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Rating games with multiple modes

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Rating games with multiple modes

Unread postby icycalm » 18 Sep 2014 16:24 ... st-1003230

I wrote:lol, okay. But my comments still stand, because there are many people who do not mind the speed of the orbital layer and still complain about the lag as a deal-breaker. I am not addressing only you with these comments.

But let's get back to you for a second. At the risk of further annoying you and other people more, I will even contest your decision to give the game a different score overall (3/6) to the score you give to one specific mode (1v1: 5/6).

How do you score a game that has many modes? Do you score it the same as its best mode? The same as its worst mode? Or do you average the modes?

I would insist that you score it the same as its best mode. Otherwise, any groundbreaking game could end up with a crappy score by simply including a crappy mode in it. But in most games with many modes, most people do not even play many of the modes. For example, Bayonetta has an "Easy Automatic" mode that basically destroys the complex mechanics that make the game so great. But I've never touched that mode! It would be a crime for me to rate the game lower for including a mode that I hate even though the mode that I actually play is orgasmic.

So what I am saying is that if you are having 5/6 fun by playing one of the game's modes, you should give the entire game a 5/6 too.

And here is a quote from Schopenhauer that I believe is relevant to this discussion (emphasis is mine):

"In appreciating a genius, criticism should not deal with the errors in his productions or with the poorer of his works, and then proceed to rate him low; it should attend only to the qualities in which he most excels. For in the sphere of intellect, as in other spheres, weakness and perversity cleave so firmly to human nature that even the most brilliant mind is not wholly and at all times free from them. Hence the great errors to be found even in the works of the greatest men; or as Horace puts it, quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus.

That which distinguishes genius, and should be the standard for judging it, is the height to which it is able to soar when it is in the proper mood and finds a fitting occasion—a height always out of the reach of ordinary talent."
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Unread postby icycalm » 18 Sep 2014 16:41 ... st-1003239

I wrote:I mean, imagine Uber released an update tomorrow that REMOVED all modes in the game except 1v1. Imagine they said: "You know what, we overreached ourselves with this game, and botched everything except the 1v1 mode, so we are removing everything else."

Then PA would automatically become a 5/6 game for you, simply because Uber removed some stuff that you never even really played.
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Joined: 28 Mar 2006 00:08
Location: Tenerife, Canary Islands

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