After putting some more thought into the subject of industrial operations, I give you the batshit insanity of the Cult Contractor! I always loved the Pembroke suit, and the CIG cinematics team—who have terrific taste in everything—love it too because they often put it even in trailers where it doesn't belong, for example in cave exploration, which is ridiculous because caves are supposed to be cold and they are showing a suit that's made for extreme heat. But it looks super-cool, so they use it often when they want to showcase some kind of "work" in a trailer. In terms of looks, it is the ultimate work suit. Previously I had thought that the high heat rating would make the character die from heatstroke in normal scenarios, but after checking the specs, that doesn't seem to be the case. In regards to cold, the suit has roughly the same range as normal armors, plus it extends much higher in temperature. So we can basically use it just fine for work in all normal scenarios, plus extreme heat scenarios. And that solves the oxygen issue, plus the weapons issue, as it can take quite a few weapons, and its gargantuan backpack that's perfect for looting also takes weapons. Moreover, it turns out there are perfectly appropriate for us color variations for ALL FIVE ranks. I didn't realize this at first, but it's true. First of all, and extremely fortunately for us, there is the in-game base Pembroke for the Inquisitor to buy with aUEC. Its color is copper-like, which might at first seem to not match the Inquisitor's silver armor, but when you think that copper and silver are two of the most well-known base metals (think sports event medals), there is some continuity there. And beyond that we have a dark-ish Subscribers version for the Master Chief, a perfect white for the Captain, and then a yellow for the Commander, which again might at first seem to be clashing with the Commander's red armor, but if you think of flashy primary colors, then red and yellow go well together. And finally I thought the SupCom would have to go without a Contractor uniform, which seems fine since he's not supposed to work after all. But then it turns out there is a NINE TAILS variation of the Pembroke!!! And like all 9T gear it has purple accents, so it's perfect for the SupCom. But... you can only get it from one of the
Siege of Orison lieutenants lmao, typically the second lieutenant you encounter. He also has the backpack btw. This set is so rare that there aren't even any pictures of it, and I had to hastily screenshot a video where someone was showing off all the 9T SoO lieutenants [
> ] (if you can take a better pic, post it below, because I can't take a better on my laptop). Actually a couple guys on Reddit found the HELMET of this set in a loot box somewhere, but no one has found the complete set, to my knowledge. So anyway, I am never gonna get this thing, at least not without paying crazy cash in the black market, and even then, imagine having to pay millions FOR EVERY WORK UNIFORM I LOSE lol. But that's why we have to git gud at the industrial professions. Until then I’ll be wearing the Commander’s set, just like I do with the base specs.
But there is more. Since on occasion we'll have to go into low-temp environments for work, we'll need the Novikov suit too. Unfortunately that pretty much only exists in the base color variation, so what I have done is added it to every rank as an accessory. This means that if you want to be prepared for every possible work scenario, throw one of these in the storage of whatever ship or vehicle you're on. This isn't part of our regular work uniform, think of it more as a tool like the multitool that you only pull out for a specific job. And thinking of it this way makes it easier to accept that we don't have rank-based variations of it. EXCEPT WE KINDA DO, at least for the Supreme Commander, because ANOTHER of the Siege of Orison lieutenants wears a Nine Tails Novikov variation! But without a backpack or even a helmet. I could stomach the backpack loss, since again the SupCom isn't supposed to be carrying backpacks lol (I haven't even given him one for his base spec)—imagine Darth Vader with a backpack lol—but the insectoid helmet they have given him in Siege of Orison looks crap, so I don't know what I am going to do. Maybe I'll just use one of the other Siege of Orison lieutenant helmets, because the crazy thing about this particular Novikov suit variation is that it apparently can use any helmet! (normal Novikov ones can only use the Novikov helmet). And finally note that CIG released another Novikov variation with IAE, a shiny silver one that looks nothing like a work suit but more like a Warhammer 40k battlesuit to the point where they didn't even make a backpack for it, but then the players revolted saying that no existing backpack looks good with it, so now CIG is making the appropriate version of the backpack and will add it to the set at some point. I am not sure what we can do with this Warhammer Novikov variation. It looks out of place among the other Contractor suits, and if I added it it would spoil the "tool-like" nature of the suit as aforesaid. Maybe I'll keep it for myself in lieu of the hard-to-get 9T variation for cold work environment, we'll see. For now though, I am not including it. Oh and also I finally found a use for the yellow medgun: I gave it to the Commander to match his yellow Pembroke.
Only thing I haven't done is give this spec ships and ground vehicles (and paints). It's on my list of things to do.
The point is that when The Cult performs industrial contract work or offers civilian services, we do it heavy, and in style. I can't wait to see some industrial pics with 5-10 fully-geared Pembrokes! I bet we’ll be doing industrial work far more often from now on! And btw, the Pembroke and the Novikov seem to be classed as heavy armor, so maybe they're decent in combat too.
CULT CONTRACTORRole: When The Cult performs industrial contract work or offers civilian services, they do it heavy, and in style. Known as "the workhorse" of The Cult, the job of a Contractor is to generate funds for the organization by mostly legal industry such as mining, salvaging and repairing, or cargo hauling and trading, but also offering passenger transport, medical emergency and private security services, among others.
Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, military contractors engaged in direct support of military operations may be legitimate targets of military interrogation, so Cult Contractors are heavily armed and ready to counter threats when necessary.
Requirements: Must be enterprising and hard-working and must enjoy devising and/or executing and refining complex logistical plans.
Training: automation games, logistics/management games.
Contractor Inquisitor
Contractor Master Chief
Contractor Captain
Contractor Commander
Contractor Supreme CommanderGROUND/PILOT SPECInquisitor: Pembroke Exploration Suit [ARC-L1] [10,330] + Pembroke Backpack [ARC-L1] [2,180] + LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553] + Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320] + Novikov Exploration Suit [10,330] [Everus Harbor] + Novikov Backpack [2,180] [Everus Harbor]
Master Chief: Pembroke RSI Graphite Edition [Subscribers] [$$$] + Pembroke RSI Graphite Backpack [Subscribers] [$$$] + LH86 "Nightstalker" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553] + Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320] + Novikov Exploration Suit [10,330] [Everus Harbor] + Novikov Backpack [2,180] [Everus Harbor]
Captain: Pembroke RSI Ivory Edition [Subscribers] [$$$] + Pembroke RSI Ivory Backpack [Subscribers] [$$$] + LH86 "Stormfall" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553] + Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320] + Novikov Exploration Suit [10,330] [Everus Harbor] + Novikov Backpack [2,180] [Everus Harbor]
Commander: Pembroke RSI Sunburst Edition [Subscribers] [$$$] + Pembroke RSI Sunburst Backpack [Subscribers] [$$$] + LH86 Pistol [Centermass] [553] + Pyro RYT Multi-Tool + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [412 + 320] + Novikov Exploration Suit [10,330] [Everus Harbor] + Novikov Backpack [2,180] [Everus Harbor]
Supreme Commander: Pembroke Exploration Suit RSI Edition (Modified 9T) [Loot] [N/A] + Pembroke Backpack RSI Edition (Modified 9T) [Loot] [N/A] + LH86 "Boneyard" Pistol [Cubby Blast] [553] + Pyro RYT "Quicksilver" Multi-Tool [Subscribers] [$$$] + TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment [Cubby Blast] [320] + Novikov Exploration Suit (Modified 9T) [Loot] [N/A]
Left back: Same as base spec
Right back: Same as base spec
Left thigh: 4x MedPen (Hemozal) [Pharmacy] [400]
Left thigh: ParaMed Medical Device [Pharmacy] [1,250] (
Supreme Commander: ParaMed "Venule" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$]) / (
Commander: ParaMed "Xanthic" Medical Device [Subscribers] [$$$])
Left torso: Same as base spec ammo [Cubby Blast]
Right torso: Same as base spec ammo [Cubby Blast]