So Warzone will be a standalone F2P BR title dropping tomorrow/today, Tuesday, March 10 at 15:00 UTC for owners of Modern Warfare, and 19:00 UTC for everyone else, and I plan to be there (at the later time) because the game sounds awesome. I am hoping others will be excited too and show up so we can fill out those teams. Shouldn't be too hard as there will only be trios available to start with. That's actually my only gripe about the game, because everything else sounds awesome: 150 players, massive map, lots of vehicles including helicopters, and a bunch of new mechanics that sound interesting. Read about it all here: ... ty-Warzone
Then watch the trailer here:
This might well end up being the best BR yet, and it's always super-exciting to get into these games early. And it doesn't get any earlier than tomorrow! So see you there!
P.S. It's also cross-play, so if you're on console, you're good to go.