillar, Cutlass Black, Cutlass Red, F7C Hornet Mk II, Gladius, Prospector, Razor, Valkyrie, Vulture. It's not clear if you get them for the duration of the Free Fly, which ends on July 19, or for the duration of the Foundation Festival, which ends at the end of the month.

Referral Bonus ... rral-Bonus

Refer a friend (or your own alt account) for both accounts to receive an Aopoa Nox. Make sure your referral code is used during account creation. You can check the "referral program" page in your account settings to see if the referral account appears in your list of prospects. To count as a recruit, the account must spend a total of $40. A common thing to do when using an alt account as a referral is to buy $40 worth of Warbond CCUs, then gift them to your main account when the 30-day refund period has passed.

Guide System Rewards ... -has-begun

JakeAcappella-CIG wrote:
Guides are Star Citizen's ambassadors and, for many players, the first friendly face they'll see in the 'verse. Star Citizen is a deeply immersive world, but it can also be an incredibly complex endeavor for new players. As a guide, you can hold the torch and be the guiding light for first-timers navigating the ins and outs of the 'verse. As a Recruit, you can pair up with a veteran to make those first steps in the 'verse easier. And during this year's Foundation Festival, there's plenty of opportunity for BOTH Guides and Recruits to fly away with some epic freebies.

Head over to the Guide Hub to get started!

What's in it for me?

Everyone (both Guides and Recruits) who use the Guide System will automatically receive exclusive rewards from July 12 until the end of the Foundation Festival on July 31. Rewards are provided weekly, and as you complete more guide sessions, or help with multiple categories, you'll rack up the bounties. Don't miss out on these exclusive Foundation Festival rewards!



*Recruits (the ones requesting a Guide) will receive a message prompt after a successful session (minimum of 30 minutes), asking them to verify the Guide and the tutorial category completed. This prompt will occur via Private Message on Spectrum.

Heads up! If you already own one of the rewards, you won't be able to receive them a second time. Also, please remember that we can monitor and verify all Guide interactions and disqualify players attempting to game the system.

In addition to these rewards, we'll award exclusive Foundation Festival-themed prizes for completing a single guide session in a particular category (for both the Guide AND the Recruit). Only one prize will be rewarded for each tutorial category, but up to twelve paints can be rewarded if all twelve tutorial categories are completed. Rewards are based on the tutorial category that is endorsed by the recruit at the end of the session. See below for which prize goes with each category:

But there's even more!

For every weekend during Foundation Festival, we'll additionally reward one unique Armor and Weapon set to both the Guide AND the Recruit completing at least three successful sessions each weekend. A total of three sets are available as a reward.

Cult Fleet by shubn on 13 Jul 2024 19:20

I hit the Wing Commander Concierge level, giving me a second F8C and its Shockwave paint. I also got a Nox and PTV referral bonuses, and upgraded a Pulse LX to a Mule.

Cult Fleet by icycalm on 13 Jul 2024 17:47

Got the Nox from the referral program they just launched to coincide with the Foundation Festival 2954.

To sub or not to sub? by icycalm on 10 Jul 2024 16:04

Subscriber classism ... r_classism


I lolled. Especially after imagining CIG PR reps saying the second quote in a Southern accent.

In the thread people are lamenting that the subs were initially meant to fund community content like the shows Around the Verse and BugSmashers, but that wasn't community content, it was cheapo CIG content that has now been upgraded to Inside Star Citizen and Star Citizen Live with high production values in their own-built studio, so everything is better than it's ever been, including the subscriber perks. CIG has the data, and if they were losing subs, they'd change tack, so cool joke, but the whining is stupid.

Cult Hangars by icycalm on 09 Jul 2024 13:11

Fantastic news. It turns out L and XL hangars get 2 cargo lifts: ... ati-around

LordWolf @LordWolf wrote:
In the YT video that was discussing this, the streamer had mentioned that other party members can ALSO pull gear and vehicles up into YOUR hangar... so having a 2nd elevator allows multiple team members to be pulling up gear, vehicles, cargo, etc. at the same time... without just having one queue... thereby halving the prep time.

By myself, it likely wouldn't make much of a difference... perhaps just some added convenience... pull all your cargo up, then remember 'oh!... I gotta load a N-URSA in first, BEHIND the cargo'... don't start all over... just use the other freight elevator!... or some other yet unforeseen scenario.

So good call to require Planetary Commanders to have at least an L hangar and Supreme Commanders an XL. This means all strategic commanders will have 2 lifts, perfect for launching ops from.

Also note that the Polaris when it releases later this year will be the third ship granting an XL hangar.

Cult Fleet by recoil on 04 Jul 2024 11:13

I bought a Hawk with aUEC.

Scheduling by shubn on 02 Jul 2024 10:15

Image ... ter6282024

Cloud Imperium Games wrote:

The Jumptown drug labs are up and running again from July 2 (16:00 UTC) to July 9 (20:00 UTC). Check out the full schedule and keep an eye on your Contract Manager next week for up-to-date locations. You don't want to miss out on this thrilling event! ... umptown-21

Cloud Imperium Games wrote:
Jumptown Schedule - Alpha 3.23.1a

Each time listed represents a location change, and each location runs approximately 23 hours.

• July 2, 2024, at 9AM Pacific / 4PM UTC
• July 3, 2024, at 9AM Pacific / 4PM UTC
• July 4, 2024, at 9AM Pacific / 4PM UTC
• July 5, 2024, at 9AM Pacific / 4PM UTC
• July 6, 2024, at 9AM Pacific / 4PM UTC
• July 7, 2024, at 9AM Pacific / 4PM UTC
• July 8, 2024, at 9AM Pacific / 4PM UTC

MOST WANTED: Star Citizen & Squadron 42 (PC) by icycalm on 01 Jul 2024 13:57

I just realized that, since Star Engine is based on CryEngine, which had turkish founders, at least some of the DNA in my favorite real-time game is brown.

My worldview is collapsing. Hold me.

Narrative Event: Cheesecake by icycalm on 28 Jun 2024 17:58

Star Citizen: 3.24 Datamining | Codename "Cheesecake" (Slicer Raids) - An Upcoming Dynamic Event ... g-codename

First off, CIG no longer calls them Dynamic Events, they call them Global Events. Second off, this isn't that either, because it's a chain of events like the recent Overdrive Initiative, which they're calling Narrative Events. So that's what this Cheesecake is. With that out of the way:

Danny wrote:
Within the files for 3.24, an odd name was discovered in various sections typically dedicated to dynamic events: "Cheesecake". This seemingly new dynamic event is obfuscated heavily by a variety of code words and blank entries, so details on what this may be are quite hard to determine. Regardless, I've been doing quite a bit of digging on this "Cheesecake" event so I can do my best in summarizing everything on what this new event might be.


Danny wrote:
Code-named "Blood", "Garlic", "Oreo", "Strawberry", and "Vanilla", these various odd names seem to be the 5 different overarching activities for the event. There's a few variations of each activity, similar to the Overdrive event that released earlier in the year.

The event seems to imply a new faction, the Slicers, but I find it hard to believe this is a brand-new faction because these take ages to make, all the while we can follow their progress in the monthly reports, including sneak peeks of their outfits, and we've seen nothing of that for the Slicers. So unless Chris took a bunch of artists aside and tasked them with fast-tracking a new faction, the Slicers might only be a subfaction of an existing faction, maybe slightly palette-swapped etc.

Danny wrote:
To start off with the bare minimum I could scrounge up for actual "hard details" on the details for the event, I can somewhat confirm that the faction that we're facing is a completely new one. Entries within the datacore (a data file that details much of the specific functionalities in Star Citizen) seem to reveal the faction's name: "Slicers". It should additionally be noted that it's heavily implied that this is yet another battle alongside the CDF, but we'll get into that later.


There's a lot more in the link, so head on over there if you want a breakdown of all the missions, but what's most important for me is that the last mission is delivering supplies to the Stanton - Pyro Jump Point. And not even to the station, but the actual jump point gates, which makes it seem that, if there's a Global Event to cap it all off, it will end in Pyro. That's why I am putting Cheesecake in the Stanton forum, and I'll probably be putting the yet-to-be-revealed Global Event in the Pyro forum.

Can't wait for the Inside Star Citizen episode that reveals it all.

Global Event: Blockade Runner by icycalm on 28 Jun 2024 17:24

A description of Blockade Runner has emerged from a leaker. Not sure how accurate it is, but it's very different from Nine Tails Lockdown and instead of being space-focused, it seems to offer a bit of everything: ... nt/lajkcun

244958 wrote:
A hostile fleet of ships equipped with quantum jammers have created a blockade around ~mission(Location|address), destroyed the station's defensive turrets, and stole a large supply of Zeta-Prolanide. In response, the CDF has received authorization to activate its volunteer force.

Though the overall situation is dire, the theft of the Zeta-Prolanide is our priority. Without direct action, the loss of the sector's Zeta-Prolanide stores could have devastating effects to the wider economy of the whole system.

While local security forces are investigating the incursion, they've tracked the stolen to several locations so CDF volunteers are tasked with heading to these locations, recovering the stolen Zeta-Prolanide, and transferring it back to the station before the material completely degrades and is no longer viable. Just be careful, intel suggests that larger clusters of Zeta-Prolanide have a higher outlaw presence.

Since time is of the essence, having a tractor beam to assist in moving the cargo is highly advised.

As an added incentive, volunteers will receive regular bonus payments for their combined efforts.

Fed-Poster-1337 wrote:
Looks like you can choose your own adventure.

FPS, ship combat, or moving cargo.

Global Event: Blockade Runner by icycalm on 26 Jun 2024 17:07

Blockade Runner is in 3.24 that's testing right now!

[Evocati PTU] Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.0 PTU.9221646 Patch Notes ... atch-notes

So get ready for another Global Event, possibly in July. It's just an updated version of Nine Tails Lockdown which we've already played a bunch of times and completed with pretty decent stats. But there may be enough new stuff to make it exciting. It looks like an all-space event though, and I am not a big fan of those, but again it's something to rally the troops with and spend a Saturday playing, so I am down.

There was a segment in an ISC a few months ago that detailed the event:

Inside Star Citizen: Missions to Make


Cloud Imperium Games wrote:
Craving some juicy intel on upcoming missions? Join us for this episode of Inside Star Citizen as we explore data heist missions and a new global event coming later this year with the Mission Feature Team.


And some comments on Nine Tails Lockdown that is being retired and won't be run anymore:

@mskurnik wrote:
I loved Nine Tails Lockdown. The problem with it was that the economy didn't support purchasing the medical supplies at enough locations or fast enough to be able to load the ships. You would sometimes have to wait 15+ minutes to buy and 15+ minutes to sell the items. On top of that, CIG picked some of the smallest stations with only 4 hangars and people wouldn't store their ships so there was nowhere for people to land and then sell their cargo.

@EeroafHeurlin wrote:
Nah, the blockade-running part had basically no risk. The biggest risks came from pirates who interdicted the shipments at source or long before the station and then ransomed the cargo, doing nothing for the 9T-side mission itself. It was just easy profits for those that managed to buy and sell things. Should have been like XT that you would have to get the supplies from the wrecks (did you know there even were wrecks with medical supplies?) The actual fleet battles have always been kinda meh and the pirate side of the mission was unwinnable to begin with. And just how much medical supplies would one station really need? Not a C2 every few minutes definitely... Refined quant at least has use everywhere.

Have to say we didn't encounter any of the above issues in Nine Tails Lockdown, but that's probably because we didn't play the mission efficiently enough. We did complete it several times though, so I am glad about that and therefore don't mind so much about seeing it retired.

Hints & Tips by shubn on 26 Jun 2024 16:41

Adding to what Rory wrote regarding comm arrays:

You can also buy Tigersclaws at Technotic in Grim HEX, and at the Factory Line at the New Babbage Plaza (head to the center of the Plaza and walk downstairs). Buying them from the displays isn't working right now, but the Factory Line also has a terminal you can buy them from. You can also find them in loot crates.

To get in a comm array, you can park in a blind spot under the entrances, between the main structure and the solar panels, so your ship doesn't get shot at by the automated turrets. At least this used to be possible, and may or may not have changed. You can also shoot down the turrets, or have a buddy drop you off and pick you up. Using a hoverbike to get up to the entrance also works, and the Pulse is small enough to get inside. There are two entrances, located opposite from each other, 90 degrees from where the solar panels connect.

Hacking a comm array with a Tigersclaw takes about 5 minutes from the moment the hack starts. It sends an alert to other players, so you might get visitors. Sometimes, a comm array might be up, but the terminal says it's down. Simply click "reconnect" then "cancel" to take it down, without needing to insert a cryptokey. There's no automatic reconnection timer, it stays down as long as no one reactivates it.

There's been a bug for a while where you often cannot insert a cryptokey to hack the terminal. The issue has been marked as "under investigation" by CIG recently, and should hopefully get fixed soon.

Hints & Tips by icycalm on 26 Jun 2024 16:36 ... _events_in

Kaiyanwan wrote:
Rule #1 for a successful completion of events in Star Citizen

Finish the event in the first two days. [For us, this means the first Saturday, which is usually in the first two days, or at most the third. -icy]

Anything beyond the first two days will diminish your chance for completion of the event greatly due to:

1. Performance issues: Server performance is always a problem in SC, but the servers have a tendency to degenerate a lot lately, making it even worse.

2. Mission progression: Some missions are designed with progression in mind. Players have a tendency to neglect completed missions, even if they are repeatable, so most of the time you can only find a group for the actual mission.

3. PvP: It doesn't matter if the focus of the mission is PvE, PvP players will very likely make your progress harder during an event. Many PvP players complete the PvE mission first for the reward and then go back to killing players (many times at the event location). So the longer you wait, the more PvP players will be focusing on PvP again.

4. Frustration: Fewer people will try to complete the mission the longer it runs, as it becomes harder and harder to complete. So even players that actually enjoyed the event during its peak and try it again will move away from it due to constant fails.

5. Rewards: After the initial reward for completing the event (like armor in your hangar), credit rewards have become very lackluster in regards to the amount of time, effort and coordination it takes to finish most events. So after people get what they want, they will go back to the money-earning loop of their choice. This was less of a problem when rewards were still connected to reputation, but even XT now has left this approach.

Livid-Feedback-7989 wrote:

It's still doable after, but it's mostly based on luck at that point (unless you have a full org at your disposal at any point).

2WheelSuperiority wrote:
One thing people can do if they have a little bit of drive and time is recruiting in local chat for a group, getting as many people as possible, and if it's not at least 6, without griefers at wreck site, you server-hop with the group to recruit more. Griefers in general can't actually do anything in Master Modes when they are outnumbered as their skill is nullified by numbers. So you just need to have more/shut them down immediately.

It was a tedious process but it works and was very helpful using the official Star Citizen Discord.

Just as an FYI for future events.

State of Battlegrounds by icycalm on 26 Jun 2024 13:16

There is amazing stuff happening in Pathfinder with the War of the Immortals plotline currently playing out (don’t google it if you’re playing with me). Multiple new Adventure Paths have been announced that cover it, a high-level standalone adventure, a novel, and I think even a board game which I plan to integrate into the Master of Heroes mechanics (I will integrate lots of board games to give the overworld insane depth, I am building a giant list of them). I plan to start reporting on all of this soon, at the same time as I update the frontpage release schedules with an enhanced focus on GMRPGs.

The only reason you’re seeing such a huge focus on Star Citizen on the frontpage currently is because that’s so much easier for me to set up and play while camping. But my heart is in my Battlegrounds and I will be moving the game to end all games forward soon. At a slow pace, until I am done with camping, but at least it won’t be frozen and there will stuff for people to play.

Cult Discord by icycalm on 24 Jun 2024 15:50


I turned on the Discord Events feature for our last XenoThreat attempt on Saturday and it made the server look cool and the event flashier and more official. I've used it before, with other events, but not consistently. I keep forgetting to turn it on. So now I've added it to my "things to remember" checklist (which includes lines such as "Call mom"), so that should help.

When we restart Battlegrounds, I'll advertise every session this way. It's a bit of extra work, but I think it's worth it. Makes the server look more alive and draws everyone's attention to these awesome sessions, both in the lead-up to them, and while they're live.

Global Event: XenoThreat by Adjudicator on 22 Jun 2024 18:48

This YouTube video features a streamer and her friends/followers showcasing their efforts at capturing and then crewing the XenoThreat Idris capital ship.

Fully Crewing an AEGIS IDRIS + LTI Ship giveaway! - Star Citizen 3.23.1 multi crew Xenothreat


0:40 to 1:14 is extremely informative at showing a method of boarding the Idris. Attacking the XT Idris with her group. Note that the hostile XT Idris was heavily preoccupied with fighting other friendlies, which gave the opportunity to use ballistic weapons and fighter mass driver cannons (which have significant penetration against shields) to inflict enough damage directly on the rear hangar door, forcing it open.

1:14 to 4:42 showcases the forcible entry and landing inside the Idris's hangar, and the fight to seize control of the Idris. There are many XenoThreat soldiers and guards present. This part of the video alone reminds me a lot of the action packed opening of Star Wars Episode 3, where the two Jedi Knights force their way in and land in the hangar of the enemy flagship and fight their way to its bridge.

The rest of the video shows how she and her friends had to fend off attempts by other players to wrest control from her, and using the Idris as a crew.

For me, the most memorable part of the video is from 20:15 to 24:10, where the Idris is shown landing at Area18 for repairs and rearming. The scale of the ship and the capital hangar required to house it left an impression on me.

Cult Fleet by recoil on 22 Jun 2024 05:25

I added the Carrack I won at Bar Citizen.

Alien Week 2954 by Adjudicator on 22 Jun 2024 01:21

I have obtained the Alien Week 2954 Challenge Coin for both my main account and CULTCLONE-2. I have also confirmed the RSI account hangars of both characters have the coin.

Real Ca$hmoney by icycalm on 21 Jun 2024 19:00

If you're really rich and can't be bothered spending months or years buying points from people, you can always buy 1000 accounts at the next referral program at $45 each and refer all of them to your main account. Instant club access for $45,000. Though I am not sure if the club is even operational yet, so probably there's no hurry. But anyway I think this is the only reward from the referral program that you can't buy straight from CIG.

Endgame content.

Real Ca$hmoney by icycalm on 21 Jun 2024 18:47

People are trading referral points lol. Current rate seems to be about $10-20 per point.


This takes place at

This has nothing to do with the Overdrive Initiative, btw. It's just a friend referral program that was run for a while alongside the event. It means you refer a friend who buys the game and you get a referral point. And people are selling these points because there are some sweet rewards for them:

The Javelin requires 2017 points, so even if you get all points at $10, it's still $20k, while the Javelin itself costs only $3k. So that's not a great deal. BUT you also get all lower rewards. Still not a good deal for the Javelin tier. However, the SECOND-highest tier reward is pretty sweet and cannot be acquired any other way:


This is an actual in-game club, and unless you are a popular streamer or YouTuber or manage a big org and can get lots of people to use your referral code, the only way to get in is to buy 1042 referral points at minimum $10/point. So about $10k to get into that club lol. More like $15k at current prices. And it'll still take you months if not years to acquire all of them.

I'll do it if I get rich.

Alien Week 2954 by icycalm on 21 Jun 2024 18:18

I also got the coin for clones 1 & 3, which are mine. I am leaving clone 2 for Adjudicator since it's his. Grab that coin, man! And Ciaróg should also grab it for his two accounts...

If we grab lots of coins for all our accounts and clones in all the events, we can have a corner of HQ full of coins like it's a dragon's hoard...

I'll be the dragon.

And when we make a main base, we move the treasure room there. We can dump all sorts of rare artifacts among the coins, like the alien cube recoil got at Bar Citizen etc.

Aegis Idris-P / -K / -M by icycalm on 21 Jun 2024 17:55 ... r-releasin



BrE @BrE wrote:
Idris changes how the game is played, consider releasing it even if unfinished...

We've been playing with the Idris as a base of operations and it's already really good. Some things are obviously way OP, like the special changes made to it with damage and mega tankiness, but even in its current unfinished state it's a game-changer for Star Citizen.

This ship allows orgs to live out there, whether it's 3 players in the morning just doing small missions or protecting their industry ships, to 30 players in the afternoon who can run huge operations and block out entire areas for their use. The hangar fits a lot of configurations, you can repair in it and transport fighters or bombers to where they are needed. Fleet combat comes alive, living as a crew member, as a pilot of a battle carrier group, true escorts that are scary...

It's not only what you and your friends can do with it, which is already big, it's all the other loops it opens up that don't exist in Star citizen yet because we don't have a real carrier. In fact some of it being unfinished gives more purpose to others when flying. Since the pilot has no MFD, he relies on other players to acquire targets and position. Hangar management isn't that easy, requires players actively doing it. Non-combat focused pilots have a lot of support work to do here. It is a great experience all around!

Consider letting owners start flying it, even in this state! Lower its HP and all the OP stuff though, we don't want it to be the only viable ship around, it should be scared of torpedoes and such.

Viking84 @TexNorthman wrote:
I just want to deliver boxes from my Idris. Is this too much to ask for?

lands and squashes entire outpost while trying to fetch box ... y_than_any


Capt_Snuggles wrote:
The Idris brings more emergent gameplay than any other ship or content to date

Over the past couple of evenings, some org mates and I have stolen multiple Idrises and then gone on to use them for the evening; taking down the Arlington Idris in a 1 on 1, loading it up with tanks and Spartans and assaulting a bunker, doing ERTs with a group of fighters. It adds a feeling in the game that has been a pipedream for many, and often the source of the hype and excitement; the ability to have such varied and dynamic gameplay, whether FPS or space, playing as a team on a single ship, with multiple roles/purpose/function.

It's honestly been the most fun I've had for years... and I'm reminded of one of my biggest frustrations - the whole 'not releasing until after S42' and all the other FOMO excuses that completely go against the Agile delivery approach CIG tout.

Yes, I get it's 'not done'. Yes, I get that in its current balance iteration, taking it down is nigh-on impossible unless it's locked down by Mantis etc. and players coordinate on a server. Yes, I know that capital gameplay isn't fleshed out. But if those are worked around (hull reduced, railgun removed/inactive), then the Idris would be one of the biggest changes in the game in years. There. I said it.

The game is in constant development - and the gameplay that the Idris will bring will be immeasurably valuable for the balance and development of multicrew capitals, whilst also being bloody damn fun.

Prior excuses/potential blockers:
Engineering isn't in - nor for any ship. So that's a moot point.
S42 spoiler - seen it now - nothing really to spoil.
Nothing to take it down - reduce the armour.
Too strong - remove the railgun and size 7.

Come on CIG - be fun.

Asleep_Comfortable39 wrote:
Yea. I see this. The reason I've stuck with SC positively for so long is because when we have working AI and big ships, it's going to be the most incredible roleplaying game ever. The emergent elements are going to be amazing.

That being said, we need AI gunners because nobody actually wants to man turrets for long sessions.

SliceDouble wrote:
I never really cared about "Big" ships until we managed to board and capture Idris on XT. It opened new way to play and that was the most fun I had for a long time in SC. Never had 12 hour session in SC in one go and no regrets. Was a bit tired at work next day without sleeping all night lol.

YoGramGram wrote:
Most of the excuses are silly. The Hammerhead is in our hands and it would have so much more utility with engineering, yet here we are. Idris is a 30+ person ship, if you have it fully-crewed, you DESERVE to be overpowered. They didn't mind SQ42 spoilers when they needed the flux of cash with the F8C. If we can take it down in XT and in missions, then so can others in PvP.

They should just drop it alongside the Polaris for 4.0, let people have the ship they paid stupid money for. It fleshes out your game so much more, creates more incentive for community (which creates longevity of interest in your game), and gives players more to do in a game that frankly falls short in the missions department.

SeamasterCitizen wrote:
Yup, exploring and flying the XT Idris has sold me on the ship. I'd buy one tomorrow if it was flyable. But I'm not spending £1500 on the idea of a spaceship to be delivered “one day”.

aughsplatpancake wrote:
The biggest issue right now with the Idris is the server population limit. You can only put 100 people on the server. That means that you've likely got somewhere between 10% to 25% of the server population on one ship.

YoGramGram wrote:
To be fair, that has been a running joke with ships like the Cutlass Steel & other dropships yet they happily pushed those out the door and took the money for it. At least with this one it has a lot more utility for players to find enjoyment with the game.

Mintyxxx wrote:
Can it not be taken down with torps? Bit out of the loop on torpedoes as I don't have a ship with them.

Loafolar wrote:
Takes a lot of S9 torps, I can see them releasing it with the Polaris coming out being a good counter option.

If you can field a Polaris along with your Idris, and 4-5 fighters aboard them, you're golden. That's what we need to do.

Loafolar wrote:
Polaris VS Idris should come down to the situation more than the ship, a couple good torpedo strikes should melt the Idris, the spinal should wreck havoc on a Polaris, and the Idris should be able to outgun it close quarters but not be as fast or maneuverable.

WorstSourceOfAdvice wrote:
It should still heavily favor the Idris in a 1v1. Nobody would use the more expensive capitals if the smaller capitals have equal footing in a fight, people will just bring corvettes.

I'm talking Idris with PDC systems active etc.

If a single Polaris will melt it, then the Idris is useless. It costs more to run, it takes more manpower, and for what? So a smaller corvette can kick its ass?

Loafolar wrote:
Most situations would definitely favor an Idris, as long as it doesn't end up blindsided by a torpedo strike, in a straightforward 1v1 as long as the Idris PDC keeps the torpedoes off it it should win, a few early torps from a surprise attack should tear up the Idris, severe damage but not necessarily a kill.

Mintyxxx wrote:
They certainly seem far more dangerous than they used to be. You used to be able to fly around them without any effort but I had real issues getting close in XT. Haven't managed to get on board yet.

Hints & Tips by Some guy on 21 Jun 2024 17:39

To disable a comm array you need a Tigersclaw which you can buy at Cubby Blast and a few other places I think. Fly to the comm array, EVA in and find the terminal there. Then you just insert the Tigersclaw and start hacking. Keep an eye on the terminal and press a button one or two times after you've started hacking to keep the process going. Once that's done you're free to EVA out. I'm not sure if there's a reconnection timer or players are required to restart the connection though.

Tales from the Verse by icycalm on 21 Jun 2024 17:25 ... story_time

Illfury wrote:
A pickup group called me to them on Discord. We got along and teamed up against the Idris.

There weren't many of us fighting it last night, regardless we gave it our best shot. My new buddy "RoamingSomething" was helpful and on point. Several attempts later, I take out my Eclipse and deliver 3 dumbfire payloads into the Idris, only to lose a wing and eject.

I sat there, in the void... watching the battle unfold. The streaks of red and gold chaos splashing to and from the Idris, the ensuing explosions of various ships backlit by a dancing nebula of green/blue hues.

I thanked the team for picking me up, but I needed to call it a night. I removed myself from the party and intended to go to bed... except, I didn't. I was mesmerized by the dance before me.

Maybe 20-30 minutes later, the Idris finally succumbs. I EVA my way to its wreckage, nothing wrong with securing arms and armor.

As I slide between a twisted heap of flesh and steel, I notice a ship approaching. A Cutlass Black. A side door opens and two players emerge, scanning the debris for potential spoils. They make a quick EVA, and return to their ship, but just before the side door closes, I blast into their ship. One, clearly confused while holding a gun in his sperm suit, just looks at me as I knock him out, his buddy frantically running around. I eventually knock him out too. In this moment, I learned K/O only works for about 9 seconds... and none of us had guns with ammo.

Now we're running a la Benny Hill in circles in the back of this man's Cutty Black trying to K/O each other until I escape to the cockpit, get into the seat and hit some high-G maneuvers to knock them on their ass. I was going to try and NAV to a nearby station but I start to receive damage. Was I getting punched? Didn't matter, I couldn't NAV out for some reason.

If I couldn't live through that moment, neither were they.

*Self destruct initiated*

Suddenly in chat I see
"RoamingSomething: FUCK YOU"

ME: Roaming... is this YOUR cuttyblack?
Him: FURY? YES!!!

*Self destruct disabled*

I hop out of the seat, face him and we start laughing.

I wanted to hijack the ship to safety, had no intentions on killing anyone but it was my most fun pirate experience yet. This game delivers stupid engaging moments I don't find elsewhere.

As if you read this far. You're on the shitter, aren't you?

SUB2_CinonPK wrote:
I'm actually on the balcony at the beach, wanting to make more stories like this when I get back :) :)

TheSpicySadness wrote:
We need an anthology of player stories like this! This is gold and the magic that Star Citizen can have despite all its dust.

Good ol' icy has you covered with this thread.

Hints & Tips by icycalm on 21 Jun 2024 17:21 ... omm_arrays


999horizon999 wrote:
Comm arrays?

So if I down a comm array I have free reign on a planet? And does that mean bounty hunters can't track me around that planet? Can bounty hunters track you in quantum travel? Asking for a friend.

arki_v1 wrote:
Yes. Yes. No but they will see where you go if you pass through a comm array. If you jump from Crusader to ArcCorp they will see you heading that way. If you drop and head to microTech halfway through then they will not see you until you get to microTech's system.

999horizon999 wrote:
Nice. I'll let him know. Tnx

Bynairee wrote:
What's your friend's location? Asking for a friend.

999horizon999 wrote:
The comm array's off-line, so I couldn't tell you.

Olfasonsonk wrote:
I haven't tested this in recent patch, so not 100% if it's still the case, but if you're outside comms range, like deep space QT travel, bounty hunters will get an update on your last position whenever you open up your mobiglass.

IndependentAdvice722 wrote:
The Comm array records crimes committed and tracks you if you're a wanted bounty (CS3 or higher). If the Comms are down, crimes will not get recorded and bounty hunters will not be able to track your exact location. Send regards to your friend. Tell him justice will catch him, sooner than later... If you give me his handle, maybe even sooner :)


Star Citizen Wiki wrote:
CommArray SCC

Owned and operated by Aciedo, these communication arrays provide comm coverage and ECN services to a sector of space. Their functionality or lack thereof is determined by gameplay. Each planet or moon in a UEE system is usually orbited by one of these stations.

It is possible to hack a comm array using a cryptokey, which can allow you to disable them. Disabling a comm array will make it so no CrimeStat will be registered in the corresponding area. Therefore, comm arrays often come under target by criminals. Aciedo will then call on local citizens/technicians to repair them. Such missions can be acquired through MobiGlas.

One question I have is how long does it take for a downed array to go back up? Does it depend entirely on players servicing it, or does it go back up on its own after a set time?

The other question we need answered here is exactly how you disable a comm array. shubn and maybe some others know, but most of us don't, and could use a guide.

Landing Zone: Area18 by icycalm on 21 Jun 2024 17:04

Hoshiko visits Area18


Global Event: XenoThreat by icycalm on 21 Jun 2024 16:39

Xenothreat - Taking down the Idris Solo


Took down the Xenothreat Idris without a ship or team. I managed to hitch a lift to the battle zone on the Javelin and then boarded the Idris in EVA. ... _a_ship_or

mclen wrote:
Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne.

agreen123 wrote:
Get this man a goddam medal!

Mr_StephenB wrote:
The NPCs were very slow to react so it wasn't too tough, had they been like a fresh server I wouldn't have made it anywhere near the bridge. There were some close moments where I almost died, but I was able to complete the objective.

I'm now wondering what effect this will have if this is done to the Idris during Phase 1.

I find it pretty interesting that Phase 2 can technically be completed without needing a ship (other than the Javelin). Very fun event though!

DodoBirdNotExtinct wrote:
This is really amazing. This is the kind of footage that we need to be posting everywhere possible so people can see how amazing this game is. This should be plastered on the damn frontpage of Star Citizen as an advertisement.

People don't realize how advanced/impressive SC is. Show people this and I think jaws will hit the floor.

Shows you what's possible. Basically anything you can think of. Also interesting that he says the Idris appears on both Phase 1 and 2? Does that mean it's boardable on almost every phase? We need to figure this stuff out.

Hints & Tips by icycalm on 21 Jun 2024 16:00 ... all_in_one


AngelicFluffy wrote:
Every Website, Organization & Service. All in one place!

Hello and welcome!

I've been working on a project aimed at making your Star Citizen experience even better. Introducing, a website designed to help you find all the services, organizations, and resources you need while out in the universe!

We've all been there—searching through forums or relying on word-of-mouth to find the right org or website. My goal with StarServices is to create a comprehensive, hassle-free directory where you can easily discover reliable and trustworthy organizations and websites for any task.

Here's what you can expect from StarServices:

I'm still in the process of building and refining the site, but I believe it's already a valuable tool for the community. If you have an organization or run a Star Citizen-related website and want to be included, please reach out! We'd love to showcase your contributions to the community.

Think of StarServices as the Yellow Pages of Star Citizen. Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome as we continue to grow and improve.


News by icycalm on 21 Jun 2024 15:43

Dude they've bought/rented new servers and are running Stanton with 600 players... We're in for such a treat in the upcoming months. Meanwhile everyone else is still playing with Game Boy Colors lol.

[TECH-PREVIEW Playtest] Meshing Efficiency Playtest - Starts 7pm UTC ... y_playtest


They also put in an easter egg:

Cloud Imperium Games wrote:
For the meshing TECH-PREVIEW, do not try to join PYRO as this will brick your account until you recopy. This test is for Stanton only.

Global Event: XenoThreat by icycalm on 20 Jun 2024 18:56

So it looks like XenoThreat will be running this Saturday too, and we'll be playing at both our 1 PM UTC and 10 PM UTC slots. Unfortunately I'll only be playing at the first slot because the supermarket I play in is closed for the second, but I hope enough players will show up for the second slot, or play both, to have two fun sessions. Generally, I don't expect as many players as we had last Saturday, but that's ok because we had atypically many last week. And since this time the focus will be on boarding the Idris, I have seen even solo players manage it, so we should do fine with even 3 or 4 or whatever players.

So we'll focus on the very last part of the event (or what I think is the last part?), which is boarding the Idris. We've already figured out and done fairly well in the other phases, so this is the only phase remaining to figure out how it works. Then we can put it all together the week after, if XT keeps running, or next time they stage the event. It's the same thing we've done with other events: they're all too complex to figure out in their entirety on our first run, and by now we've figured out all of them, except this one. And this is by far the most complex to figure out. Jumptown is more tactically complex, but the objective itself isn't complex: you just need to grab, and deliver, as much drugs as possible. Here on the other hand you have to hold off a space assault all the while retrieving sensitive cargo via EVA and delivering it with multiple ships and restrictions, and finally cap it all off by fending off a capital ship, or even better boarding it and taking it over (the last of which was only added with this latest iteration of the event). It's certainly the most complex mission in all of real-time multiplayer gaming, as far as I am aware, and the boarding mechanics they just added for this iteration of it make it even more complex. Of course, you can just blow the Idris up, but disabling it and boarding it has insane perks, because you can then take control of it and—after refueling and repairing it (which costs north of 1 million aUEC btw, so we better have several people with a bunch of cash in the teams)—you can choose to either use it against future instances of XenoThreat on the same day, or to terrorize the system like these guys: ... erver-and-

Yogi-1 @Yogi-1 wrote:
XENOTHREAT VICTORY!!! - Murdering an Entire Server (and a UEE Javelin) with a Fleet of Idrii

Blightveil decided to embrace the XT event and see just how far we could take it. Instead of killing the Idris, we boarded and stole it. Then we stole a second one. Then a third. We murdered everyone. If you weren't in our party, we murdered you. Then we murdered the UEE Javelin.

The beauty of this is that all the PVE Bob's will never know the joy of stealing a fleet of Idrii and using them to terrorize the system.


PS: To be fair, they'll also never know the pain of spending 20 minutes and dropping $1million (each) to refuel them when they run out of gas. :D




So that's our goal: we want to do what these guys did. But just one Idris. Three is too many for us right now, we'd need more people to fly them anyway. And if we do manage to get it, we then switch to our full XT armors for as long as we can hold the ship. Hell, if all goes well we might even be able to grab the ship at the 1 PM slot and hand it off to the second group at 10 PM! One group reportedly held it for 32 hours!

Do I expect to succeed in capturing an Idris on Saturday? No. I'll be happy if we just manage to board it. Others that I have seen report capturing it tried several times over several days, and we probably won't get more than a couple of chances on Saturday. So I don't expect to get far. I'll be ecstatic if even one of us gets onboard, and we'll take it from there. Hopefully the event will run for another week, and we'll get to try again.

At any rate, boarding is slated to become a major part of the game, so we might as well get some XP right now in trying to learn it. So if you find any Idris-boarding guides or videos, post them here. This thread has some tips to get us started:

The Idris is unstoppable! ... nstoppable

Idris in QT

Vayne7777 wrote:
Yesterday I finally managed to get onboard the Idris and take control of the pilot seat while no other player backstabbed me.

There was another player on the bridge a couple of minutes later and I expected to be backstabbed but they were friendly for a change and together we killed all the crew but the mission was glitched so it couldn't be completed. We continued hearing NPC voices during the time on the ship so it could be the leader glitched somewhere in the interior of the Idris.

As the mission continued to be active the Idris had a mission marker and many other players tried to board and destroy the Idris while it was in our hands. They all failed. The Idris when run with AI in the turrets and a player in control is virtually unstoppable to any of the current other ships that are in game.

Look at that railgun

Vayne7777 wrote:
What did we learn?

We fought on moons and in space. All attempts by other players over several hours failed.

BeachDuc wrote:
I had somebody (in my org) hand over a captured Idris to me. The only interactable in the cockpit was a 'Radar' button. I couldn't even sit in the seat. None the less, it was amazing to get lost in a capital class ship.

CassiusFaux wrote:
You gotta go to the back of the seat to get the prompt, it's silly I know but it took me a while to find it.

Pacifist90 wrote:
I have captured 3 Idris so far, and had the experience that you cannot repair it at any outpost. Only those with a "large" pad (the ones with 2, one larger and one smaller). Trying to land at an outpost with only 1 pad always resulted in an "impounding" message. Even tried it out by staying there, and yup, the Idris got despawned after the timer ran out.

Refueling from ~45% to full cost 150k, and after about 20 minutes it filled up to about 90%. So that takes a while as well.

Vayne7777 wrote:
Interesting I only used the large pad at SAL5 and Area18 and it was all good - possibly server-related?

The main piece of advice in order to HOLD the ship seems to be to not kill the turret gunners and just let them do their jobs. So be light on your triggers if we get that far.

See you on Saturday. O7

News by icycalm on 20 Jun 2024 17:12

Star Citizen: Meet the Team - Weapon Content


Cloud Imperium Games wrote:
We're back with a new format! Join us today as we introduce key members of the Weapon Content team while learning more about how they work together to create some of the best weapons in the 'verse, including a sneak peek at new upcoming weapons.

Amazing video! You see glimpses of the tattoos that are coming, the fire extinguisher that will be in 4.0, a new weapon with a bayonet? Or is that a chainsaw a la Gears? A machete or sword? Tons of new weapon concepts, a new Greycat tool? Also the upcoming energy/distortion weapons. Also a ton of Rust-like improvised weapons for Pyro! They look insane! And the fucking crossbow they've been promising for years! The Ranger will get this!

Incredible video, don't miss it. I can't wait to incorporate all the new stuff into the Cult Spec!

MOST WANTED: Star Citizen & Squadron 42 (PC) by icycalm on 20 Jun 2024 16:09 ... lobal_chat

TTV_MasterDobby wrote:
Global chat

I swear this game never ceases to amaze me when it comes to conversations in global good god


Lightzout624 wrote:
Is that the Drake experience

just_a_bit_gay_ wrote:
He'd have to rip out all the drywall for that too

S4rdus wrote:
I think a simple relay is useless without a proper circuit breaker and a ground fault circuit protector. Safety first, commander /s

Code_Kid1 wrote:
Wham Bam 4D Gaming Meme


TTV_MasterDobby wrote:
Jesus Christ that fits this so well

Antares-A-Scorpii wrote:
Has to be a joke because thats the dumbest thing ive ever seen in game chat, do do so would be absolute idiocy and dangerous.

I think it could work if you're very careful in-game and very good at the game so that your ship is only in danger say once or twice per session. And if you can restrict the setup to just your gaming room. Then I can see it working very well.

News by icycalm on 20 Jun 2024 15:23

Thanks for the explanations. I’ll hit you up for resources when I am ready to start studying.

News by ysignal on 20 Jun 2024 06:06

In a large system it's generally not practical to optimize everything, and performance is usually limited by specific bottlenecks. So, you optimize the current bottlenecks and that allows you to scale up until you start hitting new ones, and then you optimize those, and so on. You can model the system to predict bottlenecks, but for a sufficiently complex system it's very hard to catch them all at design time. Many optimizations for a game like this also rely on player behavior. That's why you often need to run tests to figure out how to continue optimizing.

Regarding inexplicable bugs, typically in a game like this, a number of systems need to work in concert to make something like opening a door happen (e.g. asset scripting, animation, UI, network, rendering). If any of these parts get out of sync, the functionality breaks. If a specific in-game object is buggy (e.g. a door on a specific ship), it's likely that one or more of the associated assets (e.g. scripts, models, animations) got out of sync with the latest changes to some other system or asset. And that is assuming that the system is designed cleanly. Typical commercial software projects are filled with "hacks" added to get a feature out the door at the cost of making the system less coherent. In that case, the rabbit hole goes much deeper than what I've explained above.

Alien Week 2954 by icycalm on 19 Jun 2024 20:28

Why would a XenoThreat-supporting org scramble to get "Celebrate Diversity Together" coins? We want to stick them down the aliens' throats before we shove them in the ovens.

Alien Week 2954 by icycalm on 19 Jun 2024 20:23 ... -Week-2024

Go to the link above and scroll down until you find the code text box, and enter "HOLEN".

This is a direct link to where to enter the code, if you don't want to navigate the main page (which has many cool media and text): ... 4#7dd5254d

Because just getting the answer is no fun, guide for Alien Week puzzle ... _fun_guide

Guide to Alien Week Crypto Puzzle


It will appear immediately in your web hangar.

Alien Week has already gone on for a week, so it may end at any time, though sometimes they keep these "weeks" going for more days, or even for an extra week or two. Still, it only takes seconds to get your coin, so I would do it immediately if I were you.

Global Event: XenoThreat by icycalm on 19 Jun 2024 19:42


Turns out Exiled had also finished Overdrive, and now he's finished XT too, so we have 6 medium XT armors in our web hangars now. That's a good size squad, especially if I have a heavy XT armor, which would bring us up to 7.

For reference, these are the 6: icycalm, shubn, recoil, Adjudicator, Some guy, ExiledOne.

Once persistent hangars go live, and unique item recovery as well (which will take a bit longer), we will pile up these armors in a corner of the CULT HQ hangar, and then ANY 6 players who want to play as XT will be able to put them on, not just the guys who own them. In the meantime, don't use them in-game because if you lose them you can't get them back until the next major patch, which is September.

It gets tricky if you also recover the same armor from Starfarer wrecks or boarding the XT Idris, and then you're wondering which suit is recovered and which is your web hangar one... The web hangar one will appear in your home location, so don't put the recovered ones there, and you'll be fine. Put them in some space station. If you screw it up, it's cool, you'll figure out how it works by September.

News by icycalm on 19 Jun 2024 19:12

Thursday: server meshing test with all backers, 3 servers per shard. Friday: Cargo/hangar build with Evocati [MOTD - goals for this week] ... _backers_3


Stanton with 3 servers probably means 200+ players. Maybe as high as 300. That will radically change the game. Though there are way more POIs now with the derelict settlements and distribution centers than there used to be, but that's why it's hard meeting anyone these days. So the increase in playercount should make encounters more frequent, and landing zones more populated. Very keen to see how this experiment goes, but I won't be playing. I really don't enjoy testing. But for those interested in testing: ... echpreview

The_Fallen_1 wrote:
For extra clarification, this is for server meshing with network changes based on the last set of tests they ran before 3.23.

EDIT: Some more information that's come out:

It's likely start at 21:00 UTC, but as early as 19:00 UTC.

There will be 3 Stanton servers per shard. No indication of how they're split yet.

The test will be for a 3.22.x build, likely to ensure performance/keep the number of factors down a bit.

"Super high" player counts aren't the focus, so it's more likely a case of wider scale testing for more information than pushing it to the point it breaks.

I'd be interested to know how much room for improvement there is in the code between tests. I mean... you developed the server-meshing code. Then you test it. And it turns out it breaks above 200-300 players. So what exactly can you do to raise this number? And why wouldn't you have done it from the beginning?

I need to learn to code at some point. I will do it if I get to old age and have plenty of time. The issue of bugs especially is a mystery to me. How can adding in some code in an entirely different part of the game break how a SPECIFIC ship's door opens or doesn't open? It makes no sense to me. And this shit keeps happening ALL THE TIME? It sounds unbelievable.