Finally! ... p7/finallyCapital-Service-8236 wrote:Someone make a video of 20 people moving a 890jump pls
Subtle_Tact wrote:I can't tell if this is a joke, would this actually be possible?
M3rch4ntm3n wrote:Multiple beams' add up their energy/force (degressiv, log...who knows)
Ocbard wrote:It's giving me Half Life 2 vibes. I wonder if you can pull fixtures out of the wall with it and chuck them at the 9tails. "Eat radiator bastard!"
Raikira wrote:Something that big should be held at waist height, with a strap over the shoulder :)
HappyFamily0131 wrote:It looks like someone casually holding a car engine strapped to the end of a bat.
The modeling and textures say, "I'm made of steel and weigh 30 lbs." The posture says, "I'm made of cardboard and am just for cosplay."
BlueboyZX wrote:Where did you find this guy? We wanna buy!
LaughinJack wrote:EPTU Refinery Deck at ARC-L1, probably every refinery deck but that's the one I know for sure
You can lift small ships with the tractor beam [Ignore the planet not rendering] [CTD at the end] ... actor_beamlucavigno wrote:Imagine being in a battle and that mf throws you a whole ship.
Emadec wrote:Imagine it having the push feature of Half-life 2’s gravity gun
Digim0rtal wrote:Copying more from that game? Maybe
SharpEdgeSoda wrote:At this point, copying a game that's gone almost *2 decades* without a proper sequel isn't copying anymore.
Gaben sleeps. Time for someone to steal from his ogre treasure horde.
Good news everyone! ... s_everyoneWillpalazzo wrote:There has been a hotfix for the EPTU and it’s not ctd every 5 seconds! So I bring to you new shiny! First 2 pictures are 1 and 2 scu shared inventory cargo boxes! Although currently you can’t get them on to your ship physically. Third-Seventh photos are of the new tractor rifle! Looks and sounds pretty cool, even fits in a regular gun rack! The last 2 photos for some reason I could lock the beam on the mess hall table and doors on the Corsair. Perhaps something to do with future hull munching? Didn’t have much time to test, but they are available at refineries!
No-Recover3177 wrote:Is this the garry's mod update?
SemiGaseousSnake wrote:Why does it say out of ammo?
CyberianK wrote:They will give them batteries you have to reload long term.
I think they already had that implemented but took it out until there are more ways to charge up stuff.
Appropriate-Math422 wrote:I found a Greycat battery on a 9T in a bunker (3.21.0). Looks like a ammo magazine as it’s a rectangle. I guess that it’s in the loot table prematurely.
This has been expected for years, and it's finally in PTU. It should arrive with 3.21.1 near the end of the month and skyrocket the complexity of interactions both out of combat and especially in it!