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PC|MAC The Universim

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PC|MAC The Universim

Unread postby icycalm » 22 May 2014 22:30 ... -universim

The Universim is a next generation Planet Management God - Game in development by Crytivo Games and designed by Alex Koshelkov.

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The team’s deepest desire and ultimate inspiration is to create a game that we, and the community, want to play. We want to create a game that is just as unique as it is entertaining; something that will always keep you coming back for more. The Universim aims to unleash you upon the universe with the powers of a god to begin forging your galactic empire in the stars. The ability to play as a god gives you unparalleled power, but unlike other god-games, you cannot interact directly with your population in the game. However, you can influence their decisions and change the way in which your civilization evolves. It is up to you to decide which technology path they follow and what kind of research they undertake-you have the power to shape their future. Instead of taking control of a static game world that awaits your every command, life will go on as you would expect. You are effectively taking control of a living simulation. Like a ball of clay on a potter's wheel, the world will keep spinning, but you will be there to mould it to your liking. Although, the ball of clay may or may not slap your hand away at times.


Your civilization will begin in the Stone Age and steadily progress, advancing beyond the modern era, then moving into the age of intergalactic exploration and colonization. The game will feature a similar evolutionary path to the human race, but players will have the tools to shape their civilization’s progress. You will need to think carefully when making decisions about things such as their research path. Some things may be far more important than others, depending on the situation and era. Even though you may think that fancy new gadget is worth dying for, you will also need to consider how it could be used while your people are slowly turning into fossils.

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Buildings and society will evolve as you progress from era to era; certain special buildings will become available once you research a particular technology. Buildings will begin to spring up around what we call The Epicenter, the central heart of every city in the game. You can place an Epicenter in any feasible region on the planet that supports cities, and buildings will begin developing around it as your population grows. The buildings are constructed by the AI and thus are built dynamically around the Epicenter, meaning you cannot select where they are built. However, you can still place special buildings wherever you want to! Buildings will grow dynamically based on the conditions around your Epicenter. In certain environments, your population and buildings will grow faster, but in cold environments, deserts, and other rather inhospitable areas, food may be scarce and therefore will hinder development.


In The Universim, resources play a major role in the game; they govern the integrity and growth of your civilization. Resources can be used in various ways: to create new technologies, to expand your empire, to research exciting or life-saving inventions, and to help your civilization’s advancement through the ages. This is what makes intergalactic exploration so much more important in the space-age!

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The space era will be the culmination of all your hard work. All of the choices and decisions you have made will truly begin to bear fruit, and reveal their consequences, if any exist. This is when you will begin to discover all of the beauty and mercilessness of alien planets. Whenever you discover a mysterious new planet, it will be an exciting experience...

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Every planet you encounter in the game will be as unique and vibrant as the last. You will come across planets with varying temperatures and environmental conditions as well as a wide range of characteristics that make them incredibly special. Planets will also undergo the changing of seasons which can affect the many environmental biomes on the planet. It can cause rapid changes in temperature and conditions. This can have a major effect on the gathering of food and resources as well as the development of buildings. The game will keep track of the time and date, and will change the seasons according to the in-game timeline. Summer offers the best food yield and growth period due to its favourable weather, while winter can bring many negative effects. Some winters may go by quickly, while others will drag on. Fortunately our in-game News System will inform you about upcoming winters. So you better prepare for long winters by storing food in advance. Failure to do so may starve your civilization to death over the course of the season.


Colonizing a planet requires a little preparation beforehand. The Go button is not the miracle button, unfortunately. There may be a few issues that will need to be resolved first. If adequate research about the planet is not done, it may result in the untimely demise of your colonization team. It can be rather difficult to walk on molten lava while fending off giant space mosquitoes with nothing but a can of sunblock! Particularly while wearing the previous mission's sub-zero equipment.

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In order to keep track of all of this information and help you to explore the universe more easily, we came up with a simple way to manage your galactic endeavours; by clicking on any star in the sky, you can utilise our intuitive GUI to quickly navigate the various planets represented by the stars and reveal extensive details about them, like how far away they are and what kind of conditions you can expect to find. This will allow you to discover new planets and colonize them if you have the right technology. There will also be a number of unlockable and upgradeable options available here. For example, you can research an all-terrain Rover that can be sent to recon a new planet. The Rover will be able to provide more details about the planet’s conditions, environment, and the various resources it possesses. This can be incredibly helpful when deciding whether or not you want to colonize a planet or move on to the next.

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The Universim is driven by dynamic events. Natural disasters, alien visitors, diseases, war, famine, riots, and so much more can be thrown at your civilization at any time. All of these factors and how you play the game, contribute to population growth and development. When something like the plague strikes, it is up to you to quickly strategize on how you will help your civilization overcome this disaster. The way you are able to fight certain disasters changes from era to era. Cavemen do not exactly have P.H.D's in science and the knowledge to create cures, for instance. However, you can trigger disasters if you are displeased with your civilization’s choices. With every action they perform that goes against your wishes, you generate wrath, which can then be unleashed upon them at any time.

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We are planning to have up to 12 different viruses in the game that each have unique qualities and effects. It is probably a good idea to prepare new variants of antibiotics in advance to counter future viral outbreaks. Certain viruses will spread slowly through your population, but will be difficult to cure. Others may be easier to cure, but will spread faster and possibly cause more damage if not caught in time. You may even encounter types that fly completely under the radar and spread throughout your cities and colonies by sneaking aboard planes and interplanetary shuttles. Pay attention to the in-game News System for early signs of a breakout!


Every now and then, something mysterious may fall upon one of your planets. You can then prepare an expedition to investigate these rare occurrences, if you so wish. Expeditions can be organized at any time, assuming you have the resources. The further an Expedition needs to travel, the riskier it becomes and the more resources it will require. Fallen material can be incredibly valuable to your civilization. It may be a new technology that will boost the well-being of your civilization dramatically, or it could be a meteor containing some kind of valuable resource that will open up more research options. Then again, it could also be an unprecedented disaster waiting to happen; such as an explosive compound that upon disturbing, wipes out part of the planet, or a deadly virus lying in wait. It can be seen as a high-risk, high-reward kind of system.


One more feature that we are really excited to implement is the Dynamic News System. It will not only inform you about important game events, but it will also have a few incredibly humorous stories to tell. We hope to eventually give players the ability to write their own stories and events for any particular time period and share them with the community. Of course, this will be moderated. We can’t have the world invaded by inappropriately named extraterrestrials after all! These stories will be displayed in-game for everyone to enjoy. You can even construct an actual mission-based storyline for players to follow. You can also select the exact age and type of event that will trigger your news headline, or the new story campaign. With this system, every time you play the game, there will always be a seemingly infinite supply of entertaining stories in the News System. You can choose whether you want to follow someone’s storyline or simply enjoy the stream of news in Sandbox Mode. This community system is called The Universim Live News System.

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The beauty of this kind of game is the huge amount of freedom that we have to experiment and continue to add amazing new content before and after its launch. That is what makes all of the hard work worth it! We have only scraped the surface of what we can accomplish with the information and features listed here. With the community by our side, we can undoubtedly transform this game into the best planet management game ever created. We are always willing to listen to what you have to say. We take your feedback seriously and want to ensure that we are spending the budget responsibly and on the features YOU want to see in the final game.

Looks impressive at first, but a closer look totally killed my interest in it. First off, there are no enemies, but only fagotistical "natural disasters" and aliens as a nuisance (as opposed to as a force on equal footing with you), a la SimCity. So this isn't a competitor to Civilization and the like in any way, shape or form, as many have been claiming. So this is basically a city-building game on a galactic scale.

However, the "galactic scale" is bogus, since the planets are more like the size of asteroids, a la Planetary Annihilation (aka Asteroidal Annihilation), than real planets. Which totally bums me out. I'd rather have one real massive planet than all those tiny faget asteroids that pretend to be planets and can only fit 12 buildings on them. It just looks stupid, and that is BEFORE we factor in that, zoomed in, the citizens are basically ugly little triangles with dots for heads:

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They hype up the historical evolution angle of the game, but all that changes as far as your population goes from age to age are a couple of ugly lines on a couple of ugly triangles, and so it will be, I am sure, with most of the rest of the historical changes.

tl;dr Kickstarter fagots downgrade everything about the God genre to make their meager resources ($320,000 for a "next-gen God game" lol?) stretch to appear that they are making something 1000 times bigger than what they are actually making. Hype level zero. I wouldn't run the game if it were installed on my hard drive this very moment.
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Unread postby icycalm » 27 May 2015 21:23

Only now bothered to watch the trailer because someone linked it in the PA forum:

Looks cool, aside from the tiny size of the planet that I was raging above. But then again I was saying the same thing about the PA trailers, and the finished game doesn't really have a limit on planet sizes, so maybe that's how it will work here too.

Really love the aliens arriving at the end. This game seems to have everything that's missing from PA (terrain, atmospheric effects, building variety)... but I am afraid it will miss all the things that PA has (i.e. war, and all the scalability, inc. in terms of the MP component) :(

Either way, I am looking forward to it now. We need more games that simulate entire planets. We just need a SINGLE game to feature both logistics/strategy AND tactics, instead of splitting the aspects up in separate games, and simulating them separately. WE NEED A REAL-TIME CIVILIZATION ON A GALACTIC SCALE, at the very LEAST. Sometime before I die, pls.
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Unread postby icycalm » 10 Aug 2018 19:36

From Discord:

I wrote:PA2 engine:
It's particularly impressive how they added weather effects
Which meant they had to do proper atmospheres (edited)
When it's zoomed in to the surface of a planet, it feels like a flat map game
I posted in the comments: ... 1177036059
"You guys have to stop with the city-building nonsense and add PVP to turn this into a real RTS."
It's a Russian game, @Diskraip
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Unread postby icycalm » 05 Oct 2018 18:08

First big update after Steam launch: ... 6263548196


Lots of good new content in there, from significant mechanical additions to aesthetic ones like grass and new voice overs. Take a look.

The game is still in its early stages of development despite the Steam launch, so you should not expect an Insomnia review for a long time. Instead, I'll be keeping an eye on development and updating you on it, and once I feel there is enough content in there I will jump in and post impressions first, and finally my review.
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★★★ The Universim (2018, PC)

Unread postby Insomnia » 25 Jan 2019 18:58

Review (3/5):


Insomnia wrote:Good, but limited, and until they add in a LOT more stuff the trailer will remain false advertising.
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Unread postby icycalm » 01 Jul 2019 16:14

Just a heads-up that this has been getting updated like gangbusters and is no longer the barebones game it was back at release. Just a cursory glance at recent updates reveals:

Moons ... 2667215723


Aliens ... 0093591015


Meteor strikes and shields ... 6529131843



and tons of new units and buildings.

Click through to the links for more details, and those are just ones I found after a brief search.

Game is on 20% sale on Steam currently, and on G2A it's even cheaper, like under $20 neighborhood. That's a killer deal for city-building PA, and imma get on it asap.

Worth noting that full release is coming later this year or early next year, I think I heard, so waiting it out until then might also be a wise decision.
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Unread postby icycalm » 19 Jul 2019 17:45

I've been reporting on city-builder PA since 2014, and I finally bought and installed it. We'll soon find out how good it is.
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Unread postby icycalm » 18 Dec 2019 04:03

The most promising Planetary Annihilation-inspired effort, the planetary-scale city-builder Universim is exiting alpha and entering beta, with an enormous upcoming update. The Insomnia November 2018 review praised many aspects of the game yet holding back from fully recommending it as the available content at the time stopped at the Medieval Age and the scope of the game fell well short of Kickstarter promises and expectations. Since then, however, the game has been making massive additions and improvements, and as you can see from the updates I linked above, and the new details linked below, is almost like a new game now. So I've had it installed and placed prominently on my desktop for a while now, and once this update drops I'll finally jump into the game and give it the full-scale reevaluation that it obviously deserves. Fingers crossed it doesn't disappoint!

The Universim is entering Beta ... ering-beta



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Unread postby icycalm » 08 Jun 2021 21:30


Not sure what this means. Maybe nothing. But there are no other noteworthy game dev accounts that follow me except a couple Japanese ones that follow back everyone. Even Treasure I think. That’s a typical Japanese behavior on social media btw. They are such nice people.

So who knows. Maybe they read something of mine. Could be my latest tweet trashing “indie” games (they publish a bunch of them): ... 0176834566

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Unread postby icycalm » 21 Jul 2021 23:59

NO ROOM FOR COWS Patch v0.1.50 is Now Live! ... 9481639746

Lots of stuff in this new patch, but I was most amazed by this volcano gif.


Looks like some PA superweapon, no? But with clouds and smoke and shit.

Imagine the best parts of this with the best parts of Dyson Sphere Program put into PA2.

If no one does this in the next couple of years, I WILL learn to code. And then look out world!
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Unread postby icycalm » 22 Jul 2021 00:04

Also, this: ... 3798668983

rarekingawesome1 wrote:the amount of hinting at the upcoming space update is exiting because this amount of hinting means their making a lot of progress and might be ready to release it soon. ohhhhhh you've got me hyped up for that. great job guys keep it up.:steamhappy:
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Re: PC|MAC The Universim

Unread postby icycalm » 17 Nov 2021 06:03

So first off, I moved this thread to the Cosmic War forum. It joins here Dyson Sphere Program [ > ] and Fragile Existence [ > ] as the three games that have so far come closest to giving us PA2.

RESIZE Patch v0.1.53 is Now Live! ... 8334203031


Crytivo wrote:We are happy to introduce you to resized planets! This exciting addition was requested by the community for quite some time and, though we would have loved to have rolled it out earlier, we were waiting for the right time to pull the trigger. Creating resized planets was a monumental task that required plenty of game optimization and a reworking of the systems in place.

As many of you know, we are working full speed ahead on the Space Age (in addition to new planets). If you checked out our Halloween Patch, you not only were able to experience some holiday atmosphere, but you were one of the first players to test a couple planet customization systems for the upcoming Space Age and its alien planets!

Today, we are happy to present another part of our Space Age puzzle: resized planets. Please note that the size of the planet will require more resources from your at-home equipment. We tried to optimize the game and planet generation process to work as fast and efficiently as possible but, due to increased planet size, object amounts, etc., bigger planets will require more resources from your PCs. The biggest input on the performance will be your computer memory. As of now (and based on our internal tests), in order to comfortably play on the biggest planet, you will need at least 16bg RAM. This patch will allow us to experiment with sizing in the hopes of achieving comfortable gameplay experiences for you, our Creators.

16 GB minimum to play a PA-like game at its max potential. That's a new record. My Shadow has 12, but my new laptop has 32, so I am sorted.
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Re: PC|MAC The Universim

Unread postby icycalm » 22 Apr 2022 00:59

The Universim Space Age Devlog Part 2 ... 3105830059


Crytivo wrote:In a lot of our trailers, you’ve probably noticed a big machine that is the size of a small planet. Well, without spoiling too much, you will have to face this beast at some point. Will you defeat it or it will destroy your world? It will be up to you and your civilization.


Crytivo wrote:You might have guessed already, but Planet Cracker is not the only threat as someone is usually responsible for the creation and operation of such large and terrible machines. Throughout your journey in space, you will encounter alien ruins and alien ships that won’t exactly be friendly (especially after you shot some of their smaller aircrafts). You will have to learn to whom those alien ships belong and what mystery space has prepared for you.

For a city-builder, they have put a decent amount of thought into challenge. Still not PA tho.

They are talking about coming out of Early Access soon, so I guess that'd be the time to play it, ideally at 4K on a wall-spanning projector. Game is on sale right now too, if you don't already own it. Can't believe it's been in EA for four years now. They done did a good job. Lots of folk were crying scam when development slowed to a crawl after EA began, but they kept plugging away at it, and now they're on the finish line. If you visit the latest devlog I linked above you'll see a huge amount of added stuff besides what I highlighted.
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Re: PC|MAC The Universim

Unread postby icycalm » 22 Dec 2022 22:08

WORLD AT WAR Patch v0.1.59 is Now Live! ... 1573105864

Universim just got its combat system beefed up with new war factories and combat units. It's not PA and it will never be, but if you want your spherical planet war fix, you can get it here now. The combat system is much simplified, but many other aspects such as the planet tech and base-building are much complexified, so it's a decent tradeoff, and who knows, some day we might get PVP and more units, or an RTS modding scene.

Crytivo wrote:At this moment, we are relieved to say that we are at the finish line. We just finished with 4 main events that will lead to the ending of the game. We are left with the task of balancing a portion of those events as well as the main event taking place on another planet. After that, we will enter a polishing stage which will involve work such as fixing bugs, visual issues, localization issues, gameplay issues, and balance tweaks. This is the final update before we go live with 1.0. It is hard to believe that we are almost there. It was an amazing time and we are happy to see everyone who stayed with us through the years and helped us grow. Once again, thank you!

Now, let's talk a little bit about this update. This update brings some of the most requested content to The Universim. More military and combat. We reworked our exile system in order to support the combat along with our flying units system. It was a large scope addition and it took a bit longer than we expected, but it is finally here. You are now able to build your military Nuggets alongside Tanks and Helicopters. Exiles will do the same. Make sure you are staying on their good side. Not feeling friendly? Destroy the exiles before they can even get a chance to build and expand their forces. Up to you. This update also introduces new buildings to support new units along with bug fixes and some improvements.

Tank Hangar




Bomber Building




Crytivo wrote:Overall, the combat system works similarly to the rock, paper, scissors approach. Tanks are quite strong against Soldiers and Buildings with their main power being the destruction of ground units. Helicopters, on the other hand, deal a great amount of damage to Tanks and other Helicopters but tend to be weaker against Soldiers. Soldiers can easily eliminate a squad of Helicopters, therefore punishing forces that have a limited amount of heavy military vehicles.

In other words it's garbage as in practically all RTSes and RTTs. It's not full simulated projectiles as in the TA/SupCom/PA games. Still better than nothing tho.

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Re: PC|MAC The Universim

Unread postby icycalm » 06 Apr 2023 15:38

The last mile is always the longest. ... 7743207516


Coming out of Early Access in about three months. Happy I chose to not play it all these years. It has many of the features I would like to see in a PA2, above all next-gen planet tech with higher verticality, weather etc. I look forward to trying it in the summer.

Unfortunately there are no multiplayer plans, even though the subject "comes up often in the Discord": ... ultiplayer

Since there don't even seem to be any MP mod plans, I would say: go ahead and play the game when it comes out. I certainly will. And if they drop expansions and/or a MP mode in the future, we'll play them if we end up enjoying the game.
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Re: PC|MAC The Universim

Unread postby icycalm » 08 Jan 2024 23:40

Release Date Trailer ... 4268655155


1.0 Full Release Gameplay Trailer


The 1.0 release is finally coming on January 22. And I have to say, this trailer is underwhelming. The graphics look a good 20 years old, the mechanics span a huge range of time but with too few ages to cover them (prehistoric goes straight to medieval which goes straight to modern, and then to space: what? 4 ages is all they have??) I had been looking forward to this game for a long time, even though I knew it wouldn't quite scratch the Planetary Annihilation itch, but now I doubt it will scratch anything. The nuggets look ugly, the buildings look unappealing; I just don't see me enjoying myself in this universe at all, even though they finally added multiple planets and alien biomes and even some aliens to shoot down. It all just looks and feels so basic... Anyway, it's definitely worth a try, and if you were ever going to play it, now's the best time, also because it doesn't sound like they have any post-release content lined up. What we get on the 22nd might very well be all there'll ever be to the game; i.e. no bigger planets, no proper war machines, no multiplayer. Meh.

Crytivo wrote:What Awaits in The Universim 1.0

The Universim 1.0 isn't just a game; it's a living, breathing universe at your fingertips. Prepare to immerse yourself in an experience where your choices shape the destiny of entire civilizations and the balance of entire planets. You’ll be able to launch Nuggets into the space age! This update brings end-game content to life with more technology to unlock in the research tree, new planets to explore (or exploit for resources), and so much more! Along with these exciting features, we've focused on quality of life improvements:

Unlimited Space Exploration: Unlock the space map and colonize any number of planets you desire. Each planet, from Toxic and Ice to Lava or Terrestrial, presents unique conditions and challenges.

Resource-Rich Planets: Discover planets teeming with valuable resources essential for the expansion and prosperity of your Nugget civilization.

Enhanced Narration: More voice-over lines add fun and functionality, providing entertaining commentary and critical updates on your civilization's status. More than 600 new voiced lines by our favorite narrator.

Complete Storyline: Embark on a journey to discover your true self with a fully developed storyline, adding depth and context to your gameplay. Even after the story concludes, continue to expand and evolve in the endless universe.

Space Age and Advanced Technologies: Launch your Nuggets into the space age and unlock more technology in the research tree, expanding your reach across the cosmos.

Enhanced User Interface: Enjoy a more intuitive and user-friendly UI, making your journey through space and time smoother and more enjoyable.

Game Balance Changes: We've fine-tuned game mechanics for a balanced and rewarding experience, ensuring each decision has meaningful impact.

Bug Fixes and Optimizations: We've squashed bugs and optimized performance for a seamless gaming experience.

And more surprises await! We hope you are all as excited as we are!
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