Following up on the recent cargo refactor video, the developers also held an "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) session on the forums, with most of the answers provided by @Gozer-CIG - Dan Griffis, Lead Designer.
All about Cargo - AMA ... -cargo-amaI will quote the significant mechanics changes to be implemented as a result of the cargo refactor of the 3.18 patch.
1. Regarding non-cargo box payloads:
Are the external cargo pods of the Prospector, MOLE, and RAFT going to be detachable and replaceable? If not, what happens to the mined ore and cargo aboard these ships if they are destroyed?
JakeAcappella-CIG wrote:Tracked this down with several teams! Currently all of these ships will function similarly to how they do now once 3.18 comes online. Resource pods such as saddle bags or fuel pods won't be detachable in this release, as further work on Vehicle Tractor beams is required.
Regarding external cargo such as the Hull series and RAFT, these will detach upon vehicle destruction as outlined in the ISC episode.
2. The next question and its answer is a major game changer; in an answer to how this refactor will change piracy and encourage more boarding actions, it is revealed that a feature introduced is that destroyed ships will no longer vaporise in a violent explosion all the time now.
When it comes to cargo refactor and piracy, what have you thought of to encourage player to player boarding actions with this feature?
Gozer-CIG wrote:Well, so we hinted about this in the ISC and it wasn't very clear. With 3.18 we are introducing the concept of Soft Death. There is a 70% chance a vehicle will die with its interior and cargo intact from combat deaths. Explosive deaths or deaths by game rules (near a barrier or touching water, for example) won't trigger a soft death.
What this means, 70% of the time you and your crew are still alive, and the cargo is still attached to the ship when a combat death occurs (ship reaches 0 health in combat). The 30 % of the time that this doesn't happen your ship explodes and cargo is pushed out and then 0-90 % of that cargo remains, with the average of that being 45 % of cargo surviving.
And another user commenting that this is a workaround for the eventual future where damage is properly physicalised instead of a "HP pool".
Yes, this is a proxy for the far-future outcome that physicalized damage will bring. It's not customary of CIG but very nice to see that we'll have an interim solution that does 80% of the job instead of waiting 5x longer to get something that intends to give extra immersion but is much, much more complex to implement.
3. Stolen (and possibly looted) goods will be hard to sell.
Will cargo containers stolen by pirates be recongized by buyers as being stolen? If so, then what happens if I willingly transfer my cargo to another player to sell for me?
Gozer-CIG wrote:When a player purchases commodities those are owned by the player that purchases them. Anyone else trying to sell them will have to use a "No Questions Asked" terminal and they will not receive full price for anything that they are trying to sell. Even if I give a cargo container to a friend, they would have to sell it at a NQA terminal and they would not get full price for the commodity. GrimHex for example would be a location I could fence my stolen goods.
4. Loose cargo containers can be scanned, and will be made more visually prominent to aid discovery and recovery.
Hi, will cargo boxes have any kind of signatures to be picked up by vehicles pings ?
Gozer-CIG wrote:Cargo containers can be scanned, and AR markers will be present if they survive the explosion. We have also added colored tints to the containers so you can at least identify what category they belong too, such as Metals or Processed Goods.
5. Cargo loading and unloading will still be automatically done instantly for the time being.
Will cargo loading timers be part of 3.18?
Gozer-CIG wrote:At the moment nothing changes with loading and unloading. This is handled automatically as it has been in the past. Once Manual loading and unloading becomes a reality, you will have the option to choose between the two. If you chose to have the location do the loading and unloading there will be a cost and a time where your ship is unavailable while the process competes, much like the current refinery gameplay.
6. In the future, commodity trading will be separate from cargo hauling. There will be missions where NPCs will need large amounts of cargo to be moved to another location, with the mission paying you.
In the ISC Cargo Missions were mentioned, can you go into any detail on what these missions will be like and how they will work. In my mind and hopes they will be something along the lines of this post.
Gozer-CIG wrote:After 3.18 we want to separate Commodity Trading from Cargo Hauling. Commodity Trading will be high risk/high reward. If you invest a large amount of your money you will also have to manage the cost of loading and unloading as well as protection. On the other hand Cargo Hauling is just moving things for NPC's from point A to B. You are not tied to it financially, and it will be moving things that pirates don't care about as there will be no profit in it for them.
The first step here is we will be adding cargo hauling missions that extend the current box delivery missions once you can manually load and unload your own cargo. They will start small and get larger, and the only thing the players are risking is reputation.
7. Players can eventually buy empty SCU boxes for organising your items. I learned that you can generate the SCU boxes by stuffing a vehicle's inventory, then blowing it up.
I would love to be able to buy 1 or 2 SCU boxes to be able to put whatever we want in them. Would make org events easier, could buy all the armor for ground battles, extra weapons and ammo, etc.
Gozer-CIG wrote:I want you to be able to do that as well rather than having to blow up your ship up and create them yourself. On top of that I want you to be able to carry those around, loot bunkers, fill them up, and then snap them to the grid once you are back at your ship. I also want you to be able to do all this and then go back to a station and go sell all of this without having to transfer it all to that station's local inventory in order to do so.
That said it probably won't make it in to 3.18. At some point however it will be a thing. This is where I use the dreaded "Soon".
I would say the second point is the biggest game changer, not just for cargo, but also for other missions, most prominent being bounty hunting, since a disabled ship may have to be finished off to complete the mission.
It may also open up the possibility of "capture" or "Wanted Alive" bounties.