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[PS3] [360] [PC] Biohazard 6

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[PS3] [360] [PC] Biohazard 6

Unread postby icycalm » 01 Dec 2011 11:53

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Unread postby icycalm » 01 Dec 2011 12:26

Resume Rumors: Resident Evil 6 set in China

demolitio wrote:That's a shitload of zombies to kill...
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Unread postby icycalm » 01 Dec 2011 12:27

Medalion wrote:Gat damn, RE is like ethnic cleansing franchise or sumpin

bomb_jack wrote:All I want are proper old school zombies.
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Unread postby icycalm » 01 Dec 2011 12:28

Medalion wrote:Asian female partner to make this not racist somehow
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Unread postby SriK » 21 Jan 2012 06:13

Release date and trailer:

Ben Gilbert wrote:Resident Evil 6 is heading to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on November 20, 2012, with a PC release to follow, says Capcom. In it, returning favorites Leon S. Kennedy (the "S" stands for "Superhair") and Chris Redfield (tree arms from RE5) will play co-leads, each leading his own campaign through the US and China, respectively. The brand new trailer is just above.

Any of this sound familiar? That's probably because the next entry in the Resident Evil series was outed a bit earlier than its publisher expected this afternoon, when images of RE6 marketing were sent to IGN by a Gamestop employee. Subsequently, a flood of details about the unannounced game were unleashed by a couple different outlets regarding its gameplay, dev team, and characters.

Many of said details have been re-confirmed by Capcom in its own press release, though it's lacking in the specificity we reported earlier. The trailer, however, depicts a new martial-artsy character fighting various ... things (and people), some splashes of cover-based shooting, and a presidential zombie. And is that Ashley? Three words: Oh. Em. Gee. ... r-20-on-3/

The trailer is mainly cinematics, but it's looking really cool so far. There seems to be quite a bit of Vanquish influence mechanically, too.
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Unread postby icycalm » 21 Jan 2012 14:11

The tag order you tried to use was hilariously stupid. Biohazard a PC game? Have you even played any of these games? It even says it right there on the press release you quoted that the PC version is coming out afterwards.
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Unread postby icycalm » 16 Feb 2012 21:44


Looks like a standard TPS. Capcom killed the series with 4, and don't tell me about the fucking handheld games. I am not going to play fucking Biohazard on a 4-inch screen.
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Unread postby Tain » 29 Jan 2013 21:36

Some details on the upcoming PC release: ... -play-mode

Like RE5's PC port, it will include No Mercy mode, an exclusive version of Mercenaries mode with increased enemy counts. The console version's December patch additions (No Hope difficulty level, camera options) will also be included.

Screens of No Mercy mode:


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Unread postby ingolfr » 23 Mar 2013 11:00

The PC release will also include Left 4 Dead 2 crossover DLC.


Interview with the producer:




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Unread postby icycalm » 12 Jun 2015 03:10

Review: ... 2-ps3.html

I know the screen is from the 360 version, but the site I usually take screens from for Japanese console games (Impress GAME Watch) doesn't seem to have any PS3 shots. Maybe they do, but at least not in the dozen or so articles I checked so far. I'll replace it when I find one.

Below are two more reviews of the game that offer more or less the same opinion, if you feel like reading more (the second one of which offering some additional insight on the PC port), and a guide on how to properly master the controls.

Advanced Controls Guide: ... ols_guide_ ... ed/221040/

Echo419 wrote:A combination of everything.

Resident evil 6 is the 6th entry to main 'resident evil' series. I began playing 6 after completing revelations, 4 and 5. Honestly, I wasn't expecting much from this game after looking at reviews and what not. However, after playing it for a while, I found that it has strengths and flaws.

Honestly it's a mess. The story is split into 4 campaigns. In each campaign you get to experience the story through the eyes of 1 or 2 characters. The problem is that their segments happen at different points in the timeline, so if you just play one campaign you will definitely be left confused. I was able to follow the story by completing one segment of a campaign, quiting and checking cutscenes menu to see which character's campaign level came next (ultimately playing all four at once). This did somewhat disrupt the gameplay, but definitely made the plot more understandable.

Forget horror, Resident evil 6 went full on action. To explain clearly Resident evil 6 is like getting Resident evil 5 and giving it crack and polishing. The controls are the best in series yet. You can move freely while aiming and have the ability to freely dodge at a press of a button. Movement feel fluid and not clunky. Inventory management also makes a comeback, with items stored into horizontal segments. You have a variety of weapons available including rifles, pistols, magnums, grenades, flash bang, flame grenades and knife. You can't upgrade weapons like previous entries. Instead, before starting the next campaign segment you can select and upgrade perks. Perks include increasing damage with weapons, getting more money, health, etc. There are no stores to buy weapons, health and ammo. You have to scavenge for them in the map or corpses instead. Unlike in previous entries where close combat was a dangerous affair, Resident evil 6 allows you to easily dispatch foes via melee attacks. You face a wide range of enemies including range, melee, wolves, zombies and bosses. there is plenty of cover available for you and your enemies to use. In a sense, this makes the game feel more like a third person shooter rather than a horror game. An issue I had with this game is the number of QTE (quick time events). There are so many of them during gameplay and cutscenes that kinda ruined the emertion with the game. There is an option that allows you to succeed all QTE during cutscenes, but not for gameplay unfortunately. Another issue I had was the camera suddenly changing POV, which takes control away from the player (forcing them to look in a particular direction) and made it cumbersome to navigate areas.

The gameplay types are somewhat split amongst the four campaigns.

Leon/Helen Campaign = Action, zombies and puzzles
Chris/Pierce = Action
Jake/Sherry = Mix of everything
Ada = Stealth and puzzles

Definitely an improvement over previous entries. Character models have good detail. The same can also be said of the environment as well.

Audio is acceptable. Voice acting is good with no annoying characters for a change (I'm looking at you Ramon Salazar, Ashley and Irving). Weapon sound effect are good as well.

Like many resident evil games there is extra content to find and unlock. Each level in the campaign has a set of 'serpent medallions' for you to find and shoot (similar to BSSA Badges in resi 5). For each one you shoot, you collect documents which contain background information on the various characters in the campaign. If you complete a row of them, you unlock character trophies.

After completing one of the campaigns, you will get the option of playing "New Game +" which transfers all your weapons and items in your next playthrough. There is also a section which allows you to view the cutscenes which you have seen during the campaign.

Mercenaries mode also makes a return. If you are unfamiliar, mercenaries mode places you (with or without another player) as one of several selectable characters in a map trying to hold out until the timer runs out. Each map has unique enemies, which come at you. There are items such a healing, ammo etc scattered around the map for you to collect. Time bonuses are available to extend the time to rack up a higher score. At the end of the round you get a score. Depending on how high the score is, you may unlock a new character to play with. New stages are unlocked by completing previous ones or playing the campaign.

No mercy mode is similar to standard mercenaries. The difference is that there are more enemies present at once so you can rack up higher scores.

If you are looking for a classic resident evil game with horror, stay the hell away. If you are looking for a good action game to be played with friends, this game will satisfy you. ... ed/221040/

holychair wrote:When I first bought this game I hated it with a passion. It was not because the horror elements were gone – I was already used to this by Resident Evil 4/5, games I liked for what they were, even though I have the most fond memories of RE1 and RE2. Of the newer RE games, "Revelations" is my favorite and atm I'm a real happy camper regarding RE HD remake. But my hate for RE6 was not because it left survival horror fans in the lurch, it was due to other things:

1) The game starts off with an irritatingly long and superfluous prelude, which one has to trudge through before the real game starts – and even then, there’s not happening much in the first 30 minutes of Leon’s campaign (which Capcom meant us to play first). There’s way too much handholding - you can’t run, you can’t shoot etc until the game *finally* lets you. That section is obviously meant as a tutorial, but it comes across as longwinded and boring (especially after that prelude). And to top it off, it even utterly fails to give you an overview over and insights in the most important functions like sliding, taking cover, quick-shoot, counter, dodging etc.

2) Once Leon’s campaign picks up, for a time RE6 seems to be great fun after all – until all is smothered by lots and lots of atrocious quick time events, some of which are seemingly impossible to master. I made it through the first campaign - but I was enraged and determined to abandon the game, never to pick it up again.

And then something happened: First I heard QTE’s for RE6 were patched – you can now let the game do most of them for you. Second, I read that the QTE’s rage inducing difficulty was often simply due to lag. If resolution and graphics settings are too high for your system, not only do controls start to feel sluggish and clunky, but the timing for the QTE’s is totally off. Third, I read a FAQ detailing the “advanced controls” for movement and fighting, which the game itself does not bother to explain. In that FAQ, I also read that there are options where the FOV for the camera and aiming can be vastly improved. I eventually decided to give RE6 another go.

And what shall I say – I suddenly fell in love with it. If the settings are chosen just right, the controls handle like a charm and the game finally gets a chance to shine in its combat modelling. I also came to appreciate that the campaigns play vastly different: Leon/Helena get zombies and puzzles, Chris/Pierce is like playing a tactical shooter, Sherry and Jake get hunted by a “Nemesis”-type enemy (and Jake as an unarmed combat expert plays very differently from say Leon). Then there’s finally Ada Wong: She is also good in unarmed fighting, has some puzzles, stealth sections and her campaign ties up the remaining loose ends of the interweaving story lines. The story itself is ambitious, but of course campy as usual. It’s main shortcoming is that the main adversary is not very impressive this time around. The boss fights, however, are all very good and the enemy variety overall is definitely the best in any RE-game as of yet. The sheer amount of content this game has to offer is huge! I eventually even began to like the sections where you have to drive a car, fly a plane etc. – these are all welcome diversions that add to the variety.

My conclusion is that RE6 is severely underrated. For the most part, this is Capcom’s and the game’s own fault, but still! I will recommend it to you like this: If you liked RE5, then by all means give RE6 a chance! Buy it on sale, and if you heed the things I wrote above, you should be able get a lot of fun out of it.
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