Divinity: Original Sin


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[PC] [MAC] [PS4] [ONE] Divinity: Original Sin

Postby dinopoke » 31 Jan 2013 07:20







PLAY WITH TWO LEAD CHARACTERS: Discover who they are and what terrible truth binds them.

Enjoy the freedom of CLASS‐FREE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT with plenty of unique skills, weapons and equipment.

SUMMON AND RECRUIT other characters and creatures to complement your party.

EXPLORE A LARGE AND DENSE WORLD: filled with quests, special moments and memorable characters.

DISCOVER A WEALTH OF ITEM INTERACTION: if it’s not nailed to the ground, it can be moved, used or combined.

Pursue the freedom and explore the depth of role‐playing where CHOICES & CONSEQUENCES MATTER.

TURN‐BASED COMBAT SYSTEM adds a tactical edge and depth to your role‐playing experience.

USE SKILL AND SPELL COMBOS to make your attacks more effective.

EXPERIENCE COOPERATIVE MULTIPLAYER MODE: up to four players can fight and explore together; develop your characters individually.

DISCOVER THE COOPERATIVE DIALOGUE SYSTEM: you don’t necessarily need to agree with each other!

BUILD YOUR OWN ADVENTURES: powerful toolset allows the community to create and share new adventures online.

ENJOY THE DIVINE MUSIC OF KIRILL POKROVSKY: the award‐winning composer of all previous Divinity games.

DIVE INTO THE DIVINITY UNIVERSE: the story of Original Sin is the prequel to the events of Divine Divinity.

http://www.co-optimus.com/article/8553/ ... under.html

- Co-op play will be supported via online and LAN connections. though it doesn't seem it will support a combination of the two

- Friends will be invited into your game to control the other character, and character progression will be kept in the host's game (i.e., you can't join a friend's game, get loot/level up your character, and take that character back to your own play session)

- The real focus is on Divinity: Original Sin being a two-player experience, but up to two other friends can join the game as "recruits" ; these characters are fully customizeable and can collect loot, however, they will not have input into the story

- The inspiration of co-op conversation came from a couple of different sources; one of which being capturing that tabletop RPG feel where everyone has a say in what's going on, but the other being that Swen wanted to play this type of a game with his girlfriend

- The two main characters will be able to flirt with one another (they are holding hands in the concept art, afterall), which can raise some further interesting situations/scenarios when playing with your significant other

An Inside Look At The New Divinity:

E3 Footage:
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Postby shubn » 27 Mar 2013 18:09

Kickstarter page: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lar ... iginal-sin

Divinity Original Sin Kickstarter.jpg
Divinity Original Sin Kickstarter.jpg (129.33 KiB) Viewed 42172 times
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Postby Ununpentium » 23 Apr 2013 21:14

Pre-Alpha Developer Walkthrough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3cWpZf_C6E
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Postby Ryusenshi » 02 May 2013 09:28

http://www.jeuxvideo.com/news/2013/0006 ... tarter.htm

The Kickstarter campaign was successful, so the developers released a celebratory video.

Here is a series of videos (in French) presenting the game:

http://www.jeuxvideo.com/gaming-live/00 ... 112425.htm
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Postby Some guy » 26 Sep 2013 16:58

Divinity: Original Sin set for February 2014.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/la ... sts/610368

Divinity:Original Sin Release Date Is Set

Welcome Back

It has now been exactly five months since we closed our Kickstarter campaign. Looking back, it was quite a ride, and one of the best parts was that all stretch goals were met!

As we were integrating the stretch goals in the game in the last couple of months, we realised they affected a lot of the game systems and this would be more work than we thought.

Deeper character creation (traits and talents) made us rethink the stats system, the inclusion of companions meant we had to have more party support, and the day and night schedules affected all the behaviours of NPCs. And even the world they live in! Because where else would these people live and sleep?

The following video has Swen & Axel explain what including the stretch goals meant for the development of the game, and features an example of how schedules for instance influenced the game world.

Here's a spoiler:


"I wonder what that fire is on the first floor... And how do I get to the second floor?"

Divinity: Original Sin - Update 45 - Stretch goals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3VQMTkIxcw

Original Sin Set For February 2014

We are very determined to implement all the extra features gained through stretch goals the way they should be implemented, which essentially means that we want to incorporate them in the story, the world and the gameplay mechanics.

This is taking us more time than we originally thought, and so, rather than cancelling a feature or a goal, we decided to move the release of Divinity: Original Sin from this fall (as originally announced) to this winter, specifically to February 28th 2014.

We realize this may be disappointing for some people who had hoped the game would still come out this year, but really, we think you'll have a much better RPG experience when everything we wanted to put in, is actually going to be in.

For backers that have Alpha access, expect to have the rough and rugged version of Original Sin by November. Beta should be your New Year's present in January!

What are they thinking ?

For those interested in the details of the how and why, check out Swen's brand new blog entry, in which he explains his thoughts on postponing the release of Divinity: Original Sin.

Live QA on friday September 27h at 17:00 CET

We can imagine a lot of you have questions because of the moving of the release date, and to answer those, we'll be doing a live QA session via the Larian Studios channel on Twitch TV tomorrow, september 27th, 17:00 CET. Join in, and you'll be able to ask David or Swen pretty much anything you want about Divinity: Original Sin via the chat channel. They'll try to answer as many questions as they can, and perhaps even show a bit of the game.

In closing: Fan day report

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!

On August 9th, a wild horde of screaming fans descended upon the Larian Studios' offices, and hijacked what was to be the Dragon Commander release party. We made a video to mark the occasion, but we forgot to post it! So without further ado, here's the video report on Larian Studios' first ever fan day!

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Postby jeffrobot494 » 15 Mar 2014 23:08

http://steamcommunity.com/app/230230/di ... 114007/#p4

Some interesting items from reading alpha impressions:

1. Enemies do not respawn. Once you have killed them, they are permanently dead and there is no way to bring them back (by restarting the level for instance, a la Diablo 3). This means there is no grinding. You have a finite amount of resources to beat the game with.

2. Items are (in the current version) quite expensive. A healing potion costs 800 gold and you might only get a fraction of that from winning the average fight. Given point 1, you have to be very careful with your purchases. Spending a lot of money on the wrong item could really screw you.

3. Characters that die in combat are dead until you revive them. There are a couple of ways to revive characters. One is the costly Resurrection Scroll, another is a healing class revive spell.

The developers have a pretty unforgiving attitude overall:

DeathKnight [developer] wrote:
SadOnion wrote:1. Auto rise fallen followers and refill everyone's health after battle.

That would make the game too simple. You have a party of four, surely one of them can cast a healing spell after combat a couple of times?

SadOnion wrote:2. Reduce Monster agro radius so players can get the jump on them.

There are areas in the game where we indicate tough stuff is coming. For instance, if you enter the harbor and go through the gate to the other beach, first of all, that beach is guarded and the gate is closed. Second, you find a grieving orc there (who doesn't attack you) and he's level 6. That should give you an indication that that beach is off limits until you are more powerful. We also put some level 5 zombies outside the gates of Cyseal that you can see from the city walls, and closed the gates, so you actively have to ask to open it.

SadOnion wrote:3. Give more clear quest objectives. Hints like find someone's lab does not help. You need to say where it is located, how can I get there.

No. We can tell you "it is North of here" or something, but we are not going to put a marker on your map or anything. If it is a secret lab, how would anyone know where it is? Where is the fun in exploring?

SadOnion wrote:4. Have respawning monsters to some extent. I hate running around for 15 minutes doing nothing but loot chests and barrels.

We don't do respawning. Never have and never will. If you've cleared out an area, that's it. If you need to go back there for something, you can use the Shrines to travel there faster.

SadOnion wrote:7. Shop price is ridiculous. I know it's old school, but it does not make sense.

Do you mean everything is too expensive?
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Postby icycalm » 16 Jul 2014 00:07

Feature Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mea7Pa3rhJU

It looks incredible. I skimmed through a lot of reviews on Steam, and all the negatives they bring up, aside from UI issues, sound like positives to me. The high item prices, getting slaughtered outside the town if you don't do all the "side" quests, unintuitive puzzles, lots of text to read, etc. I think that you just need to wait a few months for all the bugs and UI issues to be fixed, and then this is a must-play.
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Postby icycalm » 24 Aug 2014 16:59

36 minutes of Divinity: Original Sin with me, Qpo, Masahiro and stevenberg:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/jz9x8htrlsexi ... 0.avi?dl=1

It's merely the first dungeon and a little bit of the town, so no major spoilers there. As for the quality of the game, it's out of this world, but I'll talk about that later.

I'll say this much for now, though, if you play it with less than four players you are butchering it, and if you play it with less than two you are hopeless.
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Postby jeffrobot494 » 17 Sep 2014 02:09

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/la ... sts/982419

Larian Studios wrote:The wait is over: Two new companions have landed in Cyseal!

We may have been a bit quiet over the past two months, but you'll be happy to hear we've spent the time not only recovering from launch, but also preparing improvements and new content for Divinity: Original Sin. We figured: how better to break the silence than with an exciting update chock full of much-asked-after features?

Today, we're launching a content-heavy update to D:OS players, featuring two totally new companions, each ready (if you play your cards right) to help save Rivellon. Also included in the newest update is a big quality-of-life improvement and another coat of polish.

Below, Swen discusses more about the added content, as well as future updates and what the team's been up to since our last update (hint: Divinity: Original Sin isn't the only game we're working on!).

YouTube: Divinity: Original Sin - Update #64: New Companions!

Read the update's full change list here.

Download this free additional content!

As promised, we're ready to launch two more companions into Rivellon, both of which you can meet in Cyseal. Bairdotr, a curious and loyal ranger, has gotten herself into some trouble at the Legion barracks, while the silent rogue Wolgraff has found himself a nice hustle stealing coins from the wishing well in the Cyseal hinterlands (accessible through the graveyard tunnel).

Check out their concept art and a short description of each companion below:


"You seem strong as mother, though your chest is not quite so hairy. Your sword may come in handy when we find who I seek."

Armed with her bow on her back and her claws at the ready, Bairdotr refuses to fail: She must navigate your world-- a world of wonder and mysteries both fantastic and terrible-- if she's to save Homeforest. The druid of the forest has been kidnapped, and Bairdotr must follow a scant trail of clues if she's to bring him back-- clues that take her to the very heart of Rivellon's Source conspiracy.


"Wolgraff gives you a knowing look. He seems to think the mayor is a few arrows short of a quiver."

Dark Sourcery deprived Wolgraff of his voice when he was but a kid, and with it his dream of becoming a Source Hunter. Refused by the Order, he grew up to become a rogue, stealing from the rich and giving to... just himself actually. His is a world of silence, but if need be he lets his dagger do the talking for him.


If you convince one or both to join your party, you'll learn more about their histories and missions for the future.

Download "The Bear and the Burgler" DLC via Steam, or simply update your game on GOG to receive the new content. Note: The new companions will appear in Cyseal once you start a new game after downloading the update.

Follow the Dialogue: A significant improvement for co-op players

It's no secret that the old system for following other players' dialogues in co-op needed a makeover; fortunately, the latest update will do just that.

Now, instead of reading lengthy dialogues displayed over your teammate's head or in the journal, you'll be able to see the conversation in its own dialogue box with the toggle of a button.

DOS_coop talking.png

What's next?

This certainly will not be our last update on Divinity: Original Sin. We're still working on a slew of new skills and a variety of difficulty modes to ramp up the challenge-- keep an eye out for those in the coming weeks!

If you're curious where Larian is heading over the next couple of years, check out Swen's latest blog entry - Thoughts after releasing Divinity:Original Sin and what comes next.
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Postby icycalm » 17 Sep 2014 02:40

I wonder if the new dialogue system will also work for the modded-in human henchmen. I can see why people would like it, but I don't think it will be a good idea immersion-wise. Maybe if the dialogue box only appeared when you are within hearing distance of the speaker, and even then if you only saw what people actually said, and not the multiple choices. But that's probably not how it works.

Ultimately, if they are adding so much stuff to the game, it would be better to wait half a year or so before playing it, as I said before, but we are all too pumped for this to wait that long, so I guess we can save the future extras for future playthroughs. The extra difficulty levels sound yummy, but I'd of course prefer to tackle the hardest of them on my first run.
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Postby jeffrobot494 » 15 Dec 2014 18:01

Continued from here: http://culture.vg/forum/topic?p=25185#p25185

icycalm wrote:You resurrected someone instead of replaying the fight until you beat it with no losses?


It really surprises me that that's how you feel. I have a lot of reasons for not save scumming. One, it leads to a more interesting, realistic adventure. Being forced to retreat from a battle that isn't going your way; going broke because you had to spend all your money on healing/resurrection items; the last party member, with a sliver of hp, killing the last enemy. All of those things happening makes the adventure feel realistic. Beating every encounter perfectly doesn't feel realistic to me.

Two, having to continue playing with the consequences of your mistakes (like being poor because you're spending your money on resurrection scrolls) usually leads to interesting, immersive problems. "Fuck we are broke, how are we going to make money?" Now you're a couple of broke adventurers that have to take a break from their quest to figure out how to get some coin. You could look for things to steal, look for work, try to pickpocket someone... all of which could to lead to even more bad things happening that forces you to take other actions... Just feels really cool and immersive to me.
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Postby icycalm » 16 Dec 2014 16:37

I decided to reply to you at length in a Videogame Culture essay titled "The Limits of Theory". However, I will first need to write the plagiarism essay I've been meaning to write (which will be a prerequisite to the limits of theory essay), so wait for them. They shouldn't take too long.
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Postby icycalm » 04 Jan 2015 03:33

So Surth and Q-veta from the Learn to Plagiarize site played this and wrote up their impressions:

http://www.learntocounter.com/forums/in ... pic=7792.0

Right off the bat the fact they played it on 2-player tells you a lot, even though I wrote a shitload of text explaining to Surth why 4-player is the only way to play this. And then... I mean... Look at stuff like this:

Surth wrote:I'll still edit this at least once, probably, but here's the story so far: Q-veta and I played this for roughly 75 hours and kind of wished it had been 70. It's 5/5, but Larian's next game will hopefully be the real gamechanger.


Surth wrote:Controlling more than one self-created character is just weird. Imagine playing Jagged Alliance 2 with a horde of self-created characters!)

Casual comments. ALL games that allow you to create characters should be played with custom characters. PREGENERATED CHARACTERS ARE FOR LOSERS. From the beginning of time it has been so, and till the end of time it will be so.

I wrote:So in essence, if you're going to play solo (i.e., as icycalm says, if you're going to play the game as a strategy game with an added exploration aspect), Baldurs Gate is probably your best bet since the other party members are NPC's with interesting backstories

If you are going to play Baldur's Gate solo in 2014, YOU BETTER GO HANG YOURSELF, because you really are that stupid. Even in '98 with no internet worth talking about I still didn't play the game solo.

You guys are hopeless. Which is why you continue to post on Learn to Plagiarize.

Q-veta wrote:the game is single-core in 2014 for who knows what reason

Seriously? You can't figure out the reason why a game whose developers had to turn to Kickstarter to finish it is not a multi-threaded game? Why don't you just buy a Nintendo Entertainment console and stick to 2.5D platformers son.

Q-veta wrote:The combat, particularly the interaction between elements, is fantastic. The first 10 hours or so we were scrambling to get the best position, redirecting enemies with oil surfaces which I then lit on fire, get a jump on them by blowing up barrels, drawing them away from surth's main character so he can sneak in the back and charm one of the enemy archers and so on.

Now imagine how much more fantastic this would have been with 4 people. But you can't, because you have no imagination. Or no friends. Which two facts are not entirely unrelated.

But you guys had fun, your plebeian little 2-player fun, so whatever. Fun is all that matters in the end anyway, right? I am sure that J. Michael says that somewhere in his long-form essays.
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Postby icycalm » 05 Jan 2015 16:02

The upcoming Hardcore mode sounds great:

http://www.pcgamer.com/divinity-origina ... tra-stuff/

Tom Sykes wrote:As we mentioned yesterday, Divinity: Original Sin developers Larian are working on two new, as yet unrevealed RPGs, using the Divinity: OS engine as their base. But that doesn't mean they're done with Divinity—there's the little matter of that 'Hardcore' mode that promises to make pretty major changes to the underlying game. As revealed about three minutes into the above Kickstarter update video, for Hardcore mode Larian are going back and making changes to every encounter in the game, giving baddies new skills and new strategies so that your old tactics will no longer be quite so effective. It's taking a little longer than expected, so there's no date yet, but I'll eat my Santa hat if it doesn't arrive sometime next year. (My Santa hat is made of chocolate, by the way.)

Hard cores aside, we can expect to see changes made to Divinity's economy, to its story and companions (including added banter)—there's also a high likelihood of added controller support, given that a couple of devs are filmed playing around with such a thing in the video. Added together, it's clear that an extraordinary amount of work is being done on Divinity post-release, so if you've already finished it, another playthrough may be in order towards the tail end of 2015, when I imagine most or all of these additions will have been patched in.

If what the Learn to Plagiarize players are saying is true, and difficulty takes a nosedive after the first act, it would be very disappointing. I would love for the entire game to have the same difficulty and heavy use of tactics as the first act has had so far, and I am willing to wait a bit in order to experience it that way. It's not like there are more games of this sort we can play. How many turn-based multiplayer isometric WRPGs are there? None. That's why this is a "gamechanger", even if the Learn to Plagiarize people can't see it because they hardly tried the multiplayer mode.

Note also that the game's director himself said somewhere that he admits that the combat gets worse after the first act, or something to that effect. It would be extremely disappointing to spend the rest of the game steamrolling every encounter...

The problem with my team, and especially with me and Qpo, is that this is the THIRD time we start the game over, and we are really sick of the beginning. recoil and steven joined later, so for them it's not so bad. So it would be very hard for us to start all over again, not to mention the unknown wait time until Hardcore is released. If it comes out in a month or so I'd be happy to wait, but what if it comes out in 6? So these are the solutions that I currently see:

1. Continue to the end of act 1, and then see if the difficulty does indeed take a nosedive. Note that we are not using consumables, except in the extremest of cases (we are 20 hours in and I think we've only used a single small healing potion) so the game is harder for us than for everyone else, and maybe this will suffice to make the rest of the game a decent challenge. If not, we can stop the moment we see challenge nosediving and wait for the Hardcore mode. If this ends up arriving soon, and if we don't feel like starting over -- and if it is POSSIBLE to switch to Hardore mid-game (which seems to me unlikely given how drastic its changes will be) -- then we can do that. If, on the other hand, Hardcore takes a long time to come out, and we've mostly forgotten how act 1 goes down, we can start all over if we feel like it.

2. Stop playing D:OS immediately and switch to 6-player Icewind Dale, with CTF and one other volunteer. By the time we are through with it (and its expansion, and its sequel, if Hardcore is taking too long to come out), Hardcore will be out and we start a new run. The only problem I have with this solution is that I really want to play the Infinity Engine games on a CRT, because the art looks crap without scanlines. Or could we find a way to add scanlines the way that dude did with the D&D Mystara mod on Steam?

I am listening to what people have to say.

Edit: And by the way, a note about the Learn to Plagiarize guys, because one of them is coming on our Twitch streams and trying to antagonize me. I find it hilarious how I am supposed to be the sociopathic, antisocial, mean son of a bitch that no one likes, and yet I STILL have 8 OTHER PEOPLE WHO WANT TO PLAY THE GAME WITH ME, to the extent that my site has TWO full D:OS teams going at the same time, with one player even left out because we couldn't fit him in, while the supposedly "social", "likeable", "laid-back" and "easy-going" retards on Learn to Plagiarize (who are in reality socially stunted nerds with no friends -- not even nerd friends on the internet, even) cannot even get a third player. Their admin meanwhile is posing on his Planetary Annihilation thread that he is playing D:OS, but he still can't seem to communicate with his forum users adequately to join their team and at least play the damn game with 3 players instead of 2.

In all likelihood none of them has even touched the game, and the two retards I linked above simply watched a YouTube video and agreed to pretend that they've finished the game and that it's "too easy" for their 133t metagaming min/maxing consumable-abusing nerd skillz.


And casuals.

And plagiarists.

Casual nerd plagiarists.

"Learn to Casually Plagiarize", should be the name of that site, because they are failing even at plagiarizing, since I catch them out every. single. time.
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Postby ksevcov » 05 Jan 2015 17:13

Ok, I've changed my mind. I'm willing to wait for the Hardcore mode and restart the campaign.

icy, you recently mentioned you wanted to play Diablo III. Maybe we could all switch to that while we wait for the Divinity update?
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Postby icycalm » 05 Jan 2015 17:22

This is what I think about diablolikes: they should all be played with permadeath. Not necessarily at the highest difficulty... but with permadeath.

So that means you'll have to start over a lot when you play them. Which means that there will have to be long pauses between runs, because otherwise you'd get sick of them. So the way to play them is to try runs at different games in succession. So some of us already did a run on Path of Exile. So next run should probably be 8-player Torchlight II, if we want to join both teams in one. Then maybe split up again for two 4-player Diablo 3 runs. Then maybe Van Helsing or something else, then back to Path of Exile and so on. This keeps the interval between runs of the same game long, and the runs themselves feeling fresh and exciting.

The advantage to going for a diablolike or two now is that all these games play fine on LCD screens. Personally, I would prefer Infinity Engine games, but I need a CRT for them. Maybe I could order a used one in the next week or two.

By the way, I thought you didn't like PoE, Kirill. D3 is the same thing.

In any case, I am listening to opinions.
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Postby icycalm » 05 Jan 2015 18:24

Or we could say fuck it and do what Qpo and I have been discussing recently, and play real D&D on Mumble using a site like Fantasy Grounds: http://www.fantasygrounds.com/

Read the frontpage and watch that video to see what it is.

We could be playing the real Temple of Elemental Evil this weekend:


Or we could be playing on PlaneScape, if you want to try exploring more the setting in which Torment takes place:

2601s.jpg (70.17 KiB) Viewed 41008 times

Or the 5 linked Dark Sun adventures that culminate in the amazing Dragon's Crown (Dark Sun is my favorite setting ever):


Or the 8 linked DragonLance modules that share the same plot with the New York Times bestelling novels (they were developed at the same time and written by the same people, and they are the BEST fantasy novels I have ever read BY FAR. Tolkien has nothing on them -- and you get to PLAY them, not merely read them (though you will probably die before you finish the first one, haha -- and then you NEVER get to play them again because that's how real RPGs go down lol)).


DLC2_TSR9394_Dragonlance_Classics_Volume_2.jpg (53.83 KiB) Viewed 41002 times

Or we could play in the Birthright setting, which has rules so that players can rise to lead armies:

TSR3100_Birthright_Campaign_Setting.jpg (108.17 KiB) Viewed 41008 times

Or in the Ravenloft, vampire-inspired setting:

Ra2.jpg (19.73 KiB) Viewed 41008 times

Or of course we could play any of the numerous adventures published for the largest setting ever, the Forgotten Realms, where there's a dungeon adventure which rivals in size entire other settings:

Menzo-box-set.jpg (54.56 KiB) Viewed 41008 times

Or we could play a campaign that spans several settings linked via the planes in PlaneScape (via dimensional travel), or the space of Spelljammer (via space travel), since all these settings are planets in the same solar system lol.


By the way, all these officially published adventures contain tactics that make D:OS look like a Game Boy Color game. And the DM can make adjustments on the fly to make sure every encounter is as perfectly balanced... or unbalanced... as he wants to (and indeed the text tells him how to adapt the adventures to the size and the strength of the party which is playing them). And barring the guys who actually wrote these things I am one of the best DMs ever. I spent half my weekends in highschool DMing -- it's no accident that I wrote the CRPG essays instead of someone else. I had several thousand dollars' worth of D&D stuff, and I know the system well enough to do all calculations in my head better than your PC.

Above all, I can't stress enough how insanely superior these adventures are, AS ADVENTURES, compared to what you've being playing in videogame form. The real Temple of Elemental Evil would get 5/5 if we ranked it on Insomnia's videogame rating scale, while D:OS and Torment would get 2/5 at best, and Baldur's Gate 1/5. That's the quality gap we are talking about.

I am still hearing opinions, or if you've made up your mind we can start a vote. The choices so far are:

1. Continue with D:OS
2. Switch to Infinite Engine games
3. Switch to diablolikes
4. Switch to pen and paper

Email me your votes so that no one is swayed by anyone else's vote, and when I have all of them I'll post them here and we'll decide. Or post if you have something else to propose or object to, etc.
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Postby icycalm » 05 Jan 2015 18:46

Sergey has voted. Don't discuss your vote with others, just vote. If you want to discuss stuff, post here.

Edit: Rory, Kirill, and jeff have also voted now.
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Postby icycalm » 05 Jan 2015 21:17

Meantime, the losers on Learn to Counter have tried to muster up a pathetic reply: http://www.learntocounter.com/forums/in ... pic=7806.0

And it is all retarded. Every single last resentful word of it.

He says the 4-player co-op isn't "properly implemented". That's how he justifies not having any friends.

Bottom line is, no one reads your shit because you are stupid. And everyone reads my shit because I am the number 1 expert, in CRPGs and RTSes and everything else. Even you yourself agree, since you are the one who watches my stream, instead of the other way around. I wouldn't watch you and Surth play this game if you paid me to, dude. You make fun of us trying the same fight 20 times, when trying the same fight 20 times is what's so great about these games. I WOULDN'T PLAY THEM IF I WEREN'T FIGHING THE SAME FIGHT 20 TIMES YOU LITTLE RETARD! You make fun of the dudes standing around in town, but no one was standing around, they were reading up on their abilities and upgrading their equipment. You are a loser. And that's why you have yet to contribute even a single worthwhile line to videogame criticism, never mind to theory, even though you play games autistically so much. No one's even going to bother to read your dribble, but hundreds if not thousands of people will pore over every line of my response to it, because they are not stupid, like you are, and know who knows what's up.

And even YOU know that. That's why you'll keep reading my reviews and theory essays, and following -- and BADLY following -- every single piece of advice in them that your stupid little resentful brain can grasp. Have fun with that then.
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Postby icycalm » 05 Jan 2015 22:11


Q-vetatheresentfulautist wrote:Exploring: yeah let's go wherever, talking to NPCs is for nerds so who cares about quests lol. Look at the Steam stats: SIXTEEN HOURS in the last two weeks and no achievements indicating any progress whatsoever (even the murder mystery which most people start investigating in the first hour). The other team is doing much better so at least there's one team of socially stunted nerds like me and surth who are playing the game like pleb casuals min-maxing and using items.

The same bullshit that jeff was peddling.

These games are TACTICAL GAMES WITH A LIGHT EXPLORATION ASPECT, RETARDS. The role-playing is barely 2% of the game AND IT'S RETARDED. It's stupid. It's boring. That's why we went straight for the fights instead of the dialogues. We do the dialogues as a break from the fights now and then, not the other way around, because the person leading this team has been playing REAL role-playing games before you were born, AND computer pseudo-RPGs, and knows the best way to enjoy both of them.

Trying to one-up me by spouting back at me my own theories! But that's what I'll explain in the "Limits of Theory" essay that I told jeff: that you have TO KNOW THE FUCKING GENRE BEFORE YOU BUNGLE EVERYTHING BY APPLYING THEORIES YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND AT A PLACE WHERE THEY SHOULD NOT BE APPLIED. So jeff wants to "look for work" to get more scrolls or potions, AS IF THE FUCKING GAME IS REALITY AND AS IF THERE IS AN INFINITE AMOUNT OF "WORK" TO FIND IN IT. This works in a real role-playing game, but it's autistic when you try to apply it to a fucking isometric WRPG.

Autists and casuals, etc. So, again: that's why y'all read my site and hang on to my every word instead of the other way around. At least jeff realizes this and treats me with respect, while the plagiarists on LTC are resentfully reacting to every single piece of well-meant advice I give to them. Truly a website, from the admin down, for reactive losers.
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Postby icycalm » 05 Jan 2015 22:14

As for his PA allegations: I played 10 1v1 games of PA, barely 2 hours, and I've played 230+ hours of 3v3s and above, and he tries to turn those 2 hours against me, by telling me to play mediocre crap like WarCraft or StarCraft in 2014.

I was playing those BEFORE YOU WERE BORN, you stupid fucking pseudo-hardcore loser. Not a single word in my review went into his wretched little excuse of a brain.
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Postby icycalm » 05 Jan 2015 22:21

Play Dune 2 because Q-veta the autist discovered it today! Game of the Millenium review coming up by J. Michael Lowell as soon as he gets off his Walmart shift tonight!

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Postby icycalm » 05 Jan 2015 22:25

Q-veta wrote:You could even play with more players than that in StarCraft and AoE and those are over 15 years old now.

More players than the 32-player battles I HAVE ALREADY PLAYED?

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =325895821

And Blizzard's games don't even have army sharing (which I am sure he has no idea what it is).

Meh, enough disgust for today. I'll go do something fun instead and leave you to wallow in your resentment.
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Postby icycalm » 05 Jan 2015 23:18

sprawl15 wrote:I honestly don't know how the CPU would be a bottleneck on a turn based game anyway.

Shoggy wrote:Yeah, I should have considered that.

It's just... I can't...

It really is the worst videogame site ever.
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Postby icycalm » 06 Jan 2015 02:35

Plagiarist Autist wrote:Indeed it would have been, but only for us and that's why none of the people we asked wanted in. Some guy I asked even said he played part of the game and knew he'd be missing out on a lot. So yes if you play with a bunch of people who don't really care on what they're missing out then yes I guess you could go forward but what kind of company would they be on an 75 hour journey? The only way I could be fine as playing as a henchman would be in LAN with a bunch clever people close by who can do things really fast so I wouldn't realize how much I'm missing out on.


Plagiarist Autist wrote:In the 3 hours I watched I don't even think I heard the guy playing Madora speak once. He probably did and I missed it but yeah they don't talk at all.

Everyone talks all the time. If steven is quieter than most, it's because THAT IS HIS TEMPERAMENT, RETARD, which you would have realized if you had ever had any actual friends. I, however, have had hundreds of friends since my earliest years, and even role-played with multiple groups, so I know better than to have the utterly asinine, utterly fantastical expectation that every single player in a game like this will utter an equal amount of words. I even had players in my RPG days who barely uttered a word throughout a day-long session beyond their "I attack there" moves. But again, I can't expect anyone who doesn't have any real friends to understand this.

Plagiarist Autist wrote:Here's how me and surth played the game for instance: in town we usually split up, gathered information and then related our findings to one another. This is how stunted nerds play. How hardcore patrician jocks play: talk to one guy, complain you're bored and that you should kill stuff while two guys say nothing and the other guy will never even dare say anything that contradicts your course of action.

Contradict what? There are no choices in this game. Whether you talk to the townperson before or after a fight MAKES ZERO DIFFERENCE, RETARD, which you would have known if D:OS was not your first WRPG which you just picked up because of its "hardcore" status.

I repeat: this is a TACTICAL game and your trying to play it as if the dialogues matter only proves how much of a CASUAL AUTIST you are.

Plagiarist Autist wrote:D:OS was designed for two and that's how we played it.

No it wasn't, but you are too much of a casual to realize it, even AFTER you have read all the things I have explained and the pages I have linked. No amount of falsifying reality will change the fact that you played the game in a much inferior way than you could have played it. And you know it. You could clearly see it on our stream. Which is why you are so butthurt about it.

Plagiarist Autist wrote:The fact that it almost takes icy 8 minutes to read a couple of dialogue lines,

Again, zero empathy. Zero understanding of what it means to play with other human beings. I can skim-read BAUDRILLARD, in FRENCH, and STILL understand him; the claim that it takes me 8 minutes to read a couple of lines is absurd. I am merely allowing a few extra seconds after I finish reading to make sure Qpo (who overhears many of the dialogues), and the other guys (if they are inclined to check the chat box) can finish reading too. It's terrible to have the dialogue taken away from you in the middle of reading, and I can't be sure that the others started reading EXACTLY when I did (since I am the one who presses the button to initiate conversation), so what I am doing is merely common courtesy. The alternative, to have everyone yell "I am done" when they are done reading, would be much more annoying, so I go with the extra wait.

It blows my mind that I have to explain this to him.

Plagiarist Autist wrote:Exactly, which is why no one wanted to play pregenerated characters that can't even talk to NPCs. Would that make the two people who are playing as henchmen in your team losers?

DUDE. For FUCK'S sakes. We are talking IF YOU HAVE A CHOICE HERE. In Torment you only roll one character, so all the others are pregenerated. OF COURSE YOU ARE NOT A LOSER FOR NOT ROLLING THE CHARACTERS WHICH THE GAME DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO ROLL. In D:OS you cannot roll the henchmen, hence there is nothing wrong with not rolling them, SINCE YOU CANNOT ROLL THEM, RETARD.

tl;dr 2 pseudo-hardcore casuals pick up hardcore game because they heard it's hardcore, and don't know shit about the genre so they make some shit up. But the shit they made up is bullshit, so they play the game in a shit manner, and when the real hardcore tells them they are full of shit, they make some more shit up to justify the shit they made up.

And guess what.

The shit they made up will disappear from the interent and be forgotten, because it's shit. And the only comments that will remain and be remembered are those of the person who knows what's up.

Thus it has always been between me and my opponents since the day I started writing about videogames, almost a decade ago to the day, and thus it always will be. Tim Rogers, Brandon Sheffield, Eric-Jon Waugh, and many more like them HAVE ALREADY BEEN FORGOTTEN, and you are not even one-MILLIONTH of the men these people were. At least they have written stuff that will always remind us of a time, and a place, when we where still young, and ignorant, and innocent.

But not even a single line of yours will be remembered, when all has been said and has been done. Because that's how worthless of a (sub)human being you are.
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