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Cult Hierarchy & Specs

Moderator: JC Denton

Cult Hierarchy & Specs

Unread postby icycalm » 29 Dec 2022 02:16

Attention in Hammerhead office

Date: December 29, 2952

From: Cult High Command

To: All Cult Recruits

Subject: What is the Cult Spec?

The Cult Spec is the standard-issue CULT equipment for official operations. You'll need a set of gear for every life you lose, so if you want to play two or more lives per event, you'll need two or more sets of gear (5 is a good number to have at all times, and some people keep 10+). Keep the gear stowed in our HQ at ArcCorp's Area18, because that's where we'll begin for every mission (and also make that your spawn/regeneration point if you want to have the easiest time hooking up with us; though that's not required).

Assembly in Crusader building lobby

We have 6 ranks: the Inquisitor rank is inspired by Warhammer 40k, Master Chief by Halo, Commander by Wing Commander, Supreme Commander by Supreme Commander of course, and Emperor by Star Wars. The Captain rank is the only one that doesn't come from a famous sci-fi franchise; if you have a suggestion for changing this, let me know.

Meeting in the Carrack

For every rank we have two sets of gear—ground and space; plus a list of approved vehicles. These lists will always be a work-in-progress as we learn more about the gear and vehicles, and as the universe is enriched with more new gear and vehicles. There are also many specialized loadouts like Medic, Ranger, Contractor, et al. You are encouraged to post suggestions for changes to any of these lists and loadouts, plus suggest entire new specialized loadouts, including for industrial or even recreational purposes. Just post everything in this thread, and we'll sort it out. If you don't have login credentials to this website, post your suggestions in our Discord.

Readying to drop from Cutlass Steel

Note that the ships and ground vehicle specs below are the minimum required. Players are encouraged to buy and use whatever they want. Go wild and buy a Javelin if you want, even if you're only an Inquisitor: we can always use more Javelins. The difference is that you won't be COMMANDING this Javelin during Global Events and large ops, that's all. Also, if you're an Inquisitor (the frontline rank), you don't really need ANY vehicle beyond a Gladius and a Cyclone MT (both with Frostbite paint, only about $5 each from the RSI store), and we can buy those for you if you show up to a Global Event or major op where they're needed (not the paints though, you have to get these yourself). Often you won't need any vehicle because you'll be riding in a bigger ship or ground vehicle provided by your CO (Commanding Officer). You WILL need the armor and personal gear, however; you can't play with us without these so make sure you always have a good stockpile of those if you want to be able to quickly and randomly jump into our ops.


Welcome to The Cult!

Emperor icycalm

CULT HQ, Area18, ArcCorp

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Joined: 28 Mar 2006 00:08
Location: Tenerife, Canary Islands

Cult Military Specs (Ground & Pilot)

Unread postby icycalm » 29 Dec 2022 02:23

Role: Frontline soldier operating in fireteams, small military subordinated elements of infantry designed to optimize initiative, combined arms, bounding overwatch and fire and movement tactical doctrine in combat. Depending on mission requirements, a typical fireteam consists of four or fewer members: an automatic rifleman, a grenadier, a rifleman, and a designated fireteam leader.

Requirements: Must enjoy bold and decisive action: breaking down doors and blowing shit up as you set the enemy's world on fire. Must be able to coordinate with teammates and follow orders, but also improvise when needed, and even take the lead when the chain of command breaks.

Training: First- and third-person shooters, stealth games, vehicle sims, space sims, racing games, fighting games.

Insomnia Subscription: None required

Roberts Space Industries Subscription: None required

Concierge Level: None required

Hangar Size: S

No hardware requirements


Stoneskin Undersuit [CRU-L4] [850]
Morningstar Helmet Black Steel [CRU-L4] [2,980]
Inquisitor Black Steel Core/Arms/Legs [CRU-L4] [3,680/985/1,645]
CSP-68M Backpack [Cubby Blast] [2,177]
Left back: P4-AR "Nightstalker" Rifle [Cubby Blast] [3,671]
Right back: Individual Choice
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320]
Left torso: 3x P4-AR Magazine (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [36]
Right torso: 3x Individual Choice ammo [Cubby Blast]

Heavy Armor Marine Suit [N/A] [N/A]

Light Anti-air Tank: Storm AA (Darkside) [Grey Market] [$$$]
Light Tank: Storm (Darkside) [Grey Market] [$$$]
Anti-air Rover: Cyclone AA (Frostbite) [New Deal] [28,086]
Combat Rover: Cyclone MT (Frostbite) [New Deal] [28,086]
Combat Bike: Ranger TR [N/A] [N/A]
Combat Bike: Pulse (Dominion) [RSI] [$$$]


Stoneskin Undersuit [CRU-L4] [850]
Stoneskin Helmet Desert [CRU-L4] [1,097]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Arclight "Nightstalker" Pistol [Centermass] [693]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
Capital bridge uniform: None

Ground Bomber: A1 Spirit [Grey Market] [$$$]
Gunship: Freelancer MIS (Black) [New Deal] [2,537,800]
Medium Fighter: F7C-M Super Hornet (Frostbite) [Astro Armada] [2,132,600]
Expedition: Freelancer DUR (Black) [New Deal] [1,967,600]
Bomber: Gladiator [Astro Armada] [1,954,500]
Combat Freight: Cutlass Black [New Deal] [1,385,300]
Dropship: Cutlass Steel [New Deal] [1,355,300]
Interdictor: Mantis [New Deal] [1,230,000]
Light Fighter: Gladius (Frostbite) [New Deal] [1,169,900]
Snub Fighter: Fury [Grey Market] [$$$]

Role: Designated fireteam leader. The role of the Master Chief is to ensure that the fireteam operates as a cohesive unit. Fireteam organization addresses the realities of 29th-century warfare, where combat is getting exponentially faster and more lethal, as it identifies and removes anything which slows down the reaction time between first detection of an enemy and rounds impacted.

Requirements: Must enjoy bridging the frontline and tactical spheres, existing on the thin precipice between action and thought all the while holding heavy weaponry at bay and being ready to unleash it on the enemy at the optimal moment. Must possess an instinctive understanding of when to charge and when to take cover, and communicate it effectively and efficiently to your team. Must be an expert in weapons and gear procurement via any means, lawful and illicit, and supply the entire org with whatever the Captains deem necessary for any given mission.

Training: Tactical shooters, milsim shooters, looter-shooters, space sims.

Insomnia Subscription: Cult Citizen

Roberts Space Industries Subscription: Centurion

Concierge Level: High Admiral ($1,000)

Hangar Size: M

No hardware requirements


ForceFlex Undersuit DigiCamo [Cubby Blast] [1,219]
Neoni Yuki Onna Helmet [Subscribers] [$$$]
ADP Black Core/Arms/Legs [Tammany] [4,360/1,140/1,960]
Pembroke Backpack [Tammany] [8,500]
Left back: GP-33 MOD Grenade Launcher [Loot] [N/A]
Right back: Scourge "Nightstalker" Railgun [Loot] [N/A]
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320]
Left torso: 4x GP-33 MOD Grenade Launcher Magazine (6 cap) [Cubby Blast] [240]
Right torso: 4x Scourge Railgun Magazine (5 cap) [Cubby Blast] [240]

Titan Exosuit [N/A] [N/A]

Construction: Surveyor [N/A] [N/A]
Heavy Tank: Nova [New Deal] [546,026]
Combat Bike: Dragonfly [New Deal] [272,700]
Exploration: Ursa [New Deal] [70,267]


Odyssey II Undersuit Grey/Black [Tammany] [1,000]
Horizon Helmet Black [Tammany] [1,290]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Arclight "Nightstalker" Pistol [Centermass] [693]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
Capital bridge uniform: Second Tevarin War Service Uniform [Subscribers] [$$$]

Light Carrier: Liberator [N/A] [N/A]
Gunship: Redeemer [New Deal] [8,675,500]
Heavy Ground Bomber: A2 Hercules Starlifter [Crusader] [5,525,000]
Exploration: Corsair (Eternity) [New Deal] [6,552,000]
Dropship: Vanguard Hoplite (Frostbite) [New Deal] [3,104,200]
Heavy Fighter: Scorpius (Tiburon) [New Deal] [2,879,700]
Expedition: Terrapin [Astro Armada] [2,568,100]
Bomber: Vanguard Harbinger (Frostbite) [New Deal] [2,050,500]
Interdictor: Vanguard Sentinel (Frostbite) [New Deal] [2,012,000]
Boarding: Legionnaire (Shadow Strike) [N/A] [N/A]
Snub Fighter: Fury MX [Grey Market] [$$$]

Role: Squad leader commanding multiple fireteams organized into a squad in co-ordinated operations. Captains supervise and manage other soldiers and first-line supervisors within their squad. A Captain is the tactical center of a squad, maneuvering and leading their team to meet the objective.

Requirements: Must excel at tactical thinking under pressure, receiving strategic objectives and figuring out on your own how to tactically achieve them. Must relish life on the battlefield, where plans routinely fall apart on contact with the enemy, and only zen-like quick thinking amidst total chaos can win the day.

Training: Real-time tactics games, tactical space sims.

Insomnia Subscription: Cult Player

Roberts Space Industries Subscription: Centurion

Concierge Level: Grand Admiral ($2,500)

Hangar Size: L

Multiboxing: 1 clone
Motion: none
Feedback: none
Controllers: stick + mouse + keyboard
Streaming: 720p
Resolution: 1080p
Rig: 10900K or equivalent, RTX 2080 Ti or equivalent, 16 GB DDR4, SSD


ForceFlex Undersuit Arctic Camo [Cubby Blast] [1,219]
Oracle Helmet Base [Everus Harbor] [1,290]
ORC-mkX Arctic Core/Arms/Legs [Cubby Blast] [2,720/714/1,216]
CSP-68L Backpack Night Camo [Subscribers] [$$$]
Left back: P4-AR "Nightstalker" Rifle [Cubby Blast] [3,671]
Right back: MaxLift Tractor Beam [Cargo/Refinery/Supply Shops + Shipping Offices] [19,000]
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320]
Left torso: 3x P4-AR Magazine (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [36]
Right torso: 3x P4-AR Magazine (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [36]

Alt. ORC-mkX + undersuit colors (matching operational environment and vehicle colors)

Construction: Atlas Platform Construction Vehicle [N/A] [N/A]
Anti-air: Ballista [Astro Armada] [364,500]
Short-range Anti-air: Centurion [Astro Armada] [287,400]
Armored Personnel Carrier: Spartan [Astro Armada] [255,500]
Combat Bike: X1 [Grey Market] [$$$]


Odyssey II Undersuit White/Black [Everus Harbor] [1,000]
Horizon Helmet [Everus Harbor] [1,290]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Arclight "Nightstalker" Pistol [Centermass] [693]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
Capital bridge uniform: Second Tevarin War White Dress Uniform [Subscribers] [$$$]

Corvette: Polaris [N/A] [N/A]
Large Gunship: Perseus [N/A] [N/A]
Military Transport: M2 Hercules Starlifter [New Deal] [5,225,300]
Expedition: Constellation Aquila (Polar) [New Deal] [4,926,700] + P-52 Merlin + Ursa [New Deal] [70,267]
Heavy Dropship: Valkyrie [Astro Armada] [4,454,400] + Ursa [New Deal] [70,267]
Heavy Fighter: Scorpius Antares (Avalanche) [New Deal] [2,890,000]
Anti-capital: Ares Star Fighter Ion [Crusader] [2,859,000]
Anti-capital: Ares Star Fighter Inferno [Crusader] [2,859,000]
Snub Fighter: Fury MX (Cloudburst) [Grey Market] [$$$]

Role: Rather than giving soldiers direct commands, Commanders are responsible for planning their missions and strategies. Those in this role oversee the command of an entire planet during times of war and times of peace, and can launch operations without prior authorization.

Requirements: Must excel at strategic thinking and operating from a command center far from the front while planning missions and logistics. Must display boundless initiative and thrive under conditions of complete lack of supervision.

Training: Grand strategy games (4X), city-building/automation games, survival-builders, first-person 4X games, roleplaying games.

Insomnia Subscription: Cult Superplayer

Roberts Space Industries Subscription: Imperator

Concierge Level: Wing Commander ($10,000)

Hangar Size: L

Multiboxing: 1 clone
Motion: any DOF Reality
Feedback: ButtKicker Gamer Plus
Controllers: dual sticks + control deck + eye-tracker + mouse + keyboard
Streaming: 1080p
Resolution: VR or 4K
Rig: 13900K or equivalent, RTX 3090 Ti or equivalent, 32 GB DDR4, NVMe SSD


TCS-4 Undersuit Arctic [Cubby Blast] [850]
CCC AVES Helmet [Subscribers] [$$$]
CCC AVES Core/Arms/Legs [Subscribers] [$$$]
CSP-68L Backpack Night Camo [Subscribers] [$$$]
Left back: P4-AR "Nightstalker" Rifle [Cubby Blast] [3,671]
Right back: Individual Choice
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed "Oxide" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$]
Right thigh: LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT "Bloodline" Multi-Tool [Subscribers] [$$$] + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [320]
Left torso: 3x P4-AR Magazine (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [36]
Right torso: 3x Individual Choice ammo [Cubby Blast]


CDS ADP-mk4 "Red Alert" Armor & Shotgun Kit [RSI] [$$$]

Luxury Transport: Lynx [Grey Market] [$$$]
Combat Bike: X1 Force (Auspicious Red Dragon) [Grey Market] [$$$]


Odyssey II Undersuit Red/Black [HUR-L1] [1,000]
Horizon Helmet Dark Red [HUR-L1] [1,290]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed "Oxide" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$]
Right thigh: Arclight "Nightstalker" Pistol [Centermass] [693]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
Capital bridge uniform: Second Tevarin War Red Dress Uniform [Subscribers] [$$$]

Frigate: Idris-P/-M [N/A] [N/A]
Heavy Gunship: Hammerhead (Polar) [New Deal] [12,459,900]
Heavy Expedition: Carrack Expedition (Auspicious Red/Red Alert) [RSI] [$$$] + C8R Pisces Rescue (Nightbreak) [Astro Armada] [918,000]
Construction: Galaxy w/ Construction Module [N/A] [N/A]
Expedition: Constellation Aquila (Auspicious Red) [New Deal] [4,926,700] + P-52 Merlin + Ursa [New Deal] [70,267]
Heavy Fighter: F8C Lightning [RSI] [$$$]
Heavy Bomber: Retaliator Bomber [New Deal] [4,031,700]
VIP Transport: E1 Spirit (Crimson/Ruby) [N/A] [N/A]
Snub Fighter: Fury MX (Tengu) [Grey Market] [$$$]

Role: Those serving in this prestigious position are responsible for ensuring The Cult is ready for combat at all times and against all enemies, external and internal. Supreme Commanders oversee the command of an entire solar system during times of war and times of peace, and can launch operations without prior authorization.

Requirements: Must display boundless initiative and thrive under conditions of complete lack of supervision.

Training: Grand strategy games (4X), city-building/automation games, survival-builders, first-person 4X games, roleplaying games.

Insomnia Subscription: Cult Roleplayer

Roberts Space Industries Subscription: Imperator

Concierge Level: Praetorian ($15,000)

Hangar Size: XL

Multiboxing: 2 clones simultaneously
Motion: any DOF Reality
Feedback: ButtKicker Gamer Plus
Controllers: dual sticks + control deck + eye-tracker + mouse + keyboard
Streaming: 1080p
Resolution: VR or 4K
Rig: 13900K or equivalent, RTX 3090 Ti or equivalent, 32 GB DDR4, NVMe SSD


Venture Explorer Suit Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Venture Helmet Executive [Concierge] [$$$]
Venture Executive Core/Arms/Legs [Concierge] [$$$]
Left back: (Gallant "Executive Edition" Rifle/Custodian "Executive Edition" SMG/Devastator "Executive Edition" Shotgun [Loot] [N/A])
Right back: Arrowhead Sniper Rifle Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed "Xanthic" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$]/ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Right thigh: Arclight II Laser Pistol Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT "Mirage" Multi-Tool [Subscribers] [$$$] + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [320]
Left torso: 3x Individual Choice ammo [Cubby Blast]
Right torso: 3x Arrowhead Sniper Rifle Battery (16 cap) [Cubby Blast] [108]


Novikov Ascension Kit [RSI] [$$$]
S71 Ascension Rifle/Karna Ascension Rifle [RSI] [$$$]
Atzkav "Deadeye" Sniper Rifle [RSI] [$$$]
Yubarev "Deadeye" Pistol/Coda Ascension Pistol [RSI] [$$$]

Luxury Transport: Lynx (Moonrise) [Grey Market] [$$$]
Bike: Nox Kue [Grey Market] [$$$]


Venture Explorer Suit Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Venture Helmet Executive [Concierge] [$$$]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed "Xanthic" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$]/ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Arclight II Laser Pistol Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Left torso: 2x Arclight Pistol Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [14]
Capital bridge uniform: None

Destroyer: Javelin [N/A] [N/A]
Heavy Construction: Pioneer [N/A] [N/A]
Minelayer: Nautilus [N/A] [N/A]
Heavy Gunship: Hammerhead [New Deal] [12,459,900]
Luxury Expedition: 600i Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Heavy Bomber: Retaliator Bomber [New Deal] [4,031,700]
Heavy Fighter: F8C Lightning Executive Edition [Concierge] [$$$]
Medium Fighter: F7A Hornet Mk II (Ironscale) [RSI] [$$$]
VIP Transport: E1 Spirit (Olympia) [N/A] [N/A]
Snub Fighter: P-72 Archimedes [Astro Armada] [150,000]

Role: Supreme Leader whose word is absolute and ultimate as the sole source of power in the organization, leading his ever-expanding forces into escalating conflicts across the galaxy according to the ancient Chinese proverb "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."

Requirements: Must be icy and calm.

Training: Grand strategy games (4X), city-building/automation games, survival-builders, first-person 4X games, roleplaying games.

Insomnia Subscription: Cult Founder

Roberts Space Industries Subscription: Imperator

Concierge Level: Legatus Navium ($25,000)

Hangar Size: XL

Multiboxing: 3 clones simultaneously
Motion: DOF Reality P6
Feedback: ButtKicker Gamer Pro
Controllers: dual sticks + throttle + control deck + eye-tracker + steering wheel + pedals + mouse + keyboard
Streaming: 4K
Resolution: VR or 8K or triple-4K
Rig: 14900K, RTX 4090, 64 GB DDR5, NVMe M.2 SSD


Odyssey II Undersuit Violet/Black [HUR-L1] [1,000]
Calva Helmet [Grey Market] [$$$]
ORC-mkX (Modified XT) Core/Arms/Legs [Loot] [N/A]
Left back: Karna "Fate" Rifle [Grey Market] [$$$]
Right back: BR-2 Shotgun [Cubby Blast] [1,551]
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed "Venule" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$]
Right thigh: Coda "Nighthawk" Pistol [Subscribers] [$$$]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT "Quicksilver" Multi-Tool [Subscribers] [$$$] + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [320]
Left torso: 3x Karna Rifle Battery (30 cap) [Cubby Blast] [39]
Right torso: 3x BR-2 Shotgun Magazine (12 cap) [Cubby Blast] [33]

Luxury Transport: Lynx (Nebula) [Grey Market] [$$$]
Bike: Nox Kue (Turbocharged) [Grey Market] [$$$]


Odyssey II Undersuit Violet/Black [HUR-L1] [1,000]
Horizon Helmet Imperial [Everus Harbor] [1,600]
Right back: Demeco "Ultraviolet" LMG [Grey Market] [$$$]
Left thigh: 2x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [200]
Left thigh: ParaMed "Venule" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$]
Right thigh: Coda "Nighthawk" Pistol [Subscribers] [$$$]
Left torso: 2x Demeco LMG Battery (100 cap) [Cubby Blast] [42]
Capital bridge uniform: None

Carrier: Bengal [N/A] [N/A]
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Joined: 28 Mar 2006 00:08
Location: Tenerife, Canary Islands

Cult Specialist Specs

Unread postby icycalm » 29 Dec 2022 02:28

Cult Specialists can come from all ranks. All that is needed to assume a specialty is to acquire the necessary vehicles and gear, and then inform your Commanding Officer (CO) that you have them and are ready to don and use them when asked.

Role: Known as the "eyes and ears" of The Cult, the job of a Ranger is to operate as one of the first personnel in an area. Rangers use their special training to obtain, distribute, and share vital combat and battlefield intelligence on the enemy and on combat circumstances and environmental conditions. Rangers gather information on the enemy by dismounted and/or mounted reconnaissance patrols. Rangers engage the enemy with anti-armor weapons and scout vehicles in the field, track and report enemy movement and activities, and direct the employment of various weapon systems onto the enemy. Their specialized skills enable them to assist with observation and listening posts, perform and help with navigation, and help secure and transport ammunition. The Ranger leads, serves, or assists as a member of a Ranger crew, squad, section, platoon or troop in reconnaissance, security, and other combat operations.

Requirements: Must enjoy operating solo and unsupervised for long periods. Must be patient and self-reliant, while ready to spring into action when needed. Must have an encyclopedic knowledge of all military vehicles and gear in the verse and their tactical interrelations.

Training: Stealth games, sniper games.


Lamont Corvus Undersuit [Loot] [N/A]
Artimex Helmet Hurston Dynamics Executive Security [Loot] [N/A]
Artimex Hurston Dynamics Executive Security Core/Arms/Legs [Loot] [N/A]
MacFlex Backpack Grey [Cubby Blast] [1,375]
Left back: Individual Choice
Right back: Individual Choice
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,200]
Right thigh: LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [690]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [413 + 320]
Left torso: 3x Individual Choice ammo [Cubby Blast]
Right torso: 3x Individual Choice ammo [Cubby Blast]

Recon Bike: Nox [Astro Armada] [722,925]
Recon Rover: Cyclone RN [New Deal] [122,850]

Stealth Dropship: Prowler [Astro Armada] [18,711,000]
Stealth Bomber: Eclipse [New Deal] [7,938,000]
Interdiction: Sabre Raven [Grey Market] [$$$]
Medium Tracker Fighter: F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk II (Blacksmith) [Grey Market] [$$$]
Medium Stealth Fighter: F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk II [Grey Market] [$$$]
Stealth Fighter: Sabre [New Deal] [4,498,200]
Stealth Recon: Razor EX [Astro Armada] [1,757,700]

Role: Cult Medics are responsible for providing emergency medical treatment at a point of wounding in a combat or training environment, as well as primary care and health protection and evacuation from a point of injury or illness. Additionally, Medics may be used in hospitals and clinics, where they have the opportunity to work in additional roles, such as operating medical and laboratory equipment and performing and assisting with procedures.

Requirements: Must be comfortable with frequently witnessing injuries and death and be often exposed to personal threats of trauma as you render aid to those injured on the battlefield while exposing yourself to danger. While under attack, you must be comfortable with fighting alongside your fellow soldiers.

Training: Doctor simulators, first- and third-person shooters, stealth games, vehicle sims, space sims, racing games.


Venture Undersuit Green/Black [ARC-L1] [1,000]
Morozov-SH Helmet Snowdrift [ARC-L1] [7,952]
ORC-mkX Iceborn Core/Arms/Legs [Cubby Blast] [2,721/826/1,095]
CSP-68L Backpack Cayman with Food & Drinks [Subscribers] [$$$]
Left back: C54 "Luckbringer" SMG [Subscribers] [$$$]
Right back: (Gemini Sniper Green Grey [Grey Market] [$$$])
Right chest: 3x Green QuikFlarePro [Subscribers] [$$$]
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: Pyro RYT "Ghost" Multi-Tool [Subscribers] [$$$] + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [320]
Right thigh: LH86 "Luckbringer" Pistol [Subscribers] [$$$]
Right thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Left torso: Individual Choice
Right torso: 2x ParaMed Refill [Pharmacy] [120]

Field Hospital: Galaxy w/ Med Bay [N/A] [N/A]
Support - Medical: Apollo Medivac [N/A] [N/A]
Search & Rescue: Cutlass Red [New Deal] [1,810,500]
Small Medical: C8R Pisces Rescue [Astro Armada] [918,000]
Ambulance: Ursa Medivac [RSI] [$$$]

Role: Cult Bounty Hunters work for The Cult under contract to a bail bondsman who captures fugitives or criminals for a commission or bounty. They are typically independent contractors paid a commission of the total bail amount that is owed by the fugitive; they provide their own professional liability insurance and only get paid if they are able to find the "skip" and bring them in. The occupation, officially known as a bail enforcement agent or fugitive recovery agent, has traditionally operated outside the legal constraints that govern police officers and other agents of the state. This is because a bail agreement between a defendant and a bail bondsman is essentially a civil contract that is incumbent upon the bondsman to enforce. Since they are not police officers, bounty hunters are exposed to legal liabilities from which agents of the state are protected as these immunities enable police to perform their functions effectively without fear of lawsuits. Everyday citizens approached by a bounty hunter are neither required to answer their questions nor allowed to be detained.

Requirements: Must enjoy spending much of your time investigating, researching, interviewing, and staking out locations so as to obtain the whereabouts of fugitives. Excelling in this role is often reserved for individuals with a distinct set of qualities, including resourcefulness, intelligence, and perseverance.

Training: Investigation games, adventure games, stealth games, vehicle sims, space sims, racing games.


Scaleweave Undersuit [Cubby Blast] [1,000]
Savior Collection "Nightfire" Paladin Helmet [Subscribers] [$$$]
Microid Battle Suit Core Crucible/Lodestone [Shepherd's Rest/Canard View] [1,200]
DustUp Arms Tactical [ARC-L1] [913]
Lynx Legs Base [ARC-L1] [830]
Left back: Kastak Arms Devastator Shotgun - Voyager edition [Subscribers] [$$$]
Right back: GP-33 MOD "Thunderclap" Grenade Launcher/Klaus & Werner Arrowhead Sniper Rifle - Voyager edition [Subscribers] [$$$]
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250]
Right thigh: Coda Pistol [Skutters] [740]
Right thigh: Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320]
Left torso: 2x Devastator Shotgun Battery (12 cap) [Cubby Blast] [24]
Right torso: 2x GP-33 MOD Grenade Launcher Magazine (6 cap) [Cubby Blast] [120]/2x Arrowhead Sniper Rifle Battery (16 cap) [Cubby Blast] [72]


Bounty Hunter: Zeus Mk II MR [N/A] [N/A]
Interdiction: Cutlass Blue [New Deal] [2,493,500]
Light Fighter: U9C Hawk [Astro Armada] [1,284,400]
Interdiction: Avenger Stalker (Ironweave) [New Deal] [882,200]

Role: Cult Pirates capture and plunder spacecraft for cargo, loot and occasionally steal spacecraft, and kill or enslave the crewmembers and passengers. Operating out of Stanton's Grim HEX, their goal is to spread their illicit activities far and wide throughout the galaxy in order to amass more loot with which to fund The Cult's activities, all the while disavowing any connection with the organization in order to safeguard it from sanctions and the authorities' retribution. Cult Pirates therefore are strictly forbidden from using official CULT gear and liveries, employing instead a range of menacing and grotesque looks and paint schemes intended to strike fear into their victims' hearts and terrorize them into quick submission.

Requirements: Must be a mean and violent sonofabitch who enjoys inflicting pain and suffering. Must also be greedy as fuck.

Training: Piracy games, and ganking/griefing in all kinds of versus multiplayer games.

Pirate Inquisitor

Second Life Undersuit [Skutters] [800]
Why Not? Helmet [Gear Up] [920]
Stitcher Core/Arms/Legs [Canard View] [3,400/920/1,200]
Sinkhole Backpack [Gear Up] [1,800] w/ TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment + LifeGuard Refill [Ruin Station Cargo Shop + Ruin Station medical_shop] [450 + 120]
Left back: FS-9 LMG [Ruin Station Guns] [6,500]
Right back: Individual Choice
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Ruin Station medical_shop] [260]
Left thigh: Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + LifeGuard Medical Attachment [Ruin Station Cargo Shop + Ruin Station medical_shop] [480 + 350]
Right thigh: Coda Pistol [Ruin Station Sharp Shooters] [940]
Right thigh: FSK-8 Combat Knife [Ruin Station Sharp Shooters] [1,200]
Left torso: 3x FS-9 Magazine (75 cap) [Ruin Station Guns] [1350]
Right torso: 2x Individual Choice ammo [???]

Interdiction: Mantis (Skullcrusher) [New Deal] [3,402,000]
Light Salvage: Vulture (Skullcrusher) [New Deal] [2,646,000]
Light Fighter: Gladius (Solar Winds) [New Deal] [2,381,400]
Interdiction: Avenger Warlock (Solar Winds) [New Deal] [2,249,100]
Combat Freight: Cutlass Black (Skull & Crossbones) [New Deal] [2,116,800]
Interdiction: Avenger Stalker (Solar Winds) [New Deal] [1,719,900]
Interdiction: Buccaneer [New Deal] [1,663,200]
Interdiction: M50 Interceptor (Skullcrusher) [New Deal] [1,499,400]
Light Freight: Avenger Titan (Solar Winds) [New Deal] [1,358,280]
Expedition: Cutter Rambler (Noble) [New Deal] [740,880]
Reconnaissance: Cutter Scout (Noble) [New Deal] [705,600]
Light Freight: Cutter (Noble) [New Deal] [635,040]

Pirate Master Chief

Second Life Undersuit [Skutters] [800]
The Butcher Helmet [Canard View] [2,800]
Clash Core/Arms/Legs [Loot] [N/A]
Sinkhole Backpack [Gear Up] [1,800] w/ TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment + LifeGuard Refill [Ruin Station Cargo Shop + Ruin Station medical_shop] [450 + 120]
Left back: GP-33 MOD Grenade Launcher [Ruin Station Guns] [13,000]
Right back: Scourge Railgun [Ruin Station Guns] [16,000]
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Ruin Station medical_shop] [260]
Left thigh: Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + LifeGuard Medical Attachment [Ruin Station Cargo Shop + Ruin Station medical_shop] [480 + 350]
Right thigh: Coda Pistol [Ruin Station Sharp Shooters] [940]
Right thigh: FSK-8 Combat Knife [Ruin Station Sharp Shooters] [1,200]
Left torso: 4x GP-33 MOD Grenade Launcher Magazine (6 cap) [Ruin Station Guns] [8400]
Right torso: 4x Scourge Railgun Magazine (5 cap) [Ruin Station Sharp Shooters] [24,800]

Heavy Tank: Nova (Gunmetal) [New Deal] [907,200]

Heavy Ground Bomber: A2 Hercules Starlifter (Meridian) [Crusader] [44,296,876]
Bomber: Vanguard Harbinger (Solar Winds) [New Deal] [11,510,100]
Interdictor: Vanguard Sentinel (Solar Winds) [New Deal] [10,914,750]
Dropship: Vanguard Hoplite (Solar Winds) [New Deal] [9,327,150]
Stealth Bomber: Eclipse (Meridian) [New Deal] [7,938,000]
Exploration: Corsair (Dying Star) [New Deal] [6,552,000]
Heavy Fighter: Scorpius (Skullcrusher) [New Deal] [5,443,200]

Pirate Captain


Military Transport: M2 Hercules Starlifter (Meridian) [Crusader] [29,484,000]
Medium Freight: Mercury Star Runner (Meridian) [Crusader] [12,285,000]
Pathfinder: 400i (Meridian) [Astro Armada] [11,466,000]
Heavy Fighter: Scorpius Antares (Skullcrusher) [New Deal] [5,216,400]
Anti-capital: Ares Star Fighter Ion (Meridian) [Crusader] [4,725,000]
Anti-capital: Ares Star Fighter Inferno (Meridian) [Crusader] [4,725,000]

Pirate Commander

Deadhead Helmet (01_01_01) [Last Landings] [5,400]


Overlord [SUB] [$$$]

Expedition: 600i Explorer (Sterling) [Astro Armada] [27,231,750]
Light Fighter: Blade [Astro Armada] [7,796,250]
Transport: Caterpillar Pirate Edition [RSI] [$$$]

Pirate Supreme Commander

Must use one of the Fieldsbury Dark Bear Helmets [Loot/Grey Market] [N/A/$$$], but beyond that he can use any gear or even clothes that are not already used in another spec excluding purple and gold/Executive gear and including all weapons with all skins (even those exclusive to the various Commanders), and he can change his attire and loadout as often as he wants, even between or during operations


Luxury Touring: 890 Jump (Meridian) [Astro Armada] [65,356,200]
Medium Fighter: Scythe [SUB/Grey Market] [Imperator/$$$]

Pirate Emperor

Exact same gear as regular Emperor but with The Butcher Helmet (Modified XT) [Loot] [N/A]

Light Carrier: Kraken [N/A] [N/A]
Medium Fighter: Glaive [RSI/Grey Market] [$$$]

Role: Cult Couriers deliver packages from one place or person to another place or person, typically providing their courier service on a commercial contract basis. Cult Couriers are distinguished from ordinary mail services by features such as speed, security, tracking, signature, specialization and individualization of express services, and swift delivery times, which are optional for most everyday mail services. As a premium service, Cult Couriers are usually more expensive than standard mail services, and their use is normally limited to packages where one or more of these features are considered important enough to warrant the cost. Cult Courier services operate on all scales, from within specific towns or cities, to regional, global and even interstellar services. Couriers are how new industrial recruits get their foot in the door with The Cult, before they get promoted to full Contractors (who can also run deliveries).

Requirements: Must take pride in the trust our clients place in you, and must be dedicated to vindicating this trust by carrying out your deliveries in an exemplary manner.

Training: Logistics/management games.


Inquisitor: Zeus Exploration Suit Solar [Subscribers] [$$$] + Zeus Exploration Suit Helmet Solar [Subscribers] [$$$] + Zeus Exploration Suit Backpack Solar [Subscribers] [$$$] + regular Inquisitor gear

Master Chief: Zeus Exploration Suit Starscape [Subscribers] [$$$] + Zeus Exploration Suit Helmet Starscape [Subscribers] [$$$] + Zeus Exploration Suit Backpack Starscape [Subscribers] [$$$] + regular Master Chief gear

Captain: Zeus Exploration Suit [Subscribers] [$$$] + Zeus Exploration Suit Helmet [Subscribers] [$$$] + Zeus Exploration Suit Backpack [Subscribers] [$$$] + regular Captain gear

Inquisitor: Cutter (Groundswell) [New Deal] [635,040] + Mule (Smokestack) [New Deal] [68,040]

Master Chief: Cutter [New Deal] [635,040] + Mule [New Deal] [68,040]

Captain: Cutter (Wind Chill) [New Deal] [635,040] + Mule (Smokestack) [New Deal] [68,040]

Role: When The Cult performs industrial contract work or offers civilian services, they do it heavy, and in style. Known as "the workhorse" of The Cult, the job of a Contractor is to generate funds for the organization by mostly legal industry such as mining, salvaging and cargo hauling and trading, but also offering passenger transport, medical emergency and private security services, among others.


Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, military contractors engaged in direct support of military operations may be legitimate targets of military interrogation, so Cult Contractors are heavily armed and ready to counter threats when necessary.


Requirements: Must be enterprising and hard-working and must enjoy devising and/or executing and refining complex logistical plans.

Training: Automation games, logistics/management games.

Contractor Inquisitor

Contractor Master Chief

Contractor Captain

Contractor Commander

Contractor Supreme Commander


Inquisitor: Pembroke Exploration Suit [ARC-L1] [10,330] + Pembroke Backpack [ARC-L1] [2,180] + LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553] + Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320] + Novikov Exploration Suit [10,330] [Everus Harbor] + Novikov Backpack [2,180] [Everus Harbor]

Master Chief: Pembroke RSI Graphite Edition [Subscribers] [$$$] + Pembroke RSI Graphite Backpack [Subscribers] [$$$] + LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553] + Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320] + Novikov Exploration Suit [10,330] [Everus Harbor] + Novikov Backpack [2,180] [Everus Harbor]

Captain: Pembroke RSI Ivory Edition [Subscribers] [$$$] + Pembroke RSI Ivory Backpack [Subscribers] [$$$] + LH86 "Stormfall" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553] + Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320] + Novikov Exploration Suit [10,330] [Everus Harbor] + Novikov Backpack [2,180] [Everus Harbor]

Commander: Pembroke RSI Sunburst Edition [Subscribers] [$$$] + Pembroke RSI Sunburst Backpack [Subscribers] [$$$] + LH86 Pistol [Centermass] [553] + Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320] + Novikov Exploration Suit [10,330] [Everus Harbor] + Novikov Backpack [2,180] [Everus Harbor]

Supreme Commander: Pembroke Exploration Suit RSI Edition (Modified 9T) [Loot] [N/A] + Pembroke Backpack RSI Edition (Modified 9T) [Loot] [N/A] + LH86 "Boneyard" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553] + Pyro RYT "Quicksilver" Multi-Tool [Subscribers] [$$$] + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [320] + Novikov Exploration Suit (Modified 9T) [Loot] [N/A]
Light Multi-Role Carrier: Kraken Privateer [N/A] [N/A]

Left back: Same as base spec
Right back: Same as base spec
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250] (Supreme Commander: ParaMed "Venule" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$]) / (Commander: ParaMed "Xanthic" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$])
Left torso: Same as base spec ammo [Cubby Blast]
Right torso: Same as base spec ammo [Cubby Blast]

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Unread postby icycalm » 29 Dec 2022 03:15


This isn't the best of pictures, but it'll do for now. We'll update it later.

ForceFlex Undersuit Woodland Digi
ADP-mk4 Woodland - Core, Arms, Legs, Helmet
CSP-68H Backpack
P4-AR "Warhawk" Rifle LEFT / P4-AR Magazine x4+1 x3core
LH86 "Desert Shadow" Pistol RIGHT
ParaMed Medical Device + ParaMed Refill LEFT
ParaMed Refill x2backpack
Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment RIGHT
Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment + 5x cans core
OxyTorch Cutter Attachment core
MK-4 Frag Grenade x4
MedPen (Hemozal) x4 x15backpack
CRUZ Lux x20backpack
CRUZ Lux x4leg
OxyPen x10backpack
Pink QuikFlare x4backpack
Tigersclaw x1backpack


The Master Chief is on the left. Again, not an ideal pic, but it'll do for now. Plus, it doesn't show all the gear, e.g. the Multi-Tool we added to all the ranks at the last moment just before the last Jumptown. Eventually we'll update all the pics to show all the gear perfectly.

Code: Select all
Cubby Blast:
ForceFlex Undersuit Woodland Digi [ ]
ORC-mkX Woodland
   Core [ ]
   Arms [ ]
   Legs [ ]
   Helmet [ ]
CSP-68M Backpack [ ]
   Magazine x3+1 x? core [ ]
Pyro RYT Multi-Tool LEFT [ ]
   TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [ ]
OxyTorch Cutter Attachment leg [ ]
MK-4 Frag Grenade x3 [ ]
Tigersclaw x1 backpack [ ]

CRUZ Lux x20 backpack [ ]
CRUZ Lux x4 leg [ ]

Center Mass:
P4-AR "Warhawk" Rifle RIGHT [ ]
   P4-AR Magazine x3+1 x3 core [ ]
LH86 "Desert Shadow" Pistol RIGHT [ ]

Empire Health:
ParaMed Medical Device RIGHT [ ]
   ParaMed Refill [ ]
   ParaMed Refill x2 backpack [ ]
MedPen (Hemozal) x4 x4 backpack [ ]
OxyPen x5 backpack [ ]

Dumper's Depot:
Cambio-Lite SRT Attachment [ ]
   5x cans core [ ]


This is an official pic of the Inquisitor armor, we don't have a pic of one of us yet because I am just introducing it to the spec. We'll take a pic eventually, and it will show all the attached gear, weapons etc. This is just a generic pic of the armor.

Unfortunately, the pictured black color is no longer available at shops, only in loot boxes, and even then, not all the pieces apparently, from what I am reading; or at least not with any regularity. So we'll have to settle for the "black steel" color which is NOT black, it's more like silvery and black, or something.


The "black steel" is the one on the far-right. Not ideal, and way inferior to the all-black one, but we'll have to make do for now. That said, it's actually pretty cool on its own right, if you don't compare it to the all-black. Have a look here, it's the last of the three variations shown, it looks pretty cool in three dimensions:

Our only other option is the "raven" color, which is the middle one in the pic above. Those are the only two that can be purchased. And I actually like the raven more as it's much closer to the all-black. The problem are the pink accents. I think they look great, but they will clash with the military colors of my and the Commanders' suits. So for now, we really are limited to the "black steel" color. We'll see how we like it on Friday, and we can then decide if we want to keep it or try something else. There aren't that many cool enough choices right now though. Anyway, I have high hopes that we'll settle on "black steel". At the very least, it's an upgrade on the ORC-mkV we had before.

Stoneskin Undersuit [CRU-L4] [850]

Morningstar Helmet Black Steel [CRU-L4] [2,980]

Core / Arms / Legs
Inquisitor Black Steel [CRU-L4] [3,680 / 985 / 1,645]

Primary Left
P4 "Nightstalker" [CB] [3,671]
(Optional) Gamma Duo [CB|CM] [400]
(Optional) Tacit Suppressor2 [CB|CM] [400]
(Optional) Sion Compensator2 [CM] [400]

Primary Right [Individual Choice]
Custodian "Nightstalker" [ARC-L4|CRU-L5|MIC-L1|MIC-L3|PT] [2,690|2,690|2,599|2,599|2,599]
(Optional) Gamma [CB|CM] [400]
(Optional) Gamma Duo [CB|CM] [400]
(Optional) Tacit Suppressor1 [CB] [400]
(Optional) Emod Stabilizer1 [CB] [400]

LH86 "Nightstalker" [CB|CM] [553]

Outside Legs
2x Hemozal [Pharmacy] [200]
2x OxyPen [Pharmacy] [200]
(Left) ParaMed [Pharmacy] [1,250]
(Right) Pyro Multi-Tool + TruHold [CB] [412 + 320]

Outside Core
3x P4 ammo [CB] [36]
3x Individual Choice ammo [CB]
3x MK-4 Frag Grenade [CB] [249]

Inside Core
3x P4 ammo [CB] [36]
?x Individual Choice ammo [CB]
Cambio-Lite [DD] [320]
5x Cambio-Lite can [DD] [175]
1x Tigersclaw [CB] [999]

Inside Legs
4x CRUZ Lux [CB] [20]
OxyTorch [CB] [208]
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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby icycalm » 30 Dec 2022 03:29

shubn posted some pics of the Inquisitor spec on Discord, and it's sick! Super-happy with how it turned out. Can't wait to see it next to me and the Commanders. It might actually be cooler than the black.

We could also play around with helmets and maybe replace the one we have. Get one that's less Ultron and more military, to match me and the Commanders. We'll see. But the Ultron one goes better with the name Inquisitor. If we replaced it with a plainer one, we'd have to change the rank name too.

Can you imagine a platoon of 20 of them showing up at a settlement in Pyro? Scary.


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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby Discord BOT » 30 Dec 2022 03:41

Can we put a red dot on the guns or iron sights only?

I don't know, can you?


If you mean you're asking me in terms of the spec, sure go ahead and add whatever you want to your weapons.

Yeah that's what I was asking.

Also, you can carry more stuff if you want, to your taste, beyond the basic spec, as much as you can carry.

So compensator or suppressor also I assume.

Yep I just haven't looked into this stuff yet.
But I think it's better to leave it up to people.

Though maybe when playing as a team we might want to hear if someone's shooting, so maybe no suppressor.
Or if we all have suppressors, we can hear if someone else than us is shooting.

For now, let's just go wild. And eventually, we can start thinking about this sort of thing. I am definitely not in a position to make these decisions now.

Yeah, just thinking about the future.

You'll see when we play how far away we are from these decisions mattering. We haven't even shot at any human lol.
I mean on foot. We've shot at people in ships and haven't fared very well.
But I think all this will change tomorrow, and we'll make some big strides forward.
In the last JT, out of the 6 that started out, only 3 made it to the actual facility. Then 2 were shot above it, and finally 1 made it to the facility, and he only used his tractor beam because Adjudicator/ysignal had suggested it to me earlier to add tractor beams to the soldiers' and commanders' spec. Before they suggested this, only I had one.
So without this suggestion, the 1 person would have arrived at the facility and not been able to do anything.

Yeah they barricaded the doors with boxes or something lol.
Originally posted in the Insomnia Discord.

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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby shubn » 07 Feb 2023 15:51

I have two suggestions and a question regarding the Inquisitor spec.

Suggestion 1: Change the shotgun to a mission-specific or "free" slot. The weapon in this slot will be selected by either the Master Chief, Commander, or Inquisitor (in that order) based on mission requirements, preference, and availability (for loot-only weapons).

If this suggestion is accepted, the question will then be whether this weapon must be the same for every life on a specific mission, or if changing it between lives is allowed, in order to accommodate for the limited availability of loot-only weapons.

Suggestion 2: Replace the AdrenaPen, CorticoPen, DetoxPen and OpioPen with a ParaMed Medical Device + ParaMed Refills. Each of these drugs can be administered individually with the ParaMed Medical Device via the "advanced" function, which takes as much or maybe even less time than using the pens. There is space for it on the armor (the Inquisitor Legs have two utility slots, only one of which is currently in use for the multi-tool) so this will save internal armor space on top of being more efficient to use.

If this suggestion is rejected, I am assuming it is still allowed to add the ParaMed Medical Device on a personal basis.

Question: Are Inquisitors allowed a backpack?
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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby icycalm » 08 Feb 2023 03:28

For starters, I removed all the LEFT-side weapons from all ranks (it was shotguns and SMGs), and replaced them with "[INDIVIDUAL CHOICE] LEFT". This also removed the ammo for these weapons. So now everyone has the LEFT-side slot to add any weapon they want, plus some ammo slots for it. Individual choice is the default, and an officer can choose to override that if he gives specific directions. Changing this selection between lives is allowed.

The rifle remains the required weapon for all ranks for the RIGHT-side weapons.

So the medpens have no use? What is their ideal use-case? Tell me this, and I will give you an answer for the ParaMed.

As for backpacks, no, Inquisitors don't get them. They would decrease mobility and stealth. What is it that you would like to carry in a backpack? More weapons?
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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby shubn » 08 Feb 2023 13:55

Medical pens have a lower minimum volume than the med gun (180 vs. 2400 μSCU), as well as a lower minimum price (100 vs. 1250 aUEC), so they give you options for lower capacity loadouts, as a "just in case" that doesn't require much space or money. They're also color coded, which may help people who have an easier time remembering the colors than the drug names.

Realistically though, in the current state of the game, only the MedPen (Hemozal) and OxyPen are truly useful. The Hemozal pen because it has a keybind and is therefore quicker to use than the medgun, and because you need to heal more often than you need to reduce symptoms XYZ, and the OxyPen because the medgun cannot dispense oxygen. Even if you're only in an undersuit, you're more likely to want to carry 2x Hemozal or 1x Hemozal 1x OxyPen. And if you have the capacity to carry a bunch of medical pens, you're probably wearing armor, which means you probably have the capacity to carry a medgun, either in the armor or in one of the armor legs' utility slots, with a couple of refills.

I guess the idea of medpens is that they should be quick to use, but that's not really the case in practice. If you don't have them on your armor (which you probably don't because why waste a slot that could be used for a Hemozal pen) you have to open the inventory (which may not work if you're in too tight a space), wait for it to load while you're a sitting duck, find the right pen and drag it to your hands or right-click > carry, probably make sure your hands are empty beforehand to avoid item swapping, close inventory, and now you can go to work. Meanwhile with the medgun you just press 4, right click or B, F+click advanced and move sliders if needed, and you're good to go. Plus it gives you a diagnostic of the patient, which the pens don't do.

The one thing they bring is more variety to the world, for instance in loot boxes. Maybe they'll figure out a way to make them more useful in the future, but for now I'm not seeing it beyond that.

Regarding backpacks, my idea was that if I choose to use for instance an FS-9 LMG, I might want a bunch of magazines for it, which take quite a bit of space. What I forgot to consider however is that FS-9 magazines hold 120 rounds each, and so with one magazine in the gun, two on the armor, and maybe one or two in the armor core, that should be plenty enough ammunition, and so a backpack is not really needed.
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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby icycalm » 21 Feb 2023 20:40

"Look at me. I'm the captain now." ... aptain_now


This is an incredible look. I also like the green accents on it because they will go well with the officers' green. I have no idea what the pieces are though. It seems put together from different outfits. Or it could be unique to 3.18, apparently there are some new pieces in there.

If anyone can figure out what pieces these are, let me know. Hopefully they are in the shops. You can also post in the Reddit thread linked above and ask the guy. I can't post because I am banned lol.

And P.S. I haven't forgotten about your last post, shubn. I'll get back to you on it.
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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby shubn » 28 Feb 2023 14:54

Helmet is the Neoni Jami, it's available in the Subscriber store, and can also be found in red lootboxes. Core is the Inquisitor Core Green, it's only found in lootboxes I think. Arms and legs are ADP-mk4 Woodland, they can be bought at Cubby Blast, Tammany, Olisar, and Tressler.
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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby icycalm » 29 Apr 2023 02:53

So I amended all specs according to shubn's suggestions, plus some tweaks here and there by me. The major change is that I eliminated medpens except Hemozal and OxyPen, replacing them with the ParaMed Medical Device + ParaMed Refill, and I also replaced the secondary weapon with individual player choice. Note that you MUST bring a second weapon and its ammunition. You can't show up with one rifle just because you have a choice of what else to bring along. This goes for ammo too. You must bring exactly what ammo it says on the spec. You can't rejig the ammo and bring less of the rifle for example so you can substitute it with your other weapon's ammo. And here's how to read the ammo spec, so there are no mistakes:


This means 2 magazines on your armor, plus 1 inside the weapon (all weapons come with this, so you don't have to buy it), plus 2 more stored in the core. So 5 mags in total.

If I've made any mistakes with the numbers, let me know as soon as you notice. Further suggestions, post them here.

In addition, Inquisitors must buy the Gladius Frostbite paint from the RSI website, and Commanders must buy the Hornet Frostbite paint AND the Gladius one IF they happen to have a Gladius they can loan to Inquisitors who haven't bought one yet, or as extra lives for Inquisitors under their command. If I am not mistaken, only recoil qualifies for this so far, so Chev and ysignal needn't bother, unless you plan to purchase Gladiuses in-game for yourselves. That said, we WILL be using Gladiuses for piracy with the Solar Winds paint, so if you're planning to come on big piracy operations, you'll end up with a Gladius eventually, so you might as well get its Frostbite paint now.

Paints - Gladius - Frostbite Paint $7.00 USD ... bite-Paint


Paints - Hornet - Frostbite Paint $7.00 USD ... bite-Paint


These paints are dirt-cheap, and the money you put into them will be useful to us forever because you can melt the paints at any time and use the credits to buy other paints, even several times a day. So you can keep recycling paints for different vehicles and missions with just a few bucks' investment. Paints don't come in Warbond varieties, so you never lose any money by melting and rebuying them.
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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby icycalm » 01 May 2023 03:38

Updated all ranks with the cutter tool and salvage/repair tool attachments, check them out. There may also have been some more slight changes that I am not reporting here, so always consult the spec before gearing up.

The new salvage/repair tool, with its accompanying cans

We took some better pics of the specs, though not of my own because Shadow still won't let me take Star Citizen pics for some reason. We'll get someone else to take my pic eventually, but for now here's the Commander spec:

Commander ysignal in glorious 4K

Commander ChevRage in ignominious 1080p (nice pic tho)

We already have pretty good pics of the Inquisitor spec from shubn above, but here's another one with all the updates, again of shubn:


Moving on to paints, ysignal please buy this one for your Corsair if you don't mind. It's unusually cheap for the size of the vessel, for some reason. This will match better my black and everyone else's white.

Paints - Corsair - Eternity Paint $7.50 USD ... nity-Paint


And finally, shubn has some ideas on scopes and suppressors, so post them here when you get the chance shubn—same things you told me on voice—and I'll see about adding them to the spec in parentheses, as recommendations. Above all let me know on which of our weapons these attachments can be used, including mine.

We're quickly getting the spec to a place where it's rather solid and detailed, but there's still a lot of ground to cover. Flight suit spec is coming soon, for one. Certainly before the next Dynamic Event that requires it (it's only Nine Tails Lockdown, currently).
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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby icycalm » 01 May 2023 04:02

Forgot to post my Stinger paint for my Scorpius. It's the official CULT Master Chief spec (or should it be... Darth Chief?), and was only available to Concierge backers during the concept sale, but I got it from this grey market store:

Scorpius - Stinger Paint $37.99

Here's what it looks like in glorious 5K:

[5K] RSI Scorpius Stinger Paint ... nger_paint

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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby ysignal » 01 May 2023 10:21

I already have the Eternity paint, I just forgot about it and never applied it. I'll do it next time I'm on.
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Re: Cult Spec

Unread postby shubn » 01 May 2023 17:23

For weapon attachments, my default is 2x optic and suppressor.

The reason for the 2x optic is that it gives you a bit of extra reach, without hindering you much at close ranges. I will occasionally put 1x optics on handguns and SMGs, as it fits their typical close range application, though 2x works fine too. 1x is certainly better than iron sights, which are as obsolete in 2953 as they are in 2023. Higher power optics can have their use, for instance in the cases of the Jumptown and Siege of Orison Dynamic Events, or any other activities we may decide to take part in, but these will have to be considered based on mission requirements. 1x and 2x optics can be bought in shops and fit on any gun that can fit an optic. Anything higher than 2x must be looted, though they are pretty common.

The reason for the suppressor should be pretty obvious. Compensators/stabilizers can have their use too, for instance for full-auto fire at longer distances, so again, to consider based on mission requirements. All barrel attachments can be found in shops. Suppressors work on both ballistic and energy weapons (don't ask me how that works), compensators work on ballistic weapons, and stabilizers are basically compensators for energy weapons.

I don't have strong feelings about underbarrel attachments. I played with the laser a bunch and don't really see the benefit beyond the initial "hehe lazor" moment. Except maybe for hip-firing the grenade launcher, it's pretty good for that. The flashlight I haven't really played with. I figured it would only be useful if for whatever reason you don't have a helmet on, but now that I think about it, it might help with target acquisition and identification. I must do some tests.

The way attachments work is that, for barrel attachments, the attachment size must match the barrel size, while for sight and underbarrel attachments, the attachment size must be equal to or lower than the slot size. Different weapons have different sizes for different slots. You can find that information by hovering an item in the game's inventory, or in the in-game shops, or on the Universal Item Finder or Star Citizen Wiki. For barrels, I think S1 is pistols/SMGs, S2 is rifles/snipers/LMGs, S3 is shotguns.

The sizes and my recommendations for the weapons currently in the spec:

  • P4-AR Rifle
    Optic S2: Gamma Duo (2x)
    Barrel S2: Tacit Suppressor2 / Sion Compensator2
  • LH86 Pistol
    Optic S1: Delta (1x) / Gamma (1x) / Gamma Duo (2x)
    Barrel S1: Tacit Suppressor1

Not related to attachments, but something that came to my mind is the Arclight pistol's higher magazine capacity (30) compared to the LH86's (13). I hate to sound like a minmaxing metagaming googler, but, while checking I had each pistol's magazine capacity right, I ended up seeing damage numbers, and, if they're correct, it doesn't look like the Arclight's higher capacity is offset by lower damage output. If we're looking for pure effectiveness, the Arclight is looking pretty good. I'm not saying we should change the LH86—it's perfectly fine, and it fits with the rest of the spec—I just felt I should share this information. It could be a good fit for the pilot spec, since undersuits only have two magazine slots.

Speaking of pistols, I sometimes like to use the Coda. Low capacity (6 rounds), but high damage output, and, more importantly, it looks cool. Maybe to consider for a Cult Pirate Spec. Oh, and a Sawtooth knife. Can't slit throats without a knife.
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Cult Vehicle Spec

Unread postby icycalm » 09 May 2023 08:11

I've skirted this subject up till now, giving only vague instructions as to the vehicles and types of vehicles each rank should buy and use. It's time now to make things systematic and concrete.

But first, take a look at our current memberlist and rank distribution: ... LT/members


As you can see, I figured out how to edit the rank names, so now we have on our official RSI page exactly the rank names we use: Master Chief, Commander, and Inquisitor. In addition, you can see the new Clone rank, which will act as a type of Joker, since it can be used by anyone of any rank. This of course means that it must have gear of all ranks stored in its inventories. As for vehicles, the clones will mainly focus on industrial vehicles which the other ranks won't generally be buying because it's a waste of money for them when they can just hop on a clone at any time they feel like doing some work. Occasionally though, we might buy some military vehicles for the clones too, but only out of necessity, as we recently did with an A2 we bought for CULTCLONE-1. Ideally, all the Commanders would have A2s, but since during the earlygame that's tough because it's very expensive, we made an exception, and there will doubtless be more such exceptions down the line.

Also note that there is space in the ranking for two more ranks: 1-star and 4-star. I plan to eventually use the 1-star/Soldier rank for people we pick up from inside the game or places such as Reddit and Spectrum, and the 4-star for an Ubercommander/Overlord rank that will be able to operate more independently than Commanders, and take out capital ships and launch operations without my direct involvement. Also, in the future I will introduce clear guidelines and requirements on how to rank up, so that anyone can pursue that path at any time without me having to do anything or encourage anyone etc. It will almost be as if there are exams, and when you think you're ready, you'll be able to apply. In essence, ranking up in The Cult org will be yet another play loop you can pursue in Star Citizen, if you choose, exactly as with all the other loops the game features, and all the new ones that are coming in. My org's loop will be here to make your experience richer and more complex (more strategic, more tactical, more logistical, et al.) no matter your rank, because even as the lowest-ranked member, you're still benefiting from being part of a structured org instead of playing alone or with one or two casual friends. But much of this is down the future, when the game has been further developed to be more complex, and we have more players and more experience with the game (and even more resources, because those capital ships won't be buying themselves, and someone will have to pay thousands of dollars for us to get them). So for the time being, we only have the 4 ranks (including the Clones rank), and in this guide I will elaborate on how they compare in terms of the vehicles I want them to have.

Note that you don't have to buy any vehicles in order to play with us, either with cash or even with in-game credits. As long as you have your rank's Cult Gear Spec, meaning armor, weapons and so on, you can jump into any official CULT mission. You'll just have to ride along with one of us who do have vehicles. E.g. the officers' fighters tend to be two-seaters, so you can be a gunner. Or the ground vehicles usually accommodate a couple of passengers. It's just that if you have your own vehicles, your experience can be richer and more interesting; and the more of these vehicles you have—and the more expensive they are—the richer your experience can generally be. But if you haven't had time to play and earn anything on any given wipe, you are still perfectly welcome to jump in any official CULT mission, and we'll be happy to find a place for you. We can always use more warriors running around our vast fleet, and indeed we need them to operate everything to its full potential.

Finally, a word about cash purchases. The more I play the game, the better I understand what they bring to the development of the project, and to our clan, and the more I appreciate them. I now understand them to be a vital component in the development of what I call "metaverse"-type games, of which my Battlegrounds is also one, and which is the best art genre and artform. Cash "micro"-transactions are the only way such complex games with such small, niche audiences can be built and grown and maintained, since midwits which form the bulk of the population aren't interested in them. So if, like me, you plan to play Star Citizen for thousands of hours, you certainly can do that for 45 dollars, and no one will think any less of you, but realize that the value you'll be getting out of the game is more than enough to justify dropping $50 or even $100 every wipe or every other wipe. And since the vehicles listed below for every rank are way too many and too expensive to be earnable in-game per wipe, it'd be a great strategy both for you and our clan, and for the health of the game, if you bought one of them with cash per wipe or every other wipe, which would mean that in successive wipes you'd be able to acquire more and more of your spec's vehicles, and have a richer and richer experience as a result. Keep also in mind that these specs will only INCREASE in cost in the future, as more gear, vehicles, and even apartments and base components are added. You'll always be welcome in my org to run around our fleet and properties with just your Nightstalker rifle and Morningstar helmet, but if instead you saved some money by ceasing to buy midwit games on Steam that you'll never play anyway, and put that money into the greatest real-time metaverse artwork of all time, you'd have a much richer and more complex experience, and the game itself would become richer and more complex due to your additional funding contribution.



Note this is by no means all the vehicles in the game. They release about a dozen a year, and the above images are already a year or more out of date. Moreover, there are vehicles in the game that you can't buy, and they're precisely the coolest ones. The Cult Master Chief's Javelin destroyer is 470m long, but compared to the 990m Bengal carrier or 2789m Retribution which are exclusive to the UEE Navy and can't be purchased by players (and there are alien equivalents, per alien race even...), it's considered on the small side. These ships are so big that CIG needs to invent dynamic server meshing so that entire servers can be dedicated to serving a single ship, since they contain entire open-world videogame levels inside them.


And that's just the human vehicles. Check out those of one of the alien races:


Star Citizen: Vanduul "Driller" Capital Ship Reveal 4K


TheCosmicWarper wrote:This is one of the most badass ships I've seen in gaming.

Danny Brostron wrote:if you keep making the vanduul cooler than the uee im going to start rooting for them

Gary Meaney wrote:These Vanduul ships are looking so awesome that I am half considering defecting to their side...

xSociety wrote:This should be a GPU benchmark

Jack Powell wrote:The entire game is a GPU benchmarks we'll never satisfy. Id better get me an epic job ASAP because the pursuit of perfect visuals is about to go places Crysis can only dream of.

Gustavo dias okagawa wrote:The atmosphere of this trailer is peerless!

As for when the alien ships will come into the game, first of all about half a dozen of them are already in. The rest are being currently worked on, and kept under wraps, for Squadron 42. They'll all come into the game at the same time, when SQ42 drops... in a couple of yearsTM.

So with this extensive preamble (finally) out of the way, here's what the Cult Spec Vehicle guide looks like as of this writing, on Tuesday May 9, 2023. Read it carefully, and feel free to post your comments, objections and suggestions below, and I'll be sure to take them into account when amending the specs, as I'll be doing regularly from now on.
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Cult Master Chief Spec

Unread postby icycalm » 09 May 2023 08:12

There are only two requirements for someone to be The Cult's Master Chief. It's pretty simple: he must be icy, and calm. That's it.

With that out of the way, let's examine what kind of hardware the Master Chief must bring to bear on the battlefield in order to uphold the valor of CULT arms, and continue its long and distinguished martial tradition.


Note: Everything in this spec can be purchased right now with cash, even the Javelin, which isn't implemented in the game yet. However, the named ships (plus most paints) in the equation above cannot be purchased in the in-game dealerships yet, they can only be purchased with cash, ergo the aUEC equation isn't complete. Most likely the unknown prices utterly dwarf the known balance, due to the Javelin. I am not even sure if you'll ever be able to buy the Javelin in-game. I think your reputation with the Navy has to be sky-high or something for them to sell it to you.


Not in the game yet. I'll get it with cash as soon as its release date is announced. I am not holding my breath, which is why I am not scared by the cost. By the time it's out, BTC will be at 1M and I'll buy a bunch of them so we won't have to wait for days for its massive respawn time.

HEAVY EXPEDITION: CARRACK + C8R PISCES (Nightbreak) + ARROW (Light Green and Grey) + 2x ARROW (Metallic Grey) aUEC: 26,657,500 + TBA (+ N/A) + 972,300 (+ 48,000) + 2x 972,300 (+ 2x 49,500) = 26,804,500 + TBA + PAINT / Cash: $600 + $65 (+ $3.63) + $75 (+ $3.63) + 2x $75 (+ 2x $3.63) = $904.52

Shadow Reaper wrote:The Carrack is blazing fast, maneuverable, has incredible range, drones, med bay, crypto-lab with holo-display, engineering repair shop, double bridge decks, and sensors galore.

All it really lacks are missiles, but that's because it's an exploration ship, not a warship. However, so far it's the best mobile operation ship in the game, so that's how we'll use it for the time being. It's worth noting that people have done crazy stunts like put two Ballistas on it and in it (in the hangars), giving it 4x S7 + 16x S5 torpedoes, which according to experts is "shocking firepower". But we won't be pulling such ugly and gamey stunts here. We will however be pulling an elegant and natural stunt, more on which below.

All the Carrack paints sold so far are gaudy garbage. The best paint is the default one, by far. Then there is also the Expedition variant, which is a cool white with red accents that works well for the ship's intended exploration role, but for military operations, the original Carrack's paint can't be beat. So that's what CULT will use. I will be buying my Carrack with cash soonish (I've been stacking CCUs and waiting for a good opportunity for months), but until then, Adjudicator has 2 to give us. He also has an Expedition, so 3 in total. We definitely won't be running out of Carracks any time soon. Regular and Expedition Carracks are identical beyond the color by the way. Their difference lies in the snub they come with, more on which below.


The regular C8R's red paint is gorgeous, google it if you haven't seen it. But we can't be flying around a battlefield in bright red paint. If you're running medic missions on your own or with friends, go with the red, and there's also a hella cool limited edition Code Blue metallic paint which would be way less conspicuous, but we're going to war, not to rescue civilians, so we'll go with the camo-like Nightbreak that matches the default Carrack perfectly.

Why a C8R instead of a C8X? It's true that the C8X has 3 seats instead of 1 and 2 more guns, but as you'll find out below, my Carrack will be carrying 3 full-fledged light fighters, so the C8 isn't meant to be used for combat. I'd rather it be the best at its main rescue role with the medbed than use it as just another fighter, but far inferior at fighting to the rest.



Now we come to the good stuff. The Arrow used to be our light fighter of choice for the Inquisitor spec, but shubn explained to me that the Gladius is a better choice [ > ], so we went with that. But the Arrow remains both the most maneuverable fighter in the game, and the smallest light fighter. And, as it turns out, the Carrack can easily carry 3 of them! ... ost-375091

Shadow Reaper wrote:The remarkable thing about the Carrack that is not obvious at first glance is that several ships can be perched atop the closed hangar bay and will stay put during flight. For instance, 3 Arrows can be placed up there, turning the Carrack into a small carrier. There are lots of great vids online of Carrack crew exploits, Skunk Works, the Raccoon, even a vid of a Carrack crew fending off a team of boarders and discovering how the med bay became the central target of the ship because that's where crew respawn.

If you want to see how it looks with the Arrows, we need to take a proper picture with everything in our official paints and post it here, but until then, check out this sick pic showing 2 Arrows and 1 C8 (if he folded the second Arrow's wings too, he should be able to fit a 3rd Arrow in place of the C8):


Apparently it will quantum jump fine like that, and I've even heard that ship storage and retrieval and even bed logging work fine, with the Arrows persisting, though I'll believe that when I see it. On the other hand, nothing on top of the Carrack hangar is covered by the Carrack shield. Same for the 890.

ElfUppercut wrote:The parking on top is intended and is why the airlock is there. Just don't forget and open the hangar with anything on top or you'll end up with a lot of booms after ships dance around for a while.

The paint of the first Arrow is the Light Green and Grey to match my armor (same with the Commanders; see below), while the other two Arrows will generally be Metallic Grey to match the Inquisitor spec, unless I have two or more Commanders onboard, in which case they'll all be the officer color. The most general case though will be 1 Light Green and Grey and 2 Metallic Greys, and moreover I will make sure to personally own 3 Arrows so I can give the extra ones out to players who might not have them. Of course if you have one, and there's space for it, you'll land your own up there, and make sure to memorize which one it is, or even better take a pic, so you can fly your own when needed. Of course, there'll also be emergencies in which someone else might have to fly your Arrow, or vice versa.

BattleSpaceLive wrote:With the airlock right there, you can keep your snub pilots ready in the airlock watching out the window and ready to deploy the moment they're needed, and using the exterior of the hangar vs. the interior means it's more secure for solo players, as they don't need to leave the hangar open for curious players who find the Carrack to drop in from.

You can throw a TS-2 drive on the Carrack for 90k from Cousin Crow's and have an incredibly fast response to any place in the system, I could imagine an org using this to bounty hunt players even.

So what all the above does is turn the Arrows into snubs, which is incredible especially if you consider Star Citizen snubs aren't great lookers (google "Star Citizen Merlin" to see what I mean) and even a smaller dedicated carrier like the Polaris can only carry 1 fighter. Sure, that fighter can be bigger, but 3 Arrows beat 1 Gladius any day of the week. Hell even 1 can beat it in an ace's hands. And we all know how many aces we have in CULT.

Finally, realize that we have no fewer than THREE Carracks currently, thanks to the incredible Adjudicator, and I am buying a FOURTH in the very near future. That's TWELVE Arrows we can carry around the galaxy with us (AND 4 C8Rs) on its massive quantum and hydrogen tanks. A real (makeshift) fleet. That's how we'll run raids on Pyro next year. (And keep in mind that the pilots will be flying their main fighters ALONGSIDE the Carracks; the Arrows parked on top of them will be mere backups.)

HEAVY GUNSHIP: HAMMERHEAD aUEC: 12,459,900 / Cash: $725


The biggest gunship in the game currently, so of course the Master Chief has gots to have it. None of the extra paints available for it look particularly good, but the default is kickass so I am sticking with it.

STEALTH DROPSHIP: PROWLER aUEC: 4,248,200 / Cash: $440

Alien-tech derived ship that's without a doubt the coolest ship in the game. The wings rotate down when it lands, like a bird. You should look up its trailers (both cinematic and commercial) and the dev video they released, it's the coolest vehicle in a game ever. Hell it's the coolest vehicle in reality too, the coolest ever conceptualized. Six concept artists worked on it, an artistic marvel. So of course I can't not have it. At some point our entire org will pile into it while wearing its matching custom armor (available in three colors, so we can distinguish our ranks), and we'll drop on Jumptown and scare the crap out of randoms.

There are a couple of crazy limited edition paints for this, but they are too weird for me to decide on them right now, so I'll start out with the default, and we'll try it out, and then slap on the paints over time and decide. The ones I have my mind on have also matching alien fighters, but I am not sure what we can do with those and how we could integrate them into the spec, since we're already set on all our fighters. Alien or alien-derived ships in general are something none of us has looked into yet, and I have no doubt we'll spend years getting to know them and weighing their pros and cons compared to the human ships. For now, this will be the only alien or alien-derived ship in our entire fleet.


thisremindsmeofbacon wrote:The Tevarin stuff looks great, but it does fall into the trope of alien technology looking a lot like the aliens themselves despite that generally not being the case for human technology. I mean we generally wouldn't make a giant ape as a spaceship, and while ape masks might be a thing they certainly aren't the norm for headgear. Idk, just seems weird—like if we decided that German-manufactured armor would have a lederhosen aesthetic and the ship's thrusters beer-stein shape. Less believable and more of a caricature I guess. Thankfully the technical skills are there to pull it off though.

DrSuviel wrote:If species aren't obsessed with building things that look like them, then why do we want giant humanoid robots so badly? And also, all auto designers know that car grills and headlights need to look like specific human facial expressions. Actually a lot of our technology has subtle faces on it. Made-up alien species might take it to extremes but from an outside perspective our stuff would probably seem weird too.


The images above are of the base Retaliator, not the bomber, but they don't differ much and these are way cooler than all the bomber ones I could find, so until I find better, I'll use the base ones. This must be of the bomber though:


Not much to say here, this is the ultimate bomber in the game currently, with no fewer than 6x S9 torpedoes, each of which can one-shot almost everything currently in the game. The larger ships to come will give it trouble, but for now the only thing that can stop this is fighters. So whenever I use it, I'll expect solid fighter escort from the rest of the org.

HEAVY FIGHTER: SCORPIUS ANTARES (Blight) aUEC: TBA (+ N/A) / Cash: $230 (+ $9.08) = $239.08

The pictured ship is the regular Scorpius, but it's the only pic I could find with the Blight paint. Why did I switch from the expensive limited edition Stinger paint to the Blight? Because this one is a similar military green to my armor. I'll keep the Stinger for solo unofficial outings, but for official missions I'll use the Blight because it just matches everything else in my spec, and ultimately all the other specs (the Commanders have military green armor too, for example).

I chose the Antares version because of its EMP device and quantum jammer that will give me some more options on the battlefield even when we aren't bringing a dedicated interdiction ship along. It's true that you need a copilot to use these functions, but since they only use a couple of keys it's easy enough to drop a clone on a laptop in the copilot's seat and take care of it myself without tying down an extra precious player, something I can't do in the regular Scorpius with its complex turret, which is entirely wasted when I lack a copilot.

HEAVY TANK: NOVA aUEC: 546,027 / Cash: $120

The enormous Nova tank is just what the doctor ordered for the Master Chief. It can one-shot many ships parked on the ground, as we found out at Jumptown, and can basically one-shot every ground vehicle in the game so far. If CIG somehow puts in a bigger, badder ground vehicle than this, I'll grab it and hand this down to the next rank after me, but for now it stays with me, though I will be giving it out to Commanders when I am occupied elsewhere and we just need to have one or more tanks on the ground.

Note how well its default paint goes with my choice of fighter paints, both for the Scorpius Antares and the Arrow, and of course with my armor. The optional paints are good, but the default is the best.
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Re: Cult Vehicle Spec

Unread postby icycalm » 09 May 2023 08:12

I am locking this thread until I have posted all the ranks, which will take me a few weeks. I plan to post roughly one a week for the next month or so. If you think of comments to make during this time, note them down and save them for when I am finished, and I unlock the thread.

If you have something urgent to note in the meantime, some howler I might have committed, post it in the #general-chat channel of the Cult Citizen section of our Discord.
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Re: Cult Gear Spec

Unread postby icycalm » 19 May 2023 07:03

Some changes to the spec, please note them for Saturday.

  • I switched the positions of the rifle and the optional large weapon on everyone's backs. The large weapon was placed on the right because recoil noted that that's the only location the railgun will attach, and the rifle as a result was placed on the left.
  • I switched positions for the medgun and the multitool because it makes more sense for the medgun to be on the left along with the medpens. It also looks better that way because now the white toy-like medgun isn't in full frontal view, but kind of hidden on the side.

These changes are now reflected in your spec if you scroll up to see them.

And here are some changes plus some new directions on paints.

-Everyone who has a C8R, or any C8 they want to bring along to official missions, should get the Nightbreak paint for them.

Paints - C8 Pisces - Nightbreak Paint $3.63 USD ... reak-Paint


-Next up, Arrows. I know I've said different paints before, but I changed my mind. Melt whatever paint you have and grab the Twilight paint, if you have an Arrow, regardless of your rank. We'll be using these as snubs on the Carracks, so we won't be flying them in full formation and differentiating ranks. I just want them to look cool next to the standard Carrack paint plus the Nightbreak C8s, and this is the best fit. (Btw, we might start using Furys as snubs instead of Arrows, depending on how many we can fit on and inside a Carrack, and only if enough people end up buying them when they hit the RSI site in... about a few hours. I'll probably be buying two, they shouldn't be expensive. I'll make a thread in a sec.)

Paints - Arrow - Twilight Paint $6.05 USD ... ight-Paint


-Finally, regarding the Corsair, I changed my mind about the Darth Vader Eternity paint when I saw someone on Reddit mention that the reason he's not using this paint is because it leaves the greenish interior unchanged. Black exterior with green interior is a no-no, so we must switch Corsair paints. I have my eye on the green Commando paint with matching Mule Bushwacker, but I am not 100% on it yet, so for the time being switch your Corsair back to stock, ysignal, and everyone should also have stock paint on their Mules.

Corsair interior


P.S. I plan to respond to shubn's latest suggestions soon.
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Re: Cult Gear Spec

Unread postby shubn » 19 May 2023 11:31

I rewrote the Inquisitor Spec in a way that makes it easier for me to go through like a checklist when I gear up. I have it in a Google Docs file I can alt-tab to, and I thought I'd share, in case someone finds it useful.

A few notes:

  • While I wrote the current locations and prices for each item to make it easier for me to do my shopping, these are only valid as of right now, and may change between versions of the game.
  • The order "Outside Legs, Outside Core, Inside Core, Inside Legs" is the order I gear up in, because I can mostly follow the order of the inventory filters.
  • The individual choice weapon is my current default, my fallback, for when I don't have any better idea or nothing else is specified before the mission.
  • CB is Cubby Blast, CM is Area18 Centermass, DD is Area18 Dumper's Depot, PT is Port Tressler. If there was Port Olisar, Grim HEX, Everus Harbor or Baijini Point for instance, they would be PO, GH, EH and BP respectively. I guess New Babbage Centermass would be NBCM or NB-CM (I don't specify it for Area18 CM and DD because it's our home).
  • I don't specify the mag in the guns or the refill in the medgun because I assume that every weapon should come with a full mag and the medgun with a full refill, and it's my responsibility as an operator to verify that this is the case.
  • The Universal Item Finder has this warning text: "items that are out of stock may temporarily disappear from the kiosk". I don't remember if it was here before or if it's something new. I think I read something somewhere about limited stocks. If it truly is implemented, this should be an encouragement to not wait until the last minute to buy all your gear.

Stoneskin Undersuit [CRU-L4] [850]

Morningstar Helmet Black Steel [CRU-L4] [2,980]

Core / Arms / Legs
Inquisitor Black Steel [CRU-L4] [3,680 / 985 / 1,645]

CSP-68M [CB] [2,177]

Primary Left
P4 "Nightstalker" [CB] [3,671]
(Optional) Gamma Duo [CB|CM] [400]
(Optional) Tacit Suppressor2 [CB|CM] [400]
(Optional) Sion Compensator2 [CM] [400]

Primary Right [Individual Choice]
Custodian "Nightstalker" [PT] [2,599]
(Optional) Delta [CB] [400]
(Optional) Gamma [CB|CM] [400]
(Optional) Gamma Duo [CB|CM] [400]
(Optional) Tacit Suppressor1 [CB] [400]
(Optional) Emod Stabilizer1 [CB] [400]

LH86 "Nightstalker" [CB|CM] [553]
(Optional) Delta [CB] [400]
(Optional) Gamma [CB|CM] [400]
(Optional) Gamma Duo [CB|CM] [400]
(Optional) Tacit Suppressor1 [CB] [400]
(Optional) Sion Compensator1 [CM] [400]

Outside Legs
4x Hemozal [Pharmacy] [400]
(Left) ParaMed [Pharmacy] [1,250]
(Right) Pyro Multi-Tool + TruHold [CB] [412 + 320]

Outside Core
3x P4 ammo [CB] [36]
3x Individual Choice ammo [CB]

Inside Core
3x P4 ammo [CB] [36]
?x Individual Choice ammo [CB]
1x ParaMed Refill [Pharmacy] [60]
1x Tigersclaw [CB] [999]

Inside Legs
4x CRUZ Lux [CB] [20]
Last edited by shubn on 03 Aug 2023 12:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 10 Jan 2012 03:17
Location: France


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