The release schedule is getting more and more comprehensive by the day. I think in about a couple of weeks it will be near-complete. At that point, I am going to introduce a Game of the Month award, obviously for past months only. Said game will have a border around it or something. I think EGM had an award like that back in the day. Probably stole it from Famitsu like everything else. And now I am stealing it from them.
And like everything else, the award will be fluid. I.e. I will change the game if I post a better review of another game, or if I play a game and end up preferring it etc. All awards on the entire site will always work like that, and nothing is final, quite simply because I can't play everything and never will. (Though perhaps once I am resurrected and cloned... Who knows. I will still refuse to play the 20,000 garbage "games" on Steam tho.)