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Twidget @TwidgetTV wrote:Ive never been able to use my Tractorbeam in Armistice, but I love the concept.
rabidCRABS @rabidCRABS wrote:Anything goes at SPK. These guys murdered my friend inside and were trying to escape, so I couldn't let that happen.
Relic @listening2day wrote:me taking notes:
***close ship doors from now on***
Noxtron @N0xtron wrote:Wow, a literal Spacetarzan :D
Show me another game that has ANYWHERE NEAR this level of action.
And it takes place across an entire SOLAR SYSTEM with no invisible walls or loading screens.
Star Citizen does for FPS what Planetary Annihilation did for RTS, and it is glorious. It is the Planetary Annihilation of FPSes (and space sims, and Shenmues, and any genre you care to mention).
Not enough rolling on the floor yet though, so the Souls series is safe for now.