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NiGHTS is overrated

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NiGHTS is overrated

Unread postby JoshF » 21 Nov 2007 01:36

In response to this:
ShenmueAddict wrote:

This is just pathetic, what a bunch of Microsoft fanboys. Just for some proof that their xbox fanboys this is from the perfect dark part:
"But is it actually good? Aside from the visual problems, PD had a lot going for it. But in this age of Halo, it's hard to believe what we tolerated back then. "

Age of what you say cunt? you mean age of generic over-rated fps's?

Halo should be Number 1 on that list! :evil: :D :lol:

JoshF wrote:No corporate game journalism site is going to criticize Halo until at least 2017. Remember the biggest advertisers are the publishers themselves, and directly supply things to them like artwork, screens, demos, and reviewable copies. Of course, there is no conflict of interest.

Basically unless you want the tap cut off, you become [popular best-selling game] fanboys.

Crowned by many to be Sega's answer to Nintendo's Mario

No. This misguided narrative was created by the same people (corporate game journalists) ten years ago, echoed by unqualified GameFaqs contributors and fansites. You don't need human level abilities of stimulus detection to be able to tell NiGHTS has nothing to do with Mario or Mario 64. Maybe I just haven't discovered the fetch questing in NiGHTS yet.

NiGHTS actually is more of a 2D racing game than 3D platformer.

Obviously we haven't leaned our lesson from ten years ago (the one where we position NiGHTS as the Mario 64-beater and emphasise the secondary aspect of being able to move around the levels in 3D while jumping.)

NiGHTS is as much a racing game as NiGHTS is "Sega's answer to Mario 64." The use of time-attack as a score mechanic doesn't make NiGHTS a racing game, just like Raiden DX isn't a racing game. The item/ribbon/loop chaining system is something I've yet to see in a racing game.

While it had beautiful art and excellent music, there's not that much to NiGHTS beyond flying really fast and collecting as many colored orbs as you can.

The demeaning tone is not unlike what you'd hear from corporate game journalists on arcade games. NiGHTS in essence is an arcade game. From my perspective an arcade game is a game that uses arcade-style design philosophy as much as it is a game in a cabinet in a bowling alley. Being an arcade game, it stresses simple controls, difficult execution, scoring, and massive "replayability".

No doubt these assholes were playing the game not to learn the mechanics inside and out, inching closer to mastery and getting awesome scores, they wanted to see the ending and then shelf it. People who have zero understanding of how arcade games work, have no business discussing them.

You wonder how these people would react to winning a game of Chess. "In the end there's not much too it though, and it's such a short experience."

So, any opinions on this immensely overrated game?
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Unread postby JoshF » 21 Nov 2007 07:02

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Unread postby zinger » 21 Nov 2007 09:08

Well, I don't know what to say. I did get the same enjoyment from it as with a lot of arcade games, back when I hadn't even begun to explore the world of arcades at all. It's easy to see what was aimed for, it's clearly not comparable to Mario 64, but that's kind of obvious. It was years ago though. I remember it being great, though a bit repetative and with a very much cheezy presentation. Articles like these pop up every other week and I'm not sure there's any point criticizing them or spending time on them at all.

I wonder what games these guys would praise.
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Unread postby JoshF » 21 Nov 2007 10:12

I know, but someone posted it in my forum and I got a chance to sound smart for once. :lol:

I think the Chess comparison should be brought up more often. If corporate game journalists approached Chess the same way they approached an arcade game, it would be "short and repetitive, with no replay value" by their definition. It desperately needs more grinding, cutscenes, and unlockables.

It's also funny that the same people who are calling all those games overrated were the same people who hyped them up. Except for NiGHTS, which as far as I know never got mainstream praise at the time because people were trying to compare it to Mario 64.
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Unread postby icycalm » 21 Nov 2007 11:05

I've only played this game for five minutes, and didn't really figure out anything in that time. I have not felt like trying again since (it was back in 2004 in Kyoto, on a friend's Saturn). That's why I can't seem to muster up any enthusiasm for the sequel.

I hope one of you guys picks it up and writes a review, and spares me the trouble.
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Unread postby Molloy » 27 Nov 2007 19:18

I'd agree with pretty much all that list except Nights and Ico. The rest of the games really weren't much cop.

There are alot of ways you can pick holes in Halo and say it's not as good as people hype it up to be, but when it comes to interesting tactical battles and enemy AI then it really does trump the competition. I'd certainly pick it over Half Life 2 which was wonderful in every aspect except for the combat. If the combat is dumb and one dimensionsal then a FPS isn't worth playing however much window dressing you throw on top of it.
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