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The internet reacts to Insomnia articles...

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Unread postby icycalm » 19 Oct 2014 23:52

But it's not all bad:

Anonymous wrote:I think his argument rests upon games being voluntary immersions into rules and that trying to break the rules is in bad faith with the reason why you immersed yourself in the first place!

Anonymous wrote:>>268454497
You completely misinterpreted him then. It probably has to do with your understanding of what's fun in a game. For him, the fun is in losing, and people seek out the metagame when they wish to minimize their losses quick, i.e. it's metagamers who just want to win and don't care about killing the games they play in order to do it.

Anonymous wrote:>>268461139
>People here use the term "casual" to refer to people that suck at games. I think Icy would use the term to refer to people that aren't passionate about games. In this sense, people who just care about winning, while being the better players on average, are actually the casuals.

Hit the nail on the head anon.

That has always been a big part of Icy's critique. He despises "competitive gaming" as something antithetical to what's best about gaming. Ultimately I think he's big on well written escapism, which is something video games are uniquely suited for, and seeing competitive gamers call people casuals for preferring that over what's essentially a poor autist's excuse for a "sport" must be enraging.

I played TFC competitively in my teens. I have good memories, but my best memories are nearly all of SP experiences.

It's why I find the DOTA vs LoL shit to be so obnoxious too.

Anonymous wrote:>>268452447
it's easy to misunderstand because he's got such radical views on game culture and pretty much redefines all of the terminology you think you know. Try reading some, it's technically reasonable but batshit crazy at the same time.

Anonymous wrote:>>268455032
He sure knows how to make you seem like a piece of shit for playing a game in anything less than the absolute most hardcore disciplined way.

Anonymous wrote:>>268456493
I can see the appeal. The modern gaming press being composed entirely of liberal arts majors who don't play videogames probably leaves a lot to be desired. But is to those articles as a soufflet filled with glass is to a shit sandwich.

Anonymous wrote:>>268461961
That definition is important, because it's a subtle reminder you should prioritize worthwhile outlets for competitive tendencies.

Video games are a passive aggressive nerd's outlet. In this respect I agree with the "new gaming journalists". I'll take a good story driven experience over some MOBA clone any day.

I don't even consider the sorts of people who solely play SC2 over and over to be part of the same demographic. They don't enjoy video games, they're just manifesting a latent inferiority complex that they're too weak to manifest through a real sport.

Anonymous wrote:>>268456452
He's not telling people how to have fun, he's a critic. Part of being a critic means demonstrating your methods so your perspective seems interesting and worthwhile, and so that your audience can properly follow your criticisms.

Anonymous wrote:>>268457034
>So not only does he not understand that people think differently

Where the fuck do you get this from? He acknowledges an opposing perspective in practically every single article or review he writes.

Anonymous wrote:>>268457034
I don't want to defend Icycalm but "people think differently" is possibly the dumbest defense against critics ever.

The next four go together:

Anonymous wrote:>>268445779
To be honest, I was certain it was a parody article at that point. A game suddenly becomes unplayable after you beat it once? Really?

Anonymous wrote:>>268445998
After you beat it under the absolute hardest conditions the game can possibly offer, and hundreds of losses building up to it. You mean to tell me you'd play it again after that? That shit can take hundreds of hours for a game like Civilization or Age of Empires.

Anonymous wrote:>>268458237
You beat it once, but can you beat it consistently?

Anonymous wrote:>>268458932
If my victory wasn't a fluke then more than likely, yes. But why would I want to? Games aren't a career to me, just a recreational pastime.
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Unread postby icycalm » 22 Oct 2014 18:59

Anonymous wrote:You guys should check out if this worries you. ... art-games/

This shit pretty much happens to every artform. That is once it gets popular there is a movement of faggot retards who can't compete with even mediocre games, and who then attempt to disparage them in order to peddle their lame retarded shit. And now it's happening to videogames, hence the "fun is a meaningless ideal" in the OP.

It's well worth a read. And for those genuinely passionate about videogames it will actually soothe your concerns, if you have any.

Anonymous wrote:

Liberals will defend this.

Anonymous wrote:

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Unread postby icycalm » 14 Nov 2014 02:27

There's already been a thread on the R.I.P., Nintendo essay on 4chan, but as I understand it it was deleted by the mods (who appear to be deleting all threads that begin with an Insomnia link now, when they become aware of them, like /lit/ has been doing for the past year with all Orgy threads). Here is the archived version:

And some comments:

Anonymous wrote:Weaboos and aspies always freak the fuck out whenever and icycalm article is posted. Since they still only enjoy 3D platformers and JRPGs, the reaction is understandable.

So glad that an intelligent writer is sending all the weebs the way of the dodo.

Anonymous wrote:does this guy ever stop praising himself

he just can't turn it off can he

Anonymous wrote:It's impossible to be the only serious game critic and art theorist currently alive and not praise yourself.

And someone linked this genius quote from NeoGAF, which we will be discussing soon:

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Unread postby James W. » 22 Dec 2014 03:45

Is he a member here?

About my ratings.

A highly complex work is aesthetically worthless without (at least somewhat) commensurate depth; i.e. coherent and meaningful structuring of the material, which is required of all forms of expression to be of any real value. The magnitude of the depth is dependent on the complexity of a work; with zero complexity there can be no material at all, but complexity without depth, that is to say without meaning, is just boring, or even nonsensical (or as in the case of negative depth--material made with the dickless ambition to sound 'challenging', because the composer is a pretentious fagot, and this is how subhumans compete socially with one another--which by all healthy accounts sounds just fucking atrocious).

Listening to 'progressive' (a term which in modern times has come to designate almost its antonym) music that amounts to mere technical demonstration is comparable to reading a thesaurus, which can be relatively instructive, but when these masturbators take themselves so seriously that they elevate their aesthetically useless shred above all other--or actual--artforms, they are more akin to the pseudo-intellectual, spewing meaningless hard-word drivel in order to appear as something they are not. While there undoubtedly is some power in spouting difficult nonsense, it does not make it aesthetically meaningful.

"...every new artistic means that is evolved (instrument, technique, mechanic) expands an artform's possibility space, thereby increasing — not only the potential for a higher, more complicated and more aesthetically pleasing work, but at the same time the potential for a more wretched work than has hitherto been possible." -- Alex Kierkegaard (On the Genealogy of "Art Games": A Polemic*)

That is why the most banal punk song will always be superior to infinitely more technically advanced garbage (even if it's an abortion of a punk song, it can not possibly be more terrible than the greater abortion), like most Technical Death Metal; it is called 'technical' precisely because that's about the only way one could describe that unaesthetic wankery; the coinage is in itself a fagotistical deception, to divert one's attention from the fact that it is absolutely appalling to listen to. This is the same trick that talentless, degenerate artists have employed since the impressionists began ruining painting, by claiming to be making 'impressions' rather than very poor paintings (now compare that clutter, unworthy even of a child's doodling, to what real painters were doing at that time). It's the same thing when pseudo-artists resort to the artspeak tactic of externally embellishing their pretentious garbage with flowery buzzwords that might help them make other people take their abortions seriously (specifically, to make people suspend their judgements and surrender in the face of affected authority), the word "art" being imbued with downright 'holy' connotations.

"It is the strict equivalent of the Christian cross, which the believer displays prominently and at all times in order to ward off the forces of the Devil. And just as the Christian has a set of stock phrases that he is ready to mouth off whenever the need arises (the prayers), many of which can fill up entire pages or even entire books, but all of which, after you peel away all the layers of absurd dogmas and retarded arguments, basically boil down to 'Please God do this for me', so too the abortive [artist] fends off attempts at critique of his bungled efforts with some variation of verbal swill which, once you peel away all its absurdities, obscurantisms and self-contradictions, boils down to 'Hands off! — for I am (wait for it)... an artist!'."
-- Alex Kierkegaard (On the Genealogy of "Art Games": A Polemic)

While we all have preferences, our tastes are not in any way arbitrary, but grounded in our physiological needs; just as the body requires nutrition, so do we seek to satisfy our aesthetic needs through consumption of simulacra; we consume these representations, these artifices to satisfy our psychological needs for the sensations they trigger. Sensations we, for one reason or another, can not (or will not) actualize in the real world (though that is not to say that these representations aren't themselves real--it is precisely because the mind recognizes the artifice as real that it can be a substitute in the first place). Apart from the complexity and depth parameters, the value of a work for any given individual ultimately depends on the subjective factor (one that is intersubjectively meaningful to speak of): whether or not I have need of and [can therefore] enjoy the subject matter determines whether a work has any value, for me. Such is the case for every sincere critic, whether he realizes it or not--all else is mendacious idealization. To what extent I enjoy a material is revealed in how much I actually use it (or rather, how much I desire it, truly desire it, since people often make use of some material, not because they have an actual need of its contents, but rather because doing so is something that is congruent with their self-image, and the whole experience is idealized), and my evaluations are merely stating how much I de facto enjoy a material.

The hipster and the artfag, however, is only interested in social elevation. The arts are mere accessories to him; he is an unwitting charlatan for whom everything is a cosmetic means for asserting his [apparent] social status, because he lacks the decency to do so in an honest manner, and he lacks honesty precisely because it never got him anywhere--this sort of subterranean cunning grows out of weakness; it is the weakling's will to power, finding underhanded ways of advancing his interests by way of simulation, so as to produce in others the impression of status and power.

Disparity in taste tells upon disparity in need, reference and capacity: unless I have need of a material, I will never be able to enjoy it, and it will be lost on me; if I no longer enjoy the material I enjoyed long ago, it is because I've grown bored of it and sought better, more potent stimuli (the old material may even seem bad to me then, as much material others genuinely enjoy seem bad to me now); and unless I am capable of sensing, of perceiving and processing the content of a material and relate this human universal language, I would not be able to make anything of it at all, because the value of all real art lies in sheer face value, i.e. the way we respond physiologically to the material upon processing the sense data (as, for instance, with pornography). This constitutes the value of the work for each individual, in capacity of being human, with innate, functioning (and varyingly sensitive) human perceptive and cognitive abilities.

Consequently the arts are not for everyone (as they clearly are not for the hipster, for if they were he would have displayed an authentic appreciation for them), and even those whose joy in life depend on them will not be able to cherish every single work, on the contrary; just as our bodies need different sustenance depending on our situation (age, sex, the amount of energy we expend, enviromental factors, genetics and overall biological constitution), so too does our psychological disposition (which is only another aspect of our physique) make our tastes specific, it makes them narrow, and the greater the need the more discriminating do we become--for it would be contrary to our tastes, to our very nature to waste our time with unsatisfactory material.

But the hipster hasn't got taste, he has something altogether different--an implicit sensibility for signs. By arraying himself with "the right" cultural artefacts he elevates himself--at least in the eyes of his fellow subhumans (and anyone he can successfully debase to his revolting condition)--to the fucking paragon of humanity, and a position of absolute moral authority; indeed, his garbage will always be the crown of creation, whatever he should pretend to compare it to--because it's not a comparison of the actual qualities of the works (for that would be admitting that these qualities do exist, consequently his have none whatever, or at best they are laughably banal)--the hipster will instead attest to the superiority of his blue smear on canvas by referring to the author's intentions, political/religious/moral gimmickry, 'originality' (which does not exist in a universe of perpetual flux), or some other external evidence.

My ratings reflect my nonidealized enjoyment of the evaluated material.

5.0 -- A model of excellence.
4.5 -- Outstanding depth, the subject matter is very much to my liking.
4.0 -- I liked a lot of the material very much.
3.5 -- I liked a good portion of the material very much, or I found the whole work somewhat satisfactory.
3.0 -- I liked something about it: a song, parts of songs, an opera prelude or overture, a theme, a scene, an actor, or I found it passable altogether.
2.5 -- I'm indifferent towards the material, I didn't mind it, or it bored me to tears.
2.0 -- I disliked the material; poor execution, content or production; aggravatingly unaesthetic tech demo wankathons; an unpleasant degree of artfagotry.
1.5 -- I strongly disliked the material; terrible execution, content or production; atrociously unaesthetic tech demo wankathons; a revolting degree of artfagotry.
1.0 -- lol (alternatively "3.0b", because lol)
0.5 -- Failed experiments, 'experimental experiments', masturbatory 'free' form (i.e. formlessness),
theoretical idée fixe, horridly decadent modern abortions, political WMD's (lol), petty artfagotry
relying on external evidence and subhuman politics, pretentious avant-garbage, pure noise
and kvltfagotry; in short, symptoms of cultural degeneration in the sign-value society.

Most modern jazz belong here as well, as far as I'm concerned the scene has become a circlejerk for faux-virtuosos with little to no musical aptitude, no sense for substance (or style for that matter), no musical ambitions whatever.

I make exceptions for works with mere tendencies towards such decadence, like 他人の顔 [The Face of Another] or Made Flesh (as long as it doesn't ruin the actually artistic material), in which case the fagotry merely subtracts from the overall rating.

"- Music is the true universal language which is understood everywhere, so that it is ceaselessly spoken in all countries and throughout all the centuries with great zeal and earnestness, and a significant melody which says a great deal soon makes its way round the entire earth, while one poor in meaning which says nothing straightaway fades and dies: which proves that the content of a melody is very well understandable. Yet music speaks not of things, but of pure weal and woe, which are the only realities of the will: that is why it speaks so much to the heart, while it has nothing to say directly to the head and it is a misuse of it to demand that it should do so."
- Arthur Schopenhauer (On Aesthetics)

"- Subjectivity, which is an error of style in German literature, is, through the deteriorated condition of literature and neglect of old languages, becoming more common. By subjectivity I mean when a writer thinks it sufficient for himself to know what he means and wants to say, and it is left to the reader to discover what is meant. Without troubling himself about his reader, he writes as if he were holding a monologue; whereas it should be a dialogue, and, moreover, a dialogue in which he must express himself all the more clearly as the questions of the reader cannot be heard. And it is for this very reason that style should not be subjective but objective, and for it to be objective the words must be written in such a way as to directly compel the reader to think precisely the same as the author thought. This will only be the case when the author has borne in mind that thoughts, inasmuch as they follow the law of gravity, pass more easily from head to paper than from paper to head. Therefore the journey from paper to head must be helped by every means at his command. When he does this his words have a purely objective effect, like that of a completed oil painting; while the subjective style is not much more certain in its effect than spots on the wall, and it is only the man whose fantasy is accidentally aroused by them that sees figures; other people only see blurs."
- Arthur Schopenhauer (On Authorship and Style)

"- Under fame of rapid growth is also to be reckoned fame of a false and artificial kind; where, for instance, a book is worked into a reputation by means of unjust praise, the help of friends, corrupt criticism, prompting from above and collusion from below. All this tells upon the multitude, which is rightly presumed to have no power of judging for itself. This sort of fame is like a swimming bladder, by its aid a heavy body may keep afloat. It bears up for a certain time, long or short according as the bladder is well sewed up and blown; but still the air comes out gradually, and the body sinks. This is the inevitable fate of all works which are famous by reason of something outside of themselves. False praise dies away; collusion comes to an end; critics declare the reputation ungrounded; it vanishes, and is replaced by so much the greater contempt. Contrarily, a genuine work, which, having the source of its fame in itself, can kindle admiration afresh in every age, resembles a body of low specific gravity, which always keeps up of its own accord, and so goes floating down the stream of time."
- Arthur Schopenhauer (On Reputation)
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Unread postby Vogel » 22 Dec 2014 09:09

James W. wrote:Is he a member here?

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Unread postby icycalm » 27 Dec 2014 03:27

Some dude who reads the site tried to summarize it into this:


There's a bunch of mistakes that I can't be bothered to point out, but it's fun to read, and gets about 80% of it right, so check it out and spread it around.
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Unread postby icycalm » 27 Dec 2014 19:35

Someone on /v/ points out that the above image was based on Insomnia:

Anonymous wrote:

hi icycalm

It's what I will talk about in the essay on plagiarism. This is now approaching epidemic proportions. People are adopting viewpoints and judgements from me left and right, but an increasing number of them go to absurd lengths to hide or even flat out deny where they got them from.
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Unread postby icycalm » 19 Jan 2015 20:06

Anonymous wrote:>>280076853
>you will never be a nietzschean overman writing about videogames and philosophy on a spanish island after you stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from ameriburgers
I'm not even joking, I legitimately respect the man

That thread is about my PA review. Nothing else of interest to quote though.
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Unread postby icycalm » 04 Apr 2015 18:40

Anonymous wrote:>>289469947

Good old insomniadrone reviewshit. Literally every review: 'would the ubermensch play it???'

Indeed, my friend. Indeed. We have finally arrived at the essence of criticism.
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Unread postby icycalm » 12 Apr 2015 21:57

Anonymous wrote:Discuss arcade games, 1CC's, cool arcade stories, cabinet/stick building, and generally cool things about arcade culture.

Anonymous wrote:I predict that someone will link a certain article within twenty posts.

Anonymous wrote:>>2339609
Here you go.

Anonymous wrote:
1428776537189.png (106.55 KiB) Viewed 138587 times

>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Endless arcade centers in Akihabara. I've watched people 1CC Mushihimesama Futari in Ultra Mode with their hands tied behind their back. All those ... moments will be lost in time, like rain. Time to die.
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Unread postby icycalm » 25 May 2015 17:26

This has been making the rounds on image boards recently:


It's interesting that the subhuman tier contains mostly sites, as opposed to people. That's very psychologically astute from whoever made the image. Indeed subhumans have a deep distrust of personalities, and prefer agglomerations of average people: the herd. Like Metacritic and so on.

Also, I should be in the philosophy box of the top tier too, and in fact even in music and cinema -- for example, because I am the only critic who says that the comic book movies are the best movies ever, and also explain everything about music and all the other arts in my Genealogy and integrate everything into a complete theory. I should be basically occupying the entire top tier by myself if the person who made this image had understood the full extent of my importance (explained here).

But I'll take what I can get of recognition at this point in time. It's still better than nothing.
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Unread postby icycalm » 25 May 2015 20:28 ... ideojuegos

Jorge Arellano wrote:¿Qué es una canción sino un videojuego sin mecánicas, gráficas y trama? ¿Cómo no reconocer que todas las novelas pueden ser parte de un videojuego? ¿Bajo qué pretexto una película no es un videojuego sin interacción? ¿Qué es una fotografía sino el botón de pausa? ¿Cómo nombrar a la suma de todos los artes sino videojuego?

This is how humans reference other humans, Michael. He does not try to make it seem as if he thought all this up himself. He writes down my ideas, and then immediately points to where he got them from, for those who want to read more.

And if I am not mistaken he's even banned from here (username urovoros, I think).
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Unread postby icycalm » 27 May 2015 01:33

Quick way to tell which side of an argument is wrong without paying attention to the arguments...

Chris Wagar @Evilagram wrote:Who is that icycalm guy?

He's nobody important. There's your tl;dr.

He's a nutter who'd literally play Journey over a game with bad art because he thinks games are art in the most pretentious way possible (and that the *quality* of the visual representation is of utmost importance). Like, he's the end-product of the immersion ideology, though twists it to endorse hardcore games, and his perspective on the matter actively prevents him from seeking knowledge. He has successively tried to dismiss people who play games for score, for time, and competitively in any fashion as an easy way to prop himself up as the "best video game player ever" by removing any sort of metric or criteria for that statement. His belief in immersion as be all and end all leads him to distrust alternate perspectives because he doesn't understand the joy of playing games, only the joy of immersing one's self in simulations, which he believes all art is a form of, and games are the ultimate art because they recombine (or eventually will recombine) the other media into a complete simulation of another reality.

The article reposted to ScrubQuotes that I asked, "is this icyclam?" on highlights how limited he has forced his insight to become through his ideology. He can't understand the mindset of the competitive player, or more specifically, because he doesn't understand what makes good games, he distrusts the statements that they want a more balanced game, or the tendency to prefer human opponents over AI, or the way that players seek knowledge about the game in order to perform better, demanding players reinvent the wheel, and effectively play a more limited version of the game, rather than attempt to compete directly with the strongest players around in the most deep context of the game possible.

The guy doesn't recognize that fighting game players want balance so that people who choose to play lower tier characters will not be systemically weeded out of the competition, meaning that more characters will be habitually used at the top level of play, meaning people have to learn more about the game and all its components in order to compete in it. The guy doesn't recognize the desire to master a complex system, or to keep the complexity of the system balanced enough that all the components are relevant, because of course he's not operating from the perspective of depth, he's operating from the perspective of immersion. By his terms, difficulty increases immersion, recognition that there are things outside the game at all, including the other player, decreases it. He asks why people don't go for the biggest challenge possible, not making the link in his head that it's braindead easy to make an impossibly hard game (for example, just make a game where you need to press a button on 1/60th of a second chosen randomly across a span of 10 minutes with no visual indication of when it is coming up, and requiring you to hold the button no longer than that interval), but this won't actually be fun to play.

... the one whose advocates can't seem to construct anything other than barely comprehensible run-on sentences that seem to have been written by aspies.

You can see more of his sad attempts to parse my theories by reading his barely legible autistic blather here:

And of course he is a long-time LTC poster.
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Unread postby icycalm » 19 Jun 2015 02:18

Anonymous wrote:>>299063349
>Be icycalm
>Living in Greece. Everyone is broke
>Speak 5 languages
>Be fucking genius and get scholarship to go to expensive american college
>Fail college because stay up all night playing RTS games
>Faced between a being a Mcdonalds all my life or stealing
>Set up elaborate scheme and steal millions
>CIA comes after me
>Grab money and get on plane
>CIA catches me on plane
>Crash plane with no Survivors
>Change my name. Name myself after legendary war hero idolized as child (alexander the great)
>Hide out in Japan playing video arcade games avoiding the police.
>Realize I need to help Nietzche invent the Ubermench and save video games!
>Write the most contreversial articles ever written and ban anyone for a typo
>Make many enemies
>They hack my site and destroy it, also find my porn history and share it with the rest of the internet
>That bastard at Learn to Counter tries to steal my articles after my site is down and take credit for them
>Make new website. Write even better stuff
>Find my enemies, go to their website.
>Befriend their moderater and become a mod myself
>Fill their website with child pornography
>Get their website taken down and they end up in court
>Beat my imposter 1v1 in video games.
>He writes a review saying the game sucks and is unfair
>Literally get into a knife fight. Stabbed right through the heart
>Beat the guy back, because I am a former pro kick-boxer
>Wanted for murder in glorious Nippon
>Flee to Spain
>Continue to piss people

Icycalm is pretty cool
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Unread postby icycalm » 11 Jul 2015 06:41

Anonymous wrote:>>301827591 (OP)
>combining two separate issues
Higher fps is always better.
Higher resolution is only better when the limits of the lower resolution have been reached. The only reason resolution keeps getting mentioned is because the massive sales campaign to push the tech on the ignorant masses was a success.

Ask icy if you don't believe me. 10 years ago:
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Unread postby Helios » 17 Feb 2017 08:42

Praise the Lord, icy has been referenced on!! ... -creature/

Zachery Oliver, MTS, is the lead writer for Theology Gaming, a blog focused on the integration of games and theological issues"

Certainly, this situation appears dire; some have recommended, instead, that the subject should be left alone. Alex Kierkegaard, the pseudonymous video game philosopher/theorist, advocates this third view in stating

The question 'Can games be art?' is nonsensical, and therefore any answer one might come up with for it will also be nonsensical. Put another way: the question is not a question and the answer is not an answer.

What occurs, instead, is “good” art and “bad” art become designators of “like” and “dislike”, akin to Wittgenstein’s statements in the Tractatus that

When the answer cannot be put into words, neither can the question be put into words. The riddle does not exist. If a question can be framed at all, it is also possible to answer it.

Alex Kierkegaard, in effect, believes that aesthetics are outside the world, and hence the question cannot even be posed, let alone answered. Barring a complete nihilistic approach to art, the situation looks bleak.

The actual content of the blog is just rambling about boring analytic philosophy and trying to figure out why people even play games. At one point he just goes into a tangent about theological compatibility between the old and new testament.

The only comments on the blog are a disciple of Alex schooling the author's ass and is worth a read.
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Unread postby icycalm » 28 Mar 2017 00:56

From the Discord server:

I wrote:I think that Desync's designer just followed me on Twitter (edited) ... fsrc=email
This guy
Why can't I get the designers of the games I love to follow me?
It's always some loser who shows interest
Well, Sine Mora's director posted in the forum thread, but I bit his head off
When I review that game -- and I will -- I will email him the review and apologize
I like that game
I wonder how many top directors, of the stature of cliffyb say, have read the site
I would pay good money to know this
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Unread postby icycalm » 31 Oct 2017 16:42 ... h=71abc429

hackiavelli wrote:Now wait a second. It's entirely possible he was using "females", "chick", "trollop", "tramp", "strumpet", "dumb bitch", "slut", and "hobags" with the utmost respect. He said he was "half kidding" about the "molestation", "gang rapes", and "five-dollar blowjobs on street corners" after all.
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Unread postby icycalm » 23 Mar 2018 13:27 ... #410627342

Anonymous wrote:A neonazi videogame philosopher was teaching a class on Tsuneki Ikeda, known mobile phone game developer

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship CAVE and accept that they are the most highly-evolved shooting game developer the world has ever known, even greater than Raizing!”

At this moment, a brave, japanese superplayer who had 1cc'd 1500 touhou games on lunatic and understood the necessity of doujin games and fully supported all development decisions made by ZUN stood up and held up a burned subterranean animism CD.

”How hard is this game, pinhead?”

The arrogant CAVEfag smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “it's a joke, you stupid weeaboo”

”Wrong. It’s been 10 years since ZUN created it. If it was so easy, as you say… then you should have beaten it on lunatic by now”

The CAVEfag was visibly shaken, and dropped his ketsui JAMMA board and copy of orgy of the will. He stormed out of the room crying those butthurt CAVEfag tears. The same tears they cry for CAVE (who today live in such luxury that most of their games are on steam) when they jealously try to claw justly earned praise from the deserving indie developers. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Icycalm, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and practiced his streaming. He wished so much that he had a car to crash himself from embarrassment, but he himself had totaled his vehicle in an illegal street race in sweden!

The students applauded and all that day and accepted Reimu as their lord and savior. A hell raven named “Okuu” flew into the room and perched atop the Gensokyo Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The touhou manga were read several times, and the Hakurei God himself showed up and enacted spell card rules across the country.

The philosopher lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the greek plague Thalassemia and was tossed into the subterranean sun for all eternity.
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Unread postby icycalm » 04 Aug 2018 09:54

From Discord:

I wrote:
"I see that hating on doom is the hottest new meme on /v/"
People are starting to link my Doom essay on 4chan whenever the game is mentioned
E.g. here: ... #426267230
It's impossible to take the game's fame seriously after reading my essay
I wish I could make all my other essays on Patreon free, but then who would still support me there?
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Unread postby icycalm » 19 Nov 2018 00:52 ... #234787949

Anonymous wrote:1. Play the games yourself and you will see how much more fun it is playing arcade games with the 1cc rule
2. Those indie abortions have so many checkpoints that A. it is like playing a game with save states and B. you can beat a level with just getting lucky since you can try 100 times in a row with no punishment
3. Everyone who tells you these things is probably plagiarizing icycalm, read the primary source: ... 0-360.html

I have an entire upcoming essay devoted to the subject of people plagiarizing me. It's called "Plagiarize This".
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Unread postby icycalm » 25 Jan 2021 17:40

Anonymous wrote:But modern games are also just more technically impressive, as actual pieces of entertainment they've been stagnant since the mid 2000's. Where's the innovation, where's the new genres, where's the gameplay focus?

The "gameplay focus" lol.

Anonymous wrote:>>17360708
No they fucking haven't you retard. Read icycalm.
>where's the new genres, where's the gameplay focus?
What if you wanted to play a first-person 4x game in the 90s or 00s? You couldn't because it didn't exist. You can now. Fuck you, you just fell of the train and are wondering why you aren't moving.

I loved the last line. That's exactly what has happened to tons of people. They are asking "where's the innovation" when their favorite genre is the 2D platformer or some shit lol.
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