DrunkInOrbit @DrunkInOrbito7 wrote:I got the vest now i just need the bike. GIB the Tumbril Ranger RC! #StarCitizen
Dakota @DAVosselman wrote:Wait, how'd you get this? I thought it only came with the original concept sale.
Moderator: JC Denton
by icycalm » 12 Sep 2022 02:50
DrunkInOrbit @DrunkInOrbito7 wrote:I got the vest now i just need the bike. GIB the Tumbril Ranger RC! #StarCitizen
Dakota @DAVosselman wrote:Wait, how'd you get this? I thought it only came with the original concept sale.
by icycalm » 21 Sep 2022 16:52
To tie into the release of Esperia’s Tevarin recreations, CC’s Conversions has taken a well-known silhouette and given it a Tevarin-inspired twist. Though the Aves helmet references the Tevarin’s use of structural latticework in their vehicles, it’ll look the part in any ship or teamed with any armor set.
by icycalm » 21 Sep 2022 17:21
by icycalm » 20 Aug 2023 13:30
kurumi0w0 wrote:[WTS] Limited time sale-the lowest price for BANU CUBE code-$50 each!
As the title said, I have a lot (at least 10) codes want to sell and each one only asks $50.
But PLEASE NOTE: Those codes are NOT permanent. Once purchased, you will need to redeem the codes before 00:30 A.M. August 21, 2023 (UTC+8), so you have about 3 days to redeem them, and if the time is out, these codes will expire. I think this is something CIG came up with to prevent reselling and is the reason why these codes are priced relatively low.
Osumunbro wrote:what are the cubes? do they do anything?
kurumi0w0 wrote:Basically, it's a trinket. You can find it in your personal inventory and hold it in your hand to view it. But you can only get it by Barcitizen so it’s not very easy to collect.
Star Citizen Wiki wrote:Tholo is a small three-sided token representative of Cassa, the Banu patron of luck. It is commonly used as a decision-making device: ask a question, then roll the tholo to get a 'yes,' 'no' or (what roughly translates to) 'run' as an answer. It is also popular among human tourists as a small keepsake of their travels.
Tholo can be redeemed with codes from scratch cards from Bar Citizen events.
by icycalm » 27 Aug 2023 13:41
CIG wrote:CitizenCon 2953 fast approaches! We know that not everyone is able to make it out to Los Angeles, California for the big show, but that doesn't mean you can't still get in the spirit. This year, we're introducing our largest Digital Goodies Pack to date, loaded with exclusive content to let the people of Stanton know you're ready for an expedition to Pyro.
This year's pack features all the same digital items that come with a ticket to CitizenCon 2953 including an exclusive paint for your Drake Dragonfly, matching undersuit and helmet, a ruinous shotgun, specially themed multitool with carrying case, gruesome relic compliments of the Headhunters gang, a challenge coin and plushie commemorating the legendary [REDACTED] ship, this year’s CitizenCon trophy, and of course a Pyro-centric Spectrum badge.
CitizenCon 2953 Digital Goodies Pack:
- Frontier Undersuit
- Frontier Helmet
- CitizenCon 2953 Trophy
- Outlaw Shotgun
- Headhunter Gang Relic Collectible
- Pyrotechnic Amalgamated Multitool & Case
- [REDACTED] Ship Plushie
- [REDACTED] Ship Challenge Coin
- CitizenCon 2953 Dragonfly Paint
- Pyrotechnic Amalgamated Spectrum Badge
We'll be building a handful of these items LIVE on the showfloor of CitizenCon with your input. For this reason, some items will be delivered later this year.
by icycalm » 09 Oct 2023 00:59
CIG wrote:Until November 1, players have the chance to get the jolt of their lives when opening loot containers across Stanton. Find the coveted Vanduul, Hill Horror, and Fieldsbury Dark Bear helmets and add them to your creepy collection... if you survive the shock that is. What's more, players who manage to secure all nine horrific helmets (including both versions of Neville Lott and all six Dark Bear variants) will also earn a super scary Spectrum badge.
by shubn » 10 Oct 2023 12:45
by icycalm » 16 Oct 2023 10:14
DigitalMaster37 wrote:EDIT: the gun is available too if you purchased the CitizenCon pack
vortis23 wrote:They say the Pyro pack will be available after CitizenCon, so it sounds like 3.21 will release on the last day of CitizenCon or the day after, with the Pyro pack features enabled.
franknitty69 wrote:Latest PTU patch had a line item about balancing ballistic shotgun so it seems like it's all coming together.
CassiusFaux wrote:They did just tune the damage of them. I was actually able to use the BR-2 Shotgun to kill NPCs at a distance instead of having to shove the gun though their chest first.
ExocetC3I wrote:Related, but the changes to ballistic player shotguns are pretty nice. If you're within about 5-10 metres of a target you'll likely knock down an enemy if you don't get a kill. Short range (less than 3m) is pretty much a guaranteed one shot kill against NPCs even with heavy armour.
Durgh wrote:I believe shotguns are going to shine in ship corridor fights to sweep off intruders. The R97 blasts ten cartridges out in a very short amount of time. That is a hell of an effective manstopper, without the risk of damaging your ship interior like with a grenade launcher.
by shubn » 17 Oct 2023 19:25
JakeAcappella-CIG wrote:Hi everyone! A fix for the Halloween helmets will be going into Alpha 3.21 ahead of CitizenCon. To accommodate the time lost due to the issues with spawning the helmets, we're extending the time they can be found in the loot table until November 10. Happy hunting!
by icycalm » 19 Mar 2024 17:16
by icycalm » 26 May 2024 18:34
by icycalm » 24 Sep 2024 00:18
by shubn » 01 Oct 2024 22:08
by icycalm » 05 Oct 2024 21:38
OriginalVNM wrote:You can store 2 med pens on it. Current build it's bugged and they attach in between your feet but that will get fixed lol.
Mrax_Thrawn wrote:Since this is essentially a slightly redesigned UEE Navy flight suit from Squadron 42 there is one conclusion that can be drawn from this: Squadron 42 doesn't have medpens confirmed!
OriginalVNM wrote:What? It holds 2.
Mrax_Thrawn wrote:But they are between your feet, meaning it was likely an addition for the PU version (or is also broken on the S42 version, which I don't think).
Rosy-Red wrote:Can you equip a backpack on it?
by ExiledOne » 10 Oct 2024 12:06
by shubn » 08 Nov 2024 20:53
by icycalm » 20 Nov 2024 21:00
by icycalm » 20 Nov 2024 21:29
by icycalm » 20 Nov 2024 21:31
by icycalm » 04 Dec 2024 17:02
Cloud Imperium Games wrote:Available exclusively at IAE 2954.
by icycalm » 04 Jan 2025 13:46