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On "Pluralism"

Moderator: JC Denton

On "Pluralism"

Unread postby icycalm » 14 Feb 2011 23:32

Another essay in the fashion of the recent "action and reaction" one. The thing with these two essays is that they are only extremely tangentially related to videogame- and art theory, and I've still not made up my mind whether I should include them in the Videogame Culture series. They do not really belong there -- they are pure philosophical essays, and are therefore subjects that I am planning on exploring in great detail in my philosophical book. The problem however is that that book will be written in a very different style from all the others: there'll be little to no quoting and practically no handholding. In all my writings up to now I presuppose utterly uneducated and rather stupid readers -- the last book will presuppose AT THE VERY LEAST highly intelligent readers who have gone carefully through my reading list. So these two essays will have to be, not only expanded but also rewritten for it.

So, I don't know what the fuck to do with these two essays. Perhaps I'll remove them from the Videogame Culture series and leave them in the Commentary section as a kind of preview, if you will, of what's eventually coming. I mean, have you ever seen anyone solve a problem like this so swiftly, lucidly, and definitively? You can scour all the pompous-sounding philosophical journals in the world if you wish, and you will still fail to find anyone getting anywhere near the answers I provide in a couple of plainly-written paragraphs. The main reason I wrote them now is because, as the reputation of my essays rises, the cries of "reactive", "anti-pluralist", etc. rise as well, and they are annoying the fuck out of me! I realize that short of the final solution it is impossible to quash them, but I do believe that these two essays will help to quell them a little so that they don't fucking deafen me.
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