Divinity: Original Sin


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Moderator: JC Denton

Postby ksevcov » 11 Dec 2014 17:48

Yes, I'm free both days. How about we start on Saturday, 1PM UTC?

Everybody's local times: http://time.is/compare/1300_13_Dec_2014 ... iga/Moscow
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Postby CTF » 11 Dec 2014 18:54

I see you already sorted out the teams but still I feel the need to clarify some stuff.

Regarding role-playing games: I have a lot of experience with the genre, both computer RPGs and pen-and-paper ones. I finished the first Fallout, Planescape: Torment, Knights of the Old Republic, Temple of Elemental Evil, The Elder Scrolls IV and V, the first Neverwinter Nights and more. The reason I don't have any hours in Fallout on my Steam profile is because I bought the game on Steam after already finishing it years before because it was on sale and I didn't have a copy of the game. It's the same reason I have no hours in stuff like System Shock 2, Deus Ex and Skyrim on Steam although I finished and enjoyed all those games.

Regarding strategy games: I do in fact like strategy games. During my childhood and early teenage years it was by far my favorite genre. The reason I didn't play PA with you guys is that for about a year before joining the group I had a strategy game "phase" and most of my time spent playing was spent on strategy games. For this reason I am pretty burned out on the genre for now. I thought to try PA with you guys after all the praise it got but as I have found out after an hour of playing, it was the wrong time for me to get into it since I was both burned out on the genre and had a crazy hard time at both the army and university and the last thing I was in the mood for when I got back home tired was a complex strategy game. This is also the reason that I didn't join you guys to play Hearts of Iron when you invited me because I knew it was the wrong time for me to do so. I don't consider myself giving PA a shot yet but I'm sure that when I'll be in the mood for another strategy game this will be the first one I try.

Regarding committing to a game: As I have explained above, In the last couple of months I had a pretty hectic time both in the army and with my degree which is why the only games I did play during this period of time were either short, single-player games that can be finished in a weekend (Max Payne 3, Jet Set Radio, Metal Gear Rising, Far Cry 3, Sleeping Dogs and any other game I finished since September), or multiplayer games that require no commitment (COD and Final Fantasy 14 which is an MMO I play with my Israeli friends). Those are the only games I could fit in my schedule. Since the last project in my degree is due this Sunday and things are pretty calm at my office right now (and also Final Fantasy 14 is getting boring by now because I have seen and done most of what the game has to offer) this seems like a great time for me to play some games that require an actual commitment again. I even recall THM asking me if I wanna play this game two months ago and I told him I'll be up for it in December because of my other commitments.

I'm not saying this to influence the decisions already taken though. I hope you guys have fun and I wish you luck on both your teams' runs. I just want to let it be known that if anything doesn't work out and anyone will need another player for this I have enough passion (which I have always had) and time (starting from next week) to play this game in a serious and dedicated group. Also I would appreciate it if I will be considered an option for further games you guys play. I understand I made a bad impression in this regard but I hope this post will clarify some stuff and I hope I'll get the chance to back up my words and prove myself in the future.
Last edited by CTF on 11 Dec 2014 19:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Hanged Man » 11 Dec 2014 19:11

ksevcov wrote:Yes, I'm free both days. How about we start on Saturday, 1PM UTC?

Everybody's local times: http://time.is/compare/1300_13_Dec_2014 ... iga/Moscow

Sounds great, although I'll only manage to get home at around ~3PM UTC (both days). I don't mind if you guys start without me, since I've played the first few hours of the game already.
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Postby icycalm » 11 Dec 2014 19:24

CTF, I understand that different kinds of games are appropriate for different periods of someone's life. I only played arcade and console games for three years in Japan, for example, while in undergrad college I only played strategy games and CRPGs. So maybe it was coincidence and bad luck that you gave us the wrong impression.

If someone eventually drops out from either team for whatever reason we will consider you, but in the meantime keep checking this thread in case other people volunteer and you can start a third team with them. The more people jump in, the merrier. I want to find out who is good for what, so that I have a wide range of players of all genre preferences and commitment levels at my disposal for whenever I want to launch a new game. We will all benefit from the group's expansion, as long as we keep weeding bad players out and keeping in the quality ones (bad not in playing skill but in social skills and taste in games -- playing skills are not important. It's even preferable to play with unskilled players because it increases everyone else's difficulty level).
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Postby Steven Berg » 11 Dec 2014 19:46

Just want to confirm I saw the new team lineups. I'm looking forward to getting back into this game.
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Postby icycalm » 11 Dec 2014 19:50

I will probably have my laptop for this weekend (UPS says they will deliver tomorrow or Saturday; the laptop is now in the capital city of my island, which is a 30-minute drive from my town), but I don't want to give a promise I can't keep. So let's just say next weekend to be sure. I can play either or both days, any time of the day.
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Postby Qpo » 11 Dec 2014 20:27

I don't have anything planned for next weekend so that sounds great. (This weekend I'm quite busy.)
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Postby Steven Berg » 11 Dec 2014 20:37

I'm free all next weekend.
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Postby Some guy » 11 Dec 2014 23:25

Alrighty, we'll most likely have recruited the other two characters by 3PM. Last time we played me and ksevcov (I think) played as the two main characters. Is everyone fine with us doing this again or does someone else really want to play a main character?
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Postby icycalm » 11 Dec 2014 23:34

You are better off going with jeff rather than Kirill. You and jeff are the two native English speakers in your team. There's a lot of text, and you'll need to relay a lot of it to the others, etc. Hints in the text are apparently important for puzzle-solving and/or survival, especially if you play on Hard...
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Postby Hanged Man » 12 Dec 2014 00:15

It should go without saying since I'll be coming late, but yeah, I'm fine playing as a henchman. If possible, I'd like to play as the new ranger girl.
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Postby jeffrobot494 » 12 Dec 2014 01:16

I can do Saturday, 1PM UTC, too. I'm fine with main character or henchmen.
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Postby ksevcov » 12 Dec 2014 06:13

I don't like the idea of switching to a henchman after having played as the main character. I like to take part in the dialogues. But I will switch if you guys think my English is not good enough.
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Postby jeffrobot494 » 12 Dec 2014 11:20

I'll be the henchman then. By the way, for all you other henchmen out there, there is a way for henchmen to see all the text that main characters do. I don't remember how exactly I enabled it, though. I was fiddling with the UI options.
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Postby recoil » 12 Dec 2014 12:35

icycalm wrote:I will probably have my laptop for this weekend (UPS says they will deliver tomorrow or Saturday; the laptop is now in the capital city of my island, which is a 30-minute drive from my town), but I don't want to give a promise I can't keep. So let's just say next weekend to be sure. I can play either or both days, any time of the day.

I'll be good to play next weekend on both days starting around 7PM UTC.
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Postby icycalm » 12 Dec 2014 19:08

Okay, next Saturday and Sunday at 7PM UTC then. If anyone has anything come up, and needs us to change the times, let us know sometime before Saturday. And Qpo and I will do the early bit of the game sometime in the middle of the week.

I just received my laptop, by the way.
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Postby Some guy » 12 Dec 2014 21:20

Ok, see you guys tomorrow!
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Postby icycalm » 13 Dec 2014 03:33

A little preview from my review that might help the henchmen enjoy the game more.

It is not NATURAL to be able to hear/read every line of dialogue that every party member speaks to NPCs at all times. The fact that you can't here is not a deficiency of the game but one of its triumphs. Try to get more pleasure out of interacting with your party members instead. You can't talk to the NPC, but you can talk to the party member who talked to him, and that, if done right (which it is in pen-and-paper RPGs, but of course not so much in a CRPG) is far more pleasurable, because they are smarter and can give you unique replies instead of a handful of lines of canned dialogue.

In the same vein, there are apparently books to read in this game. Normally I would want to read every single one of them, but this time we will assign different books to different people, and rely on their reports to form a good understanding of the world and solve its puzzles. Maybe we will fail in the end, but this failure, as a group, should be much more enjoyable for all of us than a victory in single-player mode would have been. Masa was bummed out that he had to play a henchman, but his frustration was misplaced. There are literally thousands of CRPGs you can play alone and autistically explore every nook and cranny of them at leisure to your heart's content; you have nothing to lose by playing this game in the more natural and immersive manner that it was meant to be played, and a lot to gain.
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Postby icycalm » 13 Dec 2014 03:41

ksevcov wrote:I don't like the idea of switching to a henchman after having played as the main character. I like to take part in the dialogues. But I will switch if you guys think my English is not good enough.

I know it's not my business what the other team does, but I still feel I have something important to say on the matter.

No one even knows how good your English is because you almost never speak. Even if your English is perfect, I can't imagine you suddenly changing from the Silent Russian style to the chatterbox that you must become in order to constantly convey to your teammates what the hell you've been talking about with all those NPCs. On top of all that, your accent is very difficult to understand. Even if you understand English perfectly, there is still the matter of how much your teammates can understand given your accent. I almost always have to ask you to repeat yourself twice or even three times before I understand what you have said. In a game like L4D it doesn't matter, but in a game like D:OS I wouldn't be able to play under these circumstances.

But whatever works for you guys. Incidentally, I think there are German, Russian, etc. versions of the game. Not sure if all the text is translated, but if it is, you might be able to play in your native language if you wish (which still wouldn't solve many of the above-mentioned problems of course).
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Postby ksevcov » 13 Dec 2014 04:54

Yeah, you're right. I'll let jeff be the other main character.
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Postby jeffrobot494 » 13 Dec 2014 06:18

Okay, cool. I'm lookin forward to it.
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Postby Some guy » 13 Dec 2014 13:51

Personally I don't have a problem with anyone's accent but if you two want to switch that's fine.
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Postby jeffrobot494 » 14 Dec 2014 06:31

We had a great session today. This game is so hardcore. We learned that if someone dies out in the wilderness and you don't have a resurrection scroll, you have to get a scroll and go back to their body to revive them. You can't just revive them in town after you buy the scroll. Baldur's Gate 1 didn't even make you do that.
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Postby icycalm » 14 Dec 2014 18:59

You resurrected someone instead of replaying the fight until you beat it with no losses?

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Postby icycalm » 14 Dec 2014 19:02

How awesome would it be if the game had two campaigns, and we played the one and you the other, and then the final boss fight was between our two teams? No saving no nothing, a single fight and winner takes all, and that's what all your leveling and customizing efforts throughout the game would boil down to.

Man, I should be a game designer. A game designer billionaire with infinite funds who wouldn't even have to make any sales to keep working.
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