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[AC] [PS3] Time Crisis 4

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[AC] [PS3] Time Crisis 4

Unread postby Macaw » 14 Sep 2007 12:40

Have to say I more or less agree with everything said in the review, thought honestly I have only played about 5 credits or so of the game in total. I remember commenting how shit the graphics were when it first showed up in a local arcade... and the retarded fashionista main characters have become an in-joke with some of my friends, needless to say I dont have much respect for the game. I'd rather just shove more money into HOTD4 even though I can easily 1 credit it now.

As far as light gun games go I cant wait to check out Silent Hill: The Arcade. Sure its graphics are almost as unimpressive as TC4, but it looks like fun and pulls off the horror atmosphere of the SIlent Hill games really well, from the vids I've seen of it anyway.
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Unread postby icycalm » 14 Sep 2007 19:25

Did you get as far as the first mult-screen battle? I was dumbstruck with how smoothly these worked. Really, no one's missing out on anything if they never play this game, but you've got to see the multi-screen battles.

Apparently, the PS3 port will include a real first-person mode. You'll be able to move around freely using buttons on the GunCon 3. I seriously doubt they can make this work well, but who knows.
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Unread postby Macaw » 16 Sep 2007 19:21

icycalm wrote:Did you get as far as the first mult-screen battle? I was dumbstruck with how smoothly these worked. Really, no one's missing out on anything if they never play this game, but you've got to see the multi-screen battles.

Yeah, I got to the first couple. They are pretty interesting.

icycalm wrote:Apparently, the PS3 port will include a real first-person mode. You'll be able to move around freely using buttons on the GunCon 3. I seriously doubt they can make this work well, but who knows.

Sounds like something they are shoving in to make the game appeal more in the US, and probably to try and avoid the typical lightgun game reviews of "Its a good game but its on rails and only lasts 30 mins, 4/10"

Slightly off-topic, but I'm really annoyed Namco passed on ever porting Cobra The Arcade. Theres an arcade about an hour away from me that has it, and unfortunately the guns are totally stuffed (no lock-on psychogun) and the card system is disabled, but regardless I still thought it was totally awesome, definatly better than TC 3 and 4, and captures most of whats great about Cobra to perfection. Considering I only played it twice or so I guess I cant really judge if the game holds up for a long time as far as the system and stuff go, but the stage designs and stuff are just so awesome I don't really care.

I guess the game came out in that weird timeframe when the G-Con 2 was outdated and didn't work on new tv's though. However now that Namco have come up with the G-Con 3 thats compatible with the newer screens we can probably expect ports of all their lightgun stuff for the next 4 or so years.
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