The owner of the Heart of Gaming posted this on Facebook: ... 3184772562Mark wrote:Hi everyone,
I need to talk to you all.
When I first started this some years back, I had no idea what the future was going to be like I had no comprehension of how difficult it would be, but the support of everyone who came to the doors and smiled upon entering is what kept me going, and its the visions of those moments that keep me going now. The adversity we have faced has been huge. The first instance was waiting a year and a half to get the machines out of trocadero after the landlord cut the power and padlocked the doors, preventing myself and others from acquiring what we had purchased for 18 months. We've been robbed and flooded and evicted. Through all of this, I have done my best not to let people down and have always tried to deal with issues in the most moral way possible and keeping any worries and problems I have to myself and those closest to me, as I rely heavily on outside opinions because I know that, as an imperfect person, I don't always get everything right or see what it is I must see.
HoG is an emotional rollercoaster of mega ups and mega downs for me. Ive had to make choices (not always ending up being right) that have cost me friendships, as a learning process. I was actually married but made a life choice to focus on this, going as far as to sleep in an unheated warehouse for 3 years. Its actually one year ago to the day that we moved everything out onto the street in North Acton, and I'll never forget the look on the face of the kids who turned up with their family all the way from Somerset only to realise they weren't going to get the day they were hoping for.
Some people have speculated that HoG isnt coming back, and I understand. Like I said, I try to deal with problems behind closed doors, sometimes its hard, and this is one of those times, which I'll get to.
People are generally supportive, but a few times this page has seen someone simply looking to actively cause drama and I have had to ban people, and in some instances, ask them not to return to HoG. One thing I will say now though, I am no longer tolerating negativity on this page. I don't want the additional stress and if I see any, it'll be deleted, and so will the person. If you generally don't have support for a community effort that is aiming to build something that the corporations couldn't keep going, then just leave this page. I am a person trying to do a lot in exchange for very little other than the satisfaction of doing something that people feel an attachment to, and want to see keep going. You are the people whose energy drives me and you are the reason I continue to push through adversity after adversity, and I thank you all for that because you are giving my life meaning.
Now, the situation currently is as follows. There are concerns from the locals regarding HoG in Croydon, and the audience it may attract. Remember, HoG is a new concept with little to no examples of it anywhere, and its natural that, in a populated area, people may feel a little weary of the unknown. We are working with a number of people in an attempt to lay these fears to rest with the hope that they will allow us to proceed. If you've ever been to HoG, you will know that it is a place of passive, yet excitable video gaming harmony that has ditched the negative parts of 20th century arcades in an attempt modernise it for the future in order to ensure the continuation of destination gaming. I humbly ask that you be patient with me and let me get on with trying to accomplish this as best as I can. It is what it is, and like every problem before it, I'll do my absolute best for everyone. This is as much as I am prepared to say about HoG at the moment.
On a more cheerful note, I'm always around and up for a friend request, give me a call or even meet up for a chat. One of my personal perks in the old building was the never ending supply of faces to talk to, so hit me up <3
Thank you to everyone who continues to hold faith. We'll get there together.
Eternal respect and love to you all. Mark
It looks like it won't be open for a while so we'll meet up at Loading Bar Dalston instead. It opens at 6PM on Tuesday and the address is 97 Stoke Newington Road, London, N16 8BX. The closest train station is Dalston Kingsland on the Overground line. From there it's just a short walk to the bar: ... 38!3e2!5i1I'm looking forward to meeting all of you. See you all soon!